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Final Fantasy XIV |OT| ARR: Alpha Closed. Beta mid-Feb

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Rentahamster said:
In these kinds of situations where nothing seems to work, I usually just fall back to: Reinstalling Windows.

Not sure how that would work on a laptop and if they gave you an OS CD or just a recovery partition or something...I dunno what they do nowadays I always just build my own PCs.
FieryBalrog said:
Does it only crash when running FFXIV? What about other graphics intensive games or just generally?

I've only used the laptop for Arcania: Gothic 4 (for the strategy guide), and FFXIV. Gothic never crashed due to the video card. The only issue I've had with this still new gaming laptop is with FFXIV. I deliberately have not used it for anything other than these two games to avoid any potential conflicts or the need to reinstall Windows.
Rentahamster said:
Er, once you hit rank 33, that's it for leves. There aren't any rank 50 leves.

There is a way to gain ranks fast. And it's not leves. Don't do leves by yourself expecting to gain lots of SP.

I wish I could get in a good party. I've had 2, and SP came real fast. But for the most part I just get into something that's inefficient.


I partied this weekend and had a good time. Even if the SP wasnt that great (we travelled a lot to check certain mobs), I still had fun just being in a group with people. Ill probably only XP like this from here on out.
Salaadin said:
I partied this weekend and had a good time. Even if the SP wasnt that great (we travelled a lot to check certain mobs), I still had fun just being in a group with people. Ill probably only XP like this from here on out.

Yeah, it's great when you have a good group.


demosthenes said:
Yeah, it's great when you have a good group.

Honestly, I won't even "exp" on my DoW classes without any sort of group. Usually I have friends from my shell online and we'll go do leves then go kill mobs for exp, and it's usually fun(the only thing that hurts this is the random as hell gain of SP). It may be just me, but soloing out there is not really fun, since most of the stuff I soloed was either too easy for me, or too hard. With a group, hell, even as a duo, I've had a lot more fun trying harder things and stuff.


New lodestone entry on teleportation:


Nothing really new aside from reconfirming this:

In the November 2010 version update, not only will the amount of anima required to Return be lowered from 2 units to 1, players will be also have the option to register up to three "favorite" locations to their Teleport list, halving the amount of anima required to travel to them.

Really looking forward to seeing how these three will work out later this month:

Party-Based Battle Balancing
Party-based battle will be undergoing a number of adjustments and tweaks, but players may rest assured that we have every intention of staying true to our policy of making a game that is enjoyable for solo players as well.

At present, players have voiced concern over a lack of necessity for forming parties, as well as a shortage of situations that demand the execution of multiplayer battle strategies. To address such issues, we will be making modifications to the way in which the enmity mechanism works, in addition to reexamining the Battle Regimen system.

Server Lag
Notable lag has been observed in certain areas of the game, particularly when a large number of players are gathered together. To combat this, such areas will be divided into multiple "sections" for the purposes of server-side processing, thereby reducing concentrated loads and subsequent lag on individual World servers.

Distribution of Enemies
In an attempt to further reduce occurrences of lag, we initially avoided placing a large number of enemies in close proximity to one another. With, however, the implementation of the measures mentioned above to reduce server lag, and as player concentrations are beginning to disperse from the starting areas, we will be looking into a redistribution of enemies that is more conducive to enjoyable adventuring.

imo they need to also take another look at what rank the enemies in the near city areas are. I like monster variety as much as the next guy, but dont make it such a huge gap as far as difficulty goes.


Teknoman said:
At present, players have voiced concern over a lack of necessity for forming parties, as well as a shortage of situations that demand the execution of multiplayer battle strategies. To address such issues, we will be making modifications to the way in which the enmity mechanism works, in addition to reexamining the Battle Regimen system.

Wait, there's actually an enmity system in the game? All this time it felt like monsters just liked to attack random party members for no reason...


Xater said:
Not sure if this is worth a new thread, but SE stock price is pretty much following the FF14 population. :lol



Teknoman said:
imo they need to also take another look at what rank the enemies in the near city areas are. I like monster variety as much as the next guy, but dont make it such a huge gap as far as difficulty goes.

I liked the way XI handled it where you could pretty much gauge a mobs toughness by how close to Jeuno you were. Its stupid in XIV how there are crazy strong high rank salamanders chilling in a ditch right next to rank 15 jellyfish and puks.


Rodent Whores
Teknoman said:

Erozean scientists have yet to discover a safe, quick way to restore anima, and so it is highly recommended that you teleport wisely.

:lol What a stupid way to inject lore in order to explain away their failed gameplay mechanic.

Why the hell even bother to make "Return" cost 1 anime when everyone is just gonna deathport for 0 anime anyway? It's all about incentives.

Here's what I would do:

Bookmarking favorite teleport places for lowered anime cost is a good idea.

Lower all existing anime costs by 1 or 2.

Make "Return" cost 0 or 1 anime.

"Return" on death costs 1 or 2 anime. There is hardly any deterrent for dying as it is right now, so it would keep ppl from being so careless, and it would make "Return" the obviously better choice than deathporting, as it should be.

Teleporting from a crystal to a node costs 0 anime, like in beta.

Implement the goddamn chocobos and airships already.


Rentahamster said:
Er, once you hit rank 33, that's it for leves. There aren't any rank 50 leves.

by the time i actually reach rank43, assuming i ever will, they'll probably have rank50 leves ready :lol

Rentahamster said:
There is a way to gain ranks fast. And it's not leves. Don't do leves by yourself expecting to gain lots of SP.

why not though?
mobs were dishing out hundreds of sp in and out of leves when i'm lower rank
why can't i expect it to stay consistence?

but you're right, at this point, i don't expect to gain lots of SP from soloing leves
but at least something more than 0 to 30sp would be nice...

trying to PT when i can
and the increase is very noticeable
going from 0to30 to like 0-60
but that's still kinda inadequate for the amount of SP needed to ding

Teknoman said:
New lodestone entry on teleportation:

but players may rest assured that we have every intention of staying true to our policy of making a game that is enjoyable for solo players as well.[/I]

this line always makes me laugh XD

the teleportation fix still not enough
1sp for return is useless when u can bloodwarp for free
and 1/2 sp still not gonna last long with the amount of traveling required

it'll work if there's alternate traveling system like chocobo/airship though


Rentahamster said:
Here's what I would do:

Bookmarking favorite teleport places for lowered anime cost is a good idea.

Lower all existing anime costs by 1 or 2.

Make "Return" cost 0 or 1 anime.

"Return" on death costs 1 or 2 anime. There is hardly any deterrent for dying as it is right now, so it would keep ppl from being so careless, and it would make "Return" the obviously better choice than deathporting, as it should be.

Teleporting from a crystal to a node costs 0 anime, like in beta.

Implement the goddamn chocobos and airships already.

:lol same time and similar post
seems so obvious to everyone but SE XD
Forbiden said:
Wait, there's actually an enmity system in the game? All this time it felt like monsters just liked to attack random party members for no reason...

There actually is. Once you've gotten in parties with tanks who know what they are doing, you'll discover it's actually possible to manage hate in this game. Most of the time though it seems like people will attempt to provoke or taunt and nothing happens. :lol

There are a couple of tricks to know about hate in this game.

(1) The first attack which claims the mob doesn't count towards the hate table. Often times it's better to let someone else claim the mob, and then the tank provokes after the first attack.

(2) Buffing of any sort, either on yourself (Raging Strike) or on party members (Stoneskin) will immediately cause the mob to make a beeline right at you to pound on you. If you are able to actually convince your party members to wait 5-10 goddamn seconds before attacking the next mob so casters can buff the party and DPSers can Raging Strike or Ferocity or whatever else they need to Super Saiyan themselves with before the fight begins, the tank will have a much easier time managing hate.

(3) Pugilist attacks are 2 for 1. They pull hate faster than other melee characters. If you have a PUG in your party, you need to keep an eye on him and taunt the mob off him if he pulls the hate because they can't take more than a few hits. Marauders rarely pull hate unless they actively are voking or taunting. And sometimes the mobs ignore MAR taunts anyways, just because. :lol


Rodent Whores
jiggle said:
why not though?
mobs were dishing out hundreds of sp in and out of leves when i'm lower rank
why can't i expect it to stay consistence?

but you're right, at this point, i don't expect to gain lots of SP from soloing leves
but at least something more than 0 to 30sp would be nice...
Well, at lower levels, your overall powerlevel relative to the mob's level is similar, even with a 5 level difference. You can fight mobs with a higher level in relation to yours, can do lots of damage to them, and they don't do that much damage to you. Therefore, you have a vastly easier time soloting, and get more SP, since SP is proportional to damage dealt.

At higher levels, even a one rank difference between you and the mob is huge. They do more damage, you do less damage, and since you're stuck with fighting mobs the same or lower level than you, your SP gain suffers accordingly.

At higher ranks, your class specialization becomes more clear, and you can't "do it all" at rank 30 like you can at rank 1. Your offensive and defensive potential is large enough to overcome most mobs at rank 1 against a level 5 mob, but not at rank 30 against a level 30 mob.

Intentional or not, that's just how it works.

Regarding balance, if solo play was the best way to gain SP, that's what everyone will do, and no one will party.

I would do this:

Have the optimal SP-gaining environment be once you reach a party of 6. 15-member zerg rushes are a giant clusterfuck of chaos, and should only be reserved for if you have a lot of people who want that kind of party, or for really hard boss-level quests and mobs.

Have mobs give static SP, or share the SP among all members equally, or a mix of both.

Have leves give out a set SP reward upon completion. This would reward soloers and casuals a little more since they don't have time to form parties and hunt for the best grinding spots.

Make it worth your while to bump up the star difficulty.

more stars = leve completion SP award mulitplier, leve gil award multiplier

fast completion time = SP award multiplier, gil award multiplier

mini achievements/objectives for each leve that can give you bonus SP, gil, or chest spawns or something.

Make it so that if you die while Punishing Barbs is active, you lose SP/EXP and you get a special weakness that lasts 5 minutes instead of 3.

Basically, I would want to incentivize gamplay and SP in the following ways:

solo/causal play - solo grinding and solo easy leves for acceptable SP gain.

party/causal play - casual party grinding and medium difficulty party leves that can be flexible with party makeup so anyone can participate and still get decent SP.

party/hardcore play - reward the players who take the time and effort into making a kickass character and a kickass party setup that can take on hard mobs and 5 star leves. Being good at the game should reward you for getting more SP, gil, loot, etc. Best SP gain scenario.


Rodent Whores
I would also put in some sort of "City Representative" NPC in each city that represents their respective adventurer guilds who can tell you what leves are available in their cities (but not allow you to accept them).

A big component of travel is having to go to other cities just to check leves. It is also aggravating when you go to a city to check leves, and all you got are shit gil reward leves. This will cut down on the aggravation and make it easier for me to know if it's worth my while to go to a city or not.


Rentahamster said:
Regarding balance, if solo play was the best way to gain SP, that's what everyone will do, and no one will party.

with fixed sp
pt will be so much better because you can kill IT+ at fast speed instead of soloing EM-
if only they've made a previous game that did that XD

Rentahamster said:
I would also put in some sort of "City Representative" NPC in each city that represents their respective adventurer guilds who can tell you what leves are available in their cities (but not allow you to accept them).

A big component of travel is having to go to other cities just to check leves. It is also aggravating when you go to a city to check leves, and all you got are shit gil reward leves. This will cut down on the aggravation and make it easier for me to know if it's worth my while to go to a city or not.

or they should just let u pick up leves for anywhere from any city
they already do that for faction leves anyway
why not other ones


Rentahamster said:
I would also put in some sort of "City Representative" NPC in each city that represents their respective adventurer guilds who can tell you what leves are available in their cities (but not allow you to accept them).

A big component of travel is having to go to other cities just to check leves. It is also aggravating when you go to a city to check leves, and all you got are shit gil reward leves. This will cut down on the aggravation and make it easier for me to know if it's worth my while to go to a city or not.

I actually think itd be great if we could accept other city leves from one set leve guy in each city with leves separated them by rank and then camp.

Its such a pain when you are in Limsa and you want to do Ul Dah leves. You can either A)lose the anima by teleporting or B)Run from the Ferry Docks and past Horizon to Ul Dah, accept leves and then run BACK to Horizon. Same thing when you are working from Ul Dah and going to Gridania.


Rodent Whores
jiggle said:
or they should just let u pick up leves for anywhere from any city
they already do that for faction leves anyway
why not other ones
Then, no one would ever bother going to Gridania :lol


Teknoman said:
New lodestone entry on teleportation:


Nothing really new aside from reconfirming this:

In the November 2010 version update, not only will the amount of anima required to Return be lowered from 2 units to 1, players will be also have the option to register up to three "favorite" locations to their Teleport list, halving the amount of anima required to travel to them.

Wow they really have no idea what the problems with the game are. That is literally going to do nothing in practice. The issue with travel is not porting between the cities (which 95% of people are going to set as "favorites"), it's the fucking 10-20 minute runs to camps for leves and parties that most people do 10+ times every 36 hours. 6 anima saved on city ports isn't going to dent that. Give me a fucking break SE.


Rodent Whores
Salaadin said:
I actually think itd be great if we could accept other city leves from one set leve guy in each city with leves separated them by rank and then camp.

Its such a pain when you are in Limsa and you want to do Ul Dah leves. You can either A)lose the anima by teleporting or B)Run from the Ferry Docks and past Horizon to Ul Dah, accept leves and then run BACK to Horizon. Same thing when you are working from Ul Dah and going to Gridania.
I think that would be alleviated by lowered anima costs and teleport favorites bookmarking - where it's usually optimal to just teleport to a town, accept leves, then head out to your destination.

Choice A would be better since the anima hit won't be as bad as before.

I think there still needs to be some reason to actually enter the town that issues the leves.


Forbiden said:
Wait, there's actually an enmity system in the game? All this time it felt like monsters just liked to attack random party members for no reason...

Yea, there is. What I think the problem is that since Taunts, provokes, and what ever hate gain skill there are seems to give the most SP, so people who have these skills will use em for sp and take the hate away from the Main tank.


Rentahamster said:
I think that would be alleviated by lowered anima costs and teleport favorites bookmarking - where it's usually optimal to just teleport to a town, accept leves, then head out to your destination.

Choice A would be better since the anima hit won't be as bad as before.

I think there still needs to be some reason to actually enter the town that issues the leves.

Thats true. There would literally be no incentive to enter town.

I also think that more teleport options at the camps/gates would be nice. Give us cheap/free city teleports from each camp crystal and from the aertherial node after a successful leve.


Rodent Whores
Salaadin said:
Thats true. There would literally be no incentive to enter town.
Yeah, that's why there needs to be more stuff to do in town like NPC-given quests or other stuff, too.

Salaadin said:
I also think that more teleport options at the camps/gates would be nice. Give us cheap/free city teleports from each camp crystal and from the aertherial node after a successful leve.
Cheap ports options after a successful leve would be great. I'm worried that if ports are too easy and cheap that no one would explore anymore, but that could be balanced by:

Random chest spawns in the overworld and dungeons.

NMs that can spawn anywhere in a region.

Rare mobs that can spawn in areas that are flagged as having very little traffic in the past 24 hours.

Random quest opportunities in the overworld and dungeons.

Redo the copy/pasta shit and make the overworld more varied and interesting than it is now.

I don't want the Horizon area to look exactly the same as the Drybone area. I don't want the path to Camp Blue Frog look exactly the same as the path to Camp Broken Water. I mean, seriously...
Rentahamster said:
I don't want the Horizon area to look exactly the same as the Drybone area. I don't want the path to Camp Blue Frog look exactly the same as the path to Camp Broken Water. I mean, seriously...

PS3 limitations


does the leve reset at 4pm or 6pm for westcoast ppl now?
i'm confused
YG had it at 3pm which was wrong

edit: kk resets at 4pm/4am now
Reallink said:
Wow they really have no idea what the problems with the game are. That is literally going to do nothing in practice. The issue with travel is not porting between the cities (which 95% of people are going to set as "favorites"), it's the fucking 10-20 minute runs to camps for leves and parties that most people do 10+ times every 36 hours. 6 anima saved on city ports isn't going to dent that. Give me a fucking break SE.

That's an intentional design decision. Maybe if the airships and chocobos were in the game it wouldn't be an issue, but they're not. I don't expect this to change ever because the game world design implies the presence of airships and chocobos and they aren't going to redesign it all now since they're planning to put the airships and chocobos in later. WHEN they are going to put the airships and chocobos in, now that's a question that only Tanaka knows the answer to. :lol


Heretic Kazuma said:
Hmm... Anyone happen to be in the Cornelia server? The game sure doesn't lend itself to be as social as XI (or that could just be my server).

Lindblum seems pretty helpful/social most of the time...nothing to the level of XI at it's peak though. The current party balancing doesnt really help in that regard.

EDIT: I just noticed this got moved to the online section.
Teknoman said:
Lindblum seems pretty helpful/social most of the time...nothing to the level of XI at it's peak though. The current party balancing doesnt really help in that regard.

EDIT: I just noticed this got moved to the online section.
Yeah, as soon as SE allows server transfers, I'm switching to Lindblum. I'm too far invested in my current character to start from scratch. =\




Yoichi Wada, CEO of the Japan-based game company SE (Square Enix), is now facing great pressure from the investors because of the sharp drop of SE's share price which's caused by the media and players' continuous criticism on FFXIV (Final Fantasy XIV). In a recent interview, Yoichi Wada said that F2P might be taken as a point of breakthrough to change FFXIV's current embarrassing situation.

In the latest financial conference, SE confirmed that it had encountered a drop in both earnings and share price recently, and its eye-catching FFXIV naturally became the focus of the reporters. Yoichi Wada said that he had got a general idea about the users of Dragon Quest-like games and those accustomed to F2P games, and believed that such users got different feelings in different business models. As is the case with Facebook, F2P makes players able to enter the game freely and introduce the game to their friends more conveniently as well. Yoichi Wada was confident that FFXIV could accustom itself to the micro-transaction business model, and thus change its current situation.


why do I not believe that article.... F2P?

I really do not want a F2P game because that means there will be lots of good equipment you have to pay for with real money.
I really doubt after just a month and a half they are seriously considering F2P. It hasn't even launched on PS3 yet! :lol

Still, it sounds like now that the stock price is circling the drain all of a sudden Wada cares about how shitty FFXIV's launch has been. Maybe we'll see some cracking of the whip on the dev team and actual patches with actual fixes and actual content might get released. We can only hope. A daily population of ~30,000 people in a newly-launched game is not healthy and everybody knows it. Even APB had a few hundred thousand active players before Realtime Worlds followed Flagship Studios into the dustbin of MMO infamy.

Oh, right, if FFXIV actually went F2P I would quit the next day. :lol

If I were Squenix I would seriously consider delaying the subscription period for FFXIV until the PS3 launch. In other words, "free trial" would be extended to 6 months instead of the current 2. This might be the "F2P" Wada is talking about in the article. Which would be smart, because the only reason anybody is still playing the game right now is because it's still in the "free trial" period.


Gold Member
The only thing extending the free-trial period would do is ensure that the large drop off once subs starts is delayed. It won't fix the slow attrition of people that won't even play when it's free.

Off-peak in Figaro was 950 yesterday and that went up to a whopping 1200 when the Japanese showed.

If this keeps up SE might as well drop the second M on MMO.
They claim the patch that fixes a bunch of complaints is late November, and the first content patch is mid December.


Still no actual date yet. I hope it's before the 21st so CE buyers will get to play the patch before their free trial runs out. That would mean the patch would have to come out next week though.

Yeah, I'm probably going to have to pay for another month just to try out their fixes.


Kandinsky said:
So did they ever say when is the miracle/magic patch coming? or do they still say early/mid/end of <insert month here>?

First is supposed to be mid-late November:


Late November Update

Adjustments and additions to the user interface

Adjustments to the Markets and retainers

Lowering of Teleport and Return costs

Adjustments to overall battle balance

Adjustments to class balance

Adjustments to party battle balance

Adjustments to monster placement

Adjustments to levequests

Adjustments to synthesis

Addition of new synthesis recipes

Alleviation of lag issues

Second is in December:

Mid-December Update

Addition of notorious monsters

Addition of new guildleves

Addition of new synthesis recipes

Addition of new items

* In addition to the above changes and additions, several seasonal events are planned to begin starting in December.

EDIT: :lol thats what I get for leaving a post window open.


Rodent Whores
Dude, why'd you guys log out so fast? I was gonna port everyone back to Uldah :lol

You guys just logged out in the middle of nowhere...


Salaadin said:


Yoichi Wada, CEO of the Japan-based game company SE (Square Enix), is now facing great pressure from the investors because of the sharp drop of SE's share price which's caused by the media and players' continuous criticism on FFXIV (Final Fantasy XIV). In a recent interview, Yoichi Wada said that F2P might be taken as a point of breakthrough to change FFXIV's current embarrassing situation.

In the latest financial conference, SE confirmed that it had encountered a drop in both earnings and share price recently, and its eye-catching FFXIV naturally became the focus of the reporters. Yoichi Wada said that he had got a general idea about the users of Dragon Quest-like games and those accustomed to F2P games, and believed that such users got different feelings in different business models. As is the case with Facebook, F2P makes players able to enter the game freely and introduce the game to their friends more conveniently as well. Yoichi Wada was confident that FFXIV could accustom itself to the micro-transaction business model, and thus change its current situation.

This article is false Wada never said he was looking into making the game F2P. A site added and changed the words that Wada actually said.



When the free trial period is up, I will still play the game. I signed up for the 6 month sub and will stick to that. I'd even go as far as to say I hope they do not extend the free trial period because I am in dire need of a second retainer, and I can't get one while everything is free for some stupid reason.

That said, I absolutely hate the game right now. But I know it will improve. In the end, I see FFXIV becoming an HD FFXI if nothing else works for the dev team. People still play FFXI and as a last resort, changing things to be a near carbon copy of FFXI would at least allow the people left to have fun (since most probably enjoyed FFXI at some point or another). At the very least, it would somewhat retain the current FFXI players and/or give them more reason to jump from FFXI to FFXIV. SE could even make both games a single sub price like Cryptic did with CoH/CoV.

Whatever happens, I know this game will get much, much better... it's just a matter of how long it takes to reach that point. I will not play FFXIV if it becomes micro-transaction based.
Rentahamster said:
Dude, why'd you guys log out so fast? I was gonna port everyone back to Uldah :lol

You guys just logged out in the middle of nowhere...

Sorry, I was really tired at that point and I had already hung around an hour longer than I wanted because we had that German guy and the random gladiator and I didn't want to just jump ship the moment I ranked up. But I just couldn't keep my eyes open anymore so I wanted to just leave my computer and lie the hell down. :lol

Also, I was serious about wanting to just AFK on that bridge. Rain always used to just AFK in random places and just sit there, one time I found him tucked away sitting down by himself in a little hidden area just off the road between Gridania and Camp Emerald Moss. :lol

Rain, where are you?? Are you ever coming back?! T_T


Wow you guys are still playing this !

Haven't logged in for over a week now, I'm considering not coming back til the PS3 launch now, game should be either in the trashcan or so much better by then.

Can't keep playing a game with the hope its guna get better, its pretty obvious this game is still in beta, that will teach SE to rush shit out the door.
Jinko said:
Wow you guys are still playing this !

Haven't logged in for over a week now, I'm considering not coming back til the PS3 launch now, game should be either in the trashcan or so much better by then.

Can't keep playing a game with the hope its guna get better, its pretty obvious this game is still in beta, that will teach SE to rush shit out the door.

Not only are some of us still playing this, but we are actually having fun!



lol SE is sad because on person believes that if they stop playing the games, its really everyone stopping to play the game.


Rodent Whores
Jinko said:
Wow you guys are still playing this !
Yup. Despite SE's best efforts, I find certain aspects of the game appealing. It has more to do with the community than the actual game, though.

Londa said:
lol SE is sad because on person believes that if they stop playing the games, its really everyone stopping to play the game.

Well, the userbase has been plummeting. Our once full to capacity LS is now down to like, 15-ish regular players. SE should be sad and they should be ashamed of themselves. That there are still tiny little problems that were obvious since alpha and were never addressed is inexcusable.
Reallink said:
The issue with travel is not porting between the cities (which 95% of people are going to set as "favorites"), it's the fucking 10-20 minute runs to camps for leves and parties that most people do 10+ times every 36 hours. 6 anima saved on city ports isn't going to dent that.
You need to think outside the box :) Smart people won't set their favorites to the three towns. Smart people will choose two towns and one camp, or two camps and one town. Then they'll party with people who have the other places set as cheap, and take turns teleporting the group. Suddenly, the only times you need to pay full price for teleports is when you're doing stuff on your own. And then it's good to remember that Returns will only cost 1 anima - teleport to town, do your stuff, and Return back.

And "most people" don't do full sets of leves every 36 hours; those are only the hardcore.
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