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Final Fantasy XIV |OT| ARR: Alpha Closed. Beta mid-Feb

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Rentahamster said:
MRD already have a +def -off skill called Defender.

No I mean.

Offensive stance = 100% attack power, 50% defense
Defensive stance = 100% defense, 50% attack power.

Right now MRD are both good at def and atk with no offset, so they are kind of a super class, hence why everyone wants to be one.

As you say though, once you start adding other subskills they become ridiculously overpowered.

SE have never been very good at balancing though.


found a good static
getting good sp now (good for XIV anyway)
rather solo still though
sitting on leves all day sucks when there's nothing else to do in the game
esp when i'm restricted by anima and can't warp around for local leves
end up trapped in town waiting for pt to start, and logged

Darte said:
- Adjustments to how skill points are awarded

dare i hope...

Salaadin said:
In the hopes of providing players with opportunities to engage in such content as soon as possible, the November version update will see a reduction in the amount of skill points required to reach rank 20. By effectively reducing the amount of time necessary to reach rank 20, players will sooner be able to gain access to class quests and high-rank guildleves.

if they don't fix sp gain in the 20s
all this does is get some ppl to quit the game even earlier

overall i'm like'n what i'm see'n
hope they deliver on everything


Rodent Whores
Londa said:
if you only do guild leves sure.
Then you are implying that a battle class can solo to cap by just grinding regular mobs alone - which anyone over rank 35 can tell you is nigh impossible. Anyone who plays the game with any kind of frequency and understands the basics of how it works should know that soloing past rank 25 is an exercise in futility.

Londa said:
I never said how much I play the game so, I don't really know where this comment is coming from.
All of your positive comments regarding the game come from the position that you know how the game works better than others and that the people hating on the game just don't get it, or are possibly playing the game wrong.

So either:

1 - You play this game a lot, but still fail to understand its core gameplay for some reason as your previous comments about "being able to solo cap" reveal.

1 - You actually don't play this game all that much which lowers your credibility and doesn't really give you a leg to stand on when you heap praise upon this game and deride critics of this game.

I've played and studied the game a lot since beta, so when I say that certain aspects of this game suck, it's because they really do suck. When you say how good and awesome this game is without any sort of credibility that you actually do understand how this game works and aren't just parroting fangirl talking points, then you can see how you ended up with your current tag.
Rentahamster said:
Then you are implying that a battle class can solo to cap by just grinding regular mobs alone - which anyone over rank 35 can tell you is nigh impossible. Anyone who plays the game with any kind of frequency and understands the basics of how it works should know that soloing past rank 25 is an exercise in futility.

I honestly wouldn't solo past rank 20. Even going from rank 15-20 soloing requires several days of hard play. I had a lancer at 16 and it took me 3 days to reach 19 with it, playing lancer several hours a day mostly grinding it and occasionally doing some local leves to raise my carpenter.

This game is only for grouping past rank 20 or so, unless you seriously want to take more than a year to reach cap solo. There is simply no way to get SP in any measurable way when you're alone past rank 20 or so.


Kandinsky said:
No new areas?, no chocobos?, no mog houses?, no AH? wtf?

Edit: I like the sound of that optional UI tho, screw controllers in my MMOs!

To be fair, most of the dungeons are probably still pretty unexplored, not to mention locked areas connected the story missions/NM leve quests (most likely). The mog houses will probably be the company houses...and i'm hoping chocobos are implemented pretty soon (we dont have full patch notes).

SP gain should be alot easier/better once these adjustments to the way gain works and party battles.

EDIT: The list on the other page seems pretty concrete, so I dont doubt they'll be able to deliver on all that. Of course extended the free trial all the way until 2010 ends would be nice.


In the text at the bottom, they did say there would be more new stuff announced than just what was in that post.

The list was just the stuff that would "most definitely make the schedule" or something.

I mean, for example, they said there would be Company Airships that would fly companies to group content, which I imagine would be in new areas? Since, like... all the current areas have Airship loading ramps, it seems unlikely that that's where the content you have to fly to is, you know?
I actually did some soloing tonight, it was interesting to say the least. I'm a rank 31 thaumaturge and I went to the Copperbell Mines and killed ants that were green/yellow con to me. My phantom darts hit for 50-80 damage and yielded about 15 SP on procs. My nukes hit for around 280-320 damage and were worth about 40 SP. Debuffs usually gave single digit SP when they landed and procced SP. This wouldn't be all that horrible if SP procs weren't terribly rare, all told I usually ended up with around 50-150 SP per ant. It took me around 3 minutes to kill one, which combined with the average SP gain of 100 per ant and I was looking at about 2000 SP per hour. I'd only have to keep doing that for 22 more hours to rank up! :lol

On the party side of things it looks like a lot of people are setting up static parties. I had a static party in FFXI, and they're great until someone goes on vacation or their computer breaks down or whatever. Inevitably it seems like someone levels up outside the static and the level range ends up getting broken. Every group I've been in for the past few weeks I've essentially had solo SP gain since I've been out of the rank range. Even if I manage to get a party if there's too many other mages I'm pretty much screwed in terms of SP.

This has left me crafting for the most part, crafting works OK for the most part but with the population dying down the economy can't really support that many crafters. With the number of items I have to make to rank up, I can't possibly sell all of them since there's already enough gear out in the wild to equip pretty much everybody. I've literally had trouble giving stuff away recently.

If the "miracle patch" doesn't satisfy expectations then I'm done with the game. I have 5 jobs over 20, 2 of which are over 30, so I think I've given the game a fair bit of playing. I wish they would be more specific with their patch notes. Saying "Adjustments to how skill points are awarded" doesn't really tell us all that much. Pretty much any system that's random is unacceptable for me at this point.


random didn't start to suck until the rate dropped dramatically, as well as the actual amount of sp

if they are gonna be stubborn and stick with it, at least up the frequency and size
SuperLurker said:
On the party side of things it looks like a lot of people are setting up static parties. I had a static party in FFXI, and they're great until someone goes on vacation or their computer breaks down or whatever. Inevitably it seems like someone levels up outside the static and the level range ends up getting broken. Every group I've been in for the past few weeks I've essentially had solo SP gain since I've been out of the rank range. Even if I manage to get a party if there's too many other mages I'm pretty much screwed in terms of SP.

Statics worked in FFXI because everyone leveled up at exactly the same rate. Assuming you were able to get a group of people dedicated enough to play the game like a job, clocking in at a set time and clocking out at a set time with nobody secretly leveling on the side, a static in FFXI could remain together from level 1 to cap.

In FFXIV, every class gains SP and levels at a different rate. Let's say you started a static party consisting of 1 member representing every class in the game right now. In about 2 levels, the archer and marauder will have outleveled the other members and break the current rank range, which is as draconian as FFXI's was in its "heyday". (If you are more than 2 ranks away from other people in the party, your SP party bonus is almost nil.) Shortly after that, the pugilist and lancer will have outleveled the rest. Depending on how much healing is going on, the conjurer and thaumaturge will either be keeping up with the archer and marauder or have gotten absolutely nowhere. Last is the gladiator, who essentially has "permament surplus" because he has to level his sword, his actual gladiator job, and shield at the same time unless he refuses to block anything in which case he's just a maurader with no dps and he's fucked either way.

SP gain is so completely unbalanced right now that a static will soon be 3, 4, 5 levels apart between the highest ranked members and lowest and it will then have to break up because at that point everyone will only be getting solo SP anyways and they might as well go find other people in their LS or even random pubbies who are their level so they can get the party SP bonus.

Oh yeah, this game sucks when you're solo. It really, really sucks. At least in a group you're with other people and sometimes wild shit can happen which is hilarious. And even there the group grind is pretty mind-numbing past the mid-30's, it actually is comparable to Aion's grind starting in the 30's and let me tell you that when I'm comparing a game to a Korean grindfest like Aion that really does mean something. I'm assuming once there's actual content Squenix will lower the amount of SP to rank up to the current cap as they will raise the cap, but right now you're essentially facing a mind-boggling grind for a non-existent endgame and that's not much of an incentive to keep playing for most people, which is why the population of the game is cratering right now.

I think on a fundamental level the group mechanics of the game are sound. It's hard to see that right now with a completely broken SP gain system, a screwy and unpredictable hate system, mobs which only require identical tank-and-spank strategies where the only goal is to have enough VIT to survive it's huge AOE nuke and have enough healers to heal the party after a nuke, and also fuck you Squenix for everything else in the game like the fucking UI and the fucking lag and the fucking travel. But when you get a group together who know what they are doing, the hours can kind of hum along as you build SP towards your next rank. When the game is working in some sort of functional way, it's actually pretty fun. But Squenix has a long way to go before they have this game mostly functional most of the time, and with actual content.


Rentahamster said:
Then you are implying that a battle class can solo to cap by just grinding regular mobs alone - which anyone over rank 35 can tell you is nigh impossible. Anyone who plays the game with any kind of frequency and understands the basics of how it works should know that soloing past rank 25 is an exercise in futility.

All of your positive comments regarding the game come from the position that you know how the game works better than others and that the people hating on the game just don't get it, or are possibly playing the game wrong.

So either:

1 - You play this game a lot, but still fail to understand its core gameplay for some reason as your previous comments about "being able to solo cap" reveal.

1 - You actually don't play this game all that much which lowers your credibility and doesn't really give you a leg to stand on when you heap praise upon this game and deride critics of this game.

I've played and studied the game a lot since beta, so when I say that certain aspects of this game suck, it's because they really do suck. When you say how good and awesome this game is without any sort of credibility that you actually do understand how this game works and aren't just parroting fangirl talking points, then you can see how you ended up with your current tag.

From what I heard, the people that hit cap, soloed for the most part (but I'm sure they duoed or partied). Its possible, but you have to have no job or anything. But that doesn't make my statement false. I never believed that I would only solo to cap. I would like to party, imo. If you believe you want to solo only, then either do it and wait for some changes or quit.

I've never talked as if the game has no problems. There you go again putting words in my mouth. I just can't stand the constant broken records in this thread.

When I read this thread I always think:
"Ok, ok, we get it you dislike this and that. We have heard you since alpha/beta, Do you have to repeated it on every new page?"

Look at me up on lodestone. I am not hiding how far I am in the game or pretending to be something I'm not. You are just mad that I don't want to complain about the game every chance I can get. So this thread is about complaining and not about talking about the game? Uh, no.

So this thread should only have one type of crowd in here? I refused to follow everyone when I disagree with them. You should come to terms with that. That you know, someone doesn't have the same opinion as you.


I really appreciate all the stubborn fanboy rationalization that has kept a small part of the user base alive, because I think that's the only thing that may keep this game afloat long enough to see if it can be salvaged. You're all far braver and more patient than I am.
jiggle said:
random didn't start to suck until the rate dropped dramatically, as well as the actual amount of sp

if they are gonna be stubborn and stick with it, at least up the frequency and size

I think even if they upped the frequency and size, if its random it forces players to game the system in an attempt to maximize their gains, which results in playing the game stupidly.


Londa said:
You can solo to cap

Londa said:
I never believed that I would only solo to cap. If you believe you want to solo only, then either do it and wait for some changes or quit.

Liar or moron? You decide. If you're going to contradict yourself, at least wait until a new page. :lol
Salaadin said:
Have you seen it personally? I took it like there would be a short load or at least a short pause between areas for this menu and then to actually connect.

I also wonder about the frequency of it. Technically, every camp is considered a zone in FFXIV according to the map. Are we going to have menus to deal with in XIV for every camp in every zone?

I HIGHLY doubt this would ever happen. They are huge on community and this would just split it.

F2P MMOs do this b/c it's cheaper.


Rodent Whores
Londa said:
From what I heard, the people that hit cap, soloed for the most part (but I'm sure they duoed or partied). Its possible, but you have to have no job or anything. But that doesn't make my statement false.
Yes it does. You cannot solo to cap in any realistic fashion (unless by "solo" you mean "kill monsters by yourself while the other 14 members of your "party" AFK nearby). Even bots can't solo to cap. There's a reason all the bots in game have been stuck at the high 20s to 30s for a while now.

Londa said:
I've never talked as if the game has no problems. There you go again putting words in my mouth. I just can't stand the constant broken records in this thread.
Well, there you go putting words in my mouth. I didn't say you "talked as if the game has no problems". We're all aware of your Guatemala issue. I said, "All of your positive comments regarding the game come from the position that you know how the game works better than others and that the people hating on the game just don't get it, or are possibly playing the game wrong."

Londa said:
When I read this thread I always think:
"Ok, ok, we get it you dislike this and that. We have heard you since alpha/beta, Do you have to repeated it on every new page?"
Valid criticism is valid criticism. Granted, there are some troll comments, but all the criticism about this game is justified. If anything, the more we learn about the game, the more we find out how dumb some of the actual gameplay mechanics are, which requires new analysis. Weeks come and go without nary a fix, and so yes, that requires more criticism.

Londa said:
Look at me up on lodestone. I am not hiding how far I am in the game or pretending to be something I'm not. You are just mad that I don't want to complain about the game every chance I can get. So this thread is about complaining and not about talking about the game? Uh, no.

I'm mad that I don't want to complain about the game every chance that I get? For someone who balks at getting words put in her mouth, you sure do it a lot yourself. I'm not mad that you don't complain about the game. Hell, I ain't even mad. I'm just rolling my eyes because you say some of us are incessantly complaining over and over again when in fact a lot of us have played longer than you, achieved more in-game than you, and understand the game's core mechanics more than you do.

You imply that our criticism isn't new, or is invalid, or not accurate, or coming from a position of ignorance, when it is in fact you who is coming from a less informed understanding of the game.

You can't expect us to take you seriously if your credibility suffers like that.

Londa said:
So this thread should only have one type of crowd in here? I refused to follow everyone when I disagree with them. You should come to terms with that. That you know, someone doesn't have the same opinion as you.
I don't think there should be only one type of crowd in here, I never said that. That's fine if you disagree with everyone else, but at least do so from a reality-based standpoint that shows us that you really do understand how this game works. Hating on this game for no good reason is just as laughable as praising this game for no good reason.

Londa said:
So this thread is about complaining and not about talking about the game? Uh, no.
This thread is about talking about the game. Sometimes criticism is also talking about the game. Perhaps if your comment was directed at an actual troll rather than me, it would make sense. I guess you missed the numerous posts where I've organized rank up parties, item gathering parties, listed good places to exp grid, tested and analyzed various game mechanics, explained how the SP system works, listed my thoughts on how this game can improve, etc etc.
Salaadin said:
Have you seen it personally? I took it like there would be a short load or at least a short pause between areas for this menu and then to actually connect.

I also wonder about the frequency of it. Technically, every camp is considered a zone in FFXIV according to the map. Are we going to have menus to deal with in XIV for every camp in every zone?
Just to clarify further, ff is not doing the same as guild wars. Gw towns are lobbies like pso lobbies. You get dumped into one of several selectable instances of the town and can swap at will. What ff is doing is transparent to the user, a load balancing act rather than population segregation.


Partying in this game is not fun to me because there's zero challenge. I don't want to mindlessly spam cure.

Soloing in this game is not fun to me because... it's soloing.

So while the Nov/Dec/2011 updates look really good. Unless they increase the challenge required to play job wells (CON and THM in my case), all of the updates won't make the game fun for me... just less upsetting. :lol


Gold Member
demosthenes said:

Tanaka talks about XIV.

-Knew about problems when the game launched; too busy trying to fix bugs to implement content
-Surprised at how many sales
-Hopes the game grows continually like XI did

I disagree with the idea that players had a 'very high expectation'. In game delivery or messaging is not a high expectation. In fact, the outcry has been based predominantly on the idea that the game released without expected 'basics' of the genre.

Were they too busy fixing bugs? Why so late in the development cycle then? It has been in development for several years.

Were they too busy fixing bugs to allow Open Beta players to report them? If they spent so much time fixing bugs, then why are there so many left?

From what I can see of the game as time passes, it appears that FFXIV bore the brunt of Crystal Tools development. They didn't know how to design their own tools, spent a considerable amount of money developing it, and in the end made the conscious decision to sacrifice FFXIV because it can be updated over time and then shipped out a hastily designed and sloppy FFXIII.

In terms of accounting, expenses should be accounted for with respect to the revenues generated and so with Crystal Tools being apportioned over 3 games, I suspect they played around with whose budget allocations certain games were consuming and I'm sure FFXIII wasn't at the bottom of the list.

We got excuses for why FFXIII had no towns for instance, and FFXIV has next to nothing in terms of the programming side of it. In fact with FFXIV, we see the designing constant of how your art team supersedes everyone else in churning work out but its all moot if the rest of the development team is not keeping pace.

With FFXII also being affected by development issues, SE appears to have all the signs of a company with an unhealthy future.


Worked out well for them. Everyone is flocking to FFXIV while WoW's numbers constantly dwindle.

Probably would have been a better call to finish the game and put it out after the Cataclysm hype has died down (see: Bioware).
Dreamwriter said:
That or Square just released the game three months early to beat WoW Cataclysm to the market...

What a brilliant idea. Release an unfinished product to beat Cataclysm to the punch, and in doing so leave a shitty taste in everyone's mouth except for the hardcore weaboos.


Btw when did weaboo become slang for people who flip out over anything japanese? Honest question, because I saw the comic strip earlier...but it kinda went over my head...I think :lol

EDIT: I still like XIV...and know it'll be great, but deadline or no, they should've waited until ALL the stuff thats supposed to be in the Nov-Dec patches was already in game, and release that as the first retail build.

As long as it recovers and Stars of Destiny company runs nicely, i'm good.
Dreamwriter said:
That or Square just released the game three months early to beat WoW Cataclysm to the market...

Well if they did this, then they ignored the hard lessons of Vanguard Online, Age of Conan, Warhammer Online, Champions Online, Star Trek Online, Hellgate London, Auto Assault, Tabula Rasa, Aion, APB, and countless other minor MMOGs. You get ONE CHANCE to launch a successful game in the Shadow of WoW. If you fuck it up, you'll never get another chance and have fun when your game crashes and burns, is forced to become F2P to survive, or ends up with 30,000 subscribers for the rest of it's lifespan. People say Age of Conan ended up being a pretty good game a year after it's disaster of a launch but nobody has gone back to it again to see for themselves one way or another. Squenix managed to make every possible dumb mistake they could think of which many other games which crashed and burned made before them and they still did it anyways. I have no sympathy if the game does a nosedive straight into the ground at this point because Squenix had every chance in the world to launch FFXIV successfully but they still blew it.

In many ways WoW is the worst thing which has ever happened to the MMOG market. It's overwhelming market dominance makes it impossible for any other game to survive on the market unless it's Korean and played by a lot of Koreans (read: NCSoft). It's many years on the market gives it polish and wealth of content no game launching today can possibly match. The rest of the market is shriveling up and dying like a plant which can't get any sunlight because of the massive behemoth that is WoW is blocking out the sun. I hope Bioware/Mythic/EA are paying close attention and they will launch Star Wars: The Old Republic when it's actually mostly done and there's a decent amount of content at launch and the client is reasonably stable and the game has a pretty minimal amount of bugs. Otherwise, as we've seen with The Matrix Online, even a big name won't be able to save it. Nothing can survive in the Shadow of WoW unless it's truly unique and can find a niche (see EVE Online) or it's a carbon copy of WoW with a big license (see LOTRO).


thinking about the list a little more

- The addition of new guildleves
- Adjustments to existing guildleves
time to balance the gil rewards?
economy is gonna be so screwed soon enough with this going on:

- Adjustments to local levequest rewards
they'll start listing guild marks reward on the leve i hope

- Adjustments to existing behests
better sp reward? random chest pop with item/ armor reward?
anything but more useless gils to make behest worth doing

- Adjustments to classes
- Adjustments to combat balance
hope they don't nerf punishing barbs!!! D:

- Improvements to the targeting feature
hope this means they're bringing back F8, and F1-F6 PT target

Unknown Soldier said:
Well if they did this, then they ignored the hard lessons of Vanguard Online, Age of Conan, Warhammer Online, Champions Online, Star Trek Online, Hellgate London, Auto Assault, Tabula Rasa, Aion, APB, and countless other minor MMOGs.

I think it's obvious (to me at least) that they ignored all that has happened in MMORPGs since XI came out.
Hell they ignored changes/improvements made to their own game.

Unknown Soldier said:
Nothing can survive in the Shadow of WoW unless it's truly unique and can find a niche (see EVE Online) or it's a carbon copy of WoW with a big license (see LOTRO).

FFXI did quite well for itself too
i think FFXIV will carve out its own niche eventually
assuming PS3 version will give it a second wind (especially in JPN)
but yeah it blew its one chance to become HUGE
Teknoman said:
Btw when did weaboo become slang for people who flip out over anything japanese? Honest question, because I saw the comic strip earlier...but it kinda went over my head...I think :lol

4chan sometimes wordfilters words into other words, often nonsense. For a time the word "wapanese" was wordfiltered into weaboo which was taken from the PBF comic for no particular reason.
jiggle said:
=hope they don't nerf punishing barbs!!! D:

There is nobody who thinks that barbs isn't going to get nerfed. Everybody uses it now to insta-kill mobs which are too hard and there is no way to kill it otherwise.

hope this means they're bringing back F8, and F1-F6 PT target

There can be up to 15 people in a party now, so I don't know how that would work exactly.

I think it's obvious (to me at least) that they ignored all that has happened in MMORPGs since XI came out. Hell they ignored changes/improvements made to their own game.

Well, I do know that WoW isn't available in Japan and has never been, but my God, if they don't know about the Shadow of WoW everywhere else in the world then I'm just /facepalming.


I think it's odd that WoW never got a real Japanese release. I've played with both Japanese players and Americans living in Japan and they were complaining about how much they have to spend to import the game.

Heck if Microsoft can sell Xboxes in Japan, I don't see why Blizzard can't sell WoW. :lol
Unknown Soldier said:
There can be up to 15 people in a party now, so I don't know how that would work exactly.

If they were smart they'd allow you to bind selecting any party member to any arbitrary key in addition to allowing you to select with the mouse via the party list. They said they were adding selection via the party list but I'm not holding my breath for custom keybindings >.>
jiggle said:
FFXI did quite well for itself too
To be fair, FFXI came out before WoW, and was actually one of the reasons for WoW's popularity - WoW became the place to go for people who thought FFXI was too hardcore (or really just too "hard")


Rentahamster said:
Yes it does. You cannot solo to cap in any realistic fashion (unless by "solo" you mean "kill monsters by yourself while the other 14 members of your "party" AFK nearby). Even bots can't solo to cap. There's a reason all the bots in game have been stuck at the high 20s to 30s for a while now.

Well, there you go putting words in my mouth. I didn't say you "talked as if the game has no problems". We're all aware of your Guatemala issue. I said, "All of your positive comments regarding the game come from the position that you know how the game works better than others and that the people hating on the game just don't get it, or are possibly playing the game wrong."

Valid criticism is valid criticism. Granted, there are some troll comments, but all the criticism about this game is justified. If anything, the more we learn about the game, the more we find out how dumb some of the actual gameplay mechanics are, which requires new analysis. Weeks come and go without nary a fix, and so yes, that requires more criticism.

I'm mad that I don't want to complain about the game every chance that I get? For someone who balks at getting words put in her mouth, you sure do it a lot yourself. I'm not mad that you don't complain about the game. Hell, I ain't even mad. I'm just rolling my eyes because you say some of us are incessantly complaining over and over again when in fact a lot of us have played longer than you, achieved more in-game than you, and understand the game's core mechanics more than you do.

You imply that our criticism isn't new, or is invalid, or not accurate, or coming from a position of ignorance, when it is in fact you who is coming from a less informed understanding of the game.

You can't expect us to take you seriously if your credibility suffers like that.

I don't think there should be only one type of crowd in here, I never said that. That's fine if you disagree with everyone else, but at least do so from a reality-based standpoint that shows us that you really do understand how this game works. Hating on this game for no good reason is just as laughable as praising this game for no good reason.

This thread is about talking about the game. Sometimes criticism is also talking about the game. Perhaps if your comment was directed at an actual troll rather than me, it would make sense. I guess you missed the numerous posts where I've organized rank up parties, item gathering parties, listed good places to exp grid, tested and analyzed various game mechanics, explained how the SP system works, listed my thoughts on how this game can improve, etc etc.

Looks like you didnt see me say that the first people to 50 had to solo to cap for the most part. This was talked about on the core forums. But I didn't say yes it is practical to solo to cap. I would party before soloing.

no my credibility does not suffer for anything. I played the alpha, beta, and I had the game during release. Just because I don't play the game everyday doesn't mean I don't know what I'm talking about when it comes to the game. This view of yours is very narrow minded. I guess anyone above your rank will view you with no credit then. Since you want to put it that way.


Unknown Soldier said:
The problem here being that Microsoft can't sell Xboxes in Japan, no matter how hard they try. :lol
:lol :lol :lol I suppose it wouldn't be worthwhile monetarily with respect to translation and such.

Also, Londa being Londa. :lol You've got a bit on Tanaka spunk on your lip there. Best part is I can say whatever I want now, since she doesn't see it. Sorry for the rest of you poor bastards.


Posted yet?


Q. How do I get shield skill points?

A. The vast majority of shield skill points are awarded when a player successfully blocks an enemy's attacks with a shield, or deals damage to an opponent using a shield-based attack.

Skill Rank
Guard 1
Aegis Boon 10
Outmaneuver 20
Aegis Boon II 40
Deflection 50
Shield Bash 14
Shield Bash II 44
War Drum 30

Q. Will there be further balancing to ease the process of ranking up?

A. The late-November patch will bring about significant reductions in the amount of skill points needed to rank up. These changes will make the processing of attaining rank 20 considerably less time-consuming.

Q. I accidentally selected the wrong spell. How can I interrupt my cast?

A. By selecting the spell being cast from the action bar one more time while casting is still ongoing, the spell may be interrupted. Doing so will cause no depletion of a player's stamina gauge, allowing for the immediate execution of another action.


SuperLurker said:
This has left me crafting for the most part, crafting works OK for the most part but with the population dying down the economy can't really support that many crafters. With the number of items I have to make to rank up, I can't possibly sell all of them since there's already enough gear out in the wild to equip pretty much everybody. I've literally had trouble giving stuff away recently.

This is something which can only get worse, because armor doesn't bind to a character the economy will eventually become saturated, the odd few people may NPC their unwanted gear but you will find many holding on to it in the hope they can resell it.

SE needs to provide a way to remove gear from the game, or even upgrade it via a crafter or npc.

They have got so many things wrong in this game its hard to believe at times.


Jinko said:
This is something which can only get worse, because armor doesn't bind to a character the economy will eventually become saturated, the odd few people may NPC their unwanted gear but you will find many holding on to it in the hope they can resell it.

SE needs to provide a way to remove gear from the game, or even upgrade it via a crafter or npc.

They have got so many things wrong in this game its hard to believe at times.

imo it's not really a problem
if u can't sell something, don't make it
if u skilling up on it, you already got your mats' worth in points
most mats are soooo easy to come by in the game anyway, it doesn't really hurt to NPC dump them
or just find better alternatives (when available)

not really unique to XIV
iono about other MMO
but at least XI is like that


jiggle said:
imo it's not really a problem
if u can't sell something, don't make it
if u skilling up on it, you already got your mats' worth in points
most mats are soooo easy to come by in the game anyway, it doesn't really hurt to NPC dump them
or just find better alternatives (when available)

not really unique to XIV
iono about other MMO
but at least XI is like that

It is unique to FF14 and 11, as I said most MMO's have armor which binds to a character making it untradable once it is equipped, this forces the player to NPC it once they are done with it, removing it from the game, removing money from the game at the same time.

It's part of what a healthy economy is supposed to be, just look at real life, when you go to buy new clothes do you go to a store and buy new or do you go to a charity shop and buy second hand :S ?

If we all bought second hand then people would be out of jobs, which is what is happening to crafters in FF14.

It's worth noting that crafting in 11 wasn't a class and didn't require such a massive grind to level up especially at higher levels.

As for the bolded part, makes my point about it only getting worse even more valid.


It helps that in a game like WoW (yeah I know) you can disenchant gear into magic dust or shards and sell or use those materials to enchant gear with extra stats. Something like that would make it much easier to get rid of gear and still make some gil out of it.


Rodent Whores
Londa said:
Looks like you didnt see me say that the first people to 50 had to solo to cap for the most part. This was talked about on the core forums. But I didn't say yes it is practical to solo to cap. I would party before soloing.
I did see that obviously, since I responded to your ridiculous comment that "you can solo to cap".

The core forums just guessed at how they did it, and the overall conclusions were, "not by soloing".

I didn't say that you said that it's practical to solo to cap. I just said you have a poor understanding of how the game works if you even think it's possible in reasonable time frame.

Londa said:
no my credibility does not suffer for anything. I played the alpha, beta, and I had the game during release. Just because I don't play the game everyday doesn't mean I don't know what I'm talking about when it comes to the game. This view of yours is very narrow minded. I guess anyone above your rank will view you with no credit then. Since you want to put it that way.

There are lots of people higher rank than me who view me with credit, because I know what I'm talking about. There also lots of people lower rank than me whom I view with credit, because they know what they are talking about.

It's not a matter of rank, it's a matter of understanding and credibility. That your posts sound more like a SE press release rehash rather than the opinions of someone who has played the game a lot is quite telling.
notworksafe said:
It helps that in a game like WoW (yeah I know) you can disenchant gear into magic dust or shards and sell or use those materials to enchant gear with extra stats. Something like that would make it much easier to get rid of gear and still make some gil out of it.

You could desynth in XI, I assume there is some method to do that in this as well that nobody has bothered to try, not to mention that some armor is bound to be, if not already, used in recipes for other armor.


Jinko said:
This is something which can only get worse, because armor doesn't bind to a character the economy will eventually become saturated, the odd few people may NPC their unwanted gear but you will find many holding on to it in the hope they can resell it.

SE needs to provide a way to remove gear from the game, or even upgrade it via a crafter or npc.

They have got so many things wrong in this game its hard to believe at times.

This didn't really hurt FFXI though, not sure why it would FFXIV. When you consider you get free money (unlike FFXI) from doing leve's and you have local leve's giving you free skill ups,who cares if you have to take a loss to skill up your craft? Shards are the bigger problem IMO, thier needs to be free roaming elements so you can get easy crystals/clusters/shards. I know people are going to say "money will become useless" but does that really bother anyone? If everyone is able to buy what they need? Instead of like in FFXI " LOL YOU GIMP AND GOTS NO MONEYSZZZ".


Rodent Whores
JudgeN said:
thier needs to be free roaming elements so you can get easy crystals/clusters/shards.
There are. But that would only be good for getting clusters.

It's more practical to farm shards and crystals by just ranking up from 1 to 15 soloing marmots, puks, dodos, fireflies, etc.


JudgeN said:
This didn't really hurt FFXI though, not sure why it would FFXIV. When you consider you get free money (unlike FFXI) from doing leve's and you have local leve's giving you free skill ups,who cares if you have to take a loss to skill up your craft? Shards are the bigger problem IMO, thier needs to be free roaming elements so you can get easy crystals/clusters/shards. I know people are going to say "money will become useless" but does that really bother anyone? If everyone is able to buy what they need? Instead of like in FFXI " LOL YOU GIMP AND GOTS NO MONEYSZZZ".

Shards and crystals wouldn't be a problem if they added a damn AH so people could find them, not to mention that people still have no idea how to price things.

As for FF11 it had its own set of problems regarding ecomony disasters, and although the problem I mention about armor wasn't as obvious it was still there.

Why should I spend hours farming and craftingh only to have to NPC it, seems like a complete waste.

Basically you get high level crafters staturating the market staying on top whilst new players (PS3 ones for example) not being able to catch up because there is a hierarchy which is hard to break.

It's completely unfair and bias IMO, I got my cloth to 55 in FF11 before I realised just how much gil i had sunk into it and how much I had got back, sure 14 is much easier in that mats are much eaiser to come by, but the same money sink vs profit problem exsists.

One of the main reasons to level a craft is to make money is it not ?


Jinko said:
Shards and crystals wouldn't be a problem if they added a damn AH so people could find them, not to mention that people still have no idea how to price things.

As for FF11 it had its own set of problems regarding ecomony disasters, and although the problem I mention about armor wasn't as obvious it was still there.

Why should I spend hours farming and craftingh only to have to NPC it, seems like a complete waste.

Basically you get high level crafters staturating the market staying on top whilst new players (PS3 ones for example) not being able to catch up because there is a hierarchy which is hard to break.

It's completely unfair and bias IMO, I got my cloth to 55 in FF11 before I realised just how much gil i had sunk into it and how much I had got back, sure 14 is much easier in that mats are much eaiser to come by, but the same money sink vs profit problem exsists.

One of the main reasons to level a craft is to make money is it not ?

In FFXI yes because it was the only way to get money in the damn game, it was one of the problem I had with it. You camp NM/HNM or you crafted and that was the only way to get gold to support my ranger :lol

But in FFXIV its easier to craft and get money so I would say "no", I mostly craft to repair your own gear but that's just my opinion. Of course that could chance once an AH is here but I still don't see myself crafting for money. But other people probably do craft to make money, regardless of how relevant the money actually is.


Jinko said:
It is unique to FF14 and 11, as I said most MMO's have armor which binds to a character making it untradable once it is equipped, this forces the player to NPC it once they are done with it, removing it from the game, removing money from the game at the same time.

It's part of what a healthy economy is supposed to be, just look at real life, when you go to buy new clothes do you go to a store and buy new or do you go to a charity shop and buy second hand :S ?

If we all bought second hand then people would be out of jobs, which is what is happening to crafters in FF14.

It's worth noting that crafting in 11 wasn't a class and didn't require such a massive grind to level up especially at higher levels.

As for the bolded part, makes my point about it only getting worse even more valid.

I didn't see this happen in SWG which was a players economy.
Dreamwriter said:
That or Square just released the game three months early to beat WoW Cataclysm to the market...

That doesn't explain the poor design decisions at all. With three months to go, you don't rework your entire UI, your SP system, your economic system, and add actual content besides leves. Not if you planned out your development cycle with any competence.

The biggest problems aren't due to good ideas being half-finished; they're due to bad ideas that they clearly never playtested. Its obvious at this point that SE never so much as thought about the kind of stupidity that a proc-based SP system would lead to (tanks stripping down, mages spamming an AoE heal mindlessly, DPS trying not to do too much dmg... :lol ). They clearly never ever tried using their own retainer system to buy shit in playtesting or they would have immediately realized what a clusterfuck it was. They clearly never bothered playing the game long enough to repair their gear, or vendor a full inventory of items, or etc etc etc.

Really has nothing to do with releasing early; they have to change so much (and they are supposedly doing it by March) that they are basically tearing down large parts of the game and redesigning them.

Let's see how that goes for them.
JudgeN said:
This didn't really hurt FFXI though, not sure why it would FFXIV. When you consider you get free money (unlike FFXI) from doing leve's and you have local leve's giving you free skill ups,who cares if you have to take a loss to skill up your craft? Shards are the bigger problem IMO, thier needs to be free roaming elements so you can get easy crystals/clusters/shards. I know people are going to say "money will become useless" but does that really bother anyone? If everyone is able to buy what they need? Instead of like in FFXI " LOL YOU GIMP AND GOTS NO MONEYSZZZ".

Gil becoming useless isn't a good thing because it means its actually useless. Its the opposite of what you just said. If the Fed prints 12 quadrillion dollars tomorrow and gives everyone 4 million bucks, its not going to result in "everyone being able to buy what they need". Its going to result in everyone having a bunch of worthless paper, and using a different system instead to buy what they need.

When money becomes useless because of extreme inflation, it just results in another currency being used instead; one that is more stable and in more limited supply. An excellent example of this is Diablo 2, where gold was completely useless and everyone used (mostly duped) Stones of Jordan to buy shit. And later they used duped high runes.

And unsurprisingly, RMT in FFXIV is already starting to sell shards for $. Because that's becoming the new currency.
FieryBalrog said:
That doesn't explain the poor design decisions at all. With three months to go, you don't rework your entire UI, your SP system, your economic system, and add actual content besides leves. Not if you planned out your development cycle with any competence.
Yes you do. 3 months is an eternity in a game dev cycle, and especially in an MMO, if something isn't working right in the beta test, you fix it. It's the last few months where everything suddenly comes together and you are able to test it. And they aren't reworking the economic system nor the SP system (the SP system is getting rebalanced). The UI isn't even getting reworked, they are just adding a new UI more optimized for mouse/keyboard users, the controller UI is remaining the same, except being optimized a bit. And yes you are definitely adding content in the last 3 months.

FieryBalrog said:
They clearly never bothered playing the game long enough to repair their gear, or vendor a full inventory of items, or etc etc etc.
I dunno what problem you have with repairing your gear, but I'm willing to bet they tested vendoring an inventory full of items quite a lot. But here's the thing: they wouldn't have lag. All their testing until right near the end would have been on a local server. Vendoring an inventory full of items wouldn't be a problem at all if it were instant. Think about it, you select an item, select to sell it, the next one in the list instantly pops up ready to click on. So all it is is a bunch of rapid clicking to clear a large chunk of your inventory. What makes it bad, is there is crap lag with every click.
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