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Final Fantasy XIV |OT| ARR: Alpha Closed. Beta mid-Feb

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DrForester said:
AV wasn't a problem once the level cap started going up.


Is the DRK Kraken Club method considered a glitch method? Because I know my LS, together with another HNM LS in my server, killed AV a couple of times using that method

Well relying on a specific weapon to win a fight seems extremely cheap at best. (K club is a glitch in itself really)


Teknoman said:
I think the rest of the improvements (mouse over/drag and drop) are coming late december/early january.

I guess what everyone was saying is true...by early 2011, the game will be at the level it probably should've been at launch.

Yeah, I guess my real issue is that there wasn't a "late December" patch until pretty recently.

I guess more small updates is better than fewer large ones, though - if they can keep updates this size going every 2-3 weeks, the game will improve quite rapidly and more gradually than XI ever did.




the christmas theme doesn't sound as good as XI's Starlight Celebration
but still not bad...


bardia said:
New items datamined by sruon on BG


Do want crafting body...

Oh my, It'll be a long time before I see this though (rank 34 goldsmith atm). Hope there's another body gear between 34 and 48.
jiggle said:
i recall they said new jobs could be coming as early as the first content update too
but looking at what's actually there have me suspecting they are just gonna string us along until the game is fix and ready to be charged :/
They haven't even hinted at anything at all related to new jobs since they started admitting that the game wasn't quite perfect (ie, since September). I'd bet the PS3 release might see them.


What topic did you find the dat mined stuff at Blue Gartr?

EDIT: Nevermind, guess those are some of the items made from NM items.


bardia said:
foudn the buffalo nm, about to fight it now

Screenshots please.


Mossy Horn R38
Uraeus Skin R49
Dodore Wing R40
Bloody Lance Head R41
Bloody Bardish Head R42

Looks like NMs have more than one drop...as expected.

EDIT: The Faction leve NM equipment stats have changed too.


Ravidrath said:
Bleh, was expecting more than the two pics posted in this thread already. :p

Hopefully they find more stuff.

From BG:
Buccaneer's Shirt has STR+6
Harlequin's Acton has INT+7 / MND+4
Templars Hauby has 3 less DEF than vintage hauby lol

Bucc/Harl set have lost the crafting/gathering stats

Bucc Tricorne has STR+3 instead of int+3
Harl Tights have PIE+3 instead of int/mnd+2 and the belt now has mp+8"

If they were going to change the stats to what they SHOULD have been in the first place, why list busted stats the first time around, and then put in a "subject to change" disclaimer? :lol
bardia said:
foudn the buffalo nm, about to fight it now

Did you win?

Jinko said:
WoW's bosses enrage after 10 mins.

I personally think 30 mins is too long, who the hell wants to fight 1 thng for 30 mins anyways.

Of course when bosses enrage in WoW thats its, they will basically one shot you.

I'm glad there is a cutoff point tho, at least we won't ever get fights like AV again.

Will be loggin in tonight just to hunt a goblin.

I think the 30 minutes is because that was the boss timer in FFXIII. They'll probably adjust it if people are killing the NMs too easily since they have too much to do it in.
bardia said:
wiped with 6 lvl 50's lol, had no DPS though, will post pics in a sec

Are you on Lindblum? If so, I'll try to put some people together tonight (if Eden or Sakura haven't already killed him by then) and we can find this buffalo and show it the business end of our sharp objects.


bardia said:
wiped with 6 lvl 50's lol, had no DPS though, will post pics in a sec

Needs more tanking :D But yeah, you probably need a balanced party to take out these things.

Update on the crafting again from BG:

When you are selecting items to add into the synth window, the list never closes, you just click what you want, theres a new animation to standard synth success, recipe list gives quantity of each mat left in inventor.

EDIT: S-E needs to change the whole torrent updater software. Had to download the patch elsewhere again.

And if that Buffalo is as big as I think it is, someone needs to make a video with Sotc music.


Unknown Soldier said:
Are you on Lindblum? If so, I'll try to put some people together tonight (if Eden or Sakura haven't already killed him by then) and we can find this buffalo and show it the business end of our sharp objects.

No I'm on Melmond. we wiped and came back and it was despawned. Reading BG it seems that the goat NM despawed as well when night time hit.

Edit: as soon as i saw the buffalo i thought SotC




So Great Buffalo roams around...Bald Knoll in the daytime? Oh and are you using a controller? If so, did the controller rumble when it walked?

EDIT: Seems like some rank 50s are having trouble beating up the Buffalo :lol Tactics time.

Gobbies are in Black Shroud, but they should be in La noscea too according to the screenshot (unless that was a leve battle).

From BG:

So.... Orange mobs giving me 150-160 sp.... Dont remember it ever being this high.

Edit: Is it just me, or are doblyns harder? They are giving 91-110 sp, again dont remember it that high.

Ninja SP fix? Or possible placebo?


shitty update
1 1/2 hours later and already nothing to do!

improvement to craft is great though
that part is almost completely perfect now


Did you die to a new NM, Goblin, Flan, or new leve yet?

:lol seriously though, updates in mmos are always like that unless you're a certain level. Was like that for me in XI and sometimes even in WoW for the most part.

But yeah, still needs to keep packing on the content and fixes. Goal oriented stuff and whatnot.

Blue Gartr's findings thread:


New leve for rank 30 issued by Ishgard (collecting armor crates), new normal faction leves, leves seem to be having better rewards as far as items go.

So its starting not be just get leve, kill monsters, rinse/repeat.


when you ring the christmas bells
u will be randomly given:
christmas gear materials
food materials

when u deliver twinklebox to the NPCs listed
they will give u fully completed christmas gears


Teknoman said:
New leve for rank 30 issued by Ishgard (collecting armor crates), new normal faction leves, leves seem to be having better rewards as far as items go.

You could get Ishgard create collecting faction leves months ago.

Guildleves have been such a let down, especially considering how they made them out to be so awesome when they were first announced.


Teknoman said:
Did you die to a new NM, Goblin, Flan, or new leve yet?

:lol seriously though, updates in mmos are always like that unless you're a certain level. Was like that for me in XI and sometimes even in WoW for the most part.

i don't recall running out of stuffs to do so fast in XI :X
but then again i didn't play it until 2-3 years in

waiting on BG discoveries now
jiggle said:
i don't recall running out of stuffs to do so fast in XI :X
but then again i didn't play it until 2-3 years in

waiting on BG discoveries now
His point was, when a new patch came out with new content, everyone didn't suddenly have infinite things they could do just from that new patch.


Jinko said:
You could get Ishgard create collecting faction leves months ago.

Guildleves have been such a let down, especially considering how they made them out to be so awesome when they were first announced.

Whoops nm then. Maybe we have to wait for the reset to see more variety?


Teknoman said:
Apparently each smaller NM comes with it's own party? The Giant Buffalo is by itself, but does lots of aoe attacks?

This is the eye NM....fricking hard as hell compared to the Buffalo and yeah it comes in a big group. The buffalo has an AoE attack and a Charge attack which hits anything infront of it.



Kandinsky said:
No class adjustments at all?, level cap?, Jeuno still closed?

Some minor adjustments, but nothing too big as far as classes go. Ishguard is still closed (I think), dunno whats going to hit for the late Dec. update.

EDIT: Stealth NM Goblin + pack implemented. Haughtpox Bloatbelly and his gobbie crew, info from Zam-

Found a NM pack of goblins wayyy east of Treespeak. About 10 in the group, one larger NM and 3 guard NMs with a possey of 6 Goblin bouncers. They Hit me (rank 39 pgl) for 600 each. Dead in 2 seconds).
Looks like a real challenge to take down.


Probably more NMs than what was listed, since SE usually doesnt reveal everything upfront.



Item list...looks like Goblins drop weapons or weapon parts and currency. Finally got throwing knives.


I guess no one else had any problems updating?

I haven't had any problems updating since launch, but tonight my updater wouldn't connect to anything for like 30 minutes, so I had to go get the RAR from BG.


I know that in general this update is more about improvements in what we've been doing and make them more user friendly, as opposed to loads of new content, but I guess it's too much to hope that people would at least enjoy the changes before going back to complaining.


As soon as the download starts there is complaining about how slow the download is going. So complaining after seeing what was added isn't shocking to me.

Videos of the update:

Snow, decorations, ringing of the bells all the event stuff:


Death of the Great Buffalo:


Wild NM Mosshorn (NSFW language warning/funny):

"I don't even know which one we are suppose to be hitting..." :lol



Roc Locks killing 4 NMs. I believe there are more than 4 but whatever:



One of my friends is addicted to this miserable pile of a game, has joined Blue Gartr, and dropped off the face of the earth for the most part. Last time I was at her apartment, I was watching her play and just shook my head... Nothing had changed since beta, she was still grinding the same enemies (for WAY less exp, mind you) and doing he same boring guildleves over and over again, and there still was nothing else to do. What an epic fail of a game that could have had so much promise.


Less SP overall? Nope. All that content is still on the way for end December/early January, but yeah it took longer than it should.

Why are the NM fights snooze fests? I thought they were difficult, and had a group of monster you had to take care off before even focusing on the main one (not sure how someone wouldnt know which one to hit).

I know the Buffalo and Pieste are fairly normal, since its just one really big enemy (Tanking and attacking, standard party procedure) but then you've got to worry about aoe stomps,or pieste paralyze/blinding you and cone aoe (like those minotaur in XI). Apparently Dodore has a complete stop TP skills that makes you inactive for a certain time.

Of course I havent fought any yet, so im speaking from others experiences. Dont know how the Gobby fight goes. Unless you're just talking about the videos...which usually arent exciting or anything unless the people in them make it look exciting (I get bored watching most NM videos unless they come back and make an unlikely win, or get totally obliterated).


Teknoman said:
Less SP overall? Nope. All that content is still on the way for end December/early January, but yeah it took longer than it should.

Why are the NM fights snooze fests? It thought they were difficult, and had a group of monster you had to take care off before even focusing on the main one (not sure how someone wouldnt know which one to hit).

I know the Buffalo and Pieste are fairly normal, since its just one really big enemy (Tanking and attacking, standard party procedure) but then you've got to worry about aoe stomps,or pieste paralyze/blinding you and cone aoe (like those minotaur in XI).

Of course I havent fought any yet, so im speaking from others experiences.

Some people just spam a couple of actions to hit max rank. That is why there are idiots that have no idea which one to hit. Its just like in FFXI where there are still noobies at level 75. :lol

I mean, how is it that I can pull hate off a glad that is 5+ ranks higher than me as a Mar and he should be main tanking. I just gave up and started to tank because I might as well. He would only taunt/provoke after the mage is half health.
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