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Final Fantasy XIV |OT| ARR: Alpha Closed. Beta mid-Feb

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Black Canada Mafia
Alright... I'm coming back to this game, I've been gone for like, 2 1/2 months. I wonder how different it will seem.
Another fluffed up, threadbare update but all I do is craft anyway so I guess it doesn't matter. The recipe list is nice, but it's stupid that I have to go through 3 more menus after I pick ingredients through the "last used" book. For example, if I select Iron Sallet Visor from the recent recipes it will throw two iron squares into the pool and make me pick Iron Sallet Visor AGAIN when I hit main hand... huh? Why can't it just skip to the synth like any logical interface would? Whatever though, par for the course.

Kinitari said:
Alright... I'm coming back to this game, I've been gone for like, 2 1/2 months. I wonder how different it will seem.

You are going to be disappointed because it is exactly the same game.
MomoPufflet said:
You are going to be disappointed because it is exactly the same game.

Yes but a lot of the things that pissed you off are gone.

Menu lag is SO much better. Crafting is much better, all the little menu tweaks equipping gear! AKA they're to a point where they should have released it....now they just need more content :lol


demosthenes said:
Yes but a lot of the things that pissed you off are gone.

Menu lag is SO much better. Crafting is much better, all the little menu tweaks equipping gear! AKA they're to a point where they should have released it....now they just need more content :lol

Exactly. These patches have to actually fix the game before they just start packing on content.


True, a bit of both wouldn't hurt though, the game plays fairly well now, there just isn't anything to do.

Those NM's look ok, but I would have rather seen BCNM's come back.

I would love to see this game have dungeons like WoW, would be the best of both worlds, SE don't have a clue though.
In other words he is free to enjoy the lack of content with (not even) lag-free UI :lol

I understand that they need to fix the UI before adding real content but that's exactly why I do not recommend that people come back to the game yet. It's setting them up for disappointment.
MomoPufflet said:
In other words he is free to enjoy the lack of content with (not even) lag-free UI :lol

I understand that they need to fix the UI before adding real content but that's exactly why I do not recommend that people come back to the game yet. It's setting them up for disappointment.
Dunno what you mean by "not even lag free UI", it's lag-free for me. They've fixed the UI for the most part, now it's all about adding content.


Yeah retainer access and moving around inventories is pretty much instant now. And I would like more in the way of dungeon exploration with actual goals. Even if its just cut your way through to a mini boss battle.
There's still lag-- anything that's not instant is still lag, and exchanging items with my retainer definitely ain't instant. Neither are the crafting menus. Lag-free compared to how terrible it was before strictly within the microcosm of FFXIV UI, perhaps.


just got this

guessing it's just the male version of the set on the left?
Indeed it is. And I would just like to reassure everyone that the Lala female version IS sexy and shows leg and chest so there is nothing to worry about.


The patch downloaded and installed faster than ever before for me. Although I didn't update until today (a full day after it went live).

That's about all I have to say about this update... :lol
IonicSnake said:
Great, I finish the update and now I can't start the game. It stops working before I can even see the S-E logo.

I had the same problem. I would put my login info and hit play, FFXIV would then "Stop Working." A full re-install worked, but there may be another way. If no other answer comes out then you may want to try that.
skitzophrenicdontpanic said:
I had the same problem. I would put my login info and hit play, FFXIV would then "Stop Working." A full re-install worked, but there may be another way. If no other answer comes out then you may want to try that.

Re-installed it and sitting through the update again.


IonicSnake said:
Re-installed it and sitting through the update again.

Some people had that problem, and it seemed like some bug where you have to set sound frequency at default in Windows.

Anyway time to go find some goblins.

EDIT: Apparently optimal rank for armor has been ninja fixed to be about as strict as weapon optimal rank. Havent checked myself, but people are saying that on Blue Gartr. Also I think timers have been added to buffs?

Also NPCs inside the wards make note about items having restrictions such as "requires" for rank and "fits" for specific disiplines. Guess that comes in with the distinction of classes.
Rentahamster said:
The new recipes for underwear shouldn't be that hard to figure out. I needs me some better skivvies!

Unfortunately pantsu still don't come in pink. I want pink pantsu!!

Teknoman said:
Also I think timers have been added to buffs?

Yeah. It's really nice to know exactly when it's time to refresh Shell and Protect. I'm sure DrDogg hates it though since it makes an easy game even easier. :lol
Man, I logged in last night and took some time to rank up my Weaver from 9 to 11 so I'd be able to make the Christmas gear, and what do I get? One of the giftboxes, which I traded for a Christmas tunic. Didn't even need my weaver!


Dreamwriter said:
Man, I logged in last night and took some time to rank up my Weaver from 9 to 11 so I'd be able to make the Christmas gear, and what do I get? One of the giftboxes, which I traded for a Christmas tunic. Didn't even need my weaver!

Yup item exchange quests.


Unknown Soldier said:
Yeah. It's really nice to know exactly when it's time to refresh Shell and Protect. I'm sure DrDogg hates it though since it makes an easy game even easier. :lol

QFT! :lol

In other news... my GLA is now 15, so I'd like to start partying so I can get the feel of tanking. Anyone around that rank?
I think I am going to come back this weekend. I want the Santa hat :lol. I always loved my santa hat in FFXI. Any easier to obtain gear now post 2 miracle patches?


DrDogg said:
QFT! :lol

In other news... my GLA is now 15, so I'd like to start partying so I can get the feel of tanking. Anyone around that rank?

My MRD might be around that level. Actually just checked Lodestone and MRD is only 8.

By the way you can see all LS members character profile from the Lodestone and see all class ranks.


Classic_Gs said:
I think I am going to come back this weekend. I want the Santa hat :lol. I always loved my santa hat in FFXI. Any easier to obtain gear now post 2 miracle patches?

You can buy stuff in NPC shops within the wards now. Stuff rank 20 and under.


Logging back in after a month of being away... loving the christmas stuff :D
Reminds me of XI. The music's so relaxing...


Just bought this game.

So now I am balancing WoW, EVE, and FFXIV

The interface delay is very noticeable. Haven't had the time to really do anything important.

I have two characters slots: one on a server that my brother plays on and the other one I haven't used yet.

What server are you kids on?


used to be a few on rabanastre
but i think i'm the only one left playing still XD

kinda love this update now
only cuz i'm making bank from all those coatee crafts
i'm assuming eventually i'll have something to spend these gils on!


nice shot! ^^^

I'm still on rabanastre. In a fairly active shell. Past update definitely made this game more smooth and playable. There's still a few things they need to tweak regarding the user interface. The recipes list is a good start. Haven't ran into any NMs yet. Market Ward still sucks. There's another update near the end of the month. I have hope!


the ability to show the retainers selling an item at the lowest prices for searches returning numerous hits as with synthesis materials

So much for what they said regarding not wanting to provide price listings.

May as well of stuck with an AH from the start.


Jinko said:
So much for what they said regarding not wanting to provide price listings.

May as well of stuck with an AH from the start.

I always thought the AH system was pretty cool, actually.. was there a reason that they ditched it? Did everyone hate it or what D:
hitsugi said:
I always thought the AH system was pretty cool, actually.. was there a reason that they ditched it? Did everyone hate it or what D:

I think they thought it was too easily exploited by price-controlling gilsellers. SE really has this complex thinking they can fix those kind of issues by screwing over good ideas and proper players.

So I guess it's too much to ask to be able to actually buy straight from the search function? You'll still have to go LOCATE the actual retainer carrying the item you want?
hitsugi said:
I always thought the AH system was pretty cool, actually.. was there a reason that they ditched it? Did everyone hate it or what D:

RMT and douchebaggery basically. The wards make it much more difficult to get a stranglehold on key items (by RMT or otherwise) which was a significant problem in FFXI. RMT would use bots to constantly buy out certain items and list them for 10 times the price. People would be forced to pay it because there wouldn't be any other way to quickly or reliably get the item (and savvy independent sellers would exploit this as well and just sell their item at 10 times the value because why not?). It works very well and is very easy to do with illicit tools. I suppose you could attempt to do this with the wards with the search but it would require a lot of effort and probably wouldn't work very well. Having to physically run to the retainer to complete the sale is a big roadblock for people looking to game the system in this way.

More from someone on another forum:

Kai via FFXIVcore said:
The AH is FFXI wasn't what I would call perfect, except for putting everything into one place so you could see everything by level.

You had people undercutting others to sell faster and still get a higher price.

You had people jacking up prices on the ONE item that was up on the AH (I.E. A sword you wanted but only one was up), then you'd have to sit there for 5-10 minutes slowly working your way up as you put in different amounts trying to figure out how much they wanted for it. Then you would either get the items for a totally inflated price, or get to a point where it just wasn't worth it for the price and had just wasted all that time at the AH for nothing.

And even then, all the AH's weren't connected so sometimes you had to run from city to city to find an item, or ask a friend who was in that city to look for it if they were there. I don't know how many times people said "Hey is anyone in 'this' city? Can you look up something on the AH for me. Can you get it for me if its there?'

Personally I am glad they are trying something different so this isn't just a flat out FFXI clone. I have never had a problem with looking around the wards for items, I mean everyone (well everyone I knew) always went out to what we called 'mule heaven', ours was in Rolanberry, to look through all the bazaars anyway.


Well the search does make it seem pretty AHish/alot better. It prevents you from having to do guess work too...if it works the way it should. Search, confirm, locate it, done.

As long as we dont already have to have the item in our inventory at some point :lol


I didn't expect the search function this soon, so I'm pleasantly surprised.

I think the people suggesting that you need to have the item are delusional - that would entirely defeat the purpose of the system.

My guess is that you'll filter a list of the game's gear by slot and OR, select the item you want, and then bazaar's containing that item will be highlighted.
I didn't get the impression that you'll need to have the item to search for it from the announcement at all, but knowing S-E it's certainly not outside the realm of possibility. You still can't fricking autotranslate items you don't have (it was like this in FFXI for years and probably still is), even stuff like "wind shards" forcing you to jury rig it so it looks like [Gust of wind] [Shard of 1000 Sorrows] or something similarly stupid. rant rant rant


Rodent Whores
If all SE did was make all the wards automatically update to YG, that would be fine by me. Having the exact price that the seller wants to sell for would solve the guesswork mess of FF11's AH, and the retainer system would make it harder for bots.

Seems like it would be a simple enough fix.
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