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Final Fantasy XIV |OT| ARR: Alpha Closed. Beta mid-Feb

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You all should really learn how to just ignore each other.

Gonna be off from work in a few hours and plan on blasting through some leves and then mixing some Behest with maybe some low rank jobs leveling. Anyone interested?

Hit 25 GLA 30 Physical last night but I think I need to start getting all the other jobs leveled to get some extra abilities. Probably gonna grind PUG and MRD if nothing else.


Logged in for the first time since about a week after the game launched and I'm extremely pleased with the changes that have been made thus far. I definitely feel like things are moving in the right direction. When the holidays are over and I'm done with school I definitely plan on coming back.


Londa said:
Or instead of waiting for tickets you can grow some balls and send me a pm with all your stupid name calling. But you most likely wont because the last two I ask to take the insults to PM chickened out.

Yes I went there. Because this dude targeted me when all I was doing was saying my perspective on the market search. I did not claim to say my opinion on the search was everyones opinion. I bet if my comment came from a different user, you wouldn't have replied.

Once again this topic is about FFXIV, not me. So take it to pms.

You don't seem to understand. My last post was the first time I have ever said anything negative toward you. It's not about you, it's about your ridiculous claims. There's no reason to send you a PM because I have nothing to say to you that doesn't have something to do with the game or your wild claims about the game.

Now, I personally felt that all of your recent replies have been retarded, not just your reply to my post. But I'll go ahead and break down your reply to my post so you can see the ignorance that I see.

Londa said:
I tried to use tge market place last night and I love the new changes. Its much more easier to find the things you want.

This is the first thing you said. First and foremost, it's not much easier to find the things you want. In fact, for most casual players, it will be harder. Because if the item they want is not in the proper section, they'll never find it. Even I don't have the heart to browse through every ward in hopes I find a specific item, despite the fact that it will be highlighted with a star above the retainer and a red dot on the map. It's just demoralizing to spend 20 minutes searching every ward to not find the item you want.

I've needed illuminating salt to finish the rank 20 Alchemy quest for almost two weeks now. I have yet to find the item or the four blind fish I need to craft the item. The new search does absolutely NOTHING to assist me. Since no one has put illuminating salt on a retainer in the proper ward, I can't even search for the item. So it's almost like the search doesn't even exist.

Personal opinion or not, that's a FAR cry from "it's much more easier". I'd go as far as to say that's completely incorrect and not an opinion at all.

Then you go on to say this...
Londa said:
Its also nice that you can view all items. That way you can find the best equipment for your rank.

To which I replied with this...
DrDogg said:
It doesn't show all items. It only shows the items that have been up for sale on retainers in the proper wards. Eventually that will be all items, but with the current server population, it'll be awhile.

Now that's a pretty clear discussion. You said "you can view all items" and I said "it doesn't show all items." You said something that was 100% false, and I corrected you.

Then you reply with this...
Londa said:
Does it matter? Its not suppose to be a datamine for items. I want to know what items are selling at the moment. Not what is in the dats. If people would read and not throw everything on one retainer and in the wrong wards, all items on sell will be shown.

Did I say ANYTHING about dat files? You made a false statement, and I corrected you. If you don't want to get flamed, stop saying things that are COMPLETELY false and then tossing around statements like, "It's not supposed to be a data mine for items" when you're called out on these false statements.

And guess what? I don't want just a list of "what's selling at the moment". I want to outfit my character with the best gear possible, not "the best of what's currently on sale". That's just retarded... again.

And then of course we have your closing statement...
Londa said:
your opinion.

I'm speaking mines.

That about sums it up.

Pretty much any post on this entire forum could be replied to with something like this. How do you expect to avoid getting flamed when you reply with garbage like this? If I had replied to you with this exact same quote, you would've said something along the lines of...
Londa said:
Or instead of waiting for tickets you can grow some balls and send me a pm with all your stupid name calling. But you most likely wont because the last two I ask to take the insults to PM chickened out.

Yes I went there. Because this dude targeted me when all I was doing was saying my perspective on the market search. I did not claim to say my opinion on the search was everyones opinion. I bet if my comment came from a different user, you wouldn't have replied.

Once again this topic is about FFXIV, not me. So take it to pms.

But wait... you said that anyway... :lol
DrDogg said:
First and foremost, it's not much easier to find the things you want. In fact, for most casual players, it will be harder. Because if the item they want is not in the proper section, they'll never find it. Even I don't have the heart to browse through every ward in hopes I find a specific item, despite the fact that it will be highlighted with a star above the retainer and a red dot on the map. It's just demoralizing to spend 20 minutes searching every ward to not find the item you want.
So, you're saying that not having a search is easier to find the things that aren't in the correct ward than having the search? That doesn't make sense at all.

And 90% of the time casual players won't be searching for obscure alchemy ingredients, most of the time they'll be searching for armor, weapons, clothes, jewelry. Which is is HELL of a lot easier to find with the search. Don't just say because you had a horrible time in one single instance that everyone will have horrible times every time they want to find something.

And you know what, I don't spend 20 minutes searching every ward for something. If the search doesn't find any of the item I need, I assume nobody is selling it and move on. Only the hardest of hardcore players will decide to ignore the search results and look for someone selling something in the wrong ward.


Dreamwriter said:
So, you're saying that not having a search is easier to find the things that aren't in the correct ward than having the search? That doesn't make sense at all.

And 90% of the time casual players won't be searching for obscure alchemy ingredients, most of the time they'll be searching for armor, weapons, clothes, jewelry. Which is is HELL of a lot easier to find with the search. Don't just say because you had a horrible time in one single instance that everyone will have horrible times every time they want to find something.


Londa said "it's much more easier". That's a bold statement. It's slightly easier, but only if the item you want is on a retainer in the proper ward, which is only the case maybe 50% of the time, at best. I only said it was harder in the sense that, as you clearly stated, people will not look if the item doesn't show up.

Also, illuminating salt is not "obscure alchemy ingredients". It's REQUIRED for the rank 20 Alchemy quest. You know... the quests that SE was so proud of that they made the climb from 1-20 that much easier. I'd hardly call that obscure.

I also think it's stupid that you assume I've only had one experience with the new search. I've been looking for low rank weapons for my MAR, PUG, GLA, ARC and LNC since the search was added. I still haven't found what I want for GLA, MAR or LNC and just last night found the PUG weapon I've been looking for. This includes looking through Ul'Dah and Gridania.

I've also had ZERO luck finding the items I need to craft my worm-eaten shield into vintage. But I guess having the best DoM shield for my rank is obscure too? :lol I could go on and on about my experiences with the new search. I've used it multiple times a day since the patch and I've found far fewer items than I did when I just scoured the wards looking at every retainer.

Dreamwriter said:
And you know what, I don't spend 20 minutes searching every ward for something. If the search doesn't find any of the item I need, I assume nobody is selling it and move on. Only the hardest of hardcore players will decide to ignore the search results and look for someone selling something in the wrong ward.

This is part of the problem. You simply assume the item isn't available if it doesn't show up which is not the case at least 50% of the time. It's just that the horrid search doesn't show things on retainers outside of the proper ward.

And no, it's not just the hardest of hardcore players.... considering the fact we haven't had a search for the past 3 months and that's what EVERYONE had to do... search through every ward. It just happened to take more than 20 minutes. :lol


Sometimes when you do a search you get back an item that has a zero quantity next to it. Does this mean that the item exists in the game world but is not for sale, or that it is for sale but not in the proper ward?


Margalis said:
Sometimes when you do a search you get back an item that has a zero quantity next to it. Does this mean that the item exists in the game world but is not for sale, or that it is for sale but not in the proper ward?

I think its either youve owned that item before so it searches it, or its been in the wards before so it lists it.


I don't get the Londa hate. She has an opinion, let her stick to it. She in no way influences your opinion.

Keep doing what you do, Londa.


Rodent Whores
Margalis said:
Sometimes when you do a search you get back an item that has a zero quantity next to it. Does this mean that the item exists in the game world but is not for sale, or that it is for sale but not in the proper ward?
It means that the item(s) you want are in the wrong ward. So have fun looking through the rest of the wards to find it.


hgplayer1 said:
I think its either youve owned that item before so it searches it, or its been in the wards before so it lists it.

Is probably the later.

Funny thing is, when searhing before for atire in the upper tailors ward it had a list of about 50 items most and only 4 or 5 had items in stock.

It's either items are selling extremely fast or people aren't using the correct wards to sell their items.

I did a search for cloth in the clothiers ward and seems im the only person on the whole of lindblum selling cloth :lol


It means that the item(s) you want are in the wrong ward. So have fun looking through the rest of the wards to find it.

LOL serious ! ?


Rentahamster said:
It means that the item(s) you want are in the wrong ward. So have fun looking through the rest of the wards to find it.

This is incorrect. It's setup similar to FFXI. The item shows up if it's been for sale in the correct ward at some point in time. So if you see the name of the item, but it has a zero next to it, the item was available at one point, but is not currently. Although it's still very possible the item is found in the wrong ward since the search ignores anything listed in the wrong ward.

Unfortunately, this gets reset every time there's maintenance or a ward crashes.

If it's a really important item, I'll still search for it, then just run through all the wards to see if any retainers are highlighted. Luckily the system will highlight a retainer with the item you're searching for whether it's in the correct ward or not... even if the item shows up with a zero.


DrDogg said:
This is incorrect. It's setup similar to FFXI. The item shows up if it's been for sale in the correct ward at some point in time. So if you see the name of the item, but it has a zero next to it, the item was available at one point, but is not currently. Although it's still very possible the item is found in the wrong ward since the search ignores anything listed in the wrong ward.

Unfortunately, this gets reset every time there's maintenance or a ward crashes.

If it's a really important item, I'll still search for it, then just run through all the wards to see if any retainers are highlighted. Luckily the system will highlight a retainer with the item you're searching for whether it's in the correct ward or not... even if the item shows up with a zero.

for real player? If thats the case it becomes almost usable.
DrDogg said:
Londa said "it's much more easier". That's a bold statement. It's slightly easier, but only if the item you want is on a retainer in the proper ward, which is only the case maybe 50% of the time, at best. I only said it was harder in the sense that, as you clearly stated, people will not look if the item doesn't show up.
You said the search made it harder. That makes no sense. And it IS "much more easier". In the search you can browse through tons of items right now, see which ones are for your class and rank, and see what their stats are, thus being able to choose what you want. Compare that to before when you are just randomly going through the ward with no organization whatsoever, seeing if you can find something your class/rank can use, and if you find one, continuing to look to see if there's a better one. And once you decide on an item, then you have to remember where you saw it, and if you saw a cheaper one and if so where that one was. It was extremely crappy, and the only thing that made it at all usable for me and my friends were we would work together in different parts, helping each other out ("I found some rank 14 boots GLA can use, do you need some? They have stats X, X, X and X")

DrDogg said:
I've been looking for low rank weapons for my MAR, PUG, GLA, ARC and LNC since the search was added. I still haven't found what I want for GLA, MAR or LNC and just last night found the PUG weapon I've been looking for.
See, I seriously doubt you've found literally no rank-appropriate equipment for all those classes. I look and I see a ton of stuff for all classes and ranks. Heck, the low-rank equipment wards are one of the most crowded with retainers. On my first try I even found a belt for my THM, for some reason belts have been hard to come by for me other than the big rope belt.

Maybe you are only looking for very specific items, the best of the best, and ignoring everything else? You'll never be able to find that stuff for all ranks and all classes, no matter how good an AH is. Because people have to actually craft the things. For a long time my static party's ARC was looking for a specific bow with a carbon-fibre string. But very few crafters found it worth making that bow. So he had to make due with a slightly worse one. Now at least he'd know within just a couple minutes if anyone had made one, and if not he'd be able to see right there what all his alternatives were.
Dreamwriter said:
Maybe you are only looking for very specific items, the best of the best, and ignoring everything else? You'll never be able to find that stuff for all ranks and all classes, no matter how good an AH is. Because people have to actually craft the things. For a long time my static party's ARC was looking for a specific bow with a carbon-fibre string. But very few crafters found it worth making that bow. So he had to make due with a slightly worse one. Now at least he'd know within just a couple minutes if anyone had made one, and if not he'd be able to see right there what all his alternatives were.

This part doesn't make any sense to me. ARC wants to progress through Ash Longbow -> Weevil Bow -> Oak Composite Bow -> Crab Bow. Those bows are all readily available. Unless he's looking for the Armored Cavalry Bow, which is a Carpenter r50 synth for no good reason, he shouldn't have any problem finding a bow for his rank right now.


Rodent Whores
Dreamwriter said:
Only the hardest of hardcore players will decide to ignore the search results and look for someone selling something in the wrong ward.
Quick note - the game should not be inhibiting enough so that only the "hardest of the hardcore players" have any chance of finding a certain item. As long as the item is in existence and for sale, buys should be able to easily and quickly contact sellers without hassle.


fyi, I am also looking for illuminating salts. Its seems that the only way to get this, is to know a fisherman for blind fish, or get it to drop from a mob. Sucks? yes.


Londa said:
fyi, I am also looking for illuminating salts. Its seems that the only way to get this, is to know a fisherman for blind fish, or get it to drop from a mob. Sucks? yes.

I doubt its that hard to find blindfish on search, the salts also drop from a couple of the DoL leves.


Just checked out the search setup...and its so much better than what we had before. Granted it could use alot more improvements, but its a start.
Unknown Soldier said:
This part doesn't make any sense to me. ARC wants to progress through Ash Longbow -> Weevil Bow -> Oak Composite Bow -> Crab Bow. Those bows are all readily available. Unless he's looking for the Armored Cavalry Bow, which is a Carpenter r50 synth for no good reason, he shouldn't have any problem finding a bow for his rank right now.
That's exactly what I'm talking about. The only way I can think of for someone to not be able to easily find low-rank gear for 5 classes using the new search system is if they are looking for the best of the best, things like the Calvary Bow, rather than just grabbing decent rank-appropriate stuff.
Dreamwriter said:
That's exactly what I'm talking about. The only way I can think of for someone to not be able to easily find low-rank gear for 5 classes using the new search system is if they are looking for the best of the best, things like the Calvary Bow, rather than just grabbing decent rank-appropriate stuff.

Not only that, but you're going to be progressing past any item not the highest available when you're rank 50 anyways. You're wasting gil and time if you don't just buy what you see available and get on with the ranking up of your job.

Furthermore at this point you should know or at least know of crafters who are high enough rank that they can easily make you anything you need that's a mid-rank item.


Londa said:
fyi, I am also looking for illuminating salts. Its seems that the only way to get this, is to know a fisherman for blind fish, or get it to drop from a mob. Sucks? yes.

DrDogg. I used the search last night and found the blindfish. So the search is helpful. You just need to wait for the items to be on sale.


Unknown Soldier said:
Not only that, but you're going to be progressing past any item not the highest available when you're rank 50 anyways. You're wasting gil and time if you don't just buy what you see available and get on with the ranking up of your job.

Furthermore at this point you should know or at least know of crafters who are high enough rank that they can easily make you anything you need that's a mid-rank item.

Agree with this, I think people stress too much about being over ranked on equipment, as long as your weapon is the correct rank you shouldn't worry.


Londa said:
DrDogg. I used the search last night and found the blindfish. So the search is helpful. You just need to wait for the items to be on sale.

I've been searching for blindfish and illuminating salt, as well as looking at the Alchemy leve rewards since I started the r20 alchemy quest. The best I've been able to do is find someone selling 3 blindfish. Unfortunately, I need 4 to craft the salt.

And yes, obviously if I wait, whatever I want will show up. The point is, I shouldn't have to wait weeks to get an item required for the first class quest. And the search is not helping at all.

Dreamwriter said:
See, I seriously doubt you've found literally no rank-appropriate equipment for all those classes. I look and I see a ton of stuff for all classes and ranks. Heck, the low-rank equipment wards are one of the most crowded with retainers. On my first try I even found a belt for my THM, for some reason belts have been hard to come by for me other than the big rope belt.

Maybe you are only looking for very specific items, the best of the best, and ignoring everything else? You'll never be able to find that stuff for all ranks and all classes, no matter how good an AH is. Because people have to actually craft the things. For a long time my static party's ARC was looking for a specific bow with a carbon-fibre string. But very few crafters found it worth making that bow. So he had to make due with a slightly worse one. Now at least he'd know within just a couple minutes if anyone had made one, and if not he'd be able to see right there what all his alternatives were.

Yes, I am lying. You totally caught me. I have not been looking for low rank weapons for 5 different classes over the last week. Or maybe I'm lying and I found all of it quickly and easily with this amazing search feature. *rolleyes*

Look, you can have your opinion, but don't sit here and tell me what I have and haven't been doing. Every single complaint I have with the search is valid and comes from direct experience with the search.

And guess what? I do expect to be able to find the weapon I'm looking for. Given how few weapons are in the game, it shouldn't be all that hard to find. Take MAR for example. There are four weapons available between 1 and 20 (1, 6, 10 and 20). I was looking for the r10 weapon. You're telling me that I should be happy with the r6 weapon or go way above my rank and get the r20 weapon? It's too much to ask that I get the r10 weapon when it's the ONLY MAR weapon between 7 and 19? That's just ridiculous.


DrDogg said:
And guess what? I do expect to be able to find the weapon I'm looking for. Given how few weapons are in the game, it shouldn't be all that hard to find. Take MAR for example. There are four weapons available between 1 and 20 (1, 6, 10 and 20). I was looking for the r10 weapon. You're telling me that I should be happy with the r6 weapon or go way above my rank and get the r20 weapon? It's too much to ask that I get the r10 weapon when it's the ONLY MAR weapon between 7 and 19? That's just ridiculous.

Crafters don't make the Bronze Labrys because NPCs sell them for 43k. If you're looking for R1-20 gear check a site like YG first because if an NPC sells it cheap, there's no player market for the item. Just buy the R10 ax from the NPC.


Azrael said:
Crafters don't make the Bronze Labrys because NPCs sell them for 43k. If you're looking for R1-20 gear check a site like YG first because if an NPC sells it cheap, there's no player market for the item. Just buy the R10 ax from the NPC.

The Bronze Labrys was just one of many examples. You can't get all low rank gear from NPCs, even if you don't mind the higher prices (and yes, the prices are high, not low). However, I'll address this specific example:

The lack of market is part of the problem, but it's not caused by an NPC selling the item.

NPCs sell a lot of items, but they're certainly not cheap. The Bronze Labrys usually goes for about 20k, the NPC sells it for twice that. It does not cost 20k to make, so there's profit either way.

The problem with this specific situation is that there's no incentive for the crafters to make low rank gear whether an NPC sells it or not. Most crafters are not crafting to make gil because you can do leves and make gil. Most crafters are crafting to raise their rank. You can't make low rank gear and accomplish this goal, so as the crafters get higher in rank, they make higher rank items.

It's a problem with the design of the system, not the NPC selling price of items. Honestly, there are a great many problems with the game (despite the fact that it has improved considerably since launch). It'll be awhile before things are running smoothly.


Articles and machines of war seen throughout the land with unprecedented frequency... Halone, the Fury, goddess of strife and struggle, poised to impose her will on the world of man...

What fate lies in store for Eorzea in the coming year...?

Square-Enix is teasing us again.


Rentahamster said:
How are they gonna take out the christmas theme and put in the new years theme?
You said the patch to put the items in, I said they are already in the game. Shocking I know.

Now you are just being petty/silly.

Patches are to add, remove and fix things like bugs and glitches. They can turn things on and off while its still in the dats. Why would they remove the christmas event dats, only to make us download the bells and chocobo decorations and items again?


Rodent Whores
Londa said:
Patches are to add, remove and fix things like bugs and glitches. They can turn things on and off while its still in the dats. Why would they remove the christmas event dats, only to make us download the bells and chocobo decorations and items again?

#1 I know those items are already in the DAT files. We discussed them before.

#2 Why are you accusing me of arguing techincalities/semantics and being petty/silly when you are the one who brought up the technicality in the first place?

#3 It's not a good idea to piss off the few posters who try to give you the benefit of the doubt and are at least understanding and charitable towards your posts here and who try to keep an open mind about what you have to say.


Rentahamster said:

#1 I know those items are already in the DAT files. We discussed them before.

Then don't say
Hopefully the patch to put those in does more than just bunny hats.

Rentahamster said:
#2 Why are you accusing me of arguing techincalities/semantics and being petty/silly when you are the one who brought up the technicality in the first place?

Actually all I said AT FIRST was that the dats were there in the game already. It was you who talked about removing the Christmas event only by doing a patch. It was After reading that, that I began to go into so called "technicalities".

Rentahamster said:
#3 It's not a good idea to piss off the few posters who try to give you the benefit of the doubt and are at least understanding and charitable towards your posts here and who try to keep an open mind about what you have to say.

First of all. They can't ban me so I don't care how any of them or you might feel towards me. You yourself sit around trolling me in this very topic. Now you want to pretend to be reasonable. :D:lol


Rodent Whores
Londa said:
Then don't say
There's a difference between having an item in the DAT files and having an item in the game. You seen anyone running around with a bunny hat yet? Didn't think so.

Londa said:
Actually all I said AT FIRST was that the dats were there in the game already.
No kidding.

Londa said:
It was you who talked about removing the Christmas event only by doing a patch.
Because I was clarifying my statement for you. Somehow you took it mean that I was being petty/silly when I had no such intention.

This question, this one simple question: "How are they gonna take out the christmas theme and put in the new years theme?" Qualifies as being petty/silly from your point of view?

Londa said:
It was After reading that, that I began to go into so called "technicalities".
Your first reply that "The items are in the DAT files, therefore they are in the game" IS a technicality. No shit they're in the DAT files. However, they're not in the game.

Let me put it this way: I was making a comment about the items not being in the game, and you decided to respond with "Oh ho HO! But TECHNICALLY they are in the game! They're in the DAT files!"

Londa said:
You yourself sit around trolling me in this very topic. Now you want to pretend to be reasonable. :D:lol
You responded to me and decided in your own little world that I was trying to get on your case when I didn't even address you to begin with.


Rentahamster said:
There's a difference between having an item in the DAT files and having an item in the game. You seen anyone running around with a bunny hat yet? Didn't think so.

No kidding.

Because I was clarifying my statement for you. Somehow you took it mean that I was being petty/silly when I had no such intention.

This question, this one simple question: "How are they gonna take out the christmas theme and put in the new years theme?" Qualifies as being petty/silly from your point of view?

Your first reply that "The items are in the DAT files, therefore they are in the game" IS a technicality. No shit they're in the DAT files. However, they're not in the game.

Let me put it this way: I was making a comment about the items not being in the game, and you decided to respond with "Oh ho HO! But TECHNICALLY they are in the game! They're in the DAT files!"

You responded to me and decided in your own little world that I was trying to get on your case when I didn't even address you to begin with.

Anyways, most would think that you expected a patch to add items to the game along with more game fixes, if they were to read your first statement that started this whole discussion. You took my comment as an attack because you are insecure. There really isn't a reason to talk about this stupid issue anymore. Its boring and lame.


Rodent Whores
Londa said:
Anyways, most would think that you expected a patch to add items to the game along with more game fixes, if they were to read your first statement that started this whole discussion.
Wrong again.

Rentahamster said:
Hopefully the patch to put those in does more than just bunny hats.
"to hope" != "to expect"

But even if I did "expect" them to add in more fixes...How is that a bad thing, and something worth getting on my case over?

Londa said:
You took my comment as an attack because you are insecure.
All I asked was, "How are they gonna take out the christmas theme and put in the new years theme?". In what universe of yours does that constitute me taking your comment as an attack? You then proceed to label my simple question as being "silly/petty" when it was obviously not. I'm not the one who's insecure here.

Londa said:
There really isn't a reason to talk about this stupid issue anymore. Its boring and lame.
In debate class, this kind of statement directly translates to "I've lost the argument horribly and I give up".


Dude is crazy.

Now for something actually about FFXIV and not hurt feelings....

I just got a email from SE announcing the version update that happened Dec 12. Aren't they a little late? :lol


Londa said:
First of all. They can't ban me so I don't care

If you feel this way why do you even post here, is it perhaps because you are the troll ?

You should leave and go to FFFXIVcore if all you want to do is argue over stupid shit all day.
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