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Final Fantasy XIV |OT| ARR: Alpha Closed. Beta mid-Feb

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Rodent Whores
A pretty good compilation of info on Battle Regimen.

Since the Nov patch, we've become fairly competent in the ways of BR, but I still think the system needs some tweaking.


Thanks to this article, I now know what controller commands initiate BR :lol

I had been doing it with the damn mouse this whole time since I didn't know what was the hotkey for BR and I couldn't make a "/br" macro since all my macro slots are full.


Rentahamster said:
A pretty good compilation of info on Battle Regimen.

Since the Nov patch, we've become fairly competent in the ways of BR, but I still think the system needs some tweaking.


Thanks to this article, I now know what controller commands initiate BR :lol

I had been doing it with the damn mouse this whole time since I didn't know what was the hotkey for BR and I couldn't make a "/br" macro since all my macro slots are full.

I knew there had to be a way to do that :lol Why its the main menu button I have no idea...but still yay.


what sucks about BR is it's completely borked when there's a HUGE crowd around you
but when it does go off, it's so useful


Pretty sure I learned about the button sequences a while back. Those havent changed.

Did not know about needing to initiate some action on the mob for BR to work. That may have been where some of our testing failed in the past.

Great write up but I wonder if Ill remember any of it when it would come in handy? :lol


Rodent Whores
hgplayer1 said:
Pretty sure I learned about the button sequences a while back. Those havent changed.

Did not know about needing to initiate some action on the mob for BR to work. That may have been where some of our testing failed in the past.

Great write up but I wonder if Ill remember any of it when it would come in handy? :lol
The testing failed in the past because prior to the November patch, BR failed to initiate 90% of the time.
Rentahamster said:
The testing failed in the past because prior to the November patch, BR failed to initiate 90% of the time.

There's still a bug where BR fails to activate because it thinks you are out of range of your target. It's pretty funny as an archer having to run up to the mob to initiate the BR and then run back to your usual distance afterwards. It's really annoying when the mob decides it's time to do a huge AoE attack right then.


ugh My LS leaders decided to merge with another LS and when doing so the other LS basically said that they only wanted so many of our members.More than half of us got booted after all we donated to the LS banks and stuff bunch of selfish pricks.All of us are all over now and really the LS was the only reason I kept playing meh bad situation.


Cmagus said:
ugh My LS leaders decided to merge with another LS and when doing so the other LS basically said that they only wanted so many of our members.More than half of us got booted after all we donated to the LS banks and stuff bunch of selfish pricks.All of us are all over now and really the LS was the only reason I kept playing meh bad situation.

that sucks. If the GAF linkshell ever did something like that I would probably be the one left behind. :lol


Cmagus said:
ugh My LS leaders decided to merge with another LS and when doing so the other LS basically said that they only wanted so many of our members.More than half of us got booted after all we donated to the LS banks and stuff bunch of selfish pricks.All of us are all over now and really the LS was the only reason I kept playing meh bad situation.

Why not get together with all the members that got left behind and start a "new" LS? Although I do agree that what the other LS did is basically crap


Dreamwriter said:
How did they boot you guys? Don't you have to be standing next to someone for them to boot you?

Nah they disbanded the LS.I haven't played in like 3 days I have been incredibly busy I came on a noticed I wasn't in my LS anymore and so did others.Basically the two leaders and their "best friends" took all the LS bank stuff like alot of money I had like close to 900k in there I donated over time and joined the other LS.

I messaged the leader and she basically said we disbanded and merged with another group but they dont want most of the lower level people (im lvl 29 i guess thats low) so yeah we disbanded.We had like 35+ people and like 6 went to the other LS.

Id love to make a group but I see alot running around now in other LS so its kind of too late everyone just kind of went their seperate ways


Its situations like this that make me hope companies give players better feelings of ownership. That way, a leader would think twice before just disbanding without making sure everyone knew what was up.
Unrelated news:

Due to this game, it has taken me until tonight to finally finish watching K-ON!! I kinda wish I had finished watching as it aired, but oh well.


so i finally quit the game today
rank 42 conj; 34 wvr
realized the only thing i actually have fun doing is making and selling overpriced underwear
and even that i can't fully enjoy because of how frequently the market crashes
so i asked myself, why am i canceling plans 5 nights a week to do repetitive leve runs for minuscule sp and not have fun
the answer should've been obvious

it's not indefinite though
will probably check back in 3 or 6 months when(not if) the game gets good

will suck to fall super behind everyone that's staying though, esp in crafts


Yeah...I was optimistic at first, but by the 14th it seems strange that no real news has popped up. Maybe they are waiting to say something substantial after they're the survey results?


Probably wont say anything till this current event ends or is nearing the end.Id like them to keep events going but change them up.Putting up bells and giving people stuff isn't much of an exciting event.What would be really cool is say events that focus on a new enemy.Maybe have it be like a collecting thing where each event debut a new monster and you need to either kill so many or complete multiple quests till you go through and get the last part and say fight the new monster.

I kind of like how Phantasy Star Universe did their events where they had either a new monster or a variation on one that you needed to kill and it gave you access further into the level.They could work it out that you can accept a quest it takes you to an area where you need to either kill something or gather something from dead monsters to unlock a gate and move forward and include chests and stuff along the way.

I dunno lol I am just so bored with the variety right now they really need to add something that's different. Adding new leves where I still need to go to the same place, activate it at a camp and go run around the same area is getting incredibly stale now.Also last thing please make a counter at each camp where I can get leves please having to run back to main city to get them is a real inconvenience.

They do need something soon morale in the game seems really down right now like you know people are playing but it seems more people are just dicking around in their LS in town then really playing it seems like there is a real fatigue overshadowing the game right now.


oh noes what am i doing
logging in to check if my panties sold or not
guess i really should uninstall the damn thing if i want a break...

Cmagus said:
Id like them to keep events going but change them up.Putting up bells and giving people stuff isn't much of an exciting event.

it's funny that they kept talking about leve this and leve that
these special events would've been the perfect place to use them
and they didn't

Cmagus said:
it seems like there is a real fatigue overshadowing the game right now.

:lol nice choice of word


Cmagus said:
ugh My LS leaders decided to merge with another LS and when doing so the other LS basically said that they only wanted so many of our members.More than half of us got booted after all we donated to the LS banks and stuff bunch of selfish pricks.All of us are all over now and really the LS was the only reason I kept playing meh bad situation.

Why is it necessary to have a LS bank in this game? What was the purpose of it?

In FFXI it made sense because you'd have items costing 5 million gil in the AH, or other items that require 10+ million through Salvage and the like. But 5 million gil in FFXI is about the equivalent of 50 million gil in FFXIV. Nothing really costs that much at this point and especially nothing worth that much. So not understanding why you'd give 900k to your LS.


DrDogg said:
Why is it necessary to have a LS bank in this game? What was the purpose of it?

In FFXI it made sense because you'd have items costing 5 million gil in the AH, or other items that require 10+ million through Salvage and the like. But 5 million gil in FFXI is about the equivalent of 50 million gil in FFXIV. Nothing really costs that much at this point and especially nothing worth that much. So not understanding why you'd give 900k to your LS.

The bank was for people who needed help or if new armour and crap came out we could all use it to buy mats and stuff to make it for everyone.Also we did things like a weekly lottery and stuff just like linkshell community stuff to get people involved
I world have thought after that big drama with the EVE Bank where people had billions of their virtual ducats stolen that people would have learned not to give anybody their virtual ducats to keep "safe".


Unknown Soldier said:
I world have thought after that big drama with the EVE Bank where people had billions of their virtual ducats stolen that people would have learned not to give anybody their virtual ducats to keep "safe".

I doubt most people know about that anyway.

I would probably never contribute my whole amount of virtual money to a group like that for anything unless it was gonna be used immediately.

Keep 200k or so to yourself. That just seems smart.


Indeed, LS banks are such a bad idea, they cause so much drama its really not worth it.

Saying that WoW has a good way to do it now in that once your guild reaches a certain level any money you loot an extra % is given directly to the guild bank. (of course it still doesn't stop the GM from running off with it all :p)


Yeah I wasn't crazy about it but you know it was one of those things where everyone contributed and we didn't mind.The leaders of our Linkshell kind of disbanded out of nowhere like no one saw it coming.I did lose 900K which sucks but I didn't dump it all at once it was slowly id pitch a few bucks here and there.

It was a really enjoyable linkshell I think the biggest problem was that the Higher level players kind of started to become snobs.Like a good part of a linkshell is to have everyone play together from time to time like a community but everyone is so caught up on the SP problems that no one wanted to do that.Kind of sad I mean yeah the highers won't get much but I mean it is a game and sometimes just playing can be fun to not everything has to be a grind.

I just found it that when I wanted to grind Id just go to Nanawa or some Cassopeia and grind and do the occasional leves with other my level. I got to the point where I just wanted to play and the newer players who were having trouble Id help them out and just play and shoot the shit so to say and that was far more enjoyable than grinding.

Our LS bank wasnt just money though it was armor as well and weapons so it was kind of there to help out newer people and we also had a point system where attending events, weekly lottery, Donating to the bank all this got you points and you could use those points to buy stuff from the LS Bank it was kind of nice and it got people to participate.I think it was just another way to add something a little extra to the game and it did work quite well.


So I decided to pack the game in today for the final time.It has been quite the experience but like many it was just too little to late.time to retire my Lalafell.

Final Stats:

Physical Level 29
Archer Level 29
Marauder Level 17
Carpenter Level 21
Weaver Level 16



Rentahamster said:
Damn Cmagus that sucks. How come you didn't join us in Lindblum? We're all cool cats :D

I wanted to but the server was full I couldn't get on it.I tried a few servers and played with some gaffers on one which was alot of fun but that server and another for me became way to unstable I was constantly dropping through the map and the lag was huge.I finally tried Besaid and it just worked so I remained there.


Cmagus said:
So I decided to pack the game in today for the final time.It has been quite the experience but like many it was just too little to late.time to retire my Lalafell.

Final Stats:

Physical Level 29
Archer Level 29
Marauder Level 17
Carpenter Level 21
Weaver Level 16


I love the music in that zone so much. Can you get inside that castle thing though? When I was in beta I wasn't high enough or hadn't done the required missions or something.


HappyBivouac said:
I'm still here. I'm just waiting until this game is as good as FFXI was circa January 2004.

That makes me wonder how long it'll take to get the game as good as FFXI is as of right now.


Moobabe said:
I love the music in that zone so much. Can you get inside that castle thing though? When I was in beta I wasn't high enough or hadn't done the required missions or something.

AFAIK, there is no known way to get into Ishgard yet. The guards talk about only letting people who have passed some sort of "Test of faith" through, so I'm guessing they might have people do some sort of quest before you can get in there


Is it just me, or does it seem like they've been communicating with the players LESS after the management switch? Maybe I'm just too impatient, but it seems like ages since the last time we heard about something new coming to the game.


Rodent Whores
Forbiden said:
Is it just me, or does it seem like they've been communicating with the players LESS after the management switch? Maybe I'm just too impatient, but it seems like ages since the last time we heard about something new coming to the game.
Yeah, that's really annoying, but I just chalk it up to the fact that they've just had the big restructuring and have no idea what they're going to do just yet.

Still, I'd like to have some feedback on SOMETHING. It's not good PR otherwise.


Rodent Whores
Looks like it's no more fishing SP bonanza. Crappy update :/

[Update Details]
- The amount of skill points and experience points gained from "fishing point investigation" type regional levequests have been adjusted.

- The following issues have been addressed:

* Players would experience a "(40000)4" error when entering the market wards.

* The FINAL FANTASY XIV client would forcefully shutdown when a player executes a macro with a specific combination of text commands.
Please tell me they nerfed that shit where you could fish up a particular fish that could be turned into wind shards by an alchemist which means you can essentially make a million gil a day just by standing there fishing. That was fucking bullshit.


Rodent Whores
I think they just nerfed the technique where you could get a bajillion SP for the whole 30 min duration of those "promising fishing spots" leves.
How much SP are we talking? If it's like tens of thousands it kind of illegitimizes supposedly high ranking fishermen. They've had like 4 months to totally abuse that :/
Unknown Soldier said:
Please tell me they nerfed that shit where you could fish up a particular fish that could be turned into wind shards by an alchemist which means you can essentially make a million gil a day just by standing there fishing. That was fucking bullshit.

I don't like it either. It reeks of rusty cap fishing even though I know it's not exactly the same thing. At first I thought it would be a good thing, but it's way too easy to exploit. For one, having it be rank 1 Alchemist is a bad idea-- it might as well not even require a craft to do it at that point. Hell, even crystal smashing is rank 16-- this is higher yield (more HQ) AND cheaper to do. If they want to make fishing better they really need to make food/cooking worthwhile with clearly marked effects and food that actually does stuff. The shard thing is just asking for trouble.


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Staff Member
MomoPufflet said:
How much SP are we talking? If it's like tens of thousands it kind of illegitimizes supposedly high ranking fishermen. They've had like 4 months to totally abuse that :/

Nah, i think they fix the leve to par the catch X fish ones. Examining fishing points gave aroung 100 sp per Point while the other with aspect can give like 600sp.
MomoPufflet said:
I don't like it either. It reeks of rusty cap fishing even though I know it's not exactly the same thing. At first I thought it would be a good thing, but it's way too easy to exploit. For one, having it be rank 1 Alchemist is a bad idea-- it might as well not even require a craft to do it at that point. Hell, even crystal smashing is rank 16-- this is higher yield (more HQ) AND cheaper to do. If they want to make fishing better they really need to make food/cooking worthwhile with clearly marked effects and food that actually does stuff. The shard thing is just asking for trouble.

The fishing up wind shards exploit is especially egregious but the whole economy of the game is fundamentally dysfunctional. The only thing anybody ever spends gil on is new gear and repairs, nothing else. Crafters occasionally buy shards but most people gather their own materials for crafting or trade farmed items freely amongst their fellow LS members. There is almost no economic activity in this game whatsoever outside of buying or selling gear and shards, as what few mats people gather which are worth anything sell for a fraction what what new gear costs. Shards can cost crafters a lot of money but when they are making money back at a rate of 10 times what they spend, the outlay for buying shards is almost meaningless to high level crafters.

The result of this is massive sums of wealth are accumulating in the hands of crafters (the residents of Upper Midgar) while adventurers scrape around in filth and muck (the residents of Lower Midgar). Eventually if Squenix implements the AH, there will be a pancaking collapse of Midgar's upper plates right on top of the lower plates in the form of massive hyperinflation that makes Zimbabwe look like a boring day at the economists' annual forum.

We're talking about your average high level crafter having anywhere from 25-50 million gil on most servers at this point and your average adventurer having ROFLCOPTER gil. I would not be surprised if there are a few crafter people with 100 million gil or more at this point on the more heavily populated servers. It only took Aurica Valentia about a month to accumulate 30 million gil on his way to being the game's first rank 50 armorer, after which he quit because he literally had nobody on the server to sell anything to. In a month he had probably gathered a large proportion of the whole Lindblum server's wealth to himself.

If AH is ever implemented you can expect a rank 6 weapon to cost 10 million gil because of how fucked up the economy is and how there are only super-rich people and dirt-poor people, there is literally no middle class in this game and there are no gil sinks of any kind since nobody ever uses the repair NPCs which is the only gil sink that Squenix has thought to implement. People go out of their way to flip the middle finger at the repair NPCs because they made the repair NPCs so fucktarded in terms of how much it costs and only repairing to 75% durability. If Squenix made repair NPCs charge half of what they charge now and repair to 100% durability most people would use them and there might actually be gil sinking, as it is the amount of gil in the game is increasing at a geometric rate because none of it ever leaves the economy, it just accumulates, and will soon make the hilarity of everything costing millions of isk in EVE look quaint by comparison.

Oh, and random FFVII analogy FTW!
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