MomoPufflet said:
I don't like it either. It reeks of rusty cap fishing even though I know it's not exactly the same thing. At first I thought it would be a good thing, but it's way too easy to exploit. For one, having it be rank 1 Alchemist is a bad idea-- it might as well not even require a craft to do it at that point. Hell, even crystal smashing is rank 16-- this is higher yield (more HQ) AND cheaper to do. If they want to make fishing better they really need to make food/cooking worthwhile with clearly marked effects and food that actually does stuff. The shard thing is just asking for trouble.
The fishing up wind shards exploit is especially egregious but the whole economy of the game is fundamentally dysfunctional. The only thing anybody ever spends gil on is new gear and repairs, nothing else. Crafters occasionally buy shards but most people gather their own materials for crafting or trade farmed items freely amongst their fellow LS members. There is almost no economic activity in this game whatsoever outside of buying or selling gear and shards, as what few mats people gather which are worth anything sell for a fraction what what new gear costs. Shards can cost crafters a lot of money but when they are making money back at a rate of 10 times what they spend, the outlay for buying shards is almost meaningless to high level crafters.
The result of this is massive sums of wealth are accumulating in the hands of crafters (the residents of Upper Midgar) while adventurers scrape around in filth and muck (the residents of Lower Midgar). Eventually if Squenix implements the AH, there will be a pancaking collapse of Midgar's upper plates right on top of the lower plates in the form of massive hyperinflation that makes Zimbabwe look like a boring day at the economists' annual forum.
We're talking about your average high level crafter having anywhere from 25-50 million gil on most servers at this point and your average adventurer having ROFLCOPTER gil. I would not be surprised if there are a few crafter people with 100 million gil or more at this point on the more heavily populated servers. It only took Aurica Valentia about a month to accumulate 30 million gil on his way to being the game's first rank 50 armorer, after which he quit because he literally had nobody on the server to sell anything to. In a month he had probably gathered a large proportion of the whole Lindblum server's wealth to himself.
If AH is ever implemented you can expect a rank 6 weapon to cost 10 million gil because of how fucked up the economy is and how there are only super-rich people and dirt-poor people, there is literally no middle class in this game and there are no gil sinks of any kind since nobody ever uses the repair NPCs which is the only gil sink that Squenix has thought to implement. People go out of their way to flip the middle finger at the repair NPCs because they made the repair NPCs so fucktarded in terms of how much it costs and only repairing to 75% durability. If Squenix made repair NPCs charge half of what they charge now and repair to 100% durability most people would use them and there might actually be gil sinking, as it is the amount of gil in the game is increasing at a geometric rate because none of it ever leaves the economy, it just accumulates, and will soon make the hilarity of everything costing millions of isk in EVE look quaint by comparison.
Oh, and random FFVII analogy FTW!