Unknown Soldier said:T
We're talking about your average high level crafter having anywhere from 25-50 million gil on most servers at this point and your average adventurer having ROFLCOPTER gil. I would not be surprised if there are a few crafter people with 100 million gil or more at this point on the more heavily populated servers. It only took Aurica Valentia about a month to accumulate 30 million gil on his way to being the game's first rank 50 armorer, after which he quit because he literally had nobody on the server to sell anything to. In a month he had probably gathered a large proportion of the whole Lindblum server's wealth to himself.
This only applies to jobless shut-ins (like that Aurica twat) who were able to get R40+ crafts in the first month and sell Bronze Cuirass for like 500,000-1,000,000g each or whatever retarded ripoff amount. I'm 42ARM and if 25-50mil is the norm I'm doing something really, really wrong. Seriously, gear sells for shit now so unless you're crafting/selling on like 4 different accounts or exploiting some weird synth there's no way to be that rich anymore. The economy has already been raped, pillaged, and left for dead by the people who played 23 hours a day in the beginning, trust me. The average 40+ leve-link grinder with no crafts has more gil than me now.
To reiterrate, the ONLY reason Aurica got rich is because he could rip people off in the beginning. He didn't do anything magical or smart; he's not Bill Gates. Gear sells for 1/100th of what he got for it. The economy is SHIT.