My buddy asked me to play tonight I had stopped and have been playing DCUO but I said sure why not and its funny at just how much shit in this game is so tiresome.
The biggest issue this game faces is travel.This is the single biggest issue that should be fixed first it's a true inconvenience and it just ruins this game completely. I was doing some crafting tonight and I needed a material willow chips but there was none in the markets and neither willow logs to make them.
The only way I can et them is in Gridania but I have no anima so I cant do that cause I'm not running from Uldah to Gridania it just takes way to long. Im just sitting here thinking that anything you can think of doing in this game always comes with some kind of inconvenience in some way. Its a game and I want to play a game its so tiresome knowing that the item i need is around but getting to it is an issue, I am tired of friends messaging me asking me to come join their party but I'm in a different city with no anima and that idea gets squashed cause no one wants to run for 20 minutes or get on a boat and stand there for 10 minutes to play together.
The SP is fucked so people don't like to party as much with slightly lower people so that kills group shit. The leves are boring as shit and frankly another issue I have is the ridiculously long death penalty which sucks so much ass. 3 minutes really? so much fun running back to your leve only too stand around for two minutes doing nothing and further more the fact they not only cut your hp in half but you have a 50/50 chance of your attack going through.Either it works or you get This action cannot be performed so your almost forced to wait.
I don't know why I played tonight cause it just made me more pissed off with this game nothing went right tonight and everything was such an inconvenience I wasted more time running and searching for shit then actually playing the game.
The biggest issue this game faces is travel.This is the single biggest issue that should be fixed first it's a true inconvenience and it just ruins this game completely. I was doing some crafting tonight and I needed a material willow chips but there was none in the markets and neither willow logs to make them.
The only way I can et them is in Gridania but I have no anima so I cant do that cause I'm not running from Uldah to Gridania it just takes way to long. Im just sitting here thinking that anything you can think of doing in this game always comes with some kind of inconvenience in some way. Its a game and I want to play a game its so tiresome knowing that the item i need is around but getting to it is an issue, I am tired of friends messaging me asking me to come join their party but I'm in a different city with no anima and that idea gets squashed cause no one wants to run for 20 minutes or get on a boat and stand there for 10 minutes to play together.
The SP is fucked so people don't like to party as much with slightly lower people so that kills group shit. The leves are boring as shit and frankly another issue I have is the ridiculously long death penalty which sucks so much ass. 3 minutes really? so much fun running back to your leve only too stand around for two minutes doing nothing and further more the fact they not only cut your hp in half but you have a 50/50 chance of your attack going through.Either it works or you get This action cannot be performed so your almost forced to wait.
I don't know why I played tonight cause it just made me more pissed off with this game nothing went right tonight and everything was such an inconvenience I wasted more time running and searching for shit then actually playing the game.