Unknown Soldier
Rentahamster said:Post on the official forums with me!
Lotsa people on there with bad ideas on how to fix this game (including me) har har har.
I have stuff to do (see above). :3
I've been alternating playing Castlevania: LoS with some Resonance of Fate. RoF is completely and totally batshit awesome with a combat system which not only feels fluid but also looks ridiculous and flashy and totally enjoyable to watch. You would die of boredom watching someone fighting in FFXIV, whereas in RoF you get distracted with all the people running and jumping around and pumping enemies full of sweet hot lead while the screen yells "SMACKDOWN!" and "BONUS SHOT!" at you in huge letters and then you forget to push the button you planned on pushing. It's amazing that an RPG manages to capture the whole flashy John Woo-style bullet ballet look of combat better than the official John Woo-style bullet ballet game Stranglehold. It's everything Bioware failed to accomplish in Dragon Age II: "Push a button, and something awesome happens." That's RoF's combat in a