Rentahamster said:@ Gromph - holy crap, the Wutai forums are full of bickering. Is there really that much drama on your server?
Rentahamster said:@ Gromph - holy crap, the Wutai forums are full of bickering. Is there really that much drama on your server?
Gromph said:Yeah![]()
Jinko said:I duno Tera is looking just as good IMO, art style is completely different though.
Rentahamster said:Tera is using the Unreal Engine 3 right? Looks nice. Why doesn't SE just license that or CryEngine? Does it benefit them more in the long run to waste so much time and energy to create that Crystal Tools stuff?
Unknown Soldier said:I see a distinct lack of catgirls in those shots.
Jinko said:You can have this instead.
Rentahamster said:Just killed Morbol (Rank 65 Marlboro mob), but that wasn't hard enough, so we went to kill Creeping Ivy (Rank 75 mob).
Sent that thing straight to hell. Rank 50 Thaumaturge skills sure came in handy when tanking it.
Unknown Soldier said:[IMG]
I guess you guys don't need me for anything after all. So be it. ; ;[/QUOTE]
You woulda been a big help with the creeping ivies.
lol ya we do, the whole time we were saying, gee I hope Kawaii comes online this would be a whole lot easier if she were here.Unknown Soldier said:I guess you guys don't need me for anything after all. So be it. ; ;
Coldsnap said:I refuse to play any MMO with a warrior class and a berserker class.
Emenis said:You woulda been a big help with the creeping ivies.
Rentahamster said:lol ya we do, the whole time we were saying, gee I hope Kawaii comes online this would be a whole lot easier if she were here.
(I left out the part in my story where we party wiped 5 times before even killing Creeping Ivy once).
After we got the battle plan down, we killed 2 more without (much) incident.
Cool. After killing the Marlboros, I did some NMs. Tanked Dodore as a THM, it was pretty cool.Unknown Soldier said:I <3 you guys too but I'm not sure when I'll be back. It will depend a lot on some RL things I'm dealing with which cannot wait any longer. Nothing life-or-death important but I've been putting off things in my life for about 6 months because of this game, and the server shutdown-enforced downtime has given me an opportunity to resolve a few things.
Rentahamster said:Cool. After killing the Marlboros, I did some NMs. Tanked Dodore as a THM, it was pretty cool.
Oh, I was actually referring to a battle that we did after the first one. The first one was a bit of a crapshoot because of no prep time and I had to quickly spec out of MRD and into THM, so I had only one "reassign" worth of points to allocate.Coldsnap said:You did a good job btw too. I don't know why the battle went tits up but mele was burning down the adds faster then I usually so it.
Rentahamster said:Let me save unique stat and skillset profiles per class, SE. Seriously, the armory system is supposed to promote playing multiple jobs, but the stupid stat reassignment and skill reassignment bullshit is really making the whole process a pain in the ass.
The bonus point allotment system was intended to be a means by which players could customize their character's individuality. The free distribution of attribute points has given rise to certain problems, however, such as compatibility issues with the Armoury system, and the lowered effectiveness of the attributes themselves. In particular, this lowered effectiveness of attributes also extends its influence to items, and is therefore something that we feel must be rectified. To do so, we are currently looking into the following two options:
1. Removal of the bonus point system, and the addition of automatic allotment of attribute points based on class.
2. Removal of physical levels, and the addition of class-specific allotment of attribute points for each class based on rank.
8. Would you prefer option 1, option 2, or the current system?
To be honest, I'm genuinely surprised by the response to Question 8, as are Matsui and Gondai on the battle team. We certainly didn't think that over 50% of players would be for doing away with physical levels. This would entail some pretty big changes tied in with enhancing class uniqueness. But we're coming to realize now that most of you seem to be saying you're fine with radical changes as long as they make the game more fun. We'll definitely refer to this data when coming up with new specs, and will be implementing them when we can!
TheFatOne said:For the next couple of weeks I think I am only going to focus on gathering jobs. I can only play for and hour sometimes 2 hours so I don't have much time to work on anything else.
Hello adventurers of FFXIV! This is battle lead Akihiko Matsui.
I would like to take this moment to explain the current plans we have in place.
First off, once the future battle balance and battle system adjustments take place, we feel that the implementation of auto-attack is quite necessary. Please embrace this as just one of the many necessary revamps needed to create more interesting and strategy rich battles as well as solve the tediousness of having to spam a button.
With this said, I do not feel that the implementation of auto-attack will solve everything. In other threads there have been many topics coming up about what is going to happen to the stamina gauge and claim system, how classes should have unique qualities and stats, whats going to happen with monsters, raid dungeons, equipment, etc. I have looked over all of the great number of elements and at the current stage feel that without implementing auto-attack that the future battle system would be impossible.
Compared to the FFXI auto-attack system, we are thinking about making the auto-attack system for FFXIV have a shorter attack delay. (This has been a heated debate on the forum, and having been lead of FFXI please forgive me for bringing it up as a point of comparison. There is no "better" or "worse" system.)
The objective here is not to lower the battle difficulty. The main objective here, when thinking about battles rich in strategy, pace, and exhilaration, is instead of having to time regular attacks, we will be preparing situations that require proper timing of abilities, magic, and weapon skills. Following this, weaker enemies are a different story, but we will make sure its balanced so you cant win a fight just by using auto-attack.
Due to the fact we still have a lot of elements that need to be tested and looked into, it is difficult for me to tell you any more info in great detail, but if you give me some time I will do my best to share the information with you. Thank you!
Hello everyone! We have more details that further flesh out the design ideas behind the current UI change and tidbits on what the future will bring. Without further ado, here is a new comment from UI lead, Hiroshi Minagawa.
Hey everyone! Thanks for the huge amount of feedback!
I would like to explain two things.
The first is about the design choice regarding having an aggressive icon at all and the second is in regards to our plans to integrate an ON/OFF toggle for displayed UI elements.
First, as to the reason why we added the aggressive monster icon, for the upcoming battle fixes, we decided to display addition information necessary for battle strategy.
There are many aspects related to the upcoming battle fixes, but one example of how we are making adjustments that lead to more enjoyable gameplay is by showing information such as the strength of field monsters (their level), whether or not they are aggressive, and whether or not they will link. With this new information, players can make a decision whether they wish to fight these types of enemies and it also allows them to plan crowd control out ahead of time.
Due to the fact that a quick fix for this is quite difficult, we have been making adjustments in stages. We have discussions with Yoshida and the battle team about what kind of info should be shown and what should be masked and once we make a decision we have been implementing them.
The current aggressive icon and the upcoming enemy level display are only one part of the current stage of edits.
Next on the agenda is the ON/OFF display toggle.
The aggressive icon that was recently implemented was a bit of information we wanted players to be able to check easily that fits hand-in-hand with the future battle plans, and thus we released it as a full-time display feature. Originally we thought that the icon wasnt something that needed to be easily turned on/off, but after seeing the current reactions and hearing all of your feedback, after long consideration we have decided to make it possible to toggle the display. We will also continue to make adjustments to display toggling and display methods for the information displays we have planned for the future.
I apologize for not going into more detail earlier, but hopefully now you can better see our reasoning for the implementation.
Jinko said:Spamming 1 1 1 isn't much different to letting the game do it for me.
The objective here is not to lower the battle difficulty. The main objective here, when thinking about battles rich in strategy, pace, and exhilaration, is instead of having to time regular attacks, we will be preparing situations that require proper timing of abilities, magic, and weapon skills. Following this, weaker enemies are a different story, but we will make sure its balanced so you cant win a fight just by using auto-attack.
There are many aspects related to the upcoming battle fixes, but one example of how we are making adjustments that lead to more enjoyable gameplay is by showing information such as the strength of field monsters (their level), whether or not they are aggressive, and whether or not they will link.
Letter from the Producer, VII (04/01/2011)
Well, the game servers are now back online, and the development is almost returned to full strength, but the effects of the recent Tohoku earthquake and tsunami are far-reaching and profound. Much as those in the areas directly affected by the tragedy, we here in Tokyo must also remain vigilant. Were continuing with our energy conservation efforts here at the office, and the while hoping that FFXIV might serve to bring smiles to some faces out there.
That being said, Id like report on recent dev team activity. We were just about to begin testing on the now released patch 1.16a when the earthquake struck, and for that reason delayed its release. In addition, patch 1.17 was initially pushed back to mid-April, but after reexamination weve decided instead to divide the content and release it across two patches1.17 and 1.17a.
Patch 1.17 contains an upcoming seasonal event slated for April. If we keep all of the other initially planned content, however, we wouldnt be able to have the patch ready in time to coincide with Easerrr, said seasonal event in the real world. So weve reduced the volume of patch 1.17 down to about 70% of its original size, and pushed the remaining 30% over to 1.17a. This way, all of the content can be released with minimal delay in between, and it will also allow us to get this holiday event released in time (dont worry, there are no bells in this one).
Even so, this still wont make up for all of the time lost from our original schedule. As a result, unfortunately, were going to have to forgo the event planned for a national Japanese holiday in early May. Since the April seasonal event kicks off later than intended, it will continue even after April 24th in the real worldwhatever that day may be. I realize this is all less than ideal, but hope you understand and bear with us.
One last thing. A portion of the changes in patches 1.17 and 1.17a are preparations for the mid- and high-rank PvE content planned for later release. As soon as we hammer out the basics of the new dungeon and raid environments, well be throwing out some screenshots and introducing them to you.
Best keep it short to give the translators more time on the quests, so thats all for this letter. Talk to you again soon!
Unknown Soldier said:Quests? High-rank PvE content? Where? Gimme gimme!
No time for that now, got to watch The World God Only Knows so I'll be ready for season 2 airing in just a week and a half!
Emenis said:
Emenis said:Seriously, even I'm reaching my breaking point with this game. Before we started doing leves today I didn't feel like doing anything and was gonna log off for the day but instead we did leves for a couple hours and I at least enjoyed that.
I've noticed a lot of people are no longer playing since servers went back up. Well, at least people I knew.
I'm just glad we still have at least a small group that I love playing with. If it wasn't for them I probably wouldn't bother playing.
Emenis said:Seriously, even I'm reaching my breaking point with this game. Before we started doing leves today I didn't feel like doing anything and was gonna log off for the day but instead we did leves for a couple hours and I at least enjoyed that.
I've noticed a lot of people are no longer playing since servers went back up. Well, at least people I knew.
I'm just glad we still have at least a small group that I love playing with. If it wasn't for them I probably wouldn't bother playing. The game definitely has potential..
Emenis said:Seriously, even I'm reaching my breaking point with this game. Before we started doing leves today I didn't feel like doing anything and was gonna log off for the day but instead we did leves for a couple hours and I at least enjoyed that.
I've noticed a lot of people are no longer playing since servers went back up. Well, at least people I knew.
I'm just glad we still have at least a small group that I love playing with. If it wasn't for them I probably wouldn't bother playing. The game definitely has potential..
Jinko said:
Emenis said:Seriously, even I'm reaching my breaking point with this game. Before we started doing leves today I didn't feel like doing anything and was gonna log off for the day but instead we did leves for a couple hours and I at least enjoyed that.
I've noticed a lot of people are no longer playing since servers went back up. Well, at least people I knew.
I'm just glad we still have at least a small group that I love playing with. If it wasn't for them I probably wouldn't bother playing. The game definitely has potential..
Emenis said:I'm just glad we still have at least a small group that I love playing with. If it wasn't for them I probably wouldn't bother playing. The game definitely has potential..
Kandinsky said:Any news on instanced dungeons stuff?
Come online tomorrow (noonish?). We're saving leves for then.Unknown Soldier said:It's too bad you guys do your small group so early in the day and I'm always still at work. You're right, the only reason I was still playing was because of the people I made friends with. Take that away, and I have no reason to play at all.
Dracos said:Who do I have to speak with to get a LS invite? I just started a new toon on Lindblum.