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Final Fantasy XIV |OT| ARR: Alpha Closed. Beta mid-Feb

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They can do way better than Triple Triad. TT got boring quick after FF8. Why not try to implement something with the complexity of a good card/board game hybrid? Actually, I just want the Parley thing to work out better and matter more.


Rodent Whores
Riposte said:
They can do way better than Triple Triad. TT got boring quick after FF8. Why not try to implement something with the complexity of a good card/board game hybrid? Actually, I just want the Parley thing to work out better and matter more.
Well, the reason I went with Triple Triad is because it's already one of the most favorite FF minigames, and the rules/concept is already set so they wouldn't need to waste time thinking of a brand new game.

They need to improve this game fast, and time's running out. Implementing a simple yet complex minigame like Triple Triad wouldn't be as hard as making a brand new mini game from scratch.

It has a collecting angle that would give the OCD players something to do.

It has a PvP element that would give the PvPers something to do.

It has a PvE element that would give the PvEers something to do and places to explore.

Greatest Mini-Game of all time...OF ALL TIME!

Pipomantis said:
Forkball said:

You guys seriously need to join us in Tera. A bunch of Gaffers are getting on board in the other thread. It's actually not that hard to get set up with the Korean version of the game. I know you people have the thirty bucks since we've all been playing FFXIV for free since launch and saving on the monthly fee. We even have a Vent server so you can shout at people when you have a question about something in the moonspeak UI!
This is the relevant thread:

The glacial pace of development really makes me think that Squenix won't be able to release the PS3 version (and charge for FFXIV!) until 2012.

Hurry up and buy your goddamn Tera accounts and download the game so you can play with me. I just fought my first instance boss, he was so big I could only see his feet when I was circle-kiting around him from a fully zoomed out view. And I was told he was one of the SMALL bosses. Oh, I killed him too with some help from one of our high-level Gaffers. :3
Salaadin said:
Go there and Click "Join the community" to sign up for the forums and get a login name.

Go there with your newly acquired forum name and sign up for the beta.

No way. All this time it was already underway? Sweet. Applied.

Riposte said:
They can do way better than Triple Triad. TT got boring quick after FF8. Why not try to implement something with the complexity of a good card/board game hybrid? Actually, I just want the Parley thing to work out better and matter more.

Awww. I still think it is pretty awesome.
I can tell you that being able to jump in Tera makes everything a million times nicer and easier. Instead of having to run around EVERY TINY LITTLE ENVIRONMENT OBJECT you can just jump over obstacles and keep going.

Personally I would want them to put Blitzball in if they are going to carry over a minigame from another FF title.


Sure Jump is nice but I don't think its that important to be the number 1 most discussed subject on the forums.

I haven't been in the thread though so its most likely a bunch of fan boys arguing about breaking immersion.

From the mod team.
About Transport said:
We're trying to get the dev. team to discuss what they've got planned in regards to transportation as things go forward. Hang tight, everyone!

Hmm, I wonder what they have planned. What do you guys think? There are some interesting comments we've been reading, so feel free to toss out more ideas!

about loot rolling said:
Hello everyone,

We went over to the development team's desk and asked them about the future of the looting system.

As of now, a discussion on adjustment of looting system is taking place.
However there are many other updates and adjustments that need to be made on FINAL FANTASY XIV, they still need more time to have further discussion on this matter.

We will continue to keep this matter in our mind and if there happens to be an update, we will let you know so please hang tight.
Also if you happen to have any ideas and feedback, they are more than welcome so please don't hesitate to send them.


I seriously think the FFXIV existing fanbase is the game's worst enemy right now. When I go on the official forums the only posts that make any sense are from frustrated fans who want to like the game but can't get past the handful of glaring mistakes that make it so monotonous and boring. The existing playerbase just keeps defending the problems with the game just because it suits their personal tastes.

They seem to forget they're one of about what, 15k-30k people who still actively play the game? There's no way they will be able to sustain the game on their own, so they'll need to let the devteam change some things or they'll lose the game entirely. These threads with people fighting against autoattack are absurd. The combat system is awful and needs to be fully redone, implementing autoattack is a step in the right direction. Pressing LIGHT STRIKE 50 times during a fight is in no way better than just having an autoattack system.

I agree 100% with people who lament the slow development process. It's a business, and SE needs to decide whether they're either going to actively pursue making this game better or just let it die off, because they can't keep limping along and tossing out minor changes (even though I 100% support EVERY change they've made so far, level icons and aggro notifications are ridiculously small changes that make the game much more playable) while other games like Rift and TERA and eventually TOR and GW2 are going to completely eat their lunch.

I just want to shake some of these people on the official forms and tell them, "If you really love this game, you have to let them fix it, otherwise it's going to die and you'll never be able to play it again." Better yet, maybe we could get House MD to come in and do it, because he seems to have a knack for making people consent to things.
The flying magic horsey ride is really an impressive ride.

Leaving Nub Island on your flying magic horsey:

This game doesn't have a Loading screen. It has a FUCKAWESOME FLYING THROUGH A PORTAL SCREEN:

Remember the first time you started Oblivion? Remember the pre-rendered city flyover opening cinematic? Now imagine it being rendered in real-time by Unreal Engine 3:

Yes, this is the game's first main city. You fly into it and land on the game's version of a helipad, though it's actually a flying magic horsey pad.

All major zones in the game are connected by flying magic horsey, it's similar in concept to the transporter NPCs in Aion you paid money to send you flying from one zone to another. The game isn't truly seamless, as with FFXIV, you travel from zone to zone, but zone transitions are hidden by flying through the portals and the game loads while you are in the Tunnel of Light. Magic horsey rides are free and unlimited, and you can travel across the entire Eastern continent by taking connecting magic horsey flights at each magic horsey pad. Sure beats the hell out of running everywhere and counting how much Anima you have left to teleport with. Also, you can get your first mount at level 20, if you complete a chain of quests at level 22 your first mount is free. And before you ask, no this game doesn't have flying mounts you can control, the magic horseys follow a pre-set flight-path from horsey pad to horsey pad.


I think TERA looks amazing, but wouldn't it make more sense to post all this in the TERA thread, to which I am also subbed?
Jinko said:
Terta Master was better than Triple Triad.
Never learned how to play that one. I think the learning curve puts it off for me.

Amneisac said:
I seriously think the FFXIV existing fanbase is the game's worst enemy right now. When I go on the official forums the only posts that make any sense are from frustrated fans who want to like the game but can't get past the handful of glaring mistakes that make it so monotonous and boring. The existing playerbase just keeps defending the problems with the game just because it suits their personal tastes.

That is what people do though. Talk about things they prefer and it is up to devs to figure out which ones are valid complaints and which are not. Shooting for wide appeal is an art not a science. At least it looks like they are trying.

Amneisac said:
They seem to forget they're one of about what, 15k-30k people who still actively play the game? There's no way they will be able to sustain the game on their own, so they'll need to let the devteam change some things or they'll lose the game entirely. These threads with people fighting against autoattack are absurd. The combat system is awful and needs to be fully redone, implementing autoattack is a step in the right direction. Pressing LIGHT STRIKE 50 times during a fight is in no way better than just having an autoattack system.

It is all personal preference. Some people prefer to call the shots, it makes them seem more involved. As a mage I rarely ever use normal attacks because I tend to down enemies with blasts from my other spells. It is an active process for me because I chose certain spells to avoid cool down period so when I am in a fight I am constantly casting a spell from start to finish. I understand how this might be different for a warrior clase, but I am just showing you that Imo, an auto attack is neither here nor there for me because of how I play the game.

Amneisac said:
I agree 100% with people who lament the slow development process. It's a business, and SE needs to decide whether they're either going to actively pursue making this game better or just let it die off, because they can't keep limping along and tossing out minor changes (even though I 100% support EVERY change they've made so far, level icons and aggro notifications are ridiculously small changes that make the game much more playable) while other games like Rift and TERA and eventually TOR and GW2 are going to completely eat their lunch.

Chances are it is the size of the team why things are going slow, and the testing process. Not to mention the delay thanks to the earthquakes. SE is trying to support this game. As well as many other titles they have in production. If making this game free for months isn't a sign of dedication and remorse, I don't know what is. They are doing what they can and if people decide to drop out on the game, either SE is going to let the current team work on it it till it is totally different so they can do a relaunch, or the project dies and the team is moved to another project.

I would "like" for them to make changes faster.... I would have "liked" it to been fantastic from the jump, but the reality is that it isn't and the gamers choices are either to wait, or to leave. Complaining about how long it is taking most likely won't make anything better.


staticneuron said:
It is all personal preference. Some people prefer to call the shots, it makes them seem more involved. As a mage I rarely ever use normal attacks because I tend to down enemies with blasts from my other spells. It is an active process for me because I chose certain spells to avoid cool down period so when I am in a fight I am constantly casting a spell from start to finish. I understand how this might be different for a warrior clase, but I am just showing you that Imo, an auto attack is neither here nor there for me because of how I play the game.

Yeah, I think in most games with an autoattack system that I've played mages don't autoattack in most situations. I don't really see things changing much for a mage class, other than the option to autoattack if you stand in melee range. I don't see any reason to add 'wand/auto-shoot' or anything.

staticneuron said:
Chances are it is the size of the team why things are going slow, and the testing process. Not to mention the delay thanks to the earthquakes. SE is trying to support this game. As well as many other titles they have in production. If making this game free for months isn't a sign of dedication and remorse, I don't know what is. They are doing what they can and if people decide to drop out on the game, either SE is going to let the current team work on it it till it is totally different so they can do a relaunch, or the project dies and the team is moved to another project.

I would "like" for them to make changes faster.... I would have "liked" it to been fantastic from the jump, but the reality is that it isn't and the gamers choices are either to wait, or to leave. Complaining about how long it is taking most likely won't make anything better.

Agreed. I don't mean to sound like I don't understand that these things take time, but just reinforce the urgency of the situation. There needs to be something substantial to show people who haven't been playing in months so they can keep this on their radar.
Amneisac said:
Yeah, I think in most games with an autoattack system that I've played mages don't autoattack in most situations. I don't really see things changing much for a mage class, other than the option to autoattack if you stand in melee range. I don't see any reason to add 'wand/auto-shoot' or anything.

That would be cool I guess. I wonder how that would work with "Firm Conviction"

Amneisac said:
Agreed. I don't mean to sound like I don't understand that these things take time, but just reinforce the urgency of the situation. There needs to be something substantial to show people who haven't been playing in months so they can keep this on their radar.

I guess but like I said above, SE could change things up then do an advertising blitz later on to regain customers, instead of trying to remind people that they are still around. IT probably would be in their best interest to fix the game then try to recapture audience afterwards.


Why is this thread continually bumped with Tera stuff. Yes the game looks awesome. Go jizz all over it in the official thread instead of crapping all over this FFXIV thread. I'm talking to you Unknown Soldier.

Is there an equivalent of weaboo for korean, because this kid is as annoying as one.

Some of us are waiting for the english version. So chill out and keep the tera shit in the tera thread.

Now on topic. Does anyone wanna guess what the easter even will be? It specifically said "no bells" so I'm hoping they get creative and make a nice event. NON CRAFTED PLEASE!


I don't see it harming anyone and I don't see why we can't discuss other MMO's in the "FFXIV" thread.

Especially considering the steaming pile of crap it is :p

Hope Easter event is something similar to FF11 with eggs you get from a moogle, what would be cool is if you had to hunt from them by finding ??? around town and camps.


Amneisac said:
I seriously think the FFXIV existing fanbase is the game's worst enemy right now. When I go on the official forums the only posts that make any sense are from frustrated fans who want to like the game but can't get past the handful of glaring mistakes that make it so monotonous and boring. The existing playerbase just keeps defending the problems with the game just because it suits their personal tastes.

They seem to forget they're one of about what, 15k-30k people who still actively play the game? There's no way they will be able to sustain the game on their own, so they'll need to let the devteam change some things or they'll lose the game entirely. These threads with people fighting against autoattack are absurd. The combat system is awful and needs to be fully redone, implementing autoattack is a step in the right direction. Pressing LIGHT STRIKE 50 times during a fight is in no way better than just having an autoattack system.

I agree 100% with people who lament the slow development process. It's a business, and SE needs to decide whether they're either going to actively pursue making this game better or just let it die off, because they can't keep limping along and tossing out minor changes (even though I 100% support EVERY change they've made so far, level icons and aggro notifications are ridiculously small changes that make the game much more playable) while other games like Rift and TERA and eventually TOR and GW2 are going to completely eat their lunch.

I just want to shake some of these people on the official forms and tell them, "If you really love this game, you have to let them fix it, otherwise it's going to die and you'll never be able to play it again." Better yet, maybe we could get House MD to come in and do it, because he seems to have a knack for making people consent to things.

I wish I could find my quotes back from the beta thread where I brought up the auto attack vs smacking 1 on your keyboard debate and immediately I got bashed either here on Gaf or in game in FFXIV beta for thinking that.

Lol. This game needs to just be wrapped up, and have a nail in the coffin.


Nah it can be saved. They just need to continue with open community policies and do constant patching. The earthquake really threw them off a little.


Teknoman said:
Nah it can be saved. They just need to continue with open community policies and do constant patching. The earthquake really threw them off a little.

Yeah most the people I know that are not playing, are not playing because they are waiting for the combat patch (or even just the next content patch). Some that still play are doing other classes like crafting or gathering to get ahead of the curve (that's what i'm doing, actually hit fatigue on a crafting class last night >.>). The game is not dead, its in indefinite beta and a ton of people are waiting till specific patches to happen to come back, the earthquake just gave them a reason to stop till said things happen. My own linkshell is actually fuller then it has been since the start of the game, and this is all from mostly returning members who are playing in preparation for various patches coming up in a month or two.

I think a lot of you need to realize the simple fact... your not paying... SE doesn't care if your not playing right now, they care about getting the game fixed as quickly and as responsibly as possible in hopes of a welcome back campaign in the near future, along with the inevitable PS3 release. A lot of my friends left the game back in November/December and are only now just coming back and are actually having enough fun to stick around. They like the direction of the new director and look forward to the future. If your not patient enough to wait for the future, then you would do this game, and yourself a service to take a break and just be willing to come back when their welcome back campaign happens... if you are so bitter that you won't even do that then... well that's your gain/loss. Your at a point where nothing SE does will bring you back more then likely.


I used to remember how people said Vanguard wasn't dead and was in indefinite beta.

I don't believe for a minute that SE can come back with a success story and haven't for a long time now, that's not to say they can't make the game work at some level though.

For them to make any kind of profit on this is going to take them years, its kind of like the software version of the PS3.


Jinko said:
I used to remember how people said Vanguard wasn't dead and was in indefinite beta.

I don't believe for a minute that SE can come back with a success story and haven't for a long time now, that's not to say they can't make the game work at some level though.

For them to make any kind of profit on this is going to take them years, its kind of like the software version of the PS3.

As long as it becomes a generally fun game with lots of great looking and playing content, im good. I know S-E has to make a profit, and i'm sure it'll generate one eventually, if Yoshida and co continue with 2 or 3 major patches a month.

Besides, the whole not being at shareholders beck and call, makes sense in that they dont have to pull the plug prematurely. Enough great content, rereviews, and a new sku launch should give a decent push....I hope.


Teknoman said:
As long as it becomes a generally fun game with lots of great looking and playing content, im good. I know S-E has to make a profit, and i'm sure it'll generate one eventually, if Yoshida and co continue with 2 or 3 major patches a month.

Besides, the whole not being at shareholders beck and call, makes sense in that they dont have to pull the plug prematurely. Enough great content, rereviews, and a new sku launch should give a decent push....I hope.

This is precisely why Vanguard is dead and why FFXIV can likely succeed. Vanguard had a mass lay off leading into the first 2 months of the game instead of a simple restructuring that this game had. Vanguard also was asking people to pay a monthly fee from day 1 and they didn't have much leeway. The end result... people were bitter from paying for something they didn't want to pay for.... if they wanted to come back they needed to pay again... and the game was left with what amounts to a skeleton crew which gave no positive feedback for the future of the game no matter what they did. They had no hope for relaunch, it was dead the minute the layoffs happened.

Meanwhile FFXIV hasn't charged anyone for a monthly fee yet and hasn't given a date for when it will happen. This gives people the 'option' of going away from the game and coming back when they think the game is ready to be enjoyable. The staff for the game might have even increased due to the restructuring, the game also has the option for another 'launch' on a new platform filled with people that may not have had a PC capable of being able to run the game in the first place. If this game has any positive word of mouth a couple months leading into the PS3 release the game will be fine.


Jinko said:
I used to remember how people said Vanguard wasn't dead and was in indefinite beta.

I don't believe for a minute that SE can come back with a success story and haven't for a long time now, that's not to say they can't make the game work at some level though.

For them to make any kind of profit on this is going to take them years, its kind of like the software version of the PS3.

Yeah, but didn't SOE(right?) decrease resources? SE is still investing into FFXIV more than ever.

EDIT: Meh, I should really start reading other peoples posts, even when I am tired, lol.


Rodent Whores
Babalu. said:
Why is this thread continually bumped with Tera stuff.
Well, to be fair, she's been with us since launch and is one of the few people in our LS with more than one rank 50 job, so I'd like to know how FF14 matches up against future MMOs. It's a point of view I'm curious to hear. Unknown's been one of the most ardent defenders of FF14 in this entire thread, ya know, so it's not like she's trolling.


unfortunately there is a real fatigue over the community.You can tell people are fed up, bored and in general not having much fun as really there isn't much to do.Even partying with randoms it just seems dead not much talking kind of lets just get this leve done mentality.Unfortunately they won't be able to save this game despite how hard they try the community barely exists and those who are there are just hanging on.

It's great they are going to release the dungeons but I fear it is too little too late look at the npc quests they released completely useless to me it seems like they just added them in to shut people up with little to no thought.If they were smart they would be releasing a new one or two a week to keep content coming.

We will see how it goes but at this rate and SE slow development I can't see the PC version making the PS3 release if it does it will be virtually dead unless they are able to cross platform it.


yeah, I stopped playing a month or so ago. I still read all the patch notes and login just to update. I'll come back when I've got more free time (or if there are some good updates I'll just have to make some time).

So how are you guys holding up?


Cmagus said:
unfortunately there is a real fatigue over the community.You can tell people are fed up, bored and in general not having much fun as really there isn't much to do.Even partying with randoms it just seems dead not much talking kind of lets just get this leve done mentality.Unfortunately they won't be able to save this game despite how hard they try the community barely exists and those who are there are just hanging on.

It's great they are going to release the dungeons but I fear it is too little too late look at the npc quests they released completely useless to me it seems like they just added them in to shut people up with little to no thought.If they were smart they would be releasing a new one or two a week to keep content coming.

We will see how it goes but at this rate and SE slow development I can't see the PC version making the PS3 release if it does it will be virtually dead unless they are able to cross platform it.

They already confirmed it will be cross-platform. It was confirmed on day 1 and was the main reason it wasn't going to the 360. And like I said before the games 'success' no longer hinges on keeping the current player base robust. They need a welcome back campaign and positive word of mouth leading into a PS3 release and the game isn't ready for that yet. This is why Yoshida didn't bother to work on content as his first priority and instead was working on fixing the base form of the game and making it fun for new players as well as old. The current player base is merely being allowed to play the game for free while they get these fixes made and still keep their progress. They want to keep it open enough where people will feel like coming back once enough changes have been made to make it fun for them. Its a very, very different strategy for an MMORPG launch failure, and like has been said by them, its unique because they can fund it personally and are more worried about getting the product stable enough to make a year to year profit and not worry about the cost to get themselves there.

If you want this game to succeed make sure you don't burn yourself out trying to play a game you don't enjoy. Take a break and come back when enough changes have been made to your liking and maybe see if you can get some friends to come back when it happens. Like I said before I have a bunch of friends who quit over 3-4 months ago and they are now CONSTANTLY on after the recent renewal of game service. They are enjoying themselves because suddenly the game doesn't feel like a 'complete' failure to them like it was at launch. The same break could do a lot of other people who are not liking the game currently some good.


Yeah a decent welcome back to Eorzea campaign should work once the new combat system, instance areas, and other things are implemented. Honestly its going to be a totally different game after that.


I'll probably be back to FFXIV if and when the first expansion is being announced. By then the game will be what they had envisioned and the expansion will just be more content for new zones, equipment, and storyline. Then I can play the game for a month again, see if it is worth a shit after the long wait, and I'll go from there.

Having been a FFXI player on and off for 6 years, this game was my most anticipated game of last year. Played the beta for a month, the retail for a month, and have loosely kept up with what's going on in the game since.

It just didn't live up to 1/10th of what I had hoped in any way, minus it looking graphically pleasing. As long as SE keeps throwing money at it then there's a chance, but I wonder how long they will be willing to do that for.


Allard said:
They already confirmed it will be cross-platform. It was confirmed on day 1 and was the main reason it wasn't going to the 360. And like I said before the games 'success' no longer hinges on keeping the current player base robust. They need a welcome back campaign and positive word of mouth leading into a PS3 release and the game isn't ready for that yet. This is why Yoshida didn't bother to work on content as his first priority and instead was working on fixing the base form of the game and making it fun for new players as well as old. The current player base is merely being allowed to play the game for free while they get these fixes made and still keep their progress. They want to keep it open enough where people will feel like coming back once enough changes have been made to make it fun for them. Its a very, very different strategy for an MMORPG launch failure, and like has been said by them, its unique because they can fund it personally and are more worried about getting the product stable enough to make a year to year profit and not worry about the cost to get themselves there.

If you want this game to succeed make sure you don't burn yourself out trying to play a game you don't enjoy. Take a break and come back when enough changes have been made to your liking and maybe see if you can get some friends to come back when it happens. Like I said before I have a bunch of friends who quit over 3-4 months ago and they are now CONSTANTLY on after the recent renewal of game service. They are enjoying themselves because suddenly the game doesn't feel like a 'complete' failure to them like it was at launch. The same break could do a lot of other people who are not liking the game currently some good.

while agree that's what they need the main point is the games name is already tarnished.The bad reviews from the start hurt and it will forever shadow this game even if they relaunch it the attitude to the casual gamer or other MMO players will be who cares .The people who bought this on a whim who may not be a SE fan who is willing to put up with this will not come back and there are far too many big MMO titles coming that they are gonna struggle Guildwars 2, Star wars and now Tera soon. For me its not a matter of burning out but if I stop playing this game I won't return that's just the way I am if something disappointments me enough I won't bother coming back no matter what they change.

Dunno though maybe it will come back and flourish and I sure it will do well on PS3 I just can't see the PC version gaining steam unless they relaunch with the PS3 with a huge substantial amount of new content alot of the content will be tired for those who have been playing from the start.This will be the main factor for me when it goes pay if the content isnt there then no way I'll pay already bought the collectors edition and even though its been free for this long still don't feel like I've gotten my moneys worth this game right now offers no more then more free to play games




Death Penalty Implementation Ideas
This is Producer/Director Yoshida.

Thanks for the large number of comments! I’m sorry for taking so long to respond!
(I prioritized the preparation of the Producer letter and other scheduled tasks. ^^

After reading through all of the comments, I would like to tell you about the current plans for the death penalty.

The death penalty is important (For the purpose of creating a sense of nervousness regarding battles)
Thinking of 2 kinds of death penalties

Definite occurrence of a ”Temporary status down” effect upon recovery of death (Wears off after a set time OR by paying gil to an NPC)
Occurrence of an ”equipment degradation” effect only when using return after death (Recovered by repair)

Not currently planning on having a loss of SP/XP at this point in time
Equipment repair cost relief countermeasures will also be made alongside this.

In regards to the status down effect, we feel that it is necessary to prevent the classic MMO “zombie attack” (Attack > Die > Revive > Attack > Die). There are some players that have touched upon status recovery through NPCs in various threads and comments.

However, we are also planning the below changes to raise at the same time

  • Introduction of raise tier system (Raise I/Raise II/Raise III *Temporary names)
  • Raise I (After being raised, status down effect, no equipment damage)
  • Raise II (After being raised, weaker status down effect or a shortened status down time, no equipment damage)
  • Raise III (Perfect raise, no status down effect *Recast time and/or high MP cost)

In other words, even if you die you can get a raise and just take the hit of a temporary status down effect.

However, we determined that it would be necessary to make multiple raise tiers that can be acquired at different ranks since raise is acquired at rank 38 and it is not possible to raise at low-mid ranks.

In addition, in exchange for the death penalty we are looking into making the return cost 0. (This is for regular return, not for when use return when you die.)

Of course we plan to add a 10-20 minute recast timer, but by making the return cost 0:

  • It eliminates the need to death warp in order to conserve anima
  • Equipment damage when dying will only be occur in the instance of a full party wipe with no one available to cast raise
  • Will be a fair amount of risk by relieving the labor of equipment repair (revamp of repair recipes)
  • By spreading raises over the low-mid ranks the frequency of revivals will increase (=reduction in party wipes/reduction in death penalty frequency through camaraderie.)

Personally, I would like to see a lot more people tossing out raises as they pass by.

In this regard, I feel that the death penalty is something that creates balance and gives rise to the feeling of nervousness. We have already begun cost evaluation and are planning to implement this in the near future.

In any event, my goal is to create a proper sense of nervousness and not make it so harsh that people log out because they are fed up with the penalties imposed upon death. (Fatigue will be dealt with in another thread)

Please discuss the above points and any comments such as the below would be really helpful:

  • This penalty is weak!
  • This is perfect!
  • Do something else!



ugh just get rid of the anima already no one likes it you should be able to teleport the places you have been not like there is any need to run there nothing in between crystals anyways but marmots.As far as the death penalty goes I guess that works however I rather it stay the same as it is now but with much less of a down time like 1:30 is fine not 3 minutes


I don't care if they leave or take away the anima, just give us some chocobo's dangit! and airships to each city.

and having a death penalty is fine by me.


Teknoman said:


Death Penalty Implementation Ideas
This is Producer/Director Yoshida.

Thanks for the large number of comments! I’m sorry for taking so long to respond!
(I prioritized the preparation of the Producer letter and other scheduled tasks. ^^

After reading through all of the comments, I would like to tell you about the current plans for the death penalty.

The death penalty is important (For the purpose of creating a sense of nervousness regarding battles)
Thinking of 2 kinds of death penalties

Definite occurrence of a ”Temporary status down” effect upon recovery of death (Wears off after a set time OR by paying gil to an NPC)
Occurrence of an ”equipment degradation” effect only when using return after death (Recovered by repair)

Not currently planning on having a loss of SP/XP at this point in time
Equipment repair cost relief countermeasures will also be made alongside this.

In regards to the status down effect, we feel that it is necessary to prevent the classic MMO “zombie attack” (Attack > Die > Revive > Attack > Die). There are some players that have touched upon status recovery through NPCs in various threads and comments.

However, we are also planning the below changes to raise at the same time

  • Introduction of raise tier system (Raise I/Raise II/Raise III *Temporary names)
  • Raise I (After being raised, status down effect, no equipment damage)
  • Raise II (After being raised, weaker status down effect or a shortened status down time, no equipment damage)
  • Raise III (Perfect raise, no status down effect *Recast time and/or high MP cost)

In other words, even if you die you can get a raise and just take the hit of a temporary status down effect.

However, we determined that it would be necessary to make multiple raise tiers that can be acquired at different ranks since raise is acquired at rank 38 and it is not possible to raise at low-mid ranks.

In addition, in exchange for the death penalty we are looking into making the return cost 0. (This is for regular return, not for when use return when you die.)

Of course we plan to add a 10-20 minute recast timer, but by making the return cost 0:

  • It eliminates the need to death warp in order to conserve anima
  • Equipment damage when dying will only be occur in the instance of a full party wipe with no one available to cast raise
  • Will be a fair amount of risk by relieving the labor of equipment repair (revamp of repair recipes)
  • By spreading raises over the low-mid ranks the frequency of revivals will increase (=reduction in party wipes/reduction in death penalty frequency through camaraderie.)

Personally, I would like to see a lot more people tossing out raises as they pass by.

In this regard, I feel that the death penalty is something that creates balance and gives rise to the feeling of nervousness. We have already begun cost evaluation and are planning to implement this in the near future.

In any event, my goal is to create a proper sense of nervousness and not make it so harsh that people log out because they are fed up with the penalties imposed upon death. (Fatigue will be dealt with in another thread)

Please discuss the above points and any comments such as the below would be really helpful:

  • This penalty is weak!
  • This is perfect!
  • Do something else!


Check the date, its not really that new :). March 28th. But yeah it was discussed mightily on some of the other community forums. Lead to a lot of people thinking they didn't have their priorities correct because they were addressing something most people didn't care about. They probably addressed it because it was an issue that probably came up during the combat overhaul discussions and they just found a thread to talk about the changes in the future regarding it and not necessarily changing it due to some complaints by the community.


Allard said:
Check the date, its not really that new :). March 28th. But yeah it was discussed mightily on some of the other community forums. Lead to a lot of people thinking they didn't have their priorities correct because they were addressing something most people didn't care about. They probably addressed it because it was an issue that probably came up during the combat overhaul discussions and they just found a thread to talk about the changes in the future regarding it and not necessarily changing it due to some complaints by the community.

Oh, just saw the topic and decided to post since a few members here were complaining about no substantial death penalty to make people not want to die.

hgplayer1 said:
so was the Dodobo thing fake?

Yeah, people would be in an uproar if that was true.
kiryogi said:
So have you left XIV kawaii, or just testing out Tera... Although damn that does sound really good.

I haven't "left" anything. FFXIV is free to play, you can't leave it even if you try since they aren't charging you for it. I have 2 battle jobs at rank 50 and a crafting job at rank 31. The game's been available for 7 months now and so far the only content which has been added an top of what was shipped on the game disc is a couple of NMs and a dozen or so sidequests. The sidequests are completely pointless and I've killed all the NMs numerous times. There is quite literally nothing for me to do right now, without content there isn't any reason for me to attempt to rank a 3rd battle job to 50 and crafting bores me to tears. So I'm mostly on hiatus, I might log in every patch to see what's changed, but until Squenix adds content there is nothing for me to do.

As for Tera, imagine a game which is quite literally everything FFXIV isn't. It has everything, and by everything I mean EVERYTHING that FFXIV lacks. It's like Gary Oldman in The Professional: "EVERYTHIIIIIIIIIING!!!" You level doing quests, not grinding. Much like WoW and Rift, you get new quests every 100 feet or so to complete. Some of the quests are kill 6/6 mobs, but I've also run into escort quests (I HATE GODDAMN ESCORT QUESTS LOL), open the chests quests, kill the named mob quests, all the typical MMOG staples. This game is packed to bursting with quest content, and it's all balanced perfectly so you progress smoothly from one quest hub to the next completing the quests as laid out for you. Exactly like leveling up in WoW or Rift, as a matter of fact. The level of polish is absolutely on the level of WoW's in terms of your character's progression, so far I haven't had any problems with quests running out before I reach the next level I need to continue the story quests, and I haven't even been able to do half of them since I can't read Korean and have no idea what some of the objectives are. I haven't grinded a single goddamn thing outside of killing mobs which were in the way between point A and point B and I didn't feel like running around them, so fuck it, time to die mob.

The game is already enormous at Korean launch, with 2 main continents which would take you several hours to run from the south end to the north end of each. You can run from Gridania to Limsa Lominsa in about an hour, you might get a third of the way across one of the 2 continents in the same time in Tera. The environments are full of quests to do, NPCs to talk to, towns and camps and cities. What's most amazing coming from the copy-pasta entire zones of FFXIV is that every zone, every tiny square foot of Tera seems to be hand-modeled. Nothing is repeated anywhere, it's like you're actually running through a living, breathing world. Groups of NPCs are battling mobs in different places, mobs are fighting each other, you'll see NPCs patrolling around the towns and on major roads. Sometimes the NPCs will help you in a fight, other times they'll ignore you. If you're bored, you can watch an NPC squad get murdered by some mobs and then finish off the mobs when the NPCs are dead to steal their kills. It's not a lifeless empty backdrop like FFXIV's zones are.

I don't understand what Squenix hopes to accomplish by going back to auto-attack. It's such a classically Japanese thing to go backwards to what they think is safe and effective. Retrenching with an ancient combat system is not going to save FFXIV, at the most it will simply delay the inevitable. The Koreans have shown the way forward in MMOG combat systems, more action-oriented and more skill-based than most would have believed possible in the context of the extremely tired MMOG gameplay models. Vindictus was the embryonic state of these new combat systems, Tera (and possibly Blade and Soul) are the fully-developed examples of this new combat paradigm. It isn't just standing in 1 place and facerolling 1-9 on the keyboard until the mob dies, over and over again until you reach level cap. Rift is an example of the obsolete old auto-attack based system. WoW has perfected this old system and if you like it, you can't be better than WoW at doing auto-attack, and Squenix can try all they want but they'll fail. Every time I kill a mob in Tera I feel like I'm getting a preview of the future of MMOGs, every time I kill a mob in FFXIV I feel like I'm walking through an MMOG museum.

Just the mere act of playing Tera makes me sad about FFXIV. Tera has everything, right now, that FFXIV has lacked at launch and has lacked for 7 months of release. I can't fathom what Squenix has been doing the last 7 months other than fire the development team's key staff members. Tera isn't even in English and I don't know what the hell is going on with certain key gameplay mechanics, notably enchanting weapons and crafting and how to buy shit from the Auction House, because I can't read Korean, and it's already far and away so superior to FFXIV that I can't even think of them as games in the same genre. It's the only MMOG I've ever played where I'll walk out of camp and I'm actually excited to go out and kill 10/10 mobs for my next weapon upgrade.

In my mind, Tera represents the future of MMOGs. The combat system in Tera is nothing short of a breath of fresh air in an MMOG genre which is fundamentally stagnant and unchanging. Everybody else plays it safe and are just like WoW because they want to capture the tiny fraction of WoW players who are ready to quit WoW for another game just like WoW. Squenix was going the right way with FFXIV to make it different than WoW and going backwards to be more like WoW by going back to auto-attack is fundamentally a terrible decision and I don't know what Squenix could possibly be planning to do to make it work and be amazing. I like FFXIV's pretty graphics and I like catgirls, but it's really, really sad when I've completed more quests and seen more content on Tera's starting island than I have in 7 months of FFXIV the entire game. I've played 3 days of Tera so far and I've completed nearly 50 quests, 2 instances (a 3-man and a 5-man), killed 5 world-spawn named mini-bosses and 1 instance boss, and I'm about to hit level 21 and at levels 21 and 22 I have 4, FOUR, 5-man instances which will unlock for me to complete. And I'm still in the first major area of the first continent after I left Nub Island, consisting of 7 interconnected seamless zones, there are 8 such areas on the first continent alone. This game is absolutely massive.

It remains to be seen now what Bluehole Studio is planning on doing with Tera. It's supposedly already struggling in Korea after a huge launch because as is usual for MMOG launches they launched the game without an endgame in place and acted all surprised when the Koreans grinded their way to level cap in a month and mass-quit when there wasn't any endgame, as if that's not how Koreans always play MMOGs. You'd think the guys who developed Lineage would understand that. If they have an endgame in place by the time the game officially launches in NA/EU, we are looking at an MMOG that is absolutely a game-changer for the genre.

It's up to Bluehole to get it done, though they are already doing the right thing as they are on a weekly patching schedule with promised major updates monthly. The word is that they are already going to raise the level cap this summer, which strongly implies expansion. Yes, this game gets patches every week, which is probably quite the insane eternal crunch for Bluehole's development team, but hardcore Koreans are hardcore and Bluehole seems committed to the success of their first MMOG as an independent company. Hell, they reportedly got development funding from the Korean government, so they have friends in high places, they can probably afford to pay their nearly 200-member development team indefinitely. If somebody can challenge NCSoft's de-facto position as the official Korean MMOG monopoly, these guys can do it and I'm cheering for them all the way, because Tera is nothing short of a fantastic game. It's the most fun I have ever had in an MMOG my first 3 days of playing, period, and all the higher level Gaffers who started before me just tell me that I haven't even seen anything yet, wait until I start doing the instances. I haven't not wanted to sleep because I only want to play a game in years now, but that's how much fun I've having in Tera right now. And I can't even read a word of Korean!

Damn, I didn't mean to write a Wall of Text. I just started typing and look what happened. >_>
Unknown Soldier said:
Damn, I didn't mean to write a Wall of Text. I just started typing and look what happened. >_>

Wall of Text hits YOU for 9999 damage

I agree completely. The game is fun, it's beautiful and it runs well.

In my mind, this is what Aion tried to be and failed.

Frankly I don't see much "westernization" that needs to be done.. it already flows like a modern mmorpg and doesn't feel grindy at all.

it's the anti-korean mmorpg korean mmorpg.. flies in the face of the traditional k-mmorpg gameplay style..

As for FF XIV, I would love to see them fix the game and add in the same level of content that FF XI had when it launched in the states and even more content going forward, but it's going to be hard to go back to that system..

FF XIV looks great. but it runs like crap and feels especially clunky after experiencing games like Vindictus and Tera.

I want square enix to succeed.. I want them to fix their game, add dungeons and other content that is currently missing. As long as it's free, I'm not going to leave.. but when they start charging, I'm going to compare the game to Tera and others and they'll have to do a damned impressive job to convince me that it's worth paying for FF XIV.


Hmm interesting that Tera didn't release with any end game content, you would think mmo developers would have gotten a clue by now that end game is important.
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