Jinko said:
Also its not out in the EU/NA yet so its all moot, no way am I willing to put time and effort into a character on a Korean server only to have to start again in a couple of month.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. For me, playing MMOGs is about playing with people. It's about the fun I have and experiences I have doing things with people. As such character progression only matters to me up to a certain point. I had a FFXIV character with 2 battle jobs at rank 50 and a crafting job at rank 30, but in the end when it was time to leave I walked away. I never begrudge the time I spend in MMOGs because I didn't do it to watch a bar go up or numbers get bigger, I did it to play with people who I came to call friends. In the end I'll probably walk away from a K-Tera character at the level cap but it won't matter, because I'll be doing it all again in NA/EU with a bunch of really cool people I played with in Korea.
pancakesandsex said:
Auto attack rules, it gives you time to concentrate on other things that are not spamming your normal attack button. Like reading the chatlog and timing your non spammable commands.
Here's what endgame combat looks like in Tera:
There's no spamming of normal attacks in this game. There's no reading of chatlog in this game, because you're actually busy PLAYING the game. Games like Tera (and Blade & Soul) are revolutionary in the MMOG genre simply because they demand your full attention and concentration on actually playing the game. Most big damage skills in this game require charging, just as you see here, so you aren't spamming skills. You have to position yourself properly and time attacks so you land yours but aren't there when the mobs land theirs, since in game all attacks land 100% unless you or the mob aren't there when it goes off. I'm not aware of many other MMOGs except Guild Wars where you actually can determine if the attack lands or not, by dodging, evading, or blocking. There is no RNG in this game, if you're there when the big boss mob is finished charging it's huge attack, you're dead. If you're not, you're alive. Your attacks work the same way, since there is no auto-lockon you actually point your crosshair at what you want to kill and you need to have it trained on the mob when your attack goes off or you whiff and look silly.
I've heard people say bosses, elites, and instances in this game are a lot like Monster Hunter, a game I've never played. But this is a game where you don't stand in one place, you don't watch yourself auto-attack, and you damn well don't play it on autopilot. This game requires an enormous amount of actual skill in addition to practical knowledge, which makes it quite unusual as MMOGs go. Most MMOGs, once you know what you have to do, you just go in there and do it while vaguely paying attention to the game while you also watch TV. That won't get you far in Tera. It is, as I've said before, more like God of War than EverQuest, or FFXI for that matter.
And I will be playing that old game until it's shut down.
You're really going to play FFXI for possibly forever? Original EQ, AC, and UO are all still operating today, and I don't see why FFXI won't continue operating indefinitely as long as there are even a few hundreds to thousands of players. Squenix will probably never shut down FFXI. So you're going to play it forever, until the end of your natural life?