Unknown Soldier said:Well, if they are going to implement hate meters, they might as well implement DPS meters while they're at it. I don't know anybody who was complaining about it being too hard to tell who has the hate right now, but whatever.
So jobs will be advanced subsets of existing classes, which you complete quests to unlock. This sounds pretty much exactly like FFXI's system of unlocking advanced jobs. I wonder if this means the fabled Arcanist and Musketeer will now be jobs you unlock.
Good luck with the implementation of auto-attack. Sigh.
I still don't understand what the point of continuing to operate the game on live servers is, development pace is necessarily slower when you have to test every tiny change for rollout to live servers and the pace of development is nothing short of glacial. Shut the goddamn game down and develop a lot of changes at once rather than trickling things out over the course of months or years, by the time you're done changing everything nobody will be left who even cares. Squenix seems blissfully unaware that late 2011 is packed with huge MMOG releases which will choke what little life is left out of this game at the current pace of development, they might want to hurry up a little bit just about everything.
It sounds like Classes and Jobs are completely separate. Job defines the abilities and roles you receive in classes and classes define your style of play. RDM could be added to both Conjuror and Thaumaturge but doing so might mean you lose say the shock spells from Con, lose certain abilities, but get new spells or traits that exemplify your current class. Like say Tham gets access to Enspells when under RDM, or you get regen or refresh etc.
When new classes are added, they will be defined under these new jobs. Say a Samurai job is added when Great Katana gets added into the game, that job could also apply to Lancer and Archer too. Or Ninja is added when the Assassin Class is added and they would also have access to the great katana class as well etc. The marriage between the job and class system should add some much needed goals and uniqueness to a given class/role while still allowing the player to chose his her style.
Edit: Also... shutting the game down and coming back later is the absolute worst thing they could do. It is admittance of the game dying which is the worst thing you could do for people on the fence. They need to show continued support with no hindrance that shows they are fully committed to making the game succeed. You shut the servers down to fix things, then people won't even think about the game again. Its better for them to linger hanging even if fleeting. For instance I quit for a good 2 months and came back shortly before the next patch hit, so did a lot of my friends. The ability to jump in and play when we feel like sufficient enough changes are made or coming and to enjoy the content is something the player and only the player must decide. You shut the game down and keep people from even doing that and they will lose any lingering interest they have left in any future the game might have. What's to stop SE from doing that again in the future if its not 'ready'? No one wants that lingering over their head while playing.