Coldsnap said:fuck
out of no where everytime i minimize my screen I get a direct X10 error. Shit sucks!!!!!!! Its been happening the past three days. When it happens I dont even bother logging back in lol
:O The witcher 2 cursed your computer.
Coldsnap said:fuck
out of no where everytime i minimize my screen I get a direct X10 error. Shit sucks!!!!!!! Its been happening the past three days. When it happens I dont even bother logging back in lol
Emenis said::O The witcher 2 cursed your computer.
Ravidrath said:Man, the list of coming changes is insane. I plan on rerolling anyway, I think, but how the hell are they going to keep any character progress with, uh... most of these?
It is pretty ridiculous that they still haven't decided on an AH. With the Materia system coming, I think you could limit an AH to just NQ basic gear and synthesis materials and use the bazaars for HQ and augmented items. One of the biggest reasons the bazaars are such a failure is because the game is so crafting oriented and all the disciplines are interconnected, so making it difficult to find materials makes it impossible to provide basic gameplay elements.
Ravidrath said:Perhaps it'll be like this...
Ravidrath said:Hmm, that makes sense, I guess.
Sounds like it'd probably come with stat bonuses to enhance that particular role, too? So a Gladiator with PLD would likely get a giant VIT boost, while with WAR it'd get a giant STR boost? Basically replacing the jobliness of trying to create those types of roles with the Physical level stats, with some elements of an instant-respec built in.
Uh, so do Jobs level up then? Like, will my PLD become better if I spent more time leveling my GLD with it than with WAR? Or is that now just a gear consideration?
Although, when you think about it, Diablo II wan't really stat freedom at all. nearly every single viable build pretty much followed the formula of "points into as much STR as you need to wear gear, then put the rest into VIT". There's not really any point in freely assigning stat points if everyone's is gonna do it the same way anyway.Teknoman said:I'm thinking about just letting the stats auto assign when that happens, so I just have to worry about skills and equipment again. Thats one thing that always got me in Diablo II...stat freedom, so I wouldn't know if I was "doing it right". Of course I never had any problems in parties, so maybe i'm thinking too much.
Rentahamster said:Although, when you think about it, Diablo II wan't really stat freedom at all. nearly every single viable build pretty much followed the formula of "points into as much STR as you need to wear gear, then put the rest into VIT". There's not really any point in freely assigning stat points if everyone's is gonna do it the same way anyway.
This is the reason they are going with automatically assigning stat points for Diablo III.
Eccocid said:What shall i do now lol
I am rank 15 now and still doing leves at that boring desert around Ul'dan
I loved how FFXI forced u to move to a new area in every 5 levels with totally different visuals...
Munba said:Another video about unimplemented areas... islands!
And personal ship docks (there are jumping fishes too °_°),
I'd pay to have a personal boat to visit them (every unique of course) in the future..
Eccocid said:What shall i do now lol
I am rank 15 now and still doing leves at that boring desert around Ul'dan
I loved how FFXI forced u to move to a new area in every 5 levels with totally different visuals...
Unknown Soldier said:You'll be doing leves in the Thanalan zone until rank 50...
Have a fun! :3
Emenis said:Sadly, Unkown is lying. lol
You CAN walk to Grid or take the boat to Limsa though but yeah you'll probably spend most of your time in boreville(uldah) and thanalan camps.
Eccocid said:Already went to Limsa and made some few leves there. The geography around Limsa looks much better than Ul'dan but Limsa is such a ghost town lol
Troof.Unknown Soldier said:You'll be doing leves in the Thanalan zone until rank 50...
Have a fun! :3
Jinko said:Yea I duno what SE where thinking when they allowed you to level to current end cap in one zone like that.
Especially seeing how well they did with FF11's zones, They barely use Coerthus or Mor Dhona which is disappointing.
Coldsnap said:wat FF type 0 was shown off and had airship battles ; ;
Unknown Soldier said:Type-0 (formerly known as Agito XIII) is a single-player game for PSP. A little different, I would think. Not that I'm defending FFXIV here, I'm not, but there's a difference between single-player RPGs and MMOGs.
I also failed to mention, not only are you going to be in Thanalan/Ul'dah from rank 1-50, past about rank mid-20's or so (which you get in 1 day), you only do the same 4 leves over and over again ad infinitum from rank 20's to 50, excluding behests: Necrologos: Levinshower, All Cracked Up, Necrologos: Ranine Reveries, and Dunesfolk for Dinner. That's ALL you will do, because those leves reward the most SP and nobody does any other ones. Once you've hit rank 50, since there is no content whatsoever all you can do after that is repeat the climb to rank 50 with another battle job, grind a crafting or gathering job to 50, or quit. Are you anticipating having fun yet?
Quit and join me in Tera already. What the hell are you waiting for, the Rapture? :3
Square tries to do everything super-efficiently on the server side of things, since that's the most expensive part of running an MMO. It's why they merged AHs in XI, it's why there isn't an AH in XIV, and it's why they have been recently working through XI to give people reasons to use all the zones for the entire game.
Emenis said:haha
You just don't give up do you? Some might find that annoying but I think it's hilarious.
Unknown Soldier said:Why do you think I quit FFXIV? I'm always busy trying to disrupt people's comfortable predictable routines and thoughts. It works better on some people than others though, you guys can't seem to take a hint. :3
Well, have it your way. Even before I quit for good, the last few weeks after the earthquake all I did was stand still in town and chat. The game had become nothing but a chatroom for me with people I thought I could call my friends. At some point I had to quit, so when a convenient reason arrived for me to do that, I did. I kinda hoped some of you who I had thought of as friends would come with me to the next game, but I guess I was far too optimistic there. Very well, you'll get what you want there, I'll leave you guys alone from now on.
Yep.Jinko said:I think Renta had a poll over on the forums about it and think the majority were in favor of small loaded zones like 11 instead of the large boring ones in 14.
lol don't take it so personal. There's a lot of reasons why it's not feasible at the moment to play Tera.Unknown Soldier said:At some point I had to quit, so when a convenient reason arrived for me to do that, I did. I kinda hoped some of you who I had thought of as friends would come with me to the next game, but I guess I was far too optimistic there. Very well, you'll get what you want there, I'll leave you guys alone from now on.
Eccocid said:Man i thought this game would be nice for killing time till the release od Dark Souls. I am rank 17 now and already got bored to death.
Till rank 17 and all those endless quests maybe i had interaction with other ppl in the game...3 times?(not counting LS chat). Once i had that defend the area thing around the camp with few other random ppl (lol my first party), once i asked for some directions to a stranger and last night i healed a random guy when he was killing dodos lol. I keep asking to ppl join to levequests around my rank but no one even bothers or replies.![]()
Jinko said:Yea there is a really crappy community in this game, its probably best to organize something with LS members (assuming they are still playing)
You have picked an awkward time to start playing as many people are taking a break until the mega patch (well we can hope) hits in mid June.
I would suggest trying to get a class to 30 so that when they release the new dungeons you will be able to take part as soon as you have installed the patch.
Think its more along the line of that there's not much to do on the game at all nowadays, FFXI community is doing pretty well with helping others and etc.Eccocid said:I guess it may be the effects of playing FFXI before. I guess many players who are playing this game came from FFXI and probably got bored of those social aspects of mmorpgs.
No one even uses emotes! Cuz it is not something new to them lol.
Unknown Soldier said:Why do you think I quit FFXIV? I'm always busy trying to disrupt people's comfortable predictable routines and thoughts. It works better on some people than others though, you guys can't seem to take a hint. :3
Well, have it your way. Even before I quit for good, the last few weeks after the earthquake all I did was stand still in town and chat. The game had become nothing but a chatroom for me with people I thought I could call my friends. At some point I had to quit, so when a convenient reason arrived for me to do that, I did. I kinda hoped some of you who I had thought of as friends would come with me to the next game, but I guess I was far too optimistic there. Very well, you'll get what you want there, I'll leave you guys alone from now on.
Rentahamster said:No prob, dude. Welcome back!'s yet another megathread by me, dealing with the topic of gil sinks!-Ideas-to-Stabilize-the-Economy-and-Curb-Inflation
Micromegas said:Any news of the PS3 version? Seems to have dropped off the face of the earth.
DoctorWho said:Just started the game and the interface does a really shitty job of telling you where you should be going next. How the hell did you guys figure it out? I just did a leve quest solo and killed through hare's. Went back to the city and I'm not sure what to do next. The little person told me to visit the coliseum but I have no idea where the fuck it is and there is no clear marker for it on my map. I need my hand held!
DoctorWho said:Just started the game and the interface does a really shitty job of telling you where you should be going next. How the hell did you guys figure it out? I just did a leve quest solo and killed through hare's. Went back to the city and I'm not sure what to do next. The little person told me to visit the coliseum but I have no idea where the fuck it is and there is no clear marker for it on my map. I need my hand held!
DoctorWho said:Just started the game and the interface does a really shitty job of telling you where you should be going next. How the hell did you guys figure it out? I just did a leve quest solo and killed through hare's. Went back to the city and I'm not sure what to do next. The little person told me to visit the coliseum but I have no idea where the fuck it is and there is no clear marker for it on my map. I need my hand held!