Are any of you guys fans of the SMT games?
I've been playing around a bit with Shin Megami Tensei Online: Imagine. It's the first game I've been able to force 64x CSAA SLI AA in and still lock the framerate at 60fps, because that's pretty much how old it is. It was first released in 2007 and has been operating continuously since then. It's a F2P MMOG, and the game client is only a 1.37GB download. There are no CGI cutscenes, and there is no voice acting of any kind. This is Atlus, not Squenix we're talking about here. So you can forget about technological razzle-dazzle, but you can look forward to the classic SMT-style post-apocalyptic cyberpunk pseudo-metaphysical morally-ambiguous storyline.
The game itself takes place between the events of the original Shin Megami Tensei (the 1992 Super Famicom game) and Shin Megami Tensei II (1994), and since it follows the original SMT storyline it has demon battling/conversing, summoning, and fusion like you'd expect from an SMT title. If you've played Persona 2: Innocent Sin/Eternal Punishment or Nocturne you pretty much know what's up. Having conversations with demons is as hilarious as I remember from those games, especially if you're in a hurry and just choose the options to piss them off as much as possible because you just want them to go away or fight you already.
Graphically it looks a lot like Nocturne or the Digital Devil Saga titles and seems to have similar PS2-level assets. Fortunately your Glorious Master Race PC can run it at higher resolution than a PS2 can, though hilariously it supports exactly 3 resolutions: 800x600, 1024x768, and 1280x1024. Nvidia owners can force AA and SLI with a custom profile, it uses Gamebryo so using the Oblivion AA and SLI profiles works perfectly, as if you need SLI for this game. But having 64x AA is pretty awesome I guess. It actually looks pretty good all things considered, as the assets have the classic SMT art design including all the characters and demons and so forth.
If you guys want to try this out a bit and play with me, you can download it here:
It's a standard F2P game with an in-game mall where you buy items with real money. I'm not planning on spending a dime for however long I plan to mess around with this game.