Round 2!
Casting Cure while performing an attack will cause you to lose focus on your target.
We'll address this issue during our review of the action-related data.
Whenever someone casts cure on me, I end up targeting them.
We'll address this issue during our review of the action-related data.
The subtarget of my action gets set to an enemy the action has no effect on.
We'll address this issue during our review of the action data.
I want text commands that use pronouns, like "/assist" and "/mark" and "/ta," to be implemented.
We'll look into these during our combat-related revisions.
Monsters often clump together and make it difficult to accurately select a target.
When monsters bundle up together, it does become difficult to tell which has the yellow name and which have red names. It's also hard to tell which of them has the "attack this one!" mark attached.
To address these issues, we're looking into implementing a system that allows you to set the target cursor to appear above the nameplate.
Raise can end up targeting enemies.
We'll address this along with the previously mentioned "subtarget of my action gets set to an enemy the action has no effect on" issue.
I'd like it if my target could "glow" using a bloom graphical effect.
This would require modifying the graphical system, so although it would be difficult to implement in the near future, we'll look into it.
When targeting someone as the main target, when you change targets, the party member list flashes to indicate you're targeting them. I'd like to have this implemented when sub-targeting someone as well (About to cure yourself, but tab over to them).
We are going to implement this.
I'd like an arrow, or a highlight, or some kind of indicator on the party member list to show which party member is selected as my subtarget.
We are going to implement this.
Sometime when standing directly in front of a PC or NPC, I'll press the confirm button and it will end up targeting something ridiculous, like a target that was next to me or behind me.
In Patch 1.17, we adjusted the target selection mechanics, so please see if the situation is resolved now.
I'd like to be able to manually set up the controller configuration myself when using a gamepad for targeting.
We are working on expanding the list of configurable commands for both gamepads and keyboards.
The battle system is compromised of two types of attacks; Turn based attacks (stamina gauge, recast, attacks whose success is determined after the hit) and action based attacks (attacks that can be dodged by moving around).
As stated previously, the stamina gauge is scheduled to be removed. We believe that all the other issues mentioned do not detract from the game significantly.
I would like distance, movement, and positioning to play a larger role in the game. The graphics are so nice that it would be a waste if the battles are mostly number based.
Once the basic upgrades are taken care of, more advanced upgrades involving attack direction and positioning and regional destruction will be worked on.
Stamina gauge, recast interval, and TP requirement present 3 major hindrances to using abilities.
The action gauge will be removed, but recast interval and TP requirements will remain.
Recasting the same spells takes way too long (Reuse interval)
We will be reviewing all actions, so recast times that are disproportionately long will be adjusted, while some recast times are intentionally long. We would like to continue to receive feedback on the forums.
The usefulness of supplementary abilities and the effects of food cant be easily seen.
Don't worry, these will be adjusted. The effects of food will be reviewed and made readily available through help text.
Important moves that are earned in multiples such as Shadowbind/Shadowbind II share the same recast, so they are difficult to take advantage of.
Shadowbind II is an upgrade of Shadowbind, so we have planned for the recast time to be shared.
My actions miss frequently. My attacks never hit successfully.
Even using the proper rank and gear, my accuracy is too low (or my opponents evasion is too high)
Accuracy and action accuracy will be considered important points when we upgrade the battle calculations.
Spells are easily resisted (full / partial) no matter how long the spell takes to cast or how much MP it requires.
We will be working on adjusting the balance. It would be fantastic if we could continue to hear your thoughts via forums.
If a monster dies while you are casting a healing spell, the spell is canceled.
We will discuss this with the person in charge.
I wanted to play a healer, so I chose to be a Conjurer, but I think it's strange that a Thaumaturge is better suited to act as a healer. In terms of HP healed and area of affect, the Thaumaturge is just better.
In addition to the review of battle class actions, we're also going to be adjusting the classes to give them each specialties and defining qualities. We'll continue to look to you all to provide us with feedback as we move forward.
When I play as a Conjurer and see fighter classes cast buffs and healing magic that I haven't yet learned, I get pretty bummed out.
This should be addressed in our adjustment of class roles and specialties. We'll continue to look to you all to provide us with feedback as we move forward.
It might be cool if we could attack and cast spells while moving.
I stop moving as soon as I begin casting a spell.
These two points will be addressed in an upcoming modification that will allow close range attacks and actions to be performed while moving. As for spellcasting, we'd like to make a separate, more comprehensive announcement regarding our plans, so please hang on until then.
Moving while attacking seems to randomly cause the shield to rise up.
It can indeed be frustrating to try to move during an attack/ability. We'll look into reworking shield usage.
The damage from actions typically doesn't exceed 1.5 times that of a normal attack. Conjurer spells that take 30 seconds to cast are weaker than rank "II" spells.
We'll be adjusting this. The previously mentioned revision of battle class actions will include these adjustments.
The camera is unresponsive and it's hard to get a good grasp of the situation due to the constantly changing POV.
We're looking into allowing changes to the camera rotation speed in the settings.
I find it annoying how my player character keeps moving its position when they perform an attack. Occasionally, the character will end up overlapping with the monster and the camera will start turning around the monster.
I dont like how the camera moves back and forth when my player character is attacked by a monster. It tends to occur when the monster overlaps with my player character after an attack and the camera swings back to its original position.
We are currently looking into the movement of the player character. There are plans to start addressing the issue in the near future.
Currently when I lock onto a target, the camera is centered on the particular target. I would like to see a function where I could turn this feature on/off at will.
We will discuss this with the person in charge.
I would like more control over my characters point of views.
We will discuss this with the person in charge.
Avoid haste from becoming the primary factor of the game when auto-attack is implemented.
Rest assured that we will handle this situation delicately.
Please be sure to think about the changes in hate management (especially casters) when implementing auto-attack.
Rest assured that we will be careful regarding this.
Please be sure to think about the amount of TP generated from auto-attack. I would like to avoid situations where we have to tell the melee characters to not feed TP to the monster.
We agree that this is indeed a sensitive matter. We will be sure to exert extreme caution.
Intensify status ailments used against a player character in order to make the battles more interesting.
Once we finish adjusting the overall balance of battle, we may look into other factors such as status ailments. However, we will most likely save the intense status ailments for special encounters.
Turn on character collision during battle.
We believe that we will be able to address our current issues by improving the monster AI and hate management instead of making changes to the collision.
The field is currently too peaceful. There should be more active monsters placed along the road.
We will be adjusting monster placement bit by bit.
Levequests and behests are currently boring due to the monsters not having enough HP. It seems like all were doing is running from one place to another.
Once the algorithms for battles have been revised, we will look into additional factors such as monsters that appear during guild leves, the amount of their HP, group settings, etc.
We are currently unable to switch between passive move and active mode while moving.
Switching between passive mode and active mode takes too long.
We are currently in the process of experimenting with the issues stated above.
There are too many buff icons.
I agree. We will look into it.