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Final Fantasy XIV |OT| ARR: Alpha Closed. Beta mid-Feb

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Rodent Whores
Reading that list, they're gonna remove the stamina bar (thank god).

Was that mentioned before, or is that new info?



Played SMT online for awhile, actually seemed pretty cool, with cutscenes and everything. Cant remember why I stopped...but it might've been because it was a beta? Have to look back into it.

Oh and:




Something about raid dungeons and auto generated map?

Munba said:

Yeah thats a huge list of stuff with a lot of likes, so im guessing thats pretty important.

Looking at a few google translate sentences, they mention someone asking about new player animations for skills and magic, more about monster range attacks, and someone complaining about raise spell animation. A few things about increasing difficulty...

Rentahamster said:
Reading that list, they're gonna remove the stamina bar (thank god).

Was that mentioned before, or is that new info?

Dont think it was mentioned, but I thought it was something that would be mandatory to remove with the way the new system will work.


Rodent Whores
Teknoman said:
Oh and:




Something about raid dungeons and auto generated map?
No, not auto-generated maps.

YoshiP was being coy with info, but he hinted as to something along the lines that the dungeons experience won't be exactly the same each time, like, there's not just one way to complete it.


Rentahamster said:
No, not auto-generated maps.

YoshiP was being coy with info, but he hinted as to something along the lines that the dungeons experience won't be exactly the same each time, like, there's not just one way to complete it.

Ohh. Google translate strikes again :p Good news though.


Rodent Whores
Q: 自身が占有できるモンスターグループが1つまでなのが少なすぎる
A: 占有システムの改修を予定しています。

Q: Claiming one monster at a time is too little.

A: We are planning to improve the claim system.



Rodent Whores
Finally gonna give food more info:

Q: 補助アビリティや食事の効果を体感できない

A: 調整します。食事の効果も今後見なおし、ヘルプテキストで事前に効果がわかるようにしていきます。

It feels like support abilities and food have no real effect.

We will adjust that. We will also take a look at food effects, so that you know what the effects are via the help text before you eat it.


Yo dis game crazy. Figured since I've been standing around in Uldah afk most the time i would turn my settings down to let me gpu run cooler. After dropping everything to low and only 2x AA my GPU is only running 2-3* cooler. LOL


All this time and nothing significant really changed. I upgraded my rig last year for this game too and my avatar lol. That face is so appropriate for this game. I want it to be good. I want to play. Last time I logged in was November. I keep checking for THE update that will encourage me to log in. Don't think that's happening this year. Prove me wrong Squeenix. Don't you want my monies?!


Translation time:


Battle system Q&A (part 1)

Here we go, the first half of the Q&A that was recently posted in the JP forums. Please keep in mind that these weren't specific questions from only one region of the forum, but actually compiled from questions, comments and concerns from all parts of the community and compiled together. Without further ado~


My goodness! Thank you for the incredible amount of feedback. I think I underestimated you guys. I've gone ahead and gathered responses from the Development team, mainly from Matsui, Takai, and Minagawa and compiled them here. Though I don't think we'll be able to respond in this manner very often, I'd like to seize the opportunity to do so when it presents itself

Well then, let's get down to answering your questions...I believe I collected them midday Thursday, so I may have missed a few. I tried to collect every relevant post, excluding those that didn't seem to either pose a question or express an opinion, but please accept my apologies if I missed something (I'm making excuses for myself). There were quite a few posts to go through, so the answers are sometimes brief, but that doesn't mean they weren't considered carefully!

Also, though I'm afraid it's my fault for setting things up, everything ended up clumped into one thread, so I'd appreciate it if you could make separate threads for each topic moving forward.

Server load related
As previously stated, the programmers are looking into a fundamental reworking of the system, but this is a long-term development goal. We're working on improvements to reduce the number of unnecessary data searches and function calls related to battle calculations.

How about suspending all commands while performing actions, and then having them go into effect after actions are completed?
We'll look into it, and if it works out better than what we have in place, we'll make the change.

I want to be able to perform actions and cast spells immediately.
Although you'll still have to wait while in the middle of performing actions and casting spells, we're looking into allowing instant execution of actions and spells while in auto-attack mode.

Because of the restrictions of the stamina gauge, I can't execute actions with various special effects when I need to.
We are planning to remove the stamina gauge. Like before, TP and MP abilities will still be affected by recast times. There will also be cooldown times between actions.

After mistakenly choosing an action, or deciding to use a different action, there's no way to cancel a previously selected action.
This is somewhat related to the items brought up above in that once we change over to a gameplay style that allows for immediate execution of commands, this should no longer be an issue (since there won't even be an opportunity to cancel something to begin with).

I'm too busy manually managing my own actions to be able to pay attention to what actions others are taking.
I think the situation should improve once auto-attack has been implemented.

According to the Producer's Letter, the action bar is to be modified; is it actually going to be removed completely?
The action bar will not be removed. What will be removed is the stamina gauge. The action bar will be improved so that it is easier to use and easier to see important information.

The action gauge fills too slowly.
As noted above, the action gauge is scheduled to be removed.

Especially during party battles, the effects are too flashy and it is hard to look at the screen. I would like effects to be removed for regular attacks and the action to be played out more clearly.
This will be adjusted.

Raise has no visual effect, so sometimes other characters and I cast overlapping raise spells.
We are looking into this.

It is hard to distinguish whether spells are cast on enemies or allies, so I would like the effects of spells being cast to be accentuated.
We recognize this as a problem. We are looking into fixing this problem.

During battle I have to be running around constantly, and that leads me to only look at the mini map during battle.
Is this because the enemy is moving or because you want to run away? We are looking into fixing the problem of the enemy moving.

During battle I automatically move closer to the enemy. As a marauder Steadfast disappears sometimes, and monsters go out of range for area of effect attacks.
For regular attacks, this will be fixed when auto attack is implemented. We are looking into fixing actions.

The attacking motion is small, so it is hard to see what my enemies and allies are doing.
We are looking into fixing the player motions and would like to make adjustments in the near future.

Some battle motions are repeated frequently, so I would like to see more new motions.
For some actions, we plan to add new motions/effects.

It is weird that characters can still move while they are asleep.
We are looking into this.

I would like more attention to be paid to the motion when receiving a special attack from a monster.
We have no specific adjustments planned, but we have taken note of your input.

It's frustrating that the action bar is not displayed unless something is targeted.
We are looking into displaying the action bar at all times.

Instead of having to go through multiple layers of actions, I would like to be able to view all my actions at once.
We are currently looking into being able to display multiple action bars at one time.

There should be an easier way to identify when counter-type actions can be used.
Due to the technical issues we have to address first, it’s not something that we will be able to implement right away. However, we are looking into being able to easily identify when certain actions can be used. An example would be to have the action in a halftone color when it can’t be used due to being out of range, etc.

When will be able to use cool spells and skills like the ones from the opening movie where the characters are fighting the Malboro, or the barrier-like spells used in certain cut scenes?
Although we are not able to provide you with a time frame, we can promise you that we are currently working hard to address the current issue at hand. Once these issues are addressed, we would like to start working on implementing additional spells and skills.

I would like to be able to either see the range of my actions or have my character automatically move into range in case I’m out of range.
We will look into it.

It takes forever for the macro pallet to show with a gamepad.
We will look into it when we revamp the macro pallet.

I would like to be able to claim more than one group of monsters at a time.
We are planning on revamping the claim system.

I find it strange that all monsters have a ranged attack. There’s no point in binding monsters in the current state of the game.
We will look into it.

It’s difficult to position myself around a monster when they are constantly moving around.
We will speak with the person in charge. Please note that we may decide to keep the movement of certain monsters in its current state.

I find it annoying when you fight a NM with a group of players and the NM makes a sound every time a player attacks it.
I could see how that could be annoying.

I don’t like how the character takes a few extra steps after you stop.
We may look into it down the road, but they are currently no plans of addressing this matter.

The timing of the attack motion, damage display, and the damage taken is off.
I completely agree that it does seem strange in the current state. Unfortunately, we are currently unable to provide you with a detailed response regarding this matter.

You are currently able to target monsters that are claimed by another party.
We will look into this while we revamp the battle system.


I wish someone would ask about if there are going to be big delay's on weapons like in FFXI. With the current system it isn't so annoying to fight with a sword of two handed axe.


Londa said:
I wish someone would ask about if there are going to be big delay's on weapons like in FFXI. With the current system it isn't so annoying to fight with a sword of two handed axe.

Matsui said early on the weapon delays would be faster than XI. So even though they might be a little slower with larger weapons, they wont be nearly as slow as XI.


Teknoman said:
Matsui said early on the weapon delays would be faster than XI. So even though they might be a little slower with larger weapons, they wont be nearly as slow as XI.

It still makes me worry, it is my main issue with having auto attack.


Rentahamster said:
YoshiP was being coy with info, but he hinted as to something along the lines that the dungeons experience won't be exactly the same each time, like, there's not just one way to complete it.

Now this is really interesting to see.

And nice Q&A read.


Btw another interesting topic from ZAM

Exploring The Secrets of Eorzea - Never Before Seen Content

Some of these places we've seen already from that other youtube account, but some of these places seem pretty new...to me anyway. Actually airship ports inside towns and whatnot, blocked off areas within the current open air underground areas (Mistbeard cove = secrete pirate base confirmed) and more. Some of these look like areas that were planned to be similar to current areas, but at this point, i'm not sure if those will remain.


Rodent Whores
Teknoman said:
Btw another interesting topic from ZAM

Exploring The Secrets of Eorzea - Never Before Seen Content

Some of these places we've seen already from that other youtube account, but some of these places seem pretty new...to me anyway. Actually airship ports inside towns and whatnot, blocked off areas within the current open air underground areas (Mistbeard cove = secrete pirate base confirmed) and more. Some of these look like areas that were planned to be similar to current areas, but at this point, i'm not sure if those will remain.
That's the same person whose thread got deleted on the official forums.


Round 2!

Casting Cure while performing an attack will cause you to lose focus on your target.
We'll address this issue during our review of the action-related data.

Whenever someone casts cure on me, I end up targeting them.
We'll address this issue during our review of the action-related data.

The subtarget of my action gets set to an enemy the action has no effect on.
We'll address this issue during our review of the action data.

I want text commands that use pronouns, like "/assist" and "/mark" and "/ta," to be implemented.
We'll look into these during our combat-related revisions.

Monsters often clump together and make it difficult to accurately select a target.
When monsters bundle up together, it does become difficult to tell which has the yellow name and which have red names. It's also hard to tell which of them has the "attack this one!" mark attached.
To address these issues, we're looking into implementing a system that allows you to set the target cursor to appear above the nameplate.

Raise can end up targeting enemies.
We'll address this along with the previously mentioned "subtarget of my action gets set to an enemy the action has no effect on" issue.

I'd like it if my target could "glow" using a bloom graphical effect.
This would require modifying the graphical system, so although it would be difficult to implement in the near future, we'll look into it.

When targeting someone as the main target, when you change targets, the party member list flashes to indicate you're targeting them. I'd like to have this implemented when sub-targeting someone as well (About to cure yourself, but tab over to them).
We are going to implement this.

I'd like an arrow, or a highlight, or some kind of indicator on the party member list to show which party member is selected as my subtarget.
We are going to implement this.

Sometime when standing directly in front of a PC or NPC, I'll press the confirm button and it will end up targeting something ridiculous, like a target that was next to me or behind me.
In Patch 1.17, we adjusted the target selection mechanics, so please see if the situation is resolved now.

I'd like to be able to manually set up the controller configuration myself when using a gamepad for targeting.
We are working on expanding the list of configurable commands for both gamepads and keyboards.

The battle system is compromised of two types of attacks; Turn based attacks (stamina gauge, recast, attacks whose success is determined after the hit) and action based attacks (attacks that can be dodged by moving around).
As stated previously, the stamina gauge is scheduled to be removed. We believe that all the other issues mentioned do not detract from the game significantly.

I would like distance, movement, and positioning to play a larger role in the game. The graphics are so nice that it would be a waste if the battles are mostly number based.
Once the basic upgrades are taken care of, more advanced upgrades involving attack direction and positioning and regional destruction will be worked on.

Stamina gauge, recast interval, and TP requirement present 3 major hindrances to using abilities.
The action gauge will be removed, but recast interval and TP requirements will remain.

Recasting the same spells takes way too long (Reuse interval)
We will be reviewing all actions, so recast times that are disproportionately long will be adjusted, while some recast times are intentionally long. We would like to continue to receive feedback on the forums.

The usefulness of supplementary abilities and the effects of food can’t be easily seen.
Don't worry, these will be adjusted. The effects of food will be reviewed and made readily available through help text.

Important moves that are earned in multiples such as Shadowbind/Shadowbind II share the same recast, so they are difficult to take advantage of.
Shadowbind II is an upgrade of Shadowbind, so we have planned for the recast time to be shared.

My actions miss frequently. My attacks never hit successfully.
Even using the proper rank and gear, my accuracy is too low (or my opponent’s evasion is too high)
Accuracy and action accuracy will be considered important points when we upgrade the battle calculations.

Spells are easily resisted (full / partial) no matter how long the spell takes to cast or how much MP it requires.
We will be working on adjusting the balance. It would be fantastic if we could continue to hear your thoughts via forums.

If a monster dies while you are casting a healing spell, the spell is canceled.
We will discuss this with the person in charge.

I wanted to play a healer, so I chose to be a Conjurer, but I think it's strange that a Thaumaturge is better suited to act as a healer. In terms of HP healed and area of affect, the Thaumaturge is just better.
In addition to the review of battle class actions, we're also going to be adjusting the classes to give them each specialties and defining qualities. We'll continue to look to you all to provide us with feedback as we move forward.

When I play as a Conjurer and see fighter classes cast buffs and healing magic that I haven't yet learned, I get pretty bummed out.
This should be addressed in our adjustment of class roles and specialties. We'll continue to look to you all to provide us with feedback as we move forward.

It might be cool if we could attack and cast spells while moving.
I stop moving as soon as I begin casting a spell.
These two points will be addressed in an upcoming modification that will allow close range attacks and actions to be performed while moving. As for spellcasting, we'd like to make a separate, more comprehensive announcement regarding our plans, so please hang on until then.

Moving while attacking seems to randomly cause the shield to rise up.
It can indeed be frustrating to try to move during an attack/ability. We'll look into reworking shield usage.

The damage from actions typically doesn't exceed 1.5 times that of a normal attack. Conjurer spells that take 30 seconds to cast are weaker than rank "II" spells.
We'll be adjusting this. The previously mentioned revision of battle class actions will include these adjustments.

The camera is unresponsive and it's hard to get a good grasp of the situation due to the constantly changing POV.
We're looking into allowing changes to the camera rotation speed in the settings.

I find it annoying how my player character keeps moving its position when they perform an attack. Occasionally, the character will end up overlapping with the monster and the camera will start turning around the monster.

I don’t like how the camera moves back and forth when my player character is attacked by a monster. It tends to occur when the monster overlaps with my player character after an attack and the camera swings back to its original position.
We are currently looking into the movement of the player character. There are plans to start addressing the issue in the near future.

Currently when I lock onto a target, the camera is centered on the particular target. I would like to see a function where I could turn this feature on/off at will.
We will discuss this with the person in charge.

I would like more control over my character’s point of views.
We will discuss this with the person in charge.

Avoid haste from becoming the primary factor of the game when auto-attack is implemented.
Rest assured that we will handle this situation delicately.

Please be sure to think about the changes in hate management (especially casters) when implementing auto-attack.
Rest assured that we will be careful regarding this.

Please be sure to think about the amount of TP generated from auto-attack. I would like to avoid situations where we have to tell the melee characters to not feed TP to the monster.
We agree that this is indeed a sensitive matter. We will be sure to exert extreme caution.

Intensify status ailments used against a player character in order to make the battles more interesting.
Once we finish adjusting the overall balance of battle, we may look into other factors such as status ailments. However, we will most likely save the intense status ailments for special encounters.

Turn on character collision during battle.
We believe that we will be able to address our current issues by improving the monster AI and hate management instead of making changes to the collision.

The field is currently too peaceful. There should be more active monsters placed along the road.
We will be adjusting monster placement bit by bit.

Levequests and behests are currently boring due to the monsters not having enough HP. It seems like all we’re doing is running from one place to another.
Once the algorithms for battles have been revised, we will look into additional factors such as monsters that appear during guild leves, the amount of their HP, group settings, etc.

We are currently unable to switch between passive move and active mode while moving.
Switching between passive mode and active mode takes too long.
We are currently in the process of experimenting with the issues stated above.

There are too many buff icons.
I agree. We will look into it.


I really hope this auto attack isn't molded after FF11 and more WoW.

FF11's battle system was tediously slow.

I'd like it if my target could "glow" using a bloom graphical effect.
This would require modifying the graphical system, so although it would be difficult to implement in the near future, we'll look into it.

Seriously :O ?

We are currently unable to switch between passive move and active mode while moving.
Switching between passive mode and active mode takes too long.
We are currently in the process of experimenting with the issues stated above.

If they could only fix this issue lol


Eeny Meenie Penis
Unknown Soldier said:
Yes. :3

So you guys want to play? I'll probably be off and on all weekend between SMT Online and Tera.


Perhaps, it is free so there is no harm in trying it.


WoW is a blazingly fast ARPG at cap based around a lot of mobility, dodging, bits of platforming, etc. I don't think that'd be possible the way they have it set up and I don't think it'd please quite so many people who are into the FF Online style of things. I think just going with a polished up turn-based type (with auto attacks) like they did in XI, but quicker and with spruced up sub-mechanics would be the way to go.

I just track this mildly, but I'm surprised I haven't really seen anything involving the interface yet, it's a really big deal, this game had a ridiculously bad interface at launch for a genre that's actually on the cutting edge of that subject in the medium. With things like that, it just makes me feel like even if they do pump this game up that they're still missing out on a lot of attention and subscriptions just by trying to follow the old-school model of MMOs that everyone else kind of fell out of love with five years ago.

You figure with a license like Final Fantasy, whose last entry was so over-accessible and automated it ruined the title that they'd try to appeal more to their core audience to a degree and make something less cryptic instead of just trying to appeal to a dwidling type of MMO fan.


Rodent Whores
Emenis said:
Nicely done Rental, I saw the other one you made after browsing that thread. lol
Oh it's a piece of cake, I've done dozens of these. Except, I'm usually using gay porn instead of Morbols.


Eeny Meenie Penis
Rentahamster said:
Oh it's a piece of cake, I've done dozens of these. Except, I'm usually using gay porn instead of Morbols.

lol I actually believe you would do something like that.


Is there a god?
We will look in to it.

Is it gonna be rainy tomorrow?
We will look in to it.

What should i cook for dinner?
We will look in to it!

LOL. Anyway once they fix the game it looks like it is gonna be more fun to play than FF XI and gonna be a great game. Wish community would give another chance to game after all those updates and servers fill with players in every city etc. I would like to play it with more and mooooaaar ppl in it! :(


Rodent Whores
Eccocid said:
Is there a god?
We will look in to it.

Is it gonna be rainy tomorrow?
We will look in to it.

What should i cook for dinner?
We will look in to it!

LOL. Anyway once they fix the game it looks like it is gonna be more fun to play than FF XI and gonna be a great game. Wish community would give another chance to game after all those updates and servers fill with players in every city etc. I would like to play it with more and mooooaaar ppl in it! :(
You should try and make a post on the forums about looking for EU-timezone LS. I can also give you a pearl to another LS that has more people on it, as well.


Rodent Whores
New info from YoshiP interview in the latest Dengeki:

There's going to be one job that corresponds to each class. You do a job quest and then you get to use that job. Doesn't say which jobs are going to correlate with which classes, but I think Gladiator -> Paladin is confirmed.

Once you get that job, your job rank will be the same as your corresponding class rank. So, if you're a GLD 50 now, you'll become a Paladin rank 50.

Right now you can equip high rank skills even on low rank classes and because it's a little too much freedom, they will restrict it in order to promote more class identity and class uniqueness.

The old dev team's concept of companies as some kind of glorified linkshell may come back later. Maybe.

PS3 version is allright


Rentahamster said:
New info from YoshiP interview in the latest Dengeki:

There's going to be one job that corresponds to each class. You do a job quest and then you get to use that job. Doesn't say which jobs are going to correlate with which classes, but I think Gladiator -> Paladin is confirmed.

Once you get that job, your job rank will be the same as your corresponding class rank. So, if you're a GLD 50 now, you'll become a Paladin rank 50.

Hmm, kind of disappointing? I thought we'd see branching with this. i.e. You could unlock WAR and PLD with Gladiator, and each would strengthen and emphasize different aspects of the Gladiator.

This also seems to rule out the possibility of unlocking jobs by reaching milestones in multiple classes, like say unlocking RDM by hitting ranks in both Conjurer and Thaumaturge.

This now feels more like a band-aid than a feature now, to me, I guess? I wonder if it'll actually be possible to make both these party-oriented sidegrades and the original classes interesting... but I suspect that the jobs will receive a majority of the attention once they go in, and that will almost entirely defeat the point of classes.

I suppose they could allow abilities from multiple classes to work with a particular job. For example, Thaumaturge's debuffs and Scourge make a lot more sense for BLM and WHM. Likewise, WHM will probably want the Conjurer's Cure... so you'll still need to mix and match to learn all the abilities you need for a job. Also, hopefully Traits can be used on any job.

I guess this would mean that you could unlock jobs and still be missing vital abilities for them. Say you unlock RDM from Fencer (if they add it), but without spells from Conjurer and Thaumaturge it's mostly useless.

Anyway, let's figure out what everything turns into!

Pugilist -> Monk
Gladiator -> Paladin
Marauder -> Warrior
Archer -> Ranger
Lancer -> Dragoon
Conjurer -> Black Mage
Thaumaturge -> White Mage​

...I guess there probably isn't a lot to "figure out," huh? I can't imagine they're going to make jobs for the crafting and gathering classes... right?

Related: Has there been any word on the "missing" classes found in the DATs, or at least the ones with Guilds like Arcanist, etc.?

I know new classes are probably the last thing on the team's mind right now, but the game doesn't have enough mages or any support classes.
Rentahamster said:
There's going to be one job that corresponds to each class. You do a job quest and then you get to use that job. Doesn't say which jobs are going to correlate with which classes, but I think Gladiator -> Paladin is confirmed.

This sounds so hilariously half-assed that I hope it's a mistranslation. At least in FFXI when you unlocked a new job you could turn it into your main job or use it to sub your main job. The point of adding unlockable jobs is to increase the different mix of skills you can have, at least that was the point in FFXI.

Once you get that job, your job rank will be the same as your corresponding class rank. So, if you're a GLD 50 now, you'll become a Paladin rank 50.

Right now you can equip high rank skills even on low rank classes and because it's a little too much freedom, they will restrict it in order to promote more class identity and class uniqueness.

So, let me get this straight. Their plan for revolutionizing the Armory System is to have a quest you do, your character's existing job gets renamed to a new job, and then a few skills you could use before are disabled and new ones are unlocked? Really, this is the best they could come up with? There are times I wish they would just NGE this game and get it over with, putting band-aids on the existing system won't do a damn thing.


I dont think its going to be just a few skills, and i'm sure they'll have branching paths eventually since theres still Arcanist (no way around this since that doomsayer was an arcanist and the guild is in the game) and Musketeer.

Besides something has to go Dark Knight since that was one of the things he showed off in the form of art from Yoshida.


I think they are also still going to continuously make adjustments to the classes themselves as well. Either way, I cant see Gladiator not branching into either Paladin or Dark Knight...since Marauder going to Drk would just be weird. Not sure how Thaumaturge could become white mage since it doesnt have any basic whm spells...and the only healing it can do is via sacrifice right?
Teknoman said:
I think they are also still going to continuously make adjustments to the classes themselves as well. Either way, I cant see Gladiator not branching into either Paladin or Dark Knight...since Marauder going to Drk would just be weird. Not sure how Thaumaturge could become white mage since it doesnt have any basic whm spells...and the only healing it can do is via sacrifice right?

The current Armory System lets anybody use any skills they have gotten by leveling up the required job. This is essentially why people complain about the lack of differentiation between the two mage classes, if you level both Conjurer and Thaumaturge up to 50 you can use all the skills of both jobs as if you were the other job all the time. Not coincidentally, if you are a THM/CON 50 you are also the most OP job in the game by a pretty wide margin since you are a WHM, BLM, RDM, BLU all rolled into one character, and thanks to the broken Emulate skill, you are also as good a tank as any of the melee classes. This is how a THM/CON 50 was able to solo Dodore even before the NMs were all nerfed because the party size reduction became mandatory and Dodore was a NM that normally required a full party of 15 rank-capped players to kill.

It's funny how typing that out makes me realize how incredibly broken FFXIV actually is in just about every imaginable way.

A funny thing happened while I was playing Tera yesterday. I was duoing with another Gaffer and a Korean guy came up to us and watched us kill some elites for a few minutes. Then he invited me to join him, even though we were in a party and he was solo riding by on his horse. When I accepted, he joined the party we were already in and kept the same leader. Yes, in Tera you can invite yourself into a party you want to join, you don't have to wait for the leader to invite you. A minute later we were on our way killing quest elites, this guy didn't even speak English and I was able to easily communicate what we were doing by CTRL-clicking the quest name in my quest log and linking it in chat so he could see what quest we were on.

A while later we were still in this duo and even though I wasn't the leader of the party, I threw out an invite to another pair of Gaffers, and even though I wasn't leader and they were already in a duo, when the guy I invited accepted, it instantly merged our parties together and kept the same leader. Tera makes it so easy for people to join up with each other without any of the Who Is The Leader and You Drop Your Party So We Can Invite You endless waltz that FFXIV suffers from. For some reason it just completely made sense that anybody can invite anybody no matter their current status, since the goal should be to get people together and playing together ASAP with minimum fuss. It's moments like those that make me wonder what the hell I was doing in FFXIV for 7 months.


hey finally found an active LS today and we formed a SP grind party with 5 ppl!
IT was fun and weird to play as an archer and getting all the hate lol.
Also i almpost cried cuz it reminded me FFXI and how fun was partying in it :(
I miss camping in dunes at low levels with new players and getting a wipe in every 5 battles lol.


Unknown Soldier said:
So, let me get this straight. Their plan for revolutionizing the Armory System is to have a quest you do, your character's existing job gets renamed to a new job, and then a few skills you could use before are disabled and new ones are unlocked? Really, this is the best they could come up with? There are times I wish they would just NGE this game and get it over with, putting band-aids on the existing system won't do a damn thing.

Its actually there attempt at making classes more role specific and hopefully a way to give everyone a purpose within a party, I am willing to hold back and try the system out before I claim it to be crap.

I can see what they are trying to accomplish and there is nothing to say that they won't add addition jobs in the future.

I currently hate the Armoury system, anything which can restrict classes from becoming a pic n mix be what you want mega class is a step in the right direction.

The Tera designers are just embarrassing the FFXIV designers in that area, lol.

To be honest almost every MMO dev is putting them to shame, SE are probably the most uninspiring developers that exist at the moment, pretty graphics and FMV will only get you so far.


Eccocid said:
hey finally found an active LS today and we formed a SP grind party with 5 ppl!
IT was fun and weird to play as an archer and getting all the hate lol.
Also i almpost cried cuz it reminded me FFXI and how fun was partying in it :(
I miss camping in dunes at low levels with new players and getting a wipe in every 5 battles lol.

Look for Odins Elites LS their logo is black with a yellow triangle tell them Eight sent you they party and grind all the time at all different levels the leader is Licede Licede and Dragon Masterz.

I like the idea of having evolving classes but I can't see new ones happening soon unless they do a cap increase I mean they cant make them low like level 30 because most are above that now I think 60 would be a good level to have that but they need more content before that.

I also wish they would go with random generated dungeons I mean that way it will always be fresh every time you do it, either way I hope we get some great new bosses at the end of them like not just a normal game monster scaled up or jsut have name change (looks at new NM's) I want a challenging fight that takes good group co-ordination.


Eccocid said:
hey finally found an active LS today and we formed a SP grind party with 5 ppl!
IT was fun and weird to play as an archer and getting all the hate lol.
Also i almpost cried cuz it reminded me FFXI and how fun was partying in it :(
I miss camping in dunes at low levels with new players and getting a wipe in every 5 battles lol.

Yeah im still holding out that after this new battle system,stat and enemy revamp, and more patch, we'll finally see a return to parties running around dungeons and beating up stuff in the overworld...and not just in leves.

As far as dungeons go, one of the reps or Yoshi-P himself (i forget) said that there would be more than one way to complete a dungeon. Not sure what that meant, but heres hoping for some nice boss battles...with matching music and intro scene lol.

They will be instanced, so i'm hoping the team goes nuts with what they can do.

Glad the equipment available is being adjusted/reexamined stat wise too, because having NM sets early on that actually look kinda cool (except that jester suit) being equal or worse than normal equipment is just dumb.

Same with some of the current low rank NM drops. Cool designs, but some need better stats.


Teknoman said:

That image just says "evil knight" at the top, so I'm not sure it's a Dark Knight AF design. Could very well be an NPC, or just a new armor design.

Also, that "Evil knight" has... daggers?


Oh man, thinking about a new combat system and the addition of the classic Jobs is giving me a little hype. Hope they manage to turn this game around.


Ravidrath said:
That image just says "evil knight" at the top, so I'm not sure it's a Dark Knight AF design. Could very well be an NPC, or just a new armor design.

Also, that "Evil knight" has... daggers?

True, but since it was paired with this:


And the new team is on the whole FF feel kick along with job specific (and most likely class specific) equipment, im leaning closer to it being for a job.

I think what looks like daggers are just sharp edges sticking out of the armor. Or something similar to the bottom edges of these:

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