Gromph said:All of this should be made on beta.
All players was begging for much of this.
I'm very happy with the changes and finally the flow of info.
Riposte said:It's astonishing to imagine if the game hadn't come out. If they just delayed it a year lol.
What bothers me right now that I'm afraid that everyone is just going to join one company, like San d'Oria was in Wings of the Goddess(not to mention CONQUEST once Expeditionary Force LSes went away).
Kyoufu said:What the hell is a Company and why should I join one.
Kyoufu said:What the hell is a Company and why should I join one.
Rentahamster said:I'll probably try out all 3 companies' initial missions before deciding on a main.
It would matter whether or not the companies have item rewards that are tailored more towards the guilds that reside in each companies' towns.
I wonder if the dev team would have made the rewards for LL and grid companies a little bit better in order to encourage ppl to get out of Uldah...
I got PS3, my body is ready.Popcicle said:You don't need to go to all that trouble to find me.
But I mostly play on PS3, don't worry we'll make this happen someday.
Rentahamster said:I got PS3, my body is ready.
I can record the matches too, but don't worry, I won't make you sing "Eyes on Me" when you lose.
Popcicle said:You don't need to go to all that trouble to find me.
But I mostly play on PS3, don't worry we'll make this happen someday.
Rentahamster said:I got PS3, my body is ready.
I can record the matches too, but don't worry, I won't make you sing "Eyes on Me" when you lose.
That $80 was worth it because you got to experience the ecstasy of Rentahamster.Dega said:Make him give me a refund on 14...
Coldsnap said:and he got a coffee mug or notebook, whatever the LE came with.
Remember to check "hardware mouse" in the settings.zlatko said:Did they ever fix the controls to allow for numpad movement like in FFXI, or is the controller still the way to go to play?
There was quite a lot of updates since November, but I guess you don't have to download all the files as they packed it up somehow.Edit: 3 files. November, december, and June. Was there really no updates from January to May? Jesus christ...
If you mean the stuttering for a few minutes when you login (and after changing area to a more crowded one), that quite normal, the game loads all the textures or something like that, should be ok after a while.2nd Edit: Logged on after remembering my log in stuff, and was experiencing serious lag and unsure why.
Keiician said:Remember to check "hardware mouse" in the settings.
There was quite a lot of updates since November, but I guess you don't have to download all the files as they packed it up somehow.
If you mean the stuttering for a few minutes when you login (and after changing area to a more crowded one), that quite normal, the game loads all the textures or something like that, should be ok after a while.
Also, come to Lindblum, surprisingly it's not that bad with people there.
Sadly - no. Fresh start is the only option and I doubt that they'll introduce server transfers any time soon.zlatko said:Can I change server willingly or something? I had already invested quite a lot of leveling and made money on my main. I think I had a few jobs 20+.
zlatko said:Can I change server willingly or something? I had already invested quite a lot of leveling and made money on my main. I think I had a few jobs 20+.
What Teknoman said, at some point they've changed the exp gain curve and now you can easily get to 25 rank in 2 days.Teknoman said:Really easy to get to 15-20 now with the adjustments though, so if you want to switch, now is the best time.
Thoraxes said:I'm gonna reroll soon on Lindblum, assuming that's where you all are now.
Who should I seekp for a perl?
Zlaaaaatkoooooooooooooooozlatko said:So I'm finally updating the game since I'd say November of last year, or at least this update seems like it was done Nov 25th 2010.
Nakazato said:Yo Tek i was wondering if you ill be doing any recording when the new patch goes live ? Im going to miss out on the 1st 2 weeks or so the patch is up and would love to see what i can look forward to.
Rentahamster said:Zlaaaaatkoooooooooooooooo
Let's play FF14, then play SF4.
Nakazato said:Yo Tek i was wondering if you ill be doing any recording when the new patch goes live ? Im going to miss out on the 1st 2 weeks or so the patch is up and would love to see what i can look forward to.
zlatko said:Logged on after remembering my log in stuff, and was experiencing serious lag and unsure why. I didn't have issues with that back in beta and early retail, so I'll have to tweak some settings to see what was the cause.
Team Vernia said:Threewolf Moon. I'll log on in a few.
RurouniZel said:Yeah, I just checked with a couple of other games. Starcraft 2, Portal 2, absolutely no problems at the highest settings. But FFXIV is lagging like a bitch, and it never used to. It's gotta be the server I'm on. (Wutai)
Teknoman said:Definitely. If everything runs as smoothly as i'm hoping, i'll finally have more than one video up on my Eorzean adventures playlist.
Thanks guys.Jinko said:If I remember I'll frap the level 50 dungeon, dont' think tek will get to do that one for a while.
Sin said:Hey, another Wutai player!
What's your ingame name?
frequency said:I played a bunch more but kind of hit a wall.
Besides my chest piece (which I got from a quest), I'm still in starter equipment.
If I want better equipment am I basically looking at either paying the way-too-high prices people are selling stuff for (which I'm not even close to being able to afford), or leveling like every DoL and DoH class so I can make my own stuff?
Is there a steady way to "farm" gil? Starting this late, while everyone else is high level and rich, seems to have been a bad idea. I can't afford anything
It's too bad because I'm really enjoying the game. I just can't progress any further.