Metalmurphy said:What's the EURO GAF server? Or is this not region specific?
It's not region specific - from what I know most of us GAFfers are on the Lindblum server.
Metalmurphy said:What's the EURO GAF server? Or is this not region specific?
Gvaz said:So is this game F2P yet, and how much of a timesink is it compared to wow/how easy is it to get started?
scotcheggz said:Is that Amaljaa camp good sp? what size group/level range do you need for it? I've got a R37 ARC that is going nowhere fast on solo leves these days![]()
Cmagus said:Always been F2P and its like any MMO you'll hit 20 quick then it will take time after.
So I finally jumped on again last night and I like the new touches in some of the areas and I also like how you now get bonuses for completing leves fast I got a nice bonus after Desert Defilment on 5 star last night.Some of the weapon effects are now awesome as well bloodletter looks so cool when you fire it.
Combat hit me hard lol archer is certainly much tougher to play as now with all the cool down times I am not sure how I feel about it though I mean it kind of slows everything down knocking arrows takes like 20 seconds to knock full now where as before it was so fast.Also do archers punch now? because I found after shooting and having an enemy attack between cool down my character looked like he was punching at the enemy or throwing something.
I think I am gonna roll another class though.Haven't tried the dungeon stuff yet but I really want to I did all the pre-quests in Uldah for the one in Gridania though if anyone is on tonight and wants to run it let me know.
So true. I have an archer at around level 20-25 and a pugilist at around 36. When i play in a SP grind party archer keeps getting all the hate and can give hard time to tanks. When i play with my pgl if there is a good tank in pt its very smooth i barely get any hate(which six too actually i can't use feather foot and counter attacks)desa said:Archers are pretty damn powerful. It's like early FFXI all over with how people are using Archers to decimate everything. I smell adjustment lol. And yeah, they do punch if within melee range.
Eccocid said:So true. I have an archer at around level 20-25 and a pugilist at around 36. When i play in a SP grind party archer keeps getting all the hate and can give hard time to tanks. When i play with my pgl if there is a good tank in pt its very smooth i barely get any hate(which six too actually i can't use feather foot and counter attacks)
Mister Zimbu said:Is this game still terrible?
Metalmurphy said:What's the EURO GAF server? Or is this not region specific?
Estival said:I recently started playing this again, and kind of hit a wall in the early 20s. Every fight is potentially a close call. Is this about the level that you're supposed to start partying? What are the essential abilities to have set in a grind party as a conjurer? How do you even seek a party?
Thanks, I appreciate the tips. I feel like I should be surprised they still don't have a better way of building a party implemented, but I'm not. Ah well.Kaper said:Yeah, you should start partying, and remember at level 25 you can start grinding the first instance [The Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak]. Refer to Teknoman's post with mob camp locations.
Just have both ranks of Cure, Protect, Shell, Stoneskin, and Shock Spikes and you'll be good to go in parties. The best way to seek parties right now is to shout for them in the most populated areas (presumably Ul'dah).
Estival said:Thanks, I appreciate the tips. I feel like I should be surprised they still don't have a better way of building a party implemented, but I'm not. Ah well.
Keiician said:Boo @ no news about making an actual animation for switching between active and passive while moving, so that character doesn't look like he/she's ice skating.
Munba said:1.18a Patch Notes
Wow, something unexpected. Homepoint and the new sea effect on ferry, yay!
Eccocid said:Well after 1.8 i started to play it less and less
All the camps are empty now and no one is interested on leves or linking them.
All i do is gather with others and grind sp! IT IS SUPER BORING! Grinding is not fun as in ffxi cuz there is no strategy or danger. We just kill raptors in iron lake over and over again.
I tried toto rak but with a level 34 character so it was pretty dull. Did it twice and killed both of the spider bosses(is the 3rd one a spider too).
To be honest doing elves with ppl were a little more fun than doing sp grinds.
Cmagus said:I don't know how I feel about this combat it's so slow and like mentioned above every fight is always a close call.It feels boring overall I'm not really doing anything when I fight also the targeting glow behind the action bar icons I can hardly see lol when out in uldah.
Keiician said:They're finally removing the blessings - somehow I hated that optional boost which you always turned on anyway.
Boo @ no news about making an actual animation for switching between active and passive while moving, so that character doesn't look like he/she's ice skating.
And home points at last!
Terproerg said:Well im picking this game up tomorrow. Collectors edition for 29$. I dont know what class is good for a nub to try, but archer seems very interesting to me. Anything i need to know about starting out? is it slow like FFXI in the start?
I have a few minutes before I dive back into patch 1.19 work, so I'll tell you what I can about the "void."
The "void" is the generic term that inhabitants of Eorzea have given to a dark realm they believe exists beyond their own. This domain is different from the heavens (where the Twelve reside) and the seven hells (one of the destinations to which those who do not follow the teachings of Nald'thal believe the body goes upon death). Little, however, is known about the void or what it contains, and thus creatures deemed too queer or unnatural to be "of Eorzea" (such as ahriman, imps, phurbles, etc.) are often categorized as "voidsent," the common belief being that they were sent by some sinister force from beyond the corporeal realm. Recently, Eorzean scholars have begun pointing to the high concentration of voidsent in the Dzemael Darkhold as evidence of the void's existence, though concrete proof (beyond the Ishgardian sapper's claim) has yet to be uncovered.
I know you guys are dying for more, but that's all I can give you for today!
Munba said:Wow i missed another nice post by rep-comm. Fernehalwes about the term "Void" in Eorzea lore,
Very interesting. Hint for a future expansion area/realm? said:there has to be a better way to patch this game, 4k/sec is not something im willing to wait on
Babalu. said:I really dislike how long it takes to nock arrows now for archer now. Hopefully they lower it to like 5-8 seconds.
And when can I start a dungeon? Are they all level 50? My highest character is a lvl 21 archer.
I've recently started playing a little bit again.
That doesnt help, p2p is slowed to a crawl on my isp :\. sucks too, cause i can dl at 10meg/secRentahamster said: said:That doesnt help, p2p is slowed to a crawl on my isp :\. sucks too, cause i can dl at 10meg/sec
Rentahamster said:
mileS said:gah whats wrong with me.. I'm installing the game again!
I have more topical cream if you need it. Or....even if you don't need it.Unknown Soldier said:I haven't reinstalled it. There is nothing wrong with me. Except, well, the usual things. But we don't need to talk about those! :3
IonicSnake said:Been playing around with Fraps a little and recorded a few minutes from the r25 cave which we failed to finish.
If anyone don't like me recording gameplay with them in it just let me know I wont do it and I always have the battle log selected so no LS talk will be seen in any video.
Gromph said: