Finally, something besides the coatee to show of the girls!Jinko said:Rentas bewbs will never look so good.
Gromph said:
Bufbaf said:Guys, tell me a little bit about this game and its current state. I really, really like the design, but I don't want to jump in on a game I might not like at all.
I like the open world kind of MMO, sandboxy, but a few neat quests here and there for fun, epic storys won't hurt either.
So far the MMOs I played and liked are LotRO, Mortal Online (kinda), Eve (except it was soooo boring in space), Darkfall (again, kinda), Fallen Earth quite a lot, Mabinogi, and maybe Warhammer Online and a few others. I did not at all like WoW, Rift, Guild Wars.
BummerRawk Hawk said:I would say this is more along the WoW, Rift, Guild Wars line of MMOs. Lots of grinding, not much story.
Cmagus said:pretty good night tonight Reni, Lily, King and myself ran our first dungeon tonight and it was alot of fun some screens
Rawk Hawk said:I would say this is more along the WoW, Rift, Guild Wars line of MMOs. Lots of grinding, not much story.
Rentahamster said:Unknown Soldier would totally dig the new catgirl pose.
It's a nyanya pose.
IonicSnake said:We should take a screen of everyone in the LS doing a pose at the same time.![]()
kiryogi said:Swimsuits! Sounds like incentive to head back on and do something for a little!
suzu said:I'll probably be picking this up soon with a friend.
That GM helmet reminds me of FFXII's judges (same art guy, so not surprising). Maybe he is a senior GM (Legatus=General?), and the other two are regular ones. lol.
Munba said:Another garlean event.. with a 'GM' commander? °_°
Teknoman said:Last time something like this happened, it was a GM playing as a story character giving prophecies of doom.
Rentahamster said:Unknown Soldier would totally dig the new catgirl pose.
It's a nyanya pose.
Really? I thought that archer is even stronger now, I was playing today and now that there's no stamina cost I can use my skills all day long. I was in a party and murdering dlvl 10 mobs pretty quick.Cmagus said:man they have completely destroyed the Archer class in this game now.The cool down times on everything is ridiculous. Multishot is fine I agree it was overpowered but the rest of everything is like 15+ seconds and arrows are 3 sec cool down per shot like anything that can do decent damage to you destroys you before you can fire off like 2-3 normal shots. Trying to solo at a higher level is lame as hell it also doesn't help archers are weak as hell.Almost at 50 with mine then I am retiring it what a shit class now.Also I like alot of the changes but this game has gotten so slow now combat crawls along and isn't enjoyable and auto attack is crap they need to lose that crap.
jiggle said:wow that looks cool
they were about to attack on our server just now
npc sent us to wait in horizon for close to 2 hours
nothing happened
then the npc changed his message to "we won"
wtf SE!
Rentahamster said:Really? I thought that archer is even stronger now, I was playing today and now that there's no stamina cost I can use my skills all day long. I was in a party and murdering dlvl 10 mobs pretty quick.
I was also soloing after the party broke up and it went fairly well. This is what I did:
Multishot, raging strike, ferocity 2, blindside during multishot cooldown, multishot, then invigorate, light shot on the mob, shrieker, heavy shot, light shot, shadowbind 2, multishot, run away out of range, then nock more multishot or finish the mob off with quick nock.
It worked pretty well.
@ravidrath hell yeah man!![]()
You can also effectively use close shot and heavy shot since they don't use up nocked arrows.Cmagus said:Well i have to disagree with you on this one lol although your method is close to mine.Maybe I just suck ass at archer I don't know but I absolutely hate the class.Gonna finish up to 50 and then either finish up my THM or PUG.