Some translated info from the new Famitsu:
Some info from Connect Magazine:
The main thing (in the magazine)
YoshiP interview 2 pages
Run down of content changes until now
Dzhamel Hold strategy journal.
From the Interview
Materia Craft
There are total of 7 position/parts for materia, thinking of overall parameters
generally only for items crafter has made.
Beastmen Stronghold
- It isn't instance, is end public field - can be done with more than 1 party but for making sure you don't have to wait for pops or fighting over chest pops.
- But if its 1 party it will be even (difficulty) or little bit hard
- There is beastmen hold to fight true Ifreet battle, Ifreet itself is pretty hard (for R50)
- With 1.19 the re-pop timer will be shorter
Grand Company
- There isn't much difference on which country you enlist in, just varies in how the event is viewed (cut scene)
- To avoid one country getting too much enlistment, making it so depending on number of enlistee the company bonus changing.
- It doesn't mean you can't switch (grand company) later on, later we are looking to adding "Free Company" where you can join optionally
- When everyone from same company you get bonus as well as when you have 3 different countries grand company members
- Adding a content where you can obtain company seals over time, however if you don't get a higher rank the amount (CS) you obtain will not increase.
- Rank: Once obtaining award, must take a test to rank up, currently it's hard to go higher than warrant officer?
- after 1.20 be able to trade company seals for chocobo gear, planning to release in future chocobo gear which crafters can make.
- If you work hard in grand company it will effect in Lodestone
- With action adjustments there shouldn't be a class that gets obscured...i think
- Although there will be some restrictions, the current feature where if you have other classes raised it will be more beneficial wont be changed.
- For battle regimen want to change it from the style where you can use it anytime/anywhere, want to make it like super move.
- 1 class 1 job
- For supporting job/class the exp is shared, when changing to the job the exp gained will go into the class so you can change job easily
- for job change if the class is level 30 you can clear the quest.
- After there will be quests every 5 levels, with each quest clear be able to learn new action or obtain specific gear
- Want to make guardian aspect more sacred, with leve changes in 1.19 would like to look into this one
- For example add a game like feature where in each country inn go into /pray pose and logging out and when coming back gaining more guardian aspect
- Grand Company Leve can be stacked till 99 just like guild leve's
- planning to be able to item search in the retainer search.
- Have ideas to change from the base structure but might take some time
- Would like to change what you obtain depending on the status
- For fishing planning a different feature other than gathering or crafting, no making it more action based but making it where you have to decide more on the lure's or feeds you use.
- For action memorization - was really testing till last minute so might not make it in 1.19 (might go to 1.19a)
- Interviewee "Everyone reading this knows the result then (laugh)
- with 1.18 patch wasn't expecting the players feeling "can't cast cure as much" learned how much the game was being run with this type of situation.
- Would like to continue by being able to work with players and keeping relationship
- Till the goal it's still about 50% if this game wasn't already 1 year since release could say int with pride but....
- Dev team has good feeling/surrounding (good teamwork)
- In 1.19 there will be a character that speaks the poem which made my name to be called "poekichi"