I don't think this game's combat is in dire need of simplification.
They are not enough weapons yet for it to matter much, but once they are it gives the appraisal process more depth and invites people fully focused on a single career to experiment with carrying multiple weapons to be adaptive. Right now, and probably for the future, your weapon choice is going to be the one with the single biggest number(unless there is some delay penalty to worry about, then you just compare DPS). If they added a way for my Halberd-wielding character to deal blunt, slashing, and piercing damage which I could choose after assessing the situation, then I wouldn't mind(naturally that would be an improvement over damage type distribution). Now I am back to XI, where I am wielding a hammer weapon that does piercing or slashing damage.
And like I said, I also dislike the removal of a positional ability since using those is the only thing really making combat interesting(enmity management is cool and all, but dull in comparison). I regret missing out on the ability to spam Pierce and hope if nothing else they one day add the ability to change up what your auto-attack does.
Speaking of gear, materia doesn't seem to really differentiate in any way depending on the base? That's a missed opportunity if I am not reading this incorrectly.