Oh also:
[dev1030] The distribution of enemies in several areas has been adjusted.
In conjunction with this change, the following areas have seen an increase in enemy numbers in order to serve as hunting grounds.
Central Shroud, Bentbranch
Central Shroud, Humblehearth
North Shroud, Emerald Moss
North Shroud, Treespeak
South Shroud, Tranquil Pass
Lower La Noscea, Bearded Rock
Lower La Noscea, Cedarwood
Western La Noscea, Skull Valley
Eastern La Noscea, Bloodshore
Upper La Noscea, Iron Lake
Central Thanalan, Black Brush
Eastern Thanalan, Drybone
Western Thanalan, Horizon's Edge
Western Thanalan, Nophica's Wells
Coerthas Eastern Lowlands, Fields of Glory