Teknoman said:I was hoping that Gladiator+Immortal Flames would equal that too.
Gladiator doesn't seem very eastern to me.
Teknoman said:I was hoping that Gladiator+Immortal Flames would equal that too.
Mailman 007 said:Power leveling is so broken now.
I just took my friend from 24->28 (~70k exp) in 45minutes.
I was on 50 ARC, he was on 24 LNC and we just killed antelopes (gather them up and wide volley.) He was getting up to chain 10. You can even be in the same party...
Damn. I need to get in on some of that action.
Chiave said:Uh... working as intended or no?
Ken said:Also, are there any workarounds for people with ATI Mobility GPUs that cause the game and updater to crash at startup?
I'm on Figaro too (not online atm). Alex WhogieLonda said:If anyone is online tonight on Figaro send me a pm.
Whogie said:My laptop is too old to run anything other legacy drivers 10.2 (modded desktop drivers,) and I can't get the game to launch the updater either. I think a newer driver will fix the issue if your GPU is a 2000+ series, but I've looked pretty hard and couldn't find an answer otherwise.
I'm on Figaro too (not online atm). Alex Whogie
Do the la la la all day?Londa said:My name is Lolo Landerlu
-WindYoshi- said:So is there an Auction House like FFXI yet?
Rentahamster said:I dunno if anyone's taken the time to research this yet, but if you have,
What are the cheapest high rank gear you can craft to use for materia farming?
Maxrpg said:Do the la la la all day?
It was a joke!Londa said:You play a game that has a race called Lalafell, grow up.
Skilletor said:Just spent 4 hours dling this fucking update via their shitty bittorrent client and when it's done and I say update it gives me an update error and it's making me download the update again.
Fuck this.
Dega said:http://tehkrizz.net/FFXIV/downloads.php
Not at my comp right now but I think the folder it goes in is C:\Users\[username]\My Games\Final Fantasy XIV\downloads\ffxiv\[set of numbers/characters]\patch
Kandinsky said:Game is sounding more and more appealing, still missing critical stuff, but getting there. Waiting on the reroll announcement to jump in again.
Allard said:I know it was in the update notes, but I didn't realize what they meant till now. You know how it said something about specific colors defined what you specialize in? Yeah well they mean the literal color of the equip. Just saw on BG that when someone was trying to make new gathering clohes, the chest piece has gathering +28 but the colored ones were gathering +16 and stat points (VIT, PIE etc.) +6 depending on the color that it was made with. Since most tiers only have 3-4 colors that meant the gathering gear was defined by the prominent stat you wanted. Purple for fishing, red for mining, green for botany.
It makes sense and I think it will even out in the long run, but you guys now need to spend extra close attention to what gear you buy or want, colors are unfortunately(fortunately depending on your out look) more then just cosmetics now. They define what you are good at.
Kandinsky said:Game is sounding more and more appealing, still missing critical stuff, but getting there. Waiting on the reroll announcement to jump in again.
Kandinsky said:Game is sounding more and more appealing, still missing critical stuff, but getting there. Waiting on the reroll announcement to jump in again.
A: It's more like something we must have in the game and it's a meeting log from when we were talking about adding them as soon as possible. After we calculate the cost, we will first add the things that are must have. After that, we would like to move on to introducing other races such as Demi Human and Dragons.
lol51 said:I was playing and I really didnt like any of the DBs as a single source of info... So I don't know if i'm being foolish but i started making my own db website.
lol51 said:I was playing and I really didnt like any of the DBs as a single source of info... So I don't know if i'm being foolish but i started making my own db website.
I managed to get the icons out of the data files
working on a recipe tool to pull data off their lodestone
and was able to extract item details... I just got to link em all together in a nice website and presto. Started working on this 12:37 AM its now 9:49 AM. Tired and going on 24 hours no sleep. Hope I can get this executed properly.
tomedo said:Rolled a lancer on Lindblum, haven't played since open beta. Obviously the game has come a long way in a year.
Im lvl 5 now, at what point should I start worrying about upgrading the starting gear?
tomedo said:Rolled a lancer on Lindblum, haven't played since open beta. Obviously the game has come a long way in a year.
Im lvl 5 now, at what point should I start worrying about upgrading the starting gear?
Ken said:What's a good class to duo with a lancer? I thought about making a mage but wasn't sure how "tank-ish" lancers are if we needed to tank something.