Count me in. Since 1.18 I've been pretty impressed and enamored.Caj814 said:whoops wrong thread lol. anyways how many are sticking through for the subscription fee come nov? I want to see how everything turns out by early next year first.
Londa said:I dont understand the world thing. Does this mean we can go to different worlds on the fly? or is everyone on one server?
Caj814 said:whoops wrong thread lol. anyways how many are sticking through for the subscription fee come nov? I want to see how everything turns out by early next year first.
Caj814 said:whoops wrong thread lol. anyways how many are sticking through for the subscription fee come nov? I want to see how everything turns out by early next year first.
Kandinsky said:Did he say anything about gil?![]()
I'm leaving, maybe if this was 2.0 coming up, but I have a hard time paying a year for a game that isn't even the game we'll be playing. It's like paying a monthly fee to play their demo.ZiZ said:couldn't they at least have us pay $8 instead of $15?
so, who's staying and who's leaving once the billing hits?
my current biggest gripe on the game is that there aren't enough people playing. and as soon as billing hits that number will decrease drastically.
Rawk Hawk said:I'm leaving, maybe if this was 2.0 coming up, but I have a hard time paying a year for a game that isn't even the game we'll be playing. It's like paying a monthly fee to play their demo.
I appreciate them trying to better the game, and I know it requires money to do that, but with the 2.0 an entire year away (barring delays), I can't justify paying a monthly fee right now.
Rawk Hawk said:I'm leaving, maybe if this was 2.0 coming up, but I have a hard time paying a year for a game that isn't even the game we'll be playing. It's like paying a monthly fee to play their demo.
I appreciate them trying to better the game, and I know it requires money to do that, but with the 2.0 an entire year away (barring delays), I can't justify paying a monthly fee right now.
Hmm true I guess, would certainly be interesting to watch the game change. Even if it's only watching how the community reacts... I suppose in the end it will depend on the cost, but I truthfully think I might take some time off and maybe come back with 2.0 if I'm still looking for an MMO fix.Jinko said:Depends how you look at it I suppose, you could look at it from the aspect that the world is going to be changing and only those playing during the destruction of Eorzea will get to see that.
If the majority of the linkshell quits I guess I will too, depends who stays and who goes.
Honestly, think there are a few GSM's who are higher rank than me anyway, con one of them into helping. XDkiryogi said:Noo! Who will repair my jewelry!
kiryogi said:Noo! Who will repair my jewelry!
onemic said:I can't believe I did it...I bought FFXIV, now I can share in your pain and misery
Game is installing and I'm only going to assume that there are a fuck ton of patches to DL after as well. One question though, one of the major complaints about FFXIV at launch was its broken market/bazaar system, has this been fixed yet?
onemic said:4 hours later, still patching :/
darkblade77 said:You are using the bittorrent links to get the patches right? Not the actual patcher for the whole thing?
Munba said:Other translated art by Reinheart:
Several interesting stuff (like astronomy observatory).
onemic said:I'm using the actual patcher which uses a torrent like method to DL files. For the most part I'm uploading way more than I'm downloading and worse, there's no option for me to configure this like blizzards patcher. Right now I'm uploading at 50kb/s and downloading at 0kb/s :/ I don't know if I should DL them direct either because I'm already at 60% complete
ohhh Im gonna be so critical of this game when I play it
Dega said:You should just have to download the patch files that you haven't already downloaded. You can go to that folder i pointed out and there should be the patch files you already downloaded in there (and the one you are currently downloading i think so that one may not be complete).
onemic said:After 6 hours of downloading and patching I'm diving in, Lindlblum is the server right? I'm starting off in ul dah. Time to see what this game is made of!
You should be able to change the window mode and other visual options in the external config.. do it before launching the game. Meanwhile Guild and Ls wise, yes, we have a gaf ls. See Renta Hamster for an invite.onemic said:Okay first impressions 15min into the game:
The presentation for this game is unmatched, beautiful visuals that are bar none the best I've ever seen in an MMO, and the audio is pretty slick too. Performance seems to be above what I initially expected(around 30fps average, which I'm guessing isn't what it would have been if I got the game at launch) I love how they added actually presentation value towards the quests(starter quest anyway, hopefully this is a trend) and its not just me standing and reading a block of text from an NPC. The combat system seems good enough by the tutorial instance I played, so time will tell if I'll love it or hate it.
One big step up this has over FFXI are the controls. It's a relief that I can use WASD controls by default, which made my experience with FFXI infuriating. The only (small) gripes I have so far is simply the fact that you cant right clock on NPC's and hostiles, but can only left click them. Also it seems like this game takes from FFXI's menu heavy style, which I can see becoming a nuisance for me later on. Are there shortcuts other than the M key for your map? Besides these nitpickings though I'm really excited to see what this game has to offer.
Oh and my FFXIV name:
onemic | Karsius Zeldana
Is there any GAF guild that I can join? I'm rolling a highlander gladiator. I'm confused about the class system though. You can be any class that you want? Even though you picked one from the outset? And from the character creation screen it seems like they made crafting professions classes as well.
Oh and it seems like there aren't any real options for changing the video settings(the game defaulted to window mode) is there any way to get advanced video options? Right now I just get character shadows, physics, dust effects, and extended drawing, with no way to turn off vsync(which is limited to 60fps)
Mature said:Has there been a definitive explanation as to how the new job system will play out? Will it just be a rebranded version of what already exists? It just seems like having white mage and black mage as opposed to CON and THM is such a paradigm shift that they will have to re-do all the skill sets (something I'm all for). Is that sort of the direction they're heading in?
Mature said:Oh so they're entirely different from the class system? I see. I was under the impression it was replacing the classes with jobs. That makes his explanations a lot more coherent. So undertaking a job is almost like narrowing (but increasing the potency of) your skill set for a party.
This is what I needed to hear! Very cool. =]Ravidrath said:Your CON loses all its elemental spells to power up its curing power and become a White Mage.
daoster said:So guys, I've bought this game awhile back, and I played for like all of 1 hour....looking to get back into it, but I was wondering...
are there any good sites with a beginner's guide on what to do? FFXI had so much resources, and I remember going to ZAM a lot to get advice and read up about my class, but ZAM forums seem kinda....dead...well, the general one is kinda busy, but it's mainly talking about the updates.
+ what server is GAF guild and LS in?
Just finished setting him up with the pearl and showing him around uldah. Also tried to explain guildleves and the like, be sure to help him out if you see him!Teknoman said:Lindblum, send a tell to Renta Hamster and if he's busy, we'll do our best to make it to you.