I actually have more time to play on week days than I do for weekends, but I'm sure it won't be a problem.Jinko said:Weekend is a good place to start I'd imagine, but let me know what time during the week and I will see what I can do.
Ravidrath said:Is Eorzea going to be really depressing with all of it destroyed?
Doesn't look like there's any part of La Noscea that looks like it does now, which is to say "is fucking beautiful."
Seeing people blindly advocating the reinstating of the (full) monthly fee makes me a little sick.Rentahamster said:Made my first new post in a long time. I try to discuss the elasticity of demand of this game and if charging 12 bucks is really the price point that would maximize revenue. I don't think it is.
First thing, we're going to make sure ALT-TAB does not kill your game! [laughs] We're sorry it still happens!
Kandinsky said:So SE locked me out of this and FFXI with their crysta bs payment system, the only choice I have is C&B which is not available in my country /sigh
jiggle said:what is a need/greed system?
first time i've heard of the term
i actually kinda like everyone getting their own chest with ifrit
i'm still a little miffed over being screwed out of batraal gears by my ls
which i'll never get now that no one does it anymore
they just need to make it so ppl actually get stuffs they need
It's very common in like....every other mmo released since wow in 2004jiggle said:what is a need/greed system?
first time i've heard of the term
Nope, not even those, only choice I have is to buy the game and create another (fake) account, but that wont work with FFXI so I just need to wait till they give more options I guess (still have 10 days left on ffxi). I did try the game again (macho's account, you probably remember himTeknoman said:Not even those Ultimate game cards? Maybe you can buy one of those codes via Amazon?
Jinko said:They nerf archer much more and people ain't guna be happy.
Wait...can you explain this to me? How are these things set up now?Unknown Soldier said:Things that are obviously still not in the game yet:
- AH (buying from menu will mitigate this to a huge degree)
- mail system
- party search/dungeon finder/FIND SOMEONE TO PLAY WITH FAST LOL
- non-retarded targeting (ugh)
- loot system
Kandinsky said:Nope, not even those, only choice I have is to buy the game and create another (fake) account, but that wont work with FFXI so I just need to wait till they give more options I guess (still have 10 days left on ffxi). I did try the game again (macho's account, you probably remember him) after like a year and its alot more playable now, loved the new battle system and effects.
lol51 said:Working on something experimental for the site:
Be sure to zoom at Drybone and Horizon. Obviously the spawn data and secondary node locations will change with 2.0 but i'll pin more things on the map as i pass by them. Really need to get a choco before i start hardcore cartography.
This can be really helpful when they add zones.[/QUOTE]
Wow, nice work! Seems like it would be a pain to have to manually add in every single enemy spawn location.
[QUOTE=Gvaz]Wait...can you explain this to me? How are these things set up now?[/QUOTE]
There's a market ward system instead of an AH.
There is no mailbox system whatsoever
Loot is placed in a random party member's loot list and can be given to other party members at the receiver's own discretion.
HAHA oh yeah this isn't exploitable at all. Who's bright idea was this? Yeah okay I'm going to unconditionally trust the person who gets the loot to give it to me.Rentahamster said:Wow, nice work! Seems like it would be a pain to have to manually add in every single enemy spawn location.
There's a market ward system instead of an AH.
There is no mailbox system whatsoever
Loot is placed in a random party member's loot list and can be given to other party members at the receiver's own discretion.
Gvaz said:HAHA oh yeah this isn't exploitable at all. Who's bright idea was this? Yeah okay I'm going to unconditionally trust the person who gets the loot to give it to me.
So for for the AH, is it functionally the same? Does it at least have a keyword search?
jling84 said:This is going to sound ass-backwards, but the way the "AH" (I have to put quotes because this really can't be called an AH at all) currently works is this:
1) Go to Market Ward where there is a search function
2) Figure out which category your item belongs to (harder than it sounds sometimes) and find your item
3) System will tell you if anybody's retainer is currently selling the item (retainers are basically like those millions of people sitting outside Jeuno in FFXI bazaaring stuff because they want to avoid AH fees)
4) Choose the item and the system will then put a red star over the retainer's head
5) Walk into the correct market ward and look for the NPC with a red star over his/her head
6) Check the retainer and buy item
7) ...
8) No profit
Gvaz said:I really liked the combat in this game at least in the beta but this is seriously not doing me any favors in wanting to pick up the game for real.
lol51 said:Working on something experimental for the site:
Be sure to zoom at Drybone and Horizon. Obviously the spawn data and secondary node locations will change with 2.0 but i'll pin more things on the map as i pass by them. Really need to get a choco before i start hardcore cartography.
This can be really helpful when they add zones.
lol51 said:Working on something experimental for the site:
Be sure to zoom at Drybone and Horizon. Obviously the spawn data and secondary node locations will change with 2.0 but i'll pin more things on the map as i pass by them. Really need to get a choco before i start hardcore cartography.
This can be really helpful when they add zones.
lol51 said:Working on something experimental for the site:
Be sure to zoom at Drybone and Horizon. Obviously the spawn data and secondary node locations will change with 2.0 but i'll pin more things on the map as i pass by them. Really need to get a choco before i start hardcore cartography.
This can be really helpful when they add zones.
Gvaz said:Wait...can you explain this to me? How are these things set up now?
jling84 said:Sorry I'm frustrated with the "AH" system if you can't tell.
One of the reasons we had some trouble with the original launch of FFXIV was because we went through Crystal Tools and it was an engine that wasnt really optimized for an MMO and so were currently working with technologists that are working on Luminous to make us a custom, optimal engine that will work for FFXIV.
One of the reasons we had some trouble with the original launch of FFXIV was because we went through Crystal Tools and it was an engine that wasnt really optimized for an MMO
Mature said:"Here, make an MMO with this non MMO friendly engine."
I maybe down for tonight depending on what time i take my girl homethetrin said:Any low level gaffers up for some grouping tonight? I'm a 7/8 Marauder, and while soloing is easy, I do like playing with others.
Feel free to send a /tell to Trin Peligrade when you have a chance.Nakazato said:I maybe down for tonight depending on what time i take my girl home
I'm up for it too, but i'm only a level 5 pugthetrin said:Any low level gaffers up for some grouping tonight? I'm a 7/8 Marauder, and while soloing is easy, I do like playing with others.
Totally down now that I'm releveling as a lancerm at lvl 8 right now, ill probably be on around 8-9thetrin said:Any low level gaffers up for some grouping tonight? I'm a 7/8 Marauder, and while soloing is easy, I do like playing with others.
If this plus some other things (story mission completion) are implemented by 1.20 then I will feel much better about being charged a fee.ROBOKITTYZILLA said:In the Bluegartr interview, Yoshida stated that by version 1.20 and before they start charging for subscriptions, he plans to have the market system function as closely to the FFXI auction house as possible which includes being able to search for an item and buy the item directly from the results and an item history covering the last 20 auction records.
FFXIV version 2.0 or later should see the implementation of a fully functioning auction house.
onemic said:One of the things that still confuses me about the game are the aromor crafting classesm since I'm leveling a lancer now, what armor type would be ideal? Currently I'm an armorer as I was a gladiator previously, but I don't know if I should switch to woodworking or not. Does a lancer benefit more from wearing leather, or from wearing plate? The official site does nothing to really explain armor types and their effectiveness on classes if there is any
You're not going to be able to rank up any crafting classes at the same rate that you can rank up a battle class.onemic said:One of the things that still confuses me about the game are the aromor crafting classesm since I'm leveling a lancer now, what armor type would be ideal? Currently I'm an armorer as I was a gladiator previously, but I don't know if I should switch to woodworking or not. Does a lancer benefit more from wearing leather, or from wearing plate? The official site does nothing to really explain armor types and their effectiveness on classes if there is any
Or gather the materials and ask someone else to make it for you.onemic said:How do you gear up without a crafting class then? Just buy everything through the market wards?
Late but if you are using custom fonts this might be the issue.Skilletor said:The game is crashing on me every time I open my journal.