Teknoman said:Stop using anima so much.
You should really get into exp parties though. They're actually pretty fun now and you may end up fighting enemies you never fought/in areas you've never fought before.
Also has anyone received a bonus leve from evaluation? The faction, region, and difficulty factor in to what leve you receive, but I haven't done any in awhile.
Yes, physical and magic critical hit rate will no longer be affected by attributes. They will only be affected by gear.So physical and magical critical hit rate are no longer be affected by attributes?
Magic defense was removed in patch 1.19.There is physical defense listed, but no magic defense. Which attribute will affect the amount of damage received from magic? What kind of effect does magic evasion have?
Yes, physical evasion is not affected by attributes. Physical evasion is determined by your level.Is physical evasion not affected by attributes?
The changes are a continuation of the battle system revamps that started in patch 1.18, future class adjustments, and action review for each battle class. We will be posting more information regarding these changes and the direction of future class revamps on Topics and the official forums so please stay tuned.What was the reasoning behind the stat effect changes?
Attribute effects for Disciples of the Land:This may be a separate topic, but where is the information for Disciples of the Land and Hand? Do they receive no effect from stats?
Rentahamster said:To anyone curious about running FF14 on a Mac, have you seen this guide?
Edit: Also hints on the Crystal Tower content. Yoshida wants to bring back more ideas from older Final Fantasy's and the crystal tower is based on FFIII one.
JPGAMES.DE said:So called free companies are going to be implemented with the release of FINAL FANTASY XIV 2.0, additionally player housings and the summoning of the primal Ifrit are planned features. Can you give us some details on this matter?
Yoshida Naoki: About the housing estates for the free companies, at the moment most disciples of the hand or of the land are thinking: Why are they concentrating on the battle side? Housing estates are going to be very important for those players, because it is more related to the lifestyle. We can make sure these players, trying out different classes, can really fell like they are taking place in the game, that was really important to us. Even for an MMO it is something very special to have your own house in the game, so we are fully aware of that and we are making sure it is really going to be exciting.
Unlike other MMOs, in which you can only see your own house and each house is based on an instanced system, we want to make sure that other players can actually see your house as well. Around 20 houses can be in one area, you can make houses, not anywhere, but you will be able to decide in which part you want to have your house. You can also design your house itself and have your own garden, maybe you can grow your own Gysahl Greens there or house your own chocobo. You can really customize your own estate.
At the moment, in the Dev Team, you can actually see the mock up of the polygons. So you can see what the estate is going to look like. Its the Limsa Lominsa version, and the concept is to make it like a European resort area, so it is going to be really beautiful. Up from the hill you can see the ocean, its going to be really nice, I believe. Im looking forward to it.
Ravidrath said:So fill me in on the Crystal Tower in FF3?
Didn't get too far into that one.
Londa said:If they are going to keep taking ideas from other final fantasies I hope they take the city from FFXII and make it Ishgard. I also hope they add a bunny race. (I love the tactics universe)
Allard said:Well the lead art designer of the game IS the same guy who did all the Ivalice games. Expect there to be lots of influences visually from FFXII. Hell the new WAR armor feels like a combination of the older judge and Gabranth from FFXII lol.
lol51 said:Finished a Quest Tracker for FFXIV-DB.com:
By inputting your CICUID from lodestone it looks you up, analysis which quests you completed, and lists all quests available, ineligible, and completed.
LindblumLuCkymoON said:I just picked this up today, what server is everyone playing on?
Lullaby is the move the apkallu do that puts you to sleep.lol51 said:Analyzing the 2011.10.27.0000 update from a database standpoint:
Lullaby TP cost increase from 1000 to 3000 - I have no idea what that means. Assume mobs will cast it less now?
You think so? Wasn't the patch only about 27 MB?lol51 said:Maybe new models were added or something.
Rentahamster said:Lullaby is the move the apkallu do that puts you to sleep.
You think so? Wasn't the patch only about 27 MB?
Riposte said:That's a really awesome feature, but I don't want to type in my code every time I go on the site lol. Am I missing something?
SuperLurker said:That really is awesome, you're doing a great job with the site. Something I think would be nice would be a filter to hide completed quests so you can have a list of the quests that you haven't done yet.
Jinko said:A suggestion, hide the "other" company quests when it says Joined other company.
Rentahamster said:@lol51
The new quest functionality is a really cool start.
My advice would be to ask yourself what you want the site to be. Is it feasible to make it do everything you can, or would it be better to try and focus on one aspect and make it the best you can?
The database is really good. It's already better than YG and ffxivpro. I think mooglebox is the only other site that has up to date recipes and a decent filtering system.
If you want people to use your site for quests, there needs to be a reason why they'd want to do that over other sites like xivpads. I'm not sure what you're planning in that regard.
I really like the idea of the mob camps, since the one at YG is a little sketchy. I'm just worried that it'll take too much work to complete, and might get all messed up if any spawns are significantly changed via a patch.
Overall, I'm very impressed at what you've made in such a short amount of time.
xiv pads doesn't show what quests you have missing. This is the strong point about your quest tracker.lol51 said:What else would I need to add to quest tracker? Just knowing which quests I have incomplete, reward given, and a link to eorzeapedia for more details is more than satisfactory. I wrote this in 1.5 days. I saw the same concept on a JP site and said this would be nice to have for english players. I didnt know about xivpads.... It seems like it scrapes lodestone and makes the data look nicer. I don't know if it does what my quest tracker does. Am I missing something?
Sure.jling84 said:So now that I'm staying to see FFXIV's version of WoW Cataclysm, can I get a linkpearl from someone here?
Chrono Trigger fan? loljling84 said:I'm Glenn Kaeru on Lindblum
Rentahamster said:The following features would make things more convenient for me:
lol51 I noticed the recipe for 3 x brass ingot is missing 2 zinc ore, just thought I should point that out![]()
xiv pads doesn't show what quests you have missing. This is the strong point about your quest tracker.
Rentahamster said:Sure.
Chrono Trigger fan? lol
Oh, lol, I didn't even know that. It didn't seem too obvious to me by just looking at the interface.Jinko said:Yea it does you just have to click on the tracker button and then go to story/quests.
Jinko said:What I like about XIVpads is that its easy to read and they are divided into sub sections when the quests were added, so newly released quests are at the bottom old at the top.
Rentahamster said:The following features would make things more convenient for me:
filter the results to only show incomplete quests
filter the results to only show story, GC, guild, or side quests.
sort the results by rank required
sort the results by EXP reward or item reward
sort the results by quest NPC location
Wow, that was fast!lol51 said:All of that functionality added.
Allard said:can't believe this hasn't been posted yet. Another interview this time from Europe, some really nice heavy hitting questions and some great new info.
tldr types
*All jobs will require two classes leveled up to get the quest to unlock them, the main to 30, the other to 15. Those two classes will be the pool your job can pull abilities/spells from and the rest will be blocked out. For example Paladin is GLD lvl 30, MRD lvl 15. They are going to balance the classes starting in 1.20 around this concept including shuffling abilities and spells as well changing how they work. Combos will come next update and they can/will be soloed. (For instance they mentioned Lancers new specialty being a damage dealer who specializes in critical attack damage and uses combos to get the most from this specialty.)
*Player housing will be NON instanced and will be seen in the field with 20 or more estates in each housing area. Limsa housing will be based on the motif of a European Resort. You will have your own garden and fully customize your house. They say this is the natural progression of the crafters and disciples of the land and they will be heavily needed/used to do housing. So if you want to be the type that wants to build his own house well you better get your crafts up!
Edit: Also hints on the Crystal Tower content. Yoshida wants to bring back more ideas from older Final Fantasy's and the crystal tower is based on FFIII one.
Londa said:ooommmggggggg
*fans self*
djplaeskool said:Oh man, FFIII Crystal Tower-like events?
They did talk in the past about being able to chat and depending on key words you say in chat the character performing certain motions or expressions. Also when AFK or Idle to set motions to perform and stuff...
Dunno how long that will be though, it's in one of my translated posts lol
And youll be able to obtain very unique and cute items with the Moogles! But probably it will be more difficult to defeat him compared to Ifrit.
That being said, Im not saying we are not going to add anymore zones. In 1.20 you will be able to fight against moogles, which will be in a new zone.
This.ROBOKITTYZILLA said:-Yoshida really wants to capture the look and feel of the original Amano classic Final Fantasy designs.