MMORPG: In the Producer's Letter, you talk about changes to the UI, and also an overhaul of certain systems making it easier for mouse/keyboard users - are you focusing on streamlining FFXIV for those who do not opt for a joypad?
Yoshida: Of course. Currently, FFXIV is not yet available for the PS3, and when considering our global audience, I believe that many players will continue playing FFXIV on the PC. I’m also a big PC gamer, and I can say that we’re working to support a more intuitive interface for FFXIV, one which would allow players who are familiar with playing MMORPGs with a keyboard and mouse to easily feel at home when playing FFXIV. That is the main focus for FFXIV Version 2.0, which is why we’re fundamentally recreating the UI from the ground up. Once we reveal more detailed information, I think that our players will probably be quite amazed at how drastically the UI will be changed. Please look forward to this announcement (which should come pretty soon!).
Also a reminder for people planning to play tonight, you might want to do all regional leves tonight and completely eviscerate your guardian favor since its being abolished the next day. Going to use all my favor doing gathering leves since I get a lot more use out of those unless I'm doing company leves( <3 Bloody Hollow Company leve for leveling.)
New interview with Yoshida.
Can not wait to see news for the new mouse and keyboard UI.
Also starting in 1.21 Guild Marks can be used to buy Materia I,II,III,IV, shards, crystals and clusters.
Really? Is better system being put in its place? I need to read the 1.21 notes again. I missed that.
Making a character on Lindblum will make sure I automatically end up on Sargntanas, right? Or is there something else I need to do to make sure I end up in the same place as everyone else when the merge happens?
Great, thanks for the info. Hoping to get all setup tonight. Started on my lunch break but damn, the character creation process is long.Yeah I don't think you'll have an issue if you start on Lindblum now.
I know it's water under the bridge/pointless speculation, but after every interview, sometimes I wonder what would have happened if YoshiP was in charge from the get go.
Doubt it, I believe it wasn't the leadership but the size of team/funds SE kicked towards this project. I think SE shorted the first team and then only realized the mistake after the backlash.
Doubt it, I believe it wasn't the leadership but the size of team/funds SE kicked towards this project. I think SE shorted the first team and then only realized the mistake after the backlash.
Naw it was definitely the leadership. Tanaka was easily in the position after the success of FFXI to demand more funds or more time, the same with Komoto (although less on his side) but didn't. I simply blame the old guard of Square-Enix and them wanting to keep using the old design philosophies that just don't work in the modern era. Namely it is usually customary to have a small team work on concept and planning, and then barrage the development with a year or less out from release with artists and 3D modelers to finish up the rest of the game. The problem is asset building and testing takes a lot longer to do in the modern era and if changes need to be made, it might cause a huge delay due to this pipeline. So instead of seeing mistakes and changing them, they felt they could launch and change the game as they added new content much like FFXI's launch but they were so blind of the faults of the game and that it took the backlash of the launch to put them straight. The fact is we might call it old vs new, but really only 1 person was really fired from the project; Tanaka. The rest of the old crew is still in the new crew albeit some in different positions. The only real change is Yoshida and maybe the new battle director Matsui.
Make sure you turn off ambient occlusion it is by far the biggest resource hog and for minimal change in your games look. Also keep drawing quality close to standard and just up the resolution. Drawing quality is simply multi-sampling. If for some reason you think the game still runs like crap, change shadows to the second best setting. The high end shadow settings only applies some special self-shadowing that looks horrible up close anyways. All else fails you can turn off depth of field. Its overdone and in several instances only makes the game look worse.
Got the game up and running but it runs like complete crap for me. I have a pretty decent setup (i7 processor, GTX580) and it is running at 60fps but the game is just stuttering along nonstop. Anyone else had a similar issue?
I know it's water under the bridge/pointless speculation, but after every interview, sometimes I wonder what would have happened if YoshiP was in charge from the get go.
I wish we had another golem to fight. They still need to make more use of those one time models. Malboro too.
Completed any one of the three “Into the Dark” Grand Company quests.
CC tactics have been made subject to shortened effect duration for each time they are successfully used on a target. This trend continues until that target gains complete resistance against the tactic.
When drinking a Mega-potion (20% HP recovery, maximum 600)
A character with maximum HP of 2,000 recovers 400 HP.
:O/search invite whm 45-50
Whoa. Major Level 50 abilities (like Hundred Fists and Benediction) usable every 15 minutes.
Time to settle in with a cup of coffee and a bagel and take in all these patch notes.
XIVpads dat mining thread for those who are interested.
[dev1315] Player motion for the following weaponskills have been changed:
Goring Blade
Aura Pulse
Lulz how did they make that banner? Is there more pics I'm unaware of or did they just use data swaps on already uploaded Job gear?
Is the Purple/Yellow LS in there some racist Lalafell Power LS, come to oppress us tall people?
Also, Rollan Kyoji is cool - need to get back to running things with him.
Massively: Patch 1.21 contains many of the features that we've seen on the roadmap up to 2.0's release. How many more large patches can players expect before 2.0?
Naoki Yoshida: There are two more large patches planned before the release of version 2.0: 1.22 and 1.23. Of course, there will probably be a few smaller, incremental patches, such as 1.21a and 1.22b, in between. Upcoming content includes a battle against the primal Garuda as well as battles leading up to the Seventh Umbral Era event, not to mention the debut of Hamlet Defense, too!
Patch 1.21 contains further adjustments to individual class abilities. Which class does the team feel is in need of the most adjustment?
We've actually adjusted each class quite extensively, so from here on out, I think it will be up to the feedback provided by players who spend the most time playing the classes to determine which classes need adjustment. Personally, I would like to focus on debuffs and crowd control, but there are only two classes and two jobs that use spells, so I would like to add another caster-type class to address this issue. I feel that each job is unique and interesting, so you should try them all!
Will the content for unlocking various jobs require a full party?
This depends on the level of your character when attempting to unlock a job. The job quests begin at level 30, but you can certainly still tackle the quests at level 50. Of course, if you're level 50, it will probably be possible to solo some content that was originally intended for light parties of four players. However, the final quest may require a full party of level 50 characters to complete as I would like players to work together to obtain their jobs.
There's been a mention of new gear slots for job equipment; can you tell us anything about how that will work?
When you finish the quest to obtain a job, you will receive an item called a "soul crystal" that is unique to each job. A designated job slot will be added to your available gear slots so that you can change jobs simply by setting the soul crystal of the desired job.
Is chocobo barding meant to be a solely cosmetic upgrade or will it have a gameplay effect?
The objective of the current implementation of chocobo barding is intended to allow for customized appearances. There will be no effect on gameplay, such as armor with increased speed or the addition of utilities while in battle. We simply wish for players to be able to run around freely on their personally customized chocobos. Following the 2.0 re-launch, it will be possible to level up chocobos and equip them with gear that will feature their own unique stats.
With the reworking of how food and medicine buffs function, is there any concern over making medicines less useful in the long run?
While the duration of medicine effects are short, they contain extremely useful effects such as healing abilities and the ability to instantly boost stats, which make them very useful in a pinch. They are being created with the idea that they will be used strategically while adventuring. Therefore, the short effect-duration is a trade-off for their strong effect. Of course, we'll continue to look into adjustments based on player feedback, but for now, I believe we were able to accomplish what we wanted to with the adjustment.
Considering the experience adjustments and the new food buff to experience, should players expect an overall increase or decrease in leveling speed?
Food effects have always contained an EXP bonus, so I don't believe that the adjustments will result in any changes in the overall leveling speed. I believe that the rested benefits from inns will be more significant. Many players may cut down on their playtime until the launch of version 2.0, so with that in mind, I wanted to slightly increase leveling speed in order to decrease the level gaps between players and at the same time allow new players to get a chance to catch up and play with current players. This does not mean that the leveling speed will remain higher after version 2.0, but we decided on this adjustment for now to make it easier for players to invite friends to over to FFXIV.
Will rested benefits apply to Disciples of the Land and of the Hand?
That's right, the rested benefits will apply to all classes.
Last but not least, what's the feature you and the team are most proud of in 1.21?
I'd have to say that would have to be the difficulty of the two new instanced raids. Two dungeons that are much more difficult than Dzemael Darkhold are going to be implemented, so give them a shot because plenty of awesome rewards await! The job-specific gear looks amazing, too! We're very confident that players will feel the Final Fantasy vibe by equipping a complete full set of artifact gear!
However, the final quest may require a full party of level 50 characters to complete as I would like players to work together to obtain their jobs.
They said the AF weapons didn't make it into 1.21, right? That they were going to be hard to get and in 1.22?