Interesting stuff about the quests. Who all is going for Dragoon maybe we can get a Dragoon party going and head out to do the content.
I will stab someone if you have to do a full party 50 quest just to actually get the Job. I thought that the hard final quest was for the final Job Skill/AF armor.
I will stab someone if you have to do a full party 50 quest just to actually get the Job. I thought that the hard final quest was for the final Job Skill/AF armor.
I'm going at adamatoise speed.. >_<
You and me both, Gromph to the rescue ?
AF gear has added buffs to various WS for the class/job in addition to the stats, so that's likely why they made Darklight gear's stats so jacked to compensate.
I personally will take the AF gear though.
AF gear has added buffs to various WS for the class/job in addition to the stats,
Totally forgot about food being revamped, so that'll help us in boss battles even more.
Potions can help quicken a fight too if needed.
No, the interview basically says that you should be able to solo the L30 quest (to unlock the Job), but that the final quest will be harder.
No new animations for GLA ws (that damn 'circle anim." for 3 ws)![]()
Btw, great patch indeed. They added graphics to every food and drinks °_°
A lot of these new accessories are bananas. +15 stat rings at lvl 49 lol
The wont load for me.
The wont load for me.
Weird, loads fine for me. Do you by any chance have ad-block or noscript blocking that site? No idea what else it could be.
Weird, loads fine for me. Do you by any chance have ad-block or noscript blocking that site? No idea what else it could be.
Weird, still works for me.
Getting the same thing Allard is. Probably just everyone rushing the site after finding out the news.
Soo... Anyone up for Darkhold once Jobs are all squared away? >_>
Soo... Anyone up for Darkhold once Jobs are all squared away? >_>
Yup, I'll do that once I get Dragoon wrapped up.
Soo... Anyone up for Darkhold once Jobs are all squared away? >_>
Same here with Paladin, I can put warrior on the backburner for now I guess/spare time. My top objectives are Paladin, Chocobo armor, and beating Cutter's Cry...since everyone will have access to that lol. Ifrit and Mog too of course, but that will probably be better to attempt after everyone has jobs up and running.
I wonder what the several new enemies are (aside from Chimera).
Oh and please register here if you havent already:
Question about registering; for the display name do you prefer that to be character name, or can it be anything like on a forum? If there's a "preferred" format so that everyone knows who everyone is I just want to be sure I'm following it.
Oh snap:
Soo... Anyone up for Darkhold once Jobs are all squared away? >_>