Just started playing today with my gf. I'm finding it more fun than when I played it just before release during Open Beta.
Started off in Gridania, chose a Miqo'te Lancer while my gf chose a Miqo'te Thaumaturge (she wants to level up and eventually get the Black Mage job while I'm going for the dragoon. And yes I know it means I need to level up a second class as well).
My main problems is, not enough Voice Acting where it seems like there should be voice acting, lag (and optimization) and client lag or whatever you would call it (my laptop which my gf plays on is close behind me on her side but on my side, she seems far away and she stops on her side before she stops on my side. First MMO I've seen two clients display something different when comparing my comp and the laptop)
Still, if those are the main problems I'll encounter then I'm glad I waited til all these patches later
optimistic about V2.0 when it comes out later this year now.
Also the community that I've seen so far seem nice. Just some nice people coming up and doing emotes like /wave to me. Random but the community seems alright if a bit quiet.