Yoshi-p going mad.. 50 posts today until now lol.
Yoshi-p going mad.. 50 posts today until now lol.
In Version 1.0, we dropped many tidbits of information that hinted at Dalamud's true nature:
- Dalamud was created by the Allagan Empire and cast into the heavens several millennia ago.
- Eorzea is home to many deities. The beast tribes worship the primals, and the five races (Hyur, Elezen, Miqo'te, Lalafell, Roegadyn) revere the Twelve.
- The van Darnus family is of the blood of ancient Allag, and are the keepers of its secrets.
- An Ishgardian theologian who studied the dragons and their gods was kidnapped by the Empire and taken to the Aurum Vale.
- In the battle with Garuda, the primal says: "This is the price of your folly. The price of using the crystals' power─MY POWER!─to waken the other from slumber.
- The power of the crystals was absorbed by Dalamud.
I don't want to spoil the ARR story, but I can say this:
The dragons of Dravania are classified as a beast tribe. Nidhogg is not a primal, but a king among the dragons. Likewise, Midgardsormr--known as the Keeper of the Lake--while not a primal, is a revered existence among dragonkind. Just as men have worshipped kings throughout history, so too have the dragons.
If 2.0 is more playable, I might pop the disc back in and give it a go. They should give me a 7 day "Come back and try FFXIV again!" trial.
I remember when I played last it was just too... tedious. Getting to an area to level up/do quests, in and of itself was a huge chore. The UI was not made for a PC. I don't know what it was made for, I could list a million problems with it. There didn't seem to be any... coherence in how they delivered the story. Trading/purchasing was not a thing. It was a beautiful game, but it was not a game I had the energy to play, it took me 30minutes from logging in to actually do anything.
Had it changed by the end? Will 2.0 ball so hard? Tell me yes.
edit: Now I am looking up a good 'change' timeline, and some info on what to expect in 2.0, I'm actually really in the dark.
FFXIV uses 'human race' to refer to everyone playable, right, not just Hyur?
FFXIV uses 'human race' to refer to everyone playable, right, not just Hyur?
In that particular quote, yes (YoshiP uses 人間 "people, human being" as opposed to ヒューラン "Hyuran - Hyur" being the particular human-like race in Hydaelyn).
If 2.0 is more playable, I might pop the disc back in and give it a go. They should give me a 7 day "Come back and try FFXIV again!" trial.
I remember when I played last it was just too... tedious. Getting to an area to level up/do quests, in and of itself was a huge chore. The UI was not made for a PC. I don't know what it was made for, I could list a million problems with it. There didn't seem to be any... coherence in how they delivered the story. Trading/purchasing was not a thing. It was a beautiful game, but it was not a game I had the energy to play, it took me 30minutes from logging in to actually do anything.
Had it changed by the end? Will 2.0 ball so hard? Tell me yes.
edit: Now I am looking up a good 'change' timeline, and some info on what to expect in 2.0, I'm actually really in the dark.
I agree with just about everything you said. I bought the CE at a discount, played it on an off for a month, loved some thing but hated many more things, and never went back. Missed a lot of fights, mounts, titles ect that are gone now, I just could not be bothered.
I would love to return to this universe, but I need to know it's worth my time. A trial week would do wonders.
Between October and December of 2012, we plan to integrate the current service and the coming PlayStation®3 version into the all-new FINAL FANTASY XIV. At this time, a second free trial period will also be offered.
I agree! Problem is, like with the contests, they seem to be limited to send (at least as far as European countries goes) only to Spain, France, UK and Germany, so I'm worried that even if there's a chance, they might screw us subscribers not living in one of the aforementioned countries.I REALLY want one of those. Would be nice if everyone who obtained legacy status got one.
Thanks for the info Zeta - do you think you could point me to like... a general changelog timeline so I can see how the game changed, and also see what's to be expected in 2.0? I couldn't find anything good
A bunch of messages from Yoshi-P translated.
People complained about PS3 players being in the same servers as PC players? Seriously some people on the official forums are just morons...
Anyway, as always is a pleasure to see Yoshida so eager so receive feedback and procide responses. I also like the majority of his ideas. Is my favorite director at SE right now.
They're bringing the servers back up? I must've missed that.A bunch of messages from Yoshi-P translated.
They're bringing the servers back up? I must've missed that.
I wouldn't care less if they kept the PS3 users separate tbh, I think PS3 limitations is a valid point if you ask me, they have their own engine and UI so why not give them their own server aswell ?
Yea you could argue that you want to play with your friends but its the same thing with international servers and regional servers.
I think of the PS3 like a "minimal PC requeriment" setup.
Yes for now, but in 3 or 4 years its guna look pretty dire, its kind of like comparing PS2 FF11 to PC FF11.
You are totally right though its mostly a visual thing, although several times when things have been requested they have said that they may not beable to incorporate it due to PS3 memory issues.
If its a problem before its released on PS3 it can only get worse, plus they have already got a 20 gb limit in place for the intital install, which although not a major restriction it is one non the less. (it makes me wonder if this could have an impact on future expansions which will obviously effect PC users)
So, when 2.0 comes out do we just log into the game like normal and get an update? Do we have to buy the game again?
2 TRULY interesting posts by rep Fernehalwes about lore:
hahaOn the other hand, there are those (like Minfilia and others on the Path, or the Ashcrown Consortium) who seek peaceful relations with the tribes. These are more likely to use terms such as primal over eikon. And then there are those who float about in the middle, and simply haven’t given it much thought—kind of like my grandfather who probably wasn’t what I’d call a ‘racist,’ but ended up using terms (that we now deem racist) throughout his life just because that’s what the people around him used.
I loved them as well.2 TRULY interesting posts by rep Fernehalwes about lore:
Interesting stuff. Where are these "Ascians" mentioned in the game? I don't remember reading anything about them.2 TRULY interesting posts by rep Fernehalwes about lore:
During the "main" unfinished storyline (lv 30? mission). There's a cutscene involving an Ascian, but they never elaborate on them (since it was left unfinished).Interesting stuff. Where are these "Ascians" mentioned in the game? I don't remember reading anything about them.
Some interesting new areas in the black shroud in that live letter.
Hope they plan to allow all legacy members into alpha, that would be cool![]()
Yes if u can find one.Audίoboxer;44570747 said:If I buy the old copy of FF14 can I still get the 2.0 update for free?
Yes if u can find one.
Audίoboxer;44571096 said:Yeah can get it for just under £10. I've read the servers are down though, won't that affect my ability to register?
You can't register a copy of FFXIV right now, you probably won't gain access to it till 2.0 is about ready to launch because once you register the game the provided 30 day trial automatically starts and they don't want people to lose the ability to use that while the game is currently offline and isn't charging anyways. Right now you can't even go on the 'old' servers which are going live again tomorrow (but still won't be saving) unless you had an active account after September 30th.
Audίoboxer;44571834 said:I now understand this, I guess my real concern is will Square somehow block keys from the old FF14 games when 2.0 hits.
No idea, I honestly don't think its a question that has been asked to the staff or if it has they have never answered. My 'gut' tells me they will honor it but don't take my word for it. Its a question I have a hard time answering to people when its asked because corporate bottomline is part of the reason the game is in the mess that it is, but since Yoshida and his troop have been very honest about winning back players (and they want as many paying customers as possible) I think they will honor it or at least 'will' honor it eventually if its not setup right away.
Audίoboxer;44572251 said:I like the Final Fantasy lore, grew up with the games, so I'm hoping AAR is full of fan service and ties to the whole series.
Audίoboxer;44571834 said:I now understand this, I guess my real concern is will Square somehow block keys from the old FF14 games when 2.0 hits.
During the "main" unfinished storyline (lv 30? mission). There's a cutscene involving an Ascian, but they never elaborate on them (since it was left unfinished).
Perhaps you might find something interesting if you go back through the 1.0 cutscenes and look for people without shadows...
You can't register a copy of FFXIV right now, you probably won't gain access to it till 2.0 is about ready to launch because once you register the game the provided 30 day trial automatically starts and they don't want people to lose the ability to use that while the game is currently offline and isn't charging anyways. Right now you can't even go on the 'old' servers which are going live again tomorrow (but still won't be saving) unless you had an active account after September 30th.