yeah, these. Can't wait for them to elaborate on that plot point!The things that looked like the Grim Reaper?
Wow seriously? That attention to detail......
Spoiler about the shadowless NPC
It's Travanchet from Limsa's main storyline
yeah, these. Can't wait for them to elaborate on that plot point!The things that looked like the Grim Reaper?
Wow seriously? That attention to detail......
yeah, these. Can't wait for them to elaborate on that plot point!
Spoiler about the shadowless NPC.It's Travanchet from Limsa's main storyline
Yoshida is by far the best producer at SE, the fact he is so out spoken and honest goes against everything we know about SE
The wait for ARR is feeling longer with every new bit of information we get..
Greetings my musical friends!
I'd like to take a moment and give you some news about bard in ARR.
Drum roll please!
When performing songs, bards will take out an instrument and play!
This is the only detail we can give to you for now, but we hope you like it.
New Alpha video for Central Black Shroud.
New Alpha video for Central Black Shroud.
I think soon the new 2.0 OT up with a good amount of information seeing as everything thread has interest but the same questions are always being asked it would be nice to have something to link for them.
I'm interested in seeing Yoshi-P's star rise, so I hope this game succeeds. I want him to be the star player by 2020.
EDIT: I'm confused again about "2.0 OT" talk. Too early.
Yeah it's not open for everyone, though Yoshida said he wanted to invite as many of the current players as possible since he doesn't want us to wait so long without FFXIV. So there is a big chance we might get invites, you have to apply for it though.
Well the way I took the date announcement it was open to everyone who has the game and registered but I could be wrong. Either way most of us will probably get in and it is no longer 1.0 anymore do what you want it was just a suggestion.
dengeki said:Global alpha will start end of the month
Plans are to get a lot of people in, if login counts drop, more will be invited. Aiming for a login rate of 60% of invited players.
PR will be parallel to alpha, for example promoting characters not usable in alpha
Beta content packaging started
Beta will be next year
Controller UI will become available
Phase 1 will once again be a (closed) stress test
in Phase 2 they will increase the amount of participants
Phase 3 will make our saved data available
All races will be present in the beta version
Not all animations will be present for all races, so dummy animations will be used (for example, miqo'te ears not visible on a helm)
every participant gets a reward
start will be announced in the field
event flow:
-> get close to the area
-> party is autoformed + level synched
-> fulfill objective
-> reward based on damage and participation time
no timers to be able to participate again
It seems that the servers will not be segregated at all, only having data centres located nearby for overseas players.
Greetings adventurers,
We're pleased to announce that the next phase of the A Realm Reborn Alpha Test is tentatively scheduled to start on Wednesday, November 28.
This phase will be adding in users from all regions (JP/NA/EU), and tester selection notifications will begin being sent out on November 26th.
Be sure to keep an eye on your email!
Global Alpha will start on november 28.
Came to post this.![]()
You must have an active FINAL FANTASY XIV account to apply.
fuck me i really want to play. ;(
I really hope I get an invite, it'd be amazing!
Jinko, should say "An FFXIV: ARR Alpha Tester application has already been completed on this Square Enix account." if you did, when trying to apply again here. (link might change depending on NA or EU. /index_na for the NA one.
Inventory limited, but banks will have larger capacity
Vanity items still class restricted (no heavy armor mages)
In PvP, vanity will be disabled, so you won't be able to trick people with it
FATE rewards will contain vanity items among others
content may be hard at first, but if for example a patch introduces some new content that gives you a nice item, it will raise your "item level", making clearing previous content easier.
This sounds like gearscore nonsense, I hope it isn't.
Considering that they will have an instance matcher for dungeons that spans across servers.. how else would you propose that they give you the best possible chance of completing the instance when you built a party using that tool?
Doing content with LS should be the main way to do it, content finder should be used for fast ways of experimenting content and avoiding the typical bottlenecks and "LFP" spams. I don't think it should used as the main method of doing raids.
Also that's exactly why gearscore is a bad idea. 90% of players won't be good geared.
Good strategies and teamwork should trump any gear needed.
I can appreciate that doing things with your LS (or free company in 2.0) should be the preferred way of doing things, but there will be people that want to use content finder primarily.
I don't agree with discriminating based on gear score alone in a local scenario, but I think they do need some sort of barrier to entry regarding content finder to make sure that people at least have equipment that is theoretically good enough to complete the content.
We'll just have to see how they implement it..
I love all of these details coming out.. though it makes me sad that the alpha will only be a couple weeks for global folks
Considering that they will have an instance matcher for dungeons that spans across servers.. how else would you propose that they give you the best possible chance of completing the instance when you built a party using that tool?
But that already happens when you shout. With both RedDot and Nibel, I always had some "dead hours" that I used to join shout parties, be it Aurum Vale/Cutter's Cry or Ifrit/Moogle (didn't dare to join Garuda shouts). Also most Hamlets. Let me tell you, I've seen such disparity in gear and skill and also between those two variables, that I think content finder will be a nice addition.Some minimum gear should be required, but given that quote dosn't seem it will be very low. Let's say double melded gera will be required for most raids, how many players will have doubled melded gear? Most of the good/very good geared players will play mostly with their free companies or content finder is left with a giant pool of players with mediocre/decent gear, chances that most content finder parties won't be able to complete most raids will be quite high.
Personally? I think anything that gets me to not shout for hours wasting my time is great.
I like that FATE uses level caps. Gives me hope. Another thing is that they seemed to confirm a hard mode for quests? That's the reason I will play FFXIV 2.0. I don't care about loot. I just want good quests.