I don't know if this has been mentioned by the dev team, but according to the road map, we can use our original characters in phase 3 of the beta. But it also says that all phase 3 characters will be deleted when phase 4 begins. Does this mean we won't keep any progress made during phase 3 or is it only referring to new characters created in phase 3?
Been thinking about this myself but I assume that your 1.0 character will just go back to what is was before you used it in Phase 3 while the new characters made in Phase 3 will be deleted.
...I forgot Omlet was Mish.
Hi, Mish!
It such a given esp when you see his avatar. . . Almost disturbing.
Eh? What does Kyubei have to do with XIV?
Or are you saying anyone who joins the LS becomes shackled by the yolk of cosmic slavery and eternal despair because I'm one of the leaders? D:
Or are you saying you wish you were a magical girl, Rain?
The above was absolutely brutal.
...Notice he didn't deny any of it!
It's not really the servers themselves that are the problem. It's not a lack of resources on the server side, really, that's the problem. The problem is the design of the game and its netcode. While I don't think they have said specifically that they're reusing the old servers, that doesn't mean they aren't going to--in fact it might make good financial sense for them to reuse them (depending on their specs and age), just reconfigured to run what is supposed to be a much more efficient game/service/network design. If they are reusing them, though, don't expect SE to say so, because it would just cause confusion and mass bitching from people who don't understand that even a server built of supercomputer hardware is only as good as the software running on it.
Oh, right on, I misunderstood. Yeah, who knows. I mean, it wouldn't really surprise me either way, I guess? Using the same world names might not be a bad move to help 1.x players feel like they're starting off on familiar footing. It's not like new players would really recognize them as "old names," anyway. Then again, I'm sure there are still plenty of FF-related nouns they could use for ARR worlds.by servers I meant worlds "saragantas", "lindblum", "moogle"... etc. not the hardware itself.
I don't think they'll be using the same worlds as 1.0
Happy new year to all of you eagerly awaiting FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn! Yoshi-P here, writing to wish everyone the best for the coming twelve moons.
The outgoing year saw valiant adventurers gather to bear witness to the end of an era, and the alpha test for A Realm Reborn successfully conducted. Neither of these things would've been possible without your unwavering support, and I feel that now's the perfect time to express our gratitude anew. Thank you!
Two years have come and gone since I first announced our four keywords: fun, live, reboot, and rebuild. With these keywords close to heart, we have gone from milestone to milestone along our journey towards rebirth. That rebirth is now within sight, and this year we will see our goal of relaunch come to fruition.
In order to deliver a new and improved FINAL FANTASY XIV to fans of the game, of the franchise, and of Square Enix alike, we promise to spare no effort as we continue pressing onwardstowards release.
Now then, 2013the year of rebirthhas arrived. But just when we thought that the cataclysm that ushered in the Seventh Umbral Era is behind us, it would seem a prophetic passage, penned by a man we all know and respect, has been discovered. And the message it bears rings ominously indeed...
To both our Legacy adventurers as well as those eagerly awaiting A Realm Reborn, we hope we can continue relying on your support this new year! (By way of a tip-off, be sure to jot January 7 down on your calendars!
FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn Producer/Director
Naoki Yoshida
Does that poem refer to new jobs or just to the Eorzean Alliance and Garlean Empire's fight against the Primals? Dark Knight could probably end up being pretty neat in this game as could Ninja. I hope they go with adding more jobs before more classes, though.
Oh, I know. I'm curious as to whether or not these really are jobs in the poem and how they'd fit onto the current classes. Like Dark Knight could go with Marauder but I dunno what a Ninja would fit with.Yoshida said in recent interviews (I think with watchimpress) that they'll be adding jobs before classes.
So... benchmark/new trailer on the 7th?![]()
Wonder if they will add jobs one at a time or if they will wait until they have a second option for every class.
I think above everything GLD needs a DD job.
I think they should get a second best healer going before looking at more DDs but I do think GLD and CNJ would be fine with some DD job.Wonder if they will add jobs one at a time or if they will wait until they have a second option for every class.
I think above everything GLD needs a DD job.
I think Yoshi was hinting that Ninja would fall to a new class something like a scout or something, I suppose GLD could get Samurai maybe.
Hopefully they stick to each action being learn-able by one job only and don't make hybrids pieced together from existing stuff like Red Mages from the older games.I wonder if they'll add Red Mage...probably not after how foolishly they handled it in FFXI.
How'd you get musketeer out of that, lol? Irvine's description of sniping, I guess?That poem means something...
First line = DRK
Second line = SMN
Third line = NIN
Fourth line = SAM
Fifth kine = Musketeer? MSK?
I think I'm reading too much into it. Plus I'm still kind of tipsy...
I wonder how they'd do BST in this game. The game's well enough designed that you don't need a solo class. What the heck would it do in boss fights? It'd be kind of backwards to fix the arrow mechanic and then turn around and add a class that has to deal with resources.GLA -> DRK? YES, PLEASE!
I'm really hoping they add BST.
On behalf of the team, I'd like to wish everyone a happy New Year. May 2013 be filled with many blessings for you and yours!
But...this wouldn't be a proper post without a few in-production pics ninja'd from the dev team by Fernehalwes, so without further ado...
A nasty looking helm perfect for the coming year of the snake:
An adorable (!?) baby behemoth:
Pinurabi & Fernehalwes
I wonder how they'd do BST in this game. The game's well enough designed that you don't need a solo class. What the heck would it do in boss fights? It'd be kind of backwards to fix the arrow mechanic and then turn around and add a class that has to deal with resources.
How'd you get musketeer out of that, lol? Irvine's description of sniping, I guess?
Agree, I mean, this is cute as hell and all that, but behemots have... you know, claws. And a distintive lack of snouts. This sure doesn't look like natural progression to me.Behemoth is a type of pig ? since when ? (I thought it was more like a cat)
I have been a bit out of the loop and with the closed-beta coming up do I need to fill out a register-form again if I was in the Alpha already? I remember reading that the Alpha and Beta use different selection pools.
Not sure yet, should hear news on beta application soon, so keep checking back is my advice.
Alright but how would you fit that into fifteen Actions? I'd rather they avoid Actions that summon a random pet, order a pet to do a random ability, or bring up a menu with more options. I'd also hate if the class was worthless without a pet assuming the recast was high.Could be a pet class similar to summoner, dont' need consumables, you could have them as skills instead, having a pet stable as part of your home would be cool also.
I'd like the alternate jobs to fill different roles than the original set of jobs so I figured GLD'd be good with some ranged/magic DD in exchange for it's enmity generating abilities while still keeping it meleeing with some sword stuff. Just having five spells to use with the RDM seemed like too little and I wanted it to use THM and ACN spells but also wanted access to the other elements and it being able to Cure from CNJ.Red Mage
Class: Gladiator level 30, Arcanist level 15
Trades Vitality for Piety.
Cannot equip heavy armor or use Rampart, Flash, Sentinel, War Drum, or Tempered Will.
Can use ten DoM cross-class actions.
30: Double-Cast. Create a combo from rapidly casting any two spells. Second spell has a reduced MP cost and increased potency.
35: Enchant. Uses an elemental weapon skill with a high potency in place of next elemental spell or a non-elemental weapon skill with a potency based on the targets current negative effects in place of the next enfeebling spell. Incompatible with Double-Cast.
40: Runic Veil. Grants an enhancement to party members that allows their next action against the enemy to regenerate a portion of their MP.
45: Prism Blade. Delivers a six-fold attack with each attack dealing unabsorbable elemental damage from one of each of the six elements. Combo: Second Double-Cast spell. Combo Effect: Reduces target's magical evasion.
50: Chain-Spell. Reduces cast and recast time for a certain duration. Casting the same spell twice while Chain-Spell is active dispels the effect.
Yeah, pretty much. Kinda weird trying to shoehorn in a job based solely on being a weaker version of multiple other jobs crammed together...especially when the game systems let you do that in the first place.Switch to GLD.
Set Fire, Thunder, Aero, Cure, Stoneskin, and Protect.
Guys, I'm a red mage! :3
Debuff/buff onry is Green Mage, tho. And if they do go that route they might as well just do Blue Mage so it's not completely boring like Green Mage.If RDM comes back, I'd like it to be a debuff/enhancing class again, with melee stuff.
I'd imagine this being something like Fencer / Temporalist or something.![]()
Alright but how would you fit that into fifteen Actions? I'd rather they avoid Actions that summon a random pet, order a pet to do a random ability, or bring up a menu with more options. I'd also hate if the class was worthless without a pet assuming the recast was high.
Not anymore than the trial. That could definitely work here; I guess I was just avoiding the one pet per outing option. I totally forgot about Gambits, too, lol. Huh, that'd be an interesting twist.You play WoW ? you could go to your stable and pick the pet you want to use and then either summon it or unsummon it, the rest of the abilities would be for you, I assume we are getting a pet bar or gambits for chocobo's so they could use the same system.
That's not RDM, tho. Just 'cause one game crammed other crap onto the series' staple mediocre job doesn't mean every game has to. C'mon now gaiz. go back 2 FFXI, this game =/= FFXI-2.I would want RDM to be a buff specialist, casting enspells on the party, decent melee (fencer sounds good to me), could make primal fights interesting.
Not anymore than the trial. That could definitely work here; I guess I was just avoiding the one pet per outing option. I totally forgot about Gambits, too, lol. Huh, that'd be an interesting twist.
That's not RDM, tho. Just 'cause one game crammed other crap onto the series' staple mediocre job doesn't mean every game has to. C'mon now gaiz. go back 2 FFXI, this game =/= FFXI-2.
Oh, well okay. Guess I'll drop the whole semantics thing. I'd want this to be a full buff-focused class instead of a job, though, like, what if they replaced the standard elemental ninjutsu with these buffs? Or something. I dunno.I hated RDM in 11 though, I'm not asking for a refresh whore or debuffer, but something that can imbue elements to melee, FF11 had enspells but they were pretty underwhelming and not AoE buffs.
Adding enthunder to increase paralysis and thunder damage to the whole party would be definitely worth a spot in a party, definitely don't want a gimped mage with a sword.
You can with SCH JA, right? <_<FF11 had enspells but they were [...] not AoE buffs.
Adding enthunder to increase paralysis and thunder damage to the whole party would be definitely worth a spot in a party, definitely don't want a gimped mage with a sword.
Buffs and debuffs were generally binary, or close enough that they might as well have been--as in, you either had protect or you didn't. The enemy was either paralyzed or it wasn't. Because of this, RDM, with its lower attack magic potency and healing magic potency, fit right in to the buff/debuff role. For what it's worth, in that sense, XI's RDM actually seems to be a great representation of the job, and the most obvious way to implement the job as of when that game was developed.My interpretation of what a Red Mage should be is probably a bit bizarre though given my first look at what the job implies came in FFXI, which apparently wasn't the best representation of the job.
[ If you give RDM high enough melee damage to justify making it a melee class, then you have to nerf it as a mage or it'll be too OP.
Not sure I agree with that, you can't cast and melee at the same time in ARR anyway, and could add stances to counter that, think something like elemental/enhancement shamans in WoW. (I guess this would be the best way to do a RDM)
I've been looking into this and I think this is gonna be my more traditional MMO with Guild Wars 2 as my more non-traditional. Really excited at the stuff I'm seeing. The art style really feels like old school (I-VI) Final Fantasy modernized to 3D and HD. I'm assuming that's what they are going for?
Is there/will there be a GAF Guild for Realm Reborn?