So when selecting my 'World'
Lindblum isn't listed..?
Where do I go then to play with Gaffers? D:
Lindblum isn't listed..?
Where do I go then to play with Gaffers? D:
lindblum server is removed from character creation due to overpopulationTurtleSnatcher said:So when selecting my 'World'
Lindblum isn't listed..?
Where do I go then to play with Gaffers? D:
TurtleSnatcher said:/facepalm.
Well not sure where Ill go.
Wish I knew what hgplayer and teknoman chose. Spreadsheet says "Doesnt Care/Undecided"
Fudge..Emenis said:They are in lindblum.
TurtleSnatcher said:Amazed that you can never really have your friends join in unless they played within the first 2-3 days. What the heck were they thinking? :\
If they shut off servers and you can't join them..Gravijah said:Huh?
Jinko said:Ok made a forum over at enjin for stars of destiny(lindblum). Take a look and see what ya think.
Still needs to be customised etc.
You might just have to wait a day or 2 to join. They shut it off before and reopened it.TurtleSnatcher said:If they shut off servers and you can't join them..
Unless I'm incorrect. But if the main GAF server is shut off to new registration then no others can join for a while until so many people quit? Seems so weird.
That sucksCorran Horn said:You might just have to wait a day or 2 to join. They shut it off before and reopened it.
I think they shut lindblum and the other 4 servers off for just a few hours before though, I think it's been past a day this time. they may be closing them to force the people waiting for the standard edition to join the other lesser populated servers.Corran Horn said:You might just have to wait a day or 2 to join. They shut it off before and reopened it.
TurtleSnatcher said:That sucksWell.. guess I gotta pay another $3.00 whenever that happens to make another character.
QisTopTier said:If anyone stuck on rab needs a linkshell my friends is open, we got over 30 peeps now and growing, we group, talk about crafting, share good spots for gathering yadda yadda, a really nice group of people already. Just message Pope Benedictand say Gabriel sent you :lol
I went on Rab for now.QisTopTier said:If anyone stuck on rab needs a linkshell my friends is open, we got over 30 peeps now and growing, we group, talk about crafting, share good spots for gathering yadda yadda, a really nice group of people already. Just message Pope Benedictand say Gabriel sent you :lol
TurtleSnatcher said:Confused as all hell still.. But seems ok.
I think I may reroll as Archer seems to kinda suckI kept having issues with monsters running away and my guy auto backing up and then the monsters like regenerating health D:
Oh really? Nice.HappyBivouac said:No need to reroll. You can change your class/job at any time in this game just by equipping a different weapon/tool.
When did you do that?mileS said:Lindblum will be back up there soon. I rerolled my character so many times that I noticed when its not on the server list if you wait like 5-10 min it will most likely be back up again.
Just wait a bit, go back an option then forward again to see if it comes back up. It will probably be worth it because we have a good group of people already and everyone is very helpful and friendly.
To pan the map around, do the same thing you use to adjust the camera - for example, with mouse hold the middle mouse button and move the mouse.Pkm said:What Im experience so far is a game that is to far from being streamlined in far to many aspects. Maybe its my lack of a manual.
Heck I cant figure out how if I pull out the city map how do I move it around to see it all besides the area Im in. I can see a good ways north/south/west/east but I cant figure out how to pan all over it with out runnning further in a direction.
Kyoufu said:Yeah I regret getting this game now. Its just not playable.
Job system is a step forward from XI, but the actual world itself is a huge step back. Entire fields without any monsters to kill. The only camps to grind anything are always full.
Spawn rate in the beta was fucking horrible. Might not be so bad once people spread out but then again the game isn't really even out yet. And while grinding shouldn't be the best option for leveling it should atleast be an option for those who want to grind. But with how spread out the mobs are and the horrible spawn rate grinding just wasn't possible (in OB). You would also figure that the spawn rate would be higher in lower level areas since people will be going through those zones multiple times for different weapons. LTeknoman said:Well you're kinda doing it wrong. You arent really supposed to grind. You grab leves and solo them/ join a party with other people that have leves.
The areas do need a higher monster population, but at times/certain areas, monster pops are pretty decent. Guildleves are pretty much the primary leveling method at the moment though. You arent supposed to camp either.
The new main SoD linkshell forum looks great, and it'll be even better once we start having to do company stuff.
Dreamwriter said:To pan the map around, do the same thing you use to adjust the camera - for example, with mouse hold the middle mouse button and move the mouse.
Yeah, the instruction manual packed in the game would be really useful to a beginner, the buddy passes are designed for people who will probably guide their buddies around, at least at first (or lend their buddy the instruction booklet).
Unfortunately, I can't help with your targeting issue, as I use gamepad, not mouse/keyboard...but there's a lockon command, you just have to figure out the key for that. So, target the creature, lockon to it. then you can just concentrate on the menu bar. At least until that enemy dies.
I suggest setting up macro's - the macro window is in the config menu. For example, here's a macro that will target and lockon to the nearest enemy or NPC:Pkm said:I tend to favor games were the mouse plays no part in combat. I there keys to eliminae any need to click on the enemy? I just want to Tab target or clcik to target then rely on the KB. Struggling to click on moving objects or tab them since tab seems to also pick up friendlies. Im not used to cycling through friendlies or see why one would.
Add 36 hours to the current 4 hours 56 minute, and you get 40:56 - that's when the *next* Leve refresh is. BTW, the timer is the same the game will tell you if you ask a crystal when your god-invoke points come back.nataku said:Those wondering when levequests refresh, this website has a timer on the right side that has an estimate on it since leves are on a global server reset.
Though I have no idea what the larger 40 hour 56 minute timer (as of this post) is about.
K.Sabot said:maelstrom
Gravijah said:Oh shit, Teknoman is rockin' the soul patch.
Gravijah said:hey dude if you wanna talk about wow go to the wow thread!
Only bonus and reason I got CE was the 1 week early play :lolThe_Inquisitor said:Alright GAF. I am going to pick this up later this morning. Are the CE bonuses worth the added cost? Also I plan on joining you guys in Lind.
kiryogi said:Only bonus and reason I got CE was the 1 week early play :lol