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Final Fantasy XIV |OT| ARR: Alpha Closed. Beta mid-Feb

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demosthenes said:
Haha, dammit! I haven't equipped any crafting/fieldcraft abilities yet! :lol
:^O Get to it! :p

One thing that confuses me though is that I currently have Sharp Vision (MIN) and Blinding Speed (ARM) abilities equipped. Sometimes while mining, Blinding speed will activate. Blinding speed improves Rapid Synth. Miners cant rapid synth!!

I dont know if its a glitch and the game really means Sharp Vision.

Kintaro said:
I could not possibly disagree more. Anima regen is terrible. The single biggest chore in the game right now isn't the market wards, it is the travel. Without Chocobos, travels takes forrrrrrevvvvvverrrrrr... I don't care how pretty your game is, when you have to travel so much to turn in Localleves, then go to towns in order to take advantage of the eight Guildleves/Localleves, anima regen rate is NOT fine.

That is one port per day basically. To a camp.

It's sad that SE wants to press on with the market wards w/o an AH. You see bazaars everwhere on people because they don't want to deal with it. Guilds are laggy messes with all the people crafting competing for space with people AFKing in bazaar mode.

It's not working and it won't work.

Agreed on both points. Both need some polishing, especially the market wards.

Anima regen at 6/day isnt enough to keep up with the leve reset of 36 hours.
If they want us to travel between cities and do these leves, give us enough anima to do so. Personally, I think it should be raised greatly to 24 anima/day. That will give us plenty of anima to make the trip to each city every 36 hours for leves.
I can agree on the local leves. I have passed up on some b/c I know to get to the area is agro ridden for my character and I didn't want to use the anima.


If chocobos existed, then Id that feel anima regen would be ok as it is. I just want a faster way to get from A to B. It doesnt need to be instant, it just needs to be faster.

Torquill said:
At that point, why have Anima? What you're then advocating is free teleports.

When you factor in how often someone needs to teleport...whether it be to do leves, get supplies, get to their guild, join a friend...then you might as well remove teleporting altogether because after the first week, a lot of people will be at zero and scraping by with 6/day.

Im an anima hoarder myself and wont let mine drop below 50. I will actually run everywhere on foot just to save it. Ive already put on hold the things I wanted to do in game because of this and its very irritating considering that I dont have a shitload of time to play to begin with.


Torquill said:
At that point, why have Anima? What you're then advocating is free teleports.

This isn't FFXI were WHM had to pay for there spells, everyone has them so whats the problem? Free teleports will save everyone time :D

Edit: I agree with the point above if airships or chocobo's were in the game id be ok with the current system.

Edit 2: OMG I just visited my first retainer ward, it had this amazing happy music but having to check all those bazaar and finding nothing was making want to punch my screen :lol

There needs to be some sort of retainer search system added ASAP, or you know an AH SE.


Salaadin said:
Does your wife dc/crash a lot? Macros and UI layout is saved when you logout from the menu. If you change UI size and arrangement or create macros and then dc or crash, itll be lost and youll have to re-do.
To help with this, whenever I make major changes to my macros, I always log out immediately after just to be safe.
Nope. no crashes.. she logsout the whole way proper too. It is the weirdest thing
and on the lag issue, like I said I am not sure if it is hardware or network.
Took me three attempts to run from Camp Bentbranch to Camp Nine Ivies. There's only ONE tricky part between those two camps - an opening which contains Vulturetraps, Buzzards and those god forsaken Crocodile-thingies, which all aggro. Thanks to some brave Archer, I was able to make it past the opening ( he took the Vulturetrap, which was guarding the place, with him as he ran ). I haven't been this happy about such an arbitary 'achievement' in a long while. Oh, SE, you sadistic bastard... :D


rSpooky said:
Nope. no crashes.. she logsout the whole way proper too. It is the weirdest thing
and on the lag issue, like I said I am not sure if it is hardware or network.

I dont get it then, sorry.
I only know of the issue with dc/crashes as I had that happen to me in the beta.


I am so tempted to pick this up but I have no clue if my system could run it well. I know not on the high settings. I did a http://cyri.systemrequirementslab.com/CYRI/ on my system and I passed the min requirements but not the recommended due to having Vista instead of Windows 7. Didn't have the right graphics card that was recommended but I matched all the settings listed under it which was weird. I have 3 gigs of ram and not 4.

What I'm running is the following.

Windows Vista Home Premium
AMD Athlon 64 X2 4200+
3 Gigs of Ram
GeForce 9800 GT 512MB 128-bit DDR3 PCI Express 2.0

For game comparison I can run WoW maxed now without any issue. Starcraft 2 doesn't give me any issues high detailed settings. I couldn't get a clear reading from the Benchmark. I remember running that for Final Fantasy XI and getting a low score but the game ran fine for the most part after messing with the game settings on my old Sony Vaio laptop and even better on my desktop before my current setup. I couldn't even try the beta due to see due to the download being so slow. I stopped trying to download it.

Anyone have a clue if my system could run the game? Which settings might be possible?
Effect said:
I am so tempted to pick this up but I have no clue if my system could run it well. I know not on the high settings. I did a http://cyri.systemrequirementslab.com/CYRI/ on my system and I passed the min requirements but not the recommended due to having Vista instead of Windows 7. Didn't have the right graphics card that was recommended but I matched all the settings listed under it which was weird. I have 3 gigs of ram and not 4.

What I'm running is the following.

Windows Vista Home Premium
AMD Athlon 64 X2 4200+
3 Gigs of Ram
GeForce 9800 GT 512MB 128-bit DDR3 PCI Express 2.0

For game comparison I can run WoW maxed now without any issue. Starcraft 2 doesn't give me any issues high detailed settings. I couldn't get a clear reading from the Benchmark. I remember running that for Final Fantasy XI and getting a low score but the game ran fine for the most part after messing with the game settings on my old Sony Vaio laptop and even better on my desktop before my current setup. I couldn't even try the beta due to see due to the download being so slow. I stopped trying to download it.

Anyone have a clue if my system could run the game? Which settings might be possible?

I would think you can run it on low. Not sure about the 9800GT though.

Work is going to be pretty slow from now until December and I'm so tempted to get a laptop to play this game during the slow patches @ work :lol


demosthenes said:
Do 5 star leves. When you get new leves exchange your previously won 5 star leves for the new leve and it will increase your reward. If you've been keeping up to date with your 8 leves every 36 hours you can easily have that much gil.

When you say when you get new leves do you pick the same ones you previously five stared?

We should get a group of us Eastern time players tonight, those who get off work and play. Around 8:00?
Coldsnap said:
When you say when you get new leves do you pick the same ones you previously five stared?

We should get a group of us Eastern time players tonight, those who get off work and play. Around 8:00?

I don't think you're allowed to exchange leve a for leve a.

And yea, I already said I'd be online tonight for at least 5-6 hours wanting to group. Depending on the people we get we can do 4-5 stars.


abq said:

The Onion Helm code was in the case on a slip of paper

Coldsnap said:
We should get a group of us Eastern time players tonight, those who get off work and play. Around 8:00?

I might be down for that too. I might have plans with a few other friends but if not, Ill join up with you guys. Ill be following the LS chat.


I will FINALLY be done with work within the next few days. 24/7 FFXIV, yes please!

As for anima... I think the anima system is fine. Right now I have well over 90 anima. To me, it seems like the zones in FFXIV are smaller in comparison to riding a chocobo all over Vana'diel.

If I wanted to use Teleport-Holla to get to Sandy, I'd have to teleport, then ride a chocobo for a good 5 minutes. Going to Jeuno was even worse (not counting teleporting from Aht Urghan).

In FFXIV, it takes no time at all to run to the camps from the closest city. I only use anima to get there if I'm lazy. Plus, I'm not using leves as my main source of leveling other than crafting leves. It's not a big deal for me to run to one or two camps for leves, then I just use return to go back to town, only using 2 anima.

The only adjustment that I feel needs to be made is that you need to be able to have a set home point instead of making it change every time I click a crystal. Maybe allow me to return back to the last two crystals I click? The return function is pretty much useless if I'm doing a battle or gathering leve.

abq said:

It came in the DVD case for the game. It was right where the manual goes. In mine I had the Onion Helm code and the buddy pass both in there.


I guess I got screwed on my goggles then. All I can find is the manual and product registration card. I probably can't return the game since I already registered it to my account and I doubt SE will give me a new code.


People are failing to admit WHY all these horrible systems are in place altogether at once.

Time sync = more money.

Somewhere in the development, somewhere when they set a date of sept 22nd that was a year too early, they came to the conclusion that their player population will be small, so they knew they had to extort as much cash as possible.

Anima regen, long traveling, not including much content, long grind, wait for cool down on leves, poor exp from leves the higher you go, surplus to prevent you getting far grinding, major focus on crafting to rip time away from exping/adventuring/HAVING FUN IN A VIDEOGAME, the crysta system to get a few extra bucks out of you a month then originally promised, and so on and so forth.

Yes we are all suckers, but I came to the conclusion that this is the games real goal, and SquareEnix's track record for too many years now has been this type of a dip shit company run by baboons who see nothing but $ signs in their eyes, and have 0 fucking clue on how to listen to or please their fans.


On a different note I hit level 10 weaver today which helped me get some minor crafting equipment made to help success rates. I want to get armorsmith, weaver, and leather worker to 21 before focusing on really exping my pugilist which is 500 exp from level 15. I figure once all 3 are 21(plus I'll have to dabble in mining, botony, alchemy, and who knows what else) then I can have gear up to level 30. I hope so anyway...


So I just started Botany and Mining. Where do I find the grade 2 nodes? I want to make dye, but I need to find a grade 2 for the mats.

Also, what are the going prices for weapons and armor from bazaars? I'm trying to price mine accordingly.

Gloves / Boots?
Body piece?


DrDogg said:
The only adjustment that I feel needs to be made is that you need to be able to have a set home point instead of making it change every time I click a crystal. Maybe allow me to return back to the last two crystals I click? The return function is pretty much useless if I'm doing a battle or gathering leve.

Thats not a bad idea. I had when I home point somewhere with the intention of deathporting back there later but then I end up near a crystal that I dont have and I have to choose to either click it and lose my home point or not click it at all and have to return there later.

They should add in the option for "Set home point" when you click a crystal. Sure, people will forget and then die during a leve and end up homepoint 300 miles away but thats their own damn fault :p


abq said:
I guess I got screwed on my goggles then. All I can find is the manual and product registration card. I probably can't return the game since I already registered it to my account and I doubt SE will give me a new code.
Inside the DVD case there should have been: Game Manual (w/ game key), SE Product Reg, Security Token leaflet, Right of Passage code leaflet, and Onion Helm code leaflet.

If its the regular edition I heard the goggles are given out as a code from the retailer.
DrDogg said:
So I just started Botany and Mining. Where do I find the grade 2 nodes? I want to make dye, but I need to find a grade 2 for the mats.

Also, what are the going prices for weapons and armor from bazaars? I'm trying to price mine accordingly.

Gloves / Boots?
Body piece?

Need to go to the harder camps.
For the Anima discussion, I definitely don't think they need to up the refresh rate - in fact, I think death returns should cost anima as long as you have some (as it seems it was designed for). Teleporting everywhere is too powerful, one of the things that makes the game a bit more boring (and there isn't enough punishment for dieing). One of the things that made FFXI fun was you really got to know the areas around your home town, from all the running you had to do, and how much work it was to travel anywhere at low levels. It made your hometown feel like home, and made you really happy once you unlocked Chocobo's and airships and teleports :)

But also, some people are talking as if they need to be spending tons of anima each day teleporting. But, do you realize that if you are in a party, only one person must spend anima to teleport the entire party? That means in a party of 4, it only costs you 1 teleport's-worth of anima for 4 teleports. Square obviously designed teleporting as yet another method to encourage grouping.


DrDogg said:
So I just started Botany and Mining. Where do I find the grade 2 nodes? I want to make dye, but I need to find a grade 2 for the mats.

Also, what are the going prices for weapons and armor from bazaars? I'm trying to price mine accordingly.

Gloves / Boots?
Body piece?

Points seem to be directly related to the camp theyre nearby. Im using mining as an example but Im assuming the other DoL jobs are the same.

Mining Grade 1 points
-Camp Bentbranch (Grid)
-Camp Bearded Rock (Limsa)
-Camp Blackbrush (Ul Dah)

Mining Grade 2 points
-Camp Emerald Moss (Grid)
-Camp Skull Valley (Limsa)
-Camp Dry Bone (Ul Dah)

Mining Grade 3 points
-Camp Tranquil (Grid)
-No idea for Limsa or Ul Dah but Im assuming they appear near Camp Bloodshore (Limsa) and Camp Horizon (Ul Dah)

To make sure youre in the right areas, check your map. Itll say "Thanalan - Camp Dry Bone" or whatever "zone" the game considers you to be in. Theres also a broad range between camps where no points appear. I sugget going directly to the camp crystal and then using your abilities to detect them. Its what has worked best for me.

Again, this is only for mining but I would think the others are similar.


Dreamwriter said:
Teleporting everywhere is too powerful, one of the things that makes the game a bit more boring (and there isn't enough punishment for dieing). One of the things that made FFXI fun was you really got to know the areas around your home town, from all the running you had to do, and how much work it was to travel anywhere at low levels. It made your hometown feel like home, and made you really happy once you unlocked Chocobo's and airships and teleports :)

I agree with you. Those right of passage moments in FFXI were incredible and it does not seem like this game has any of that. I don't think most people care or liked them though.


Nah. Been reading up quickly (so glad I picked up a new Kindle 3G to look at these things :) ) on some post on other sites about different setups. Seems kinda risky playing it with mine. Some who have a 9800 or around one seem to be playing fine with some changes to the shadow settings and others but noticing their CPU is usually a quad core. That might be an issue. Seems like it's going to be better to simply just wait for the PS3 version.


Darkness no more
Is it possible to run to other towns without getting wtfowned?

I'm only level 7, but I want to explore around a bit and check out what the 2 other towns look like.


Darkness said:
Is it possible to run to other towns without getting wtfowned?

I'm only level 7, but I want to explore around a bit and check out what the 2 other towns look like.

It's almost too possible. You'll be fine at level 7 - it's just a bit time consuming. There are a couple of aggro mobs here and there, but they can be avoided.

Just be sure to check the aetherites at the campsites along the way in case a buzzard or something takes a liking to you.


Dreamwriter said:
For the Anima discussion, I definitely don't think they need to up the refresh rate - in fact, I think death returns should cost anima as long as you have some (as it seems it was designed for). Teleporting everywhere is too powerful, one of the things that makes the game a bit more boring (and there isn't enough punishment for dieing). One of the things that made FFXI fun was you really got to know the areas around your home town, from all the running you had to do, and how much work it was to travel anywhere at low levels. It made your hometown feel like home, and made you really happy once you unlocked Chocobo's and airships and teleports :)

But also, some people are talking as if they need to be spending tons of anima each day teleporting. But, do you realize that if you are in a party, only one person must spend anima to teleport the entire party? That means in a party of 4, it only costs you 1 teleport's-worth of anima for 4 teleports. Square obviously designed teleporting as yet another method to encourage grouping.

You're a masochist. Yeah, I loved getting subjob items, I loved the limit break quests and the difficult missions, and the sense of accomplishment that they provided. I don't think this game has the proper systems in place to allow for a stricter death penalty. I have no idea whether that pallet-swapped enemy with a RED icon is 4 or 40 levels higher than I am. You move 10 feet in a zone and you could be fighting level 50 mobs (it's happened to me in Grid, got hit for 4320 the other day). It would be intolerably frustrating if it was burning up anima every time you died. Or if the mob you're fighting bugs out and you have to disengage and reengage and you wind up dying, I don't want to compound my frustration by losing Anima on top of it.

The only thing with teleporting that I think is too easy right now is that people can port to crystals that they don't already have, but there are so many aetherytes that if people couldn't do that, groups would get split up all the time and it would be frustrating.

I agree that part of what made FFXI fun was its difficulty, but I think there are other ways they could have made that game (and this one) more enjoyable without making things anymore frustrating for players.

I also wouldn't say that just because they made it to that you don't have to spend your own anima when someone in your group teleports, that they consciously made that decision to encourage grouping.

There are enough frustrating things with UI lag, slow active/passive mode toggling, no auction house, no mail system, I really don't need the minute-to-minute gameplay to be frustrating on top of it.
gsarjeant said:
It's almost too possible. You'll be fine at level 7 - it's just a bit time consuming. There are a couple of aggro mobs here and there, but they can be avoided.

Just be sure to check the aetherites at the campsites along the way in case a buzzard or something takes a liking to you.

I ran with no issue of agro at all picking up the camps along the road.


The biggest problem mob will probably be the ants in Thanalan which is right outside Ul Dah. Theyre fast, have a decent aggro range, and will one shot you by shooting a rock out of their ass. Stay as far away from them as you can and you should be fine.

I actually dont think theres any aggro mobs in Black Shroud from the zone line right to the city. Its loaded with squirrels and non aggro deer and funguar.
There are some crabs that Ive seen aggro. One killed me in Limsa and I was told that theyre territorial. If you hang around them too long, theyll whack you. I dont know how true that is so just run by them to be safe.

Getting from Thanalan to Limsa is easy if you avoid ants. Once you board the ship, youll dock right in the city and can get the crystal there and then explore the outer areas.


Dreamwriter said:
For the Anima discussion, I definitely don't think they need to up the refresh rate - in fact, I think death returns should cost anima as long as you have some (as it seems it was designed for). Teleporting everywhere is too powerful, one of the things that makes the game a bit more boring (and there isn't enough punishment for dieing). One of the things that made FFXI fun was you really got to know the areas around your home town, from all the running you had to do, and how much work it was to travel anywhere at low levels. It made your hometown feel like home, and made you really happy once you unlocked Chocobo's and airships and teleports :)

But also, some people are talking as if they need to be spending tons of anima each day teleporting. But, do you realize that if you are in a party, only one person must spend anima to teleport the entire party? That means in a party of 4, it only costs you 1 teleport's-worth of anima for 4 teleports. Square obviously designed teleporting as yet another method to encourage grouping.

This guy gets it. I'd hate for Anima to be nearly unlimited. If you can't travel for 30 minutes to make your 25k gil, then tough. People are so accustomed to this I want results now mentality. It kills any sense of accomplishment.

Back in my day (heh), in EQ, I started in Freeport, while a friend was in Qeynos. I remember having to wait till level 16 (just to get invis) so I can attempt to travel all the way over there. Almost felt like I was planning for a real trip. Numerous zones to travel through, danger at every corner, and no map to guide me. Yeah, and if you die? Back to your home point, naked, and let's add some brutal experience loss to that. Needless to say, when I finally met up with my friend, it felt great that I had survived the trip. God knows how long it took me to get to the other side of the world by foot, but it gave the world some sense of reality.

There is already no loss of experience in FF when you die, leves that ease your leveling, and give you a good amount of gil, how much easier do you want it? Nearly unlimited instant ports across the world? Gimme a break.

I'm not totally against more methods of travel, and I do believe chocobos should be implemented, but even then, they should be earned, not handed to you at level 1.

(and yea, since EQ was my first mmo, and it was fucking brutal, that's always going to be my comparison.)

What does need to get fixed asap, is the retainer system, don't mind the actual system, but it needs to work better. And the damn UI lag, while better, it's still pretty bad. The nested menu system is redundant, but made worse because of all the delays in between. Lastly, while the zones look nice, and are pretty vast, they need to fill them with more stuff. Not just enemies, but random critters, some landmarks, anything. They are way too sparse right now.


Amneisac said:
The only thing with teleporting that I think is too easy right now is that people can port to crystals that they don't already have, but there are so many aetherytes that if people couldn't do that, groups would get split up all the time and it would be frustrating.

Huh? Are you sure? I couldn't port to Gridania prior to me going there and using the aetheryte... or to any other crystal for that matter.
Razorwind said:
Do we have a specific server/LS for GAF? Or is everyone spread all around?

In the OP, most of us are @ Lindblum.

datamage said:
Huh? Are you sure? I couldn't port to Gridania prior to me going there and using the aetheryte... or to any other crystal for that matter.

I'm pretty sure I took a few people to a crystal for their first time the other night from the LS when we were grouping.


About Surplus (Bonus) points:

S-E was supposed to add some sort of reward for those later on, so thats probably why the name changed. Retainer stuff shouldnt be added in two weeks though...should be added before retail official launch.


demosthenes said:
I'm pretty sure I took a few people to a crystal for their first time the other night from the LS when we were grouping.

Yeah, as long as you've been to a crystal, you can port anyone else there, whether they've been before or not.


demosthenes said:
In the OP, most of us are @ Lindblum.

I'm pretty sure I took a few people to a crystal for their first time the other night from the LS when we were grouping.

Ah, but you yourself had been there before? That I can see happening. But at least someone in the group has had to have made that trip beforehand.
datamage said:
Ah, but you yourself had been there before? That I can see happening. But at least someone in the group has had to have made that trip beforehand.


I like that, it's a good way to introduce players to new areas and keep grouping...if only they could fix the grouping :lol

It's nice that when I had 96 Anima the other night I could tele my party even though some were @ 12 anima, and others had never been to the camp.
demosthenes said:
I don't think you're allowed to exchange leve a for leve a.

And yea, I already said I'd be online tonight for at least 5-6 hours wanting to group. Depending on the people we get we can do 4-5 stars.

I'll be on tonight starting at 7EST/6CST

-Mos Eisley


Worships the porcelain goddess
datamage said:
This guy gets it. I'd hate for Anima to be nearly unlimited. If you can't travel for 30 minutes to make your 25k gil, then tough. People are so accustomed to this I want results now mentality. It kills any sense of accomplishment.

Back in my day (heh), in EQ, I started in Freeport, while a friend was in Qeynos. I remember having to wait till level 16 (just to get invis) so I can attempt to travel all the way over there. Almost felt like I was planning for a real trip. Numerous zones to travel through, danger at every corner, and no map to guide me. Yeah, and if you die? Back to your home point, naked, and let's add some brutal experience loss to that. Needless to say, when I finally met up with my friend, it felt great that I had survived the trip. God knows how long it took me to get to the other side of the world by foot, but it gave the world some sense of reality.

There is already no loss of experience in FF when you die, leves that ease your leveling, and give you a good amount of gil, how much easier do you want it? Nearly unlimited instant ports across the world? Gimme a break.

I'm not totally against more methods of travel, and I do believe chocobos should be implemented, but even then, they should be earned, not handed to you at level 1.

(and yea, since EQ was my first mmo, and it was fucking brutal, that's always going to be my comparison.)

What does need to get fixed asap, is the retainer system, don't mind the actual system, but it needs to work better. And the damn UI lag, while better, it's still pretty bad. The nested menu system is redundant, but made worse because of all the delays in between. Lastly, while the zones look nice, and are pretty vast, they need to fill them with more stuff. Not just enemies, but random critters, some landmarks, anything. They are way too sparse right now.

You guys aren't thinking it through very well. With no Chocobos, anima is the key piece of travel right now. Say your LS mates are partying in Ul'dah and you're in Limsa. Why are you in Limsa, your Blacksmithing guild is there. So, someone has to spend 6 anime to pick you up or you have to spend it to get to them...then you need to spend it to get back. Or waste 20-30 minutes in travel time. What happened when everyone in your party is out of anima? What about since there is no MAIL SYSTEM in the game, you have to use anima to teleport to a LS mate (or vice versa) in order to pick up key crafting mats to make equipment for them or yourself or for skill?

I could go on and on. Because key points of the game are broken/not included, anima is by far the most important thing in the game right now. The regen rate right now is 1 point per 4 hours. That's 6 points per day. That's ONE TELEPORT.


zlatko said:
People are failing to admit WHY all these horrible systems are in place altogether at once.

Time sync = more money.

Somewhere in the development, somewhere when they set a date of sept 22nd that was a year too early, they came to the conclusion that their player population will be small, so they knew they had to extort as much cash as possible.

Anima regen, long traveling, not including much content, long grind, wait for cool down on leves, poor exp from leves the higher you go, surplus to prevent you getting far grinding, major focus on crafting to rip time away from exping/adventuring/HAVING FUN IN A VIDEOGAME, the crysta system to get a few extra bucks out of you a month then originally promised, and so on and so forth.

Yes we are all suckers, but I came to the conclusion that this is the games real goal, and SquareEnix's track record for too many years now has been this type of a dip shit company run by baboons who see nothing but $ signs in their eyes, and have 0 fucking clue on how to listen to or please their fans.


On a different note I hit level 10 weaver today which helped me get some minor crafting equipment made to help success rates. I want to get armorsmith, weaver, and leather worker to 21 before focusing on really exping my pugilist which is 500 exp from level 15. I figure once all 3 are 21(plus I'll have to dabble in mining, botony, alchemy, and who knows what else) then I can have gear up to level 30. I hope so anyway...

You left out the whole random SP system. There is a reason gains aren't fixed per mob.
Kintaro said:
You guys aren't thinking it through very well. With no Chocobos, anima is the key piece of travel right now. Say your LS mates are partying in Ul'dah and you're in Limsa. Why are you in Limsa, your Blacksmithing guild is there. So, someone has to spend 6 anime to pick you up or you have to spend it to get to them...then you need to spend it to get back. Or waste 20-30 minutes in travel time. What happened when everyone in your party is out of anima? What about since there is no MAIL SYSTEM in the game, you have to use anima to teleport to a LS mate (or vice versa) in order to pick up key crafting mats to make equipment for them or yourself or for skill?

I could go on and on. Because key points of the game are broken/not included, anima is by far the most important thing in the game right now. The regen rate right now is 1 point per 4 hours. That's 6 points per day. That's ONE TELEPORT.

Point definitely taken. I'm not playing as much as other people, but yea, hopefully this is addressed soon.


Reallink said:
You left out the whole random SP system. There is a reason gains aren't fixed per mob.

Yeah there's plenty of other things I didn't mention that will keep sucking the fun this game could be.

I mean it makes NO sense that the SAME team behind its previous MMO took its own systems and made them worse/forgot them. Easiest example is the search fuction or linkshells. Is there even a sort items function?

I hate that the press is not a former XI player when they interview the lead developers for this game. Put them in a room with 10 Gaffers who played XI to endgame, and have done XIV in beta form and now in release. I guarantee they would spend half the time apologizing to us, sweating bullets, dodging questions, or would end the interview quickly to dismiss our existence.

I also feel way too many people are hopeful that this game will be the game we wanted it to be by March at PS3 release. I honestly think this game will be the crap fest it is now for a solid year, and then the bull crap will be ironed out from there on out.

I've paid for 2 months with crysta and my free month with the game, so I'll ride it out to get my moneys worth, but I have my expectations for this game set at a rock bottom low. When I started XI back on its release, I couldn't WAIT to get home from school/hanging out with friends to play more. Now that everyday excitement is 3 days apart and lasts for a few hours with doing leves, before I feel like I'm trudging through the world in molasses.

Whenever the first big title update happens is when we can really see how SquareEnix plans to approach the community outcries for our wants. That's next month sometime right ?


This is ridiculous, Square Enix's registration system is the most un user friendly I've ever encountered.

I have my square enix ID, I have gone through the Select Service process and I still can't play the game.

(Here is my Square enixa ccoutn management page: http://i.imgur.com/xFNiK.jpg)

When i try to log in, i'm confronted with the message "

Please make any changes regarding service accounts or options from the Square Enix Account Management System.

・Adding or cancelling service accounts
・Adding or cancelling automatically continuous options
・Code Registration

Can anyone inform me what i still need to do?
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