Salaadin said:Got Miner to 15 last night. They started offering me rank 20 leves but Im holding out until I can get a Bronze pickaxe and I get closer to 20.
A friend of mine has the mats for the pickaxe and his CRP is above the rank 8 synth level but we arent able to get that damn Bronze Pickaxe head crafted. After we do that, all thats needed is Animal Glue and hopefully he doesnt fail. I want that pickaxe badly.
Also got ARM to 12, BSM halfway thru 9 and should hit 10 tonight. Physical level 21.
I need another retainer badly. Having a DoL class as my main is killing my inventory space. Carrying weapons and sub weapons for 3 other crafting classes kills it too. Hurry SE, you can have my money!
Thats my biggest issue right now. I have a ton of ores/ingots/nuggets that I want to hang onto because I also plan on skilling BSM and GLD in addition to ARM. Having my retainer only accessible in Gridania is killing me. When Im away, I only have 80 spots to work with so now Im being forced to throw items I might want or items that my friends might want because its impossible to send things to people.
We only talked about what we enjoyed. No one aspoused it as a better system.Amneisac said:I get it when people say "I want to say I was here from the beginning", and how you enjoy the "challenge" (I put it in quotes because it isn't really a skill-based challenge), but I just value my time more than that. Sure, I'm going to play games my whole life, but I'd like to have fun doing it.
I can't keep playing a game that keeps extinguishing the fire in my heart. An example:
Really well-made crafting and gathering system (seriously), but then no AH or reliable way to sell your goods or even a mail system to work with friends on exchanging materials, etc.
And as for exploring, I don't think the game is that big, and while I like the thought of having the zones be 'seamless', it really just boiled down to fitting a whole bunch of different level content into a zone that looks the same the whole way through. I'd rather have all the different zones with the load times that FFXI had if it meant I'd get a little more variety. There simply aren't that many places to explore right now in FFXIV.
Even FFXI was unplayable without constantly checking external sources such as wikis or zam or some other web site, (further aggravated by not being able to alt+tab in either game) but at least the information had been accumulated at that point. I have been unimpressed with the results of FFXIV's attempts to be more transparent that FFXI was. The lodestone and some of the in-game tutorials are welcome, but I don't think it's enough.
I loved FFXI in spite of its many flaws, but I'm not going to invest hundreds of hours of my time into a game that should have been able to learn from its mistakes and make the best MMO on the market. You guys who look fondly back on punching yourself in the crotch for hours playing EQ are such an incredibly small number of subscribers in today's world that there's no way an MMO can survive by trying to pander to your draconian fantasies. I think that while FFXIV will be successful simply for being a Final Fantasy game, there isn't enough here for me to keep coming back.
I have had fun playing this game, I think it's beautiful and I love the art style. I just can't delude myself into thinking I'm going to continue having fun logging in doing the same few things over and over again. I'll keep playing for the rest of my 30 days, but I think unless it really starts throwing some new tricks at me I'm not going to continue my subscription.
Torquill said:We only talked about what we enjoyed. No one aspoused it as a better system.
Torquill said:We only talked about what we enjoyed. No one aspoused it as a better system.
demosthenes said:I'm the same way, I'm probably getting another retainer tonight. :\
Grats on miner @ 15, did you just mine all day yesterday? Do you do the leves or just run around?
Salaadin said:Did they open up the ability for multiple retainers yet? Last I checked, we were still only allowed one.
I just mine a lot. I do whatever Mining leves are available for my level range. From 1-5, I stuck with rank 1 leves. From 5-15 so far Ive been doing rank 10 leves. Ill probably start the rank 20 leves around rank 17 or something once I get my new pickaxe and see how that goes.
Other than that, I do devote some nights to strictly mining whatever grade points are the best for my level. I probably spent more time mining this past week than anything else.
I also always have my Pickaxe with me so I mine whenever I see a point, even if its a shitty one. The SP gains will still add up over time and you still get plenty of items to sell and craft with.
Dracos said:It took me a few days but the game is really starting to click for me. There are a ton of issues that shouldn't exist in any MMO in this day and age, but the potential is there. The interface is rough, the chat and search commands need serious work just to get things to FFXI levels. However, the game is fun enough to justify this paid beta period. I finally did some party stuff and it really is fun. Not having to static camp and pull is great. Mobs fleeing to get backup caught me off guard the 1st time it happened. The job system is really great, and will only get better with time. Even the leve system isn't as bad as I originally though. The timing on getting more available needs some work, but being able to exchange leves for bonus potential is a nice concept. The teleport system is cool and I can imagine that the travel system will get even better with chocos and airships in the future.
From a superficial perspective, the game looks and sounds fantastic. I added the Nvidia SLI fix last night for my dual 460's and now the game screams with all options maxxed out. It was good before but now it's virtually flawless. The interface even seems smoother with a fast and consistent framerate.
If anybody is on the Figaro server, look me up. Name is Leapin Lizzy, starting city Gridiana.
demosthenes said:What does a better pickaxe provide?
OMG FFXIV is Eve Online confirmed.Salaadin said:I probably spent more time mining this past week than anything else.
Coldsnap said:So if you have a quest leve in your journal and someone in the party shares that quest leve then you cannot share it with the other person? It gets used?
Salaadin said:demos - Is your spot on the spreadsheet up to date? I see your BSM is listed at 10. Are you any higher than that and if so, can you make Bronze Nails yet?
demosthenes said:I'd be 12 if all 5 of my leves didn't shit out last night :lol
Still 10 though, about to ding 11.
""As of the Sep. 29, 2010 version update, we have confirmed an issue where synthesis attempts are more likely to fail due to the basic commands not working as intended. "
edit: I would say I would try it tonight but I don't want to throw away good bronze nuggets if the synthing is messed up right now.
demosthenes said:Yes.
That's why if we have
Leve A
Leve B
Leve C
Leve D
Leve E
Leve F
Person 1 and perseon 2
Person 1 has access to: A, B, C, D
Person 2 has access to: C, D, E, F
Person 1 should take A, B, C, D
Person 2 should take E, F
After completion you should return to the city and Person 2 can pick up C and D.
Coldsnap said:Ahhhhh okay, thanks.
Salaadin said:Lol. No rush but I expect you to be 20 by Friday night so I can utilize your services. Thanks!!![]()
Seriously though, once you get high enough and if my friend doesnt get there first, if I get together some bronze nuggets and ingots, can you make me a bronze pickaxe head? Its an iffy synth right now for us. My rank 11 BSM friend cant quite pull it off yet. He failed at 100% progress because his durability hit 0 at the same time :lol
YG lists it as a rank 5 synth but Im inclined to believe its higher than that.
demosthenes said:Once they get the stuff sorted out for crafting yea! Could he make me one as well?
Salaadin said:Ill ask him and let ya know. I hope the synth level for the Pickaxe isnt wrong. Its listed as a CRP 8 synth and hes 12 or 13 or something now so if thats right, it shouldnt be an issue.
demosthenes said:I'd just be very careful on synths where you're using your own materials until they get back to us with what the issue was and fix it.
Salaadin said:Yeah Im holding off on crafting outside of leves until its fixed. Maybe the maintenance right now will fix that and I wont have to worry.
demosthenes said:Oh, maintenance is now? Nice. One would hope they would want to fix that asap with how many people are crafting and what a big part it plays :lol
Decay24 said:I'm not touching crafting besides leves til that is fixed Sal.
That 100% 0 dura on that one pick axe head hurt Sal![]()
Thats right, you keep asking me about them and I keep forgetting.Decay24 said:Gimme the copper ores and I can skill up on them![]()
Hm? Can't you summon retainer for item exchange at the Adventurer's Guild at any city?Salaadin said:Having my retainer only accessible in Gridania is killing me. When Im away, I only have 80 spots to work with so now Im being forced to throw items I might want or items that my friends might want because its impossible to send things to people.
Awntawn said:
Rentahamster said:Hm? Can't you summon retainer for item exchange at the Adventurer's Guild at any city?
Cathcart said:I've summoned my retainer at the adventurer's guild in all three cities. I think the only time it doesn't work is if that retainer is already set up in a market ward? But I just use mine as a bank and haven't had any problems with that.
The ! that pops up to tell you there is an action available is kinda fussy around those retainer bells, though. Sometimes you have to move around a bit to get it to pop up.
Jinko said:As for the Faction NM leve, I wonder what happens if you fail this ?
Spend points > start leve > DC > WTF !
Londa said:My retainer refuses to be summoned near the npc that gives you retainers. I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but when I go to the little bell and ring it, my retainer will not show up for me to manage her. Do different NPC retainers work differently than others?
He talks about it on his twitter a bit. said:Has Milkly (from EGM, guessing he isn't there anymore) said anything about XIV? I know he was a big fan of Xi and even had his own column in some gaming magazine about it.