I am still confused where the lag in this game comes from. THis is me and my wife:
" ok you can invite me now into the party"
"hon I dont see you "
" I am right in front of you "
"Nope not here, no dot .."
"grr here I will invite you "
" aah there you are"
Then it is good for a while , while other times it drops and she will see my health as zero, while it is full. etc.
Good thign we are int he same room so we know what is really going on. It all seems so random.
Checked my machine performance and it is running at 60% cpu/RAM durign gameplay. Network should be fine 20-30MB down/5mb up
I just dont know if it would be fixed with a top of the line graphics card, or more RAM or if it is all server type lag.
I dont care about lesser resolution/graphics /low framerate.. I care about this damn lag .. :lol
anyone know how this works?
EDIT: Cutscenes work fine