Seriously, I'm really thinking of just quitting the game and cancel the free month. It seems that Free To Play games have gotten quite far these days since I last checked.
LOTRO seems to be F2P right now but it seems for some reason I can't access my account, so oh well for now. I've also been playing around with Perfect World and the UI compared to FFXIV makes it look like heaven in comparison. And I'm thinking of trying out Dungeons and Dragons Online, especially after hearing that you're forced to group. Hell, I was even seriously considering to start FFXI all over again, but that would be pure torture. I got my character deleted for the 3rd time(yes, I was hopelessly addicted) and it's been 8 months now. Even so I wouldn't want to come back. Man and I sold quite a few games to Gamestop in order to get this game and that included, but not limited to, FFXIII and Arkham Asylum(WAAAAI!?)!!
I love the armory system but it's just not enough. Everything is boring and the fight seems to be with the game design more than the monsters. I don't know, even though just yesterday I felt I could go on and wait for the miracle patch and knowing that things will eventually be fixed, I'm not really sure if the fixes will actually make the game fun.
Knowing square it'll probably take 2 years to fix everything that's wrong so maybe I'll be back in 2years. Remember how long it took for them to put Auto-Sort in FFXI? Or how long it took them to implement new Avatars after announcing it, only to just chain them to the 2 Hour? Yep... seriously, is there some sort of huge cockblocking bureaucracy at SquareEnix that makes implementing things take forever? Or are the programmers just that unskilled? Or maybe it's the same for every MMO, I don't know...
I loved ffxi, but I'm seeing better MMOs out there that are much, much more intuitive and seems to have less reliance on 3rd party outside sources for their players to have any hope of playing the game.
Also, this is my fault, but the game is killing my CPU and forcing the system to shutdown if I'm not running SpeedFan and have the air conditioning on(it's right next to my computer). I really need to get some Thermal Paste and/or new heat sink ASAP. I haven't played any other game on this computer for while so it might be that the cooling has started to faulter. I should probably try to play Crysis on mid-uppermid and see how it holds up in comparison.
Speaking of that, one of my biggest problem are the technical difficulties. When I'm in town or a highly populated area it seems to go into slide show mode for about 2 seconds and then lets up only to do it again 10 seconds later. Everything but the buffer(it's still choppy on half and 10 times as ugly) is on the lowest setting too. I have a GeForce 9800 GT with an AMD Phenom Quad processor, by the way. I thought my system was the shit when I was able to play Crysis on Medium. Oh well