TheFatOne said:Lindblum
Alrighty, who do I go about contacting to join? (in-game)
TheFatOne said:Lindblum said:Alrighty, who do I go about contacting to join? (in-game)
Valru said:
04/26/2002 FFXI Playstation 2 Beta Test Ends
The final version of Final Fantasy XI was put together, and the beta test ended. Testers were allowed to have their chosen names transferred over to the full game. The game began with 20 worlds, and it was announced that the last two digits of your total gil would determine where you were placed. This way, players were able to transfer along with their friends to the same server. This system led to servers initially being referred to by number, such as World 0, or Server #5.
05/16/2002 FFXI PS2 goes on sale, Service begins!
The names for the twenty worlds were revealed: Bahamut, Shiva, Titan, Ramuh, Phoenix, Carbuncle, Fenrir, Sylph, Valefor, Alexander, Leviathan, Odin, Ifrit, Diabolos, Caitsith, Quetzalcoatl, Siren, Unicorn, Gilgamesh and Ragnarok. On the first day of service, there were so many access requests that the servers were down, and disconnects were common. This was completely fixed by May 19. Due to the loss of service, free play was extended past the end of May until the end of June. The PS2 version cost 7800 yen. It contained Final Fantasy XI, PlayOnline Viewer, Tetra Master and JongHoLo (a Mahjong game). It also came with a pretty thick playing manual, weighing in at 288 pages.
05/23/2002 The First Version Update
Treasure adjustments (e.g. Pugils in East Ronfaure would no longer drop Shall Shells.)
NPC buying prices adjusted (crab shells, shall shells, etc).
06/11/2002 First Large-Scale Version Update
Auction House opened.
Screenshot function added.
Notorious Monsters implemented.
The duration of Bind was shortened.
The guard stationed in North Gustaberg was moved to its current location.
HQ results for crafting made their appearance.
The minimum level required to obtain a sub job quest was set to 18.
DEX bonus added to Sneak Attack. Effect of Treasure Hunter strengthened.
Valru said:
Welcome to Final Fantasy XIVRavidrath said:OK, so what the fuck is the deal with the enemies running off and healing themselve in the middle of battle?
I just had an epic, like... 10 minute battle with an Aldgoat Nanny, which I eventually lost. It kept running off and healing, almost to full a few times.
I should've killed it like 3 times over, but ultimately it won 'cause it just wore me down.
Ravidrath said:OK, so what the fuck is the deal with the enemies running off and healing themselve in the middle of battle?
I just had an epic, like... 10 minute battle with an Aldgoat Nanny, which I eventually lost. It kept running off and healing, almost to full a few times.
I should've killed it like 3 times over, but ultimately it won 'cause it just wore me down.
Did you try following it? I haven't played XIV, but I know the way it works in WoW is if you get enough distance between yourself and a mob it'll heal itself back to full.Ravidrath said:OK, so what the fuck is the deal with the enemies running off and healing themselve in the middle of battle?
I just had an epic, like... 10 minute battle with an Aldgoat Nanny, which I eventually lost. It kept running off and healing, almost to full a few times.
I should've killed it like 3 times over, but ultimately it won 'cause it just wore me down.
sykoex said:Did you try following it? I haven't played XIV, but I know the way it works in WoW is if you get enough distance between yourself and a mob it'll heal itself back to full.
XD Shantotto laughJinko said:I got my companion.. Shantotto the 2nd, so I named her such.
Ravidrath said:Does the Sound Effect Volume setting in config not work for anyone else?
TheFatOne said:Anyone a high level armorer? I need to know what recipe I should use to get to level 15. I am rank 11 right now.
Jinko said:I got my companion.. Shantotto the 2nd, so I named her such.[/img[/QUOTE]
Haha, my lala F is like a cross between Shantotto and Momodi - personality of the former and the hair of the latter.
And hence:
Kyoufu said:It works for some things, but most things such as ambience and people crafting...nope ;/
IIRC I did copper rings until 14 then moved on to Bronze Ingots from 14 to 15. Make as many ingots as you can then turn them into Bronze Wires, then turn the Wires into Bronze Rings. Easy 20+ right there.
Coldsnap said:![]()
you guys like my new fishing rod?
Yay, apparently my party killed the boss before my character timed out on the server, so I still got the reward back when I went to the crystal!Rentahamster said:Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, crash right as my faction leve started nooooo!!1
My new belt![]()
Ravidrath said:So, let's talk about partying a bit.
I had a party today. It started off really well, and I was super-pleased because I was getting way more SP than I pretty much ever had. I'm a Conjurer, so soloing is especially slow.
Then some drama broke out...
Melee: These suck. I'm only getting like 250 per.
Mages: Really? We're getting like 300-500 per.
Melee: Let's try something else. This isn't fair.
Leader: OK.
So we wander around and try a bunch of other things. Whenever the melee are happy, they're quick kills. They say that they're getting 300+ per, while the mages are typically getting under 100 because there's no healing. Melees love them because they somehow get more SP per, and we can kill them much faster.
We try some crabs, and the mages are ecstatic. Predictably, the melees are not.
We tried a bit longer, and then some other drama broke out over a retard Gladiator who refused to use a shield because he wanted to be a DPS, and ultimately that tore us apart.
How is it that melee and mages get such wildly different results on the same monsters? Shouldn't melee be getting continual benefits for hitting mobs for an extended period of time, too, and thus benefit from more difficult, drawn-out battles like mages do?
I'm really not sure what the answer to this is, either.
It seems most fair to pool the random SP and divvy it up at the end (possibly with a multiplier), but I'm concerned this will just lead to melee burns again, because the fast, natural HP regen and subbed healing seems like it might preclude the need for healers altogether.
They do, but it sounds like the melee dudes in your party needed better armor - they obviously needed healing too much, so the healers were doing more healing than the melees were doing attacks.Ravidrath said:How is it that melee and mages get such wildly different results on the same monsters? Shouldn't melee be getting continual benefits for hitting mobs for an extended period of time, too, and thus benefit from more difficult, drawn-out battles like mages do?
Dreamwriter said:They do, but it sounds like the melee dudes in your party needed better armor - they obviously needed healing too much, so the healers were doing more healing than the melees were doing attacks.
Of course the SP gains are also completely random, so it's possible you guys were just analyzing it too closely.
Dreamwriter said:Of course the SP gains are also completely random, so it's possible you guys were just analyzing it too closely.
Ambient Occlusion is the one setting in FFXIV that kills ALL graphics cards. I don't think they make a graphics card able to run a smooth framerate in FFXIV with that turned on yet.Mistwalker said:Also, not sure if this has been mentioned: if you have horrible, horrible draw delays (like it takes literally minutes for NPC shopkeepers to spawn into an area) turn off Ambient Occlusion in the graphics settings. It's like night and day. Everything loads in seconds now and my controls don't lock up every time I change gear/teleport/change to passive mode. Running a 4870x2, and it was baaaad.
The thing is, is wasn't a framerate issue (though it runs like butter now with it off), the game was playable...but there was some kind of loading lag. I could run through cities at 45fps without a hitch, but there would be NO ONE in them unless I stopped walking and waited in a specific spot for a few minutes. Then slowly other players' models (and NPCs) would slowly spawn in. Very bizarre.Dreamwriter said:Ambient Occlusion is the one setting in FFXIV that kills ALL graphics cards. I don't think they make a graphics card able to run a smooth framerate in FFXIV with that turned on yet.
jiggle said:Anyone know how faction points are awarded?
i know it's not affected by how many stars you pick
i thought it's based on the placement of the factions
lv20 leve
1st place - 4 points
2nd place -6 points
3rd place - 9 points
but i just did a leve from 2nd place faction and got 4 points
so now i'm confused...
does time left affect the points?
sykoex said:I was watching a live stream with commentary of this game and it made me want to play it SO badly. I love the idea of being able to switch classes at any time and level each one, then mixing and matching abilities across classes.