Anyone had extreme latency problems in the past few days? I had perfect connection to the server at the start of phase 3 so I started to think it was just the increase in people however when playing with a friend he said he had no lag at all. I'm talking received packets hitting up to 5k kind of lag. Was impossible to participate in the dungeon at all.
Couldn't find much on the forums, though it's a bit hard to find anything on there now.
From Niconico:
Character Benchmark = August 1st
Live Producer Letter = August 8th
Anyone had extreme latency problems in the past few days? I had perfect connection to the server at the start of phase 3 so I started to think it was just the increase in people however when playing with a friend he said he had no lag at all. I'm talking received packets hitting up to 5k kind of lag. Was impossible to participate in the dungeon at all.
Couldn't find much on the forums, though it's a bit hard to find anything on there now.
From Niconico:
Character Benchmark = August 1st
Live Producer Letter = August 8th
The Character Benchmark will allow for saving appearance setting for the live client, yeah?
That's awesome. Fem-Galka incoming! Too many Mithra running around in FFXIV, haha.
Yeah, it'll probably take effort to compete.I've used this time to really explore crafting and gathering. In doing so, I'm now concerned about starting fresh on a legacy server. Veteran players controlling the markets from the get go is something I'm not too hot on to be honest. =/
I've used this time to really explore crafting and gathering. In doing so, I'm now concerned about starting fresh on a legacy server. Veteran players controlling the markets from the get go is something I'm not too hot on to be honest. =/
If you're going to be a crafter you really should be on Ultros with us.
I've used this time to really explore crafting and gathering. In doing so, I'm now concerned about starting fresh on a legacy server. Veteran players controlling the markets from the get go is something I'm not too hot on to be honest. =/
Is ultros gaf going to stick around for the long haul?
Is ultros gaf going to stick around for the long haul?
I've used this time to really explore crafting and gathering. In doing so, I'm now concerned about starting fresh on a legacy server. Veteran players controlling the markets from the get go is something I'm not too hot on to be honest. =/
The thing to keep in mind is that legacy players with most classes at 50 aren't really going to be competing with you for low-mid level market share when there is a more profitable market at level cap.
Who knows. Is why it's odd that we are avoiding the server with the other online gaming communities on it, but whatever.
This could be true, I'm sure. Always profit to be made at all levels though. Still wary. =/
all [...] have infinite money
Because they are all at level cap and have infinite money. It's Squenix's fault we are being split up like this to begin with. There should have been a better solution than just copy and pasting people's character from 1.0 to 2.0.
There's a higher setting for visual quality now, basically the maximum setting in P3 will be something like high settings in P4/release, or so it seems.
The new water being an example of this.
Hiroyuki also asked whether or not they'd be announcing the start of P4 during the next live letter, answer is yes and most people speculate the 9th (JST) start.
I think he means going to the same new server as Reddit or Blue Gartr communities.
I think he means going to the same new server as Reddit or Blue Gartr communities.
I forgot I signed up for this and randomly checked my secondary email account and had a code. Downloaded the benchmark in the mean time. Fully expected my system to be able to handle it with ease and it did. I got an average of 55 fps, 2560x1600, and max settings,. Going to start the client download now.
I've never really played a MMORPG before...where do things stand now with this beta? If I create a character will it transfer to the final game? Is there a tutorial section of any kind for new beginners like me?
Ha ha...Because they are all at level cap and have infinite money.
It's funny how close my Beta character got at 22 to what my Legacy character'll spawn in at.
I don't really keep up with either--where are they going server-wise for ARR?
There's an in-game tutorial as well as informative posts by the reps on the beta forums. Please read the stuff there for testing schedules, getting started, game manual, etc.
This is phase 3 of beta so any characters you make will be wiped after this phase (which ends tonight).
An even higher quality setting for PC? Nice.
An even higher quality setting for PC? Nice.
There are never enough catgirls and catboys. Ever.
I don't really keep up with either--where are they going server-wise for ARR?
Carby! {found it!}
As everyone mentioned, The Sanctum of the Twelve is really beautiful.
But I think my favourite location I came across in my beta adventures was The Floating City of Nym. Absolutely breathtaking.
And, having fun, doing one last Cancer fight, and saying goodbye to everyone over at Cosa Del Sol.
I've used this time to really explore crafting and gathering. In doing so, I'm now concerned about starting fresh on a legacy server. Veteran players controlling the markets from the get go is something I'm not too hot on to be honest. =/
Phase 3 was awesome. P4 can't come soon enough. At least in two weeks we'll be able to dick around with the new benchmark.
I'm going to miss my Milky Way.
Because they are all at level cap and have infinite money. It's Squenix's fault we are being split up like this to begin with. There should have been a better solution than just copy and pasting people's character from 1.0 to 2.0.
I've used this time to really explore crafting and gathering. In doing so, I'm now concerned about starting fresh on a legacy server. Veteran players controlling the markets from the get go is something I'm not too hot on to be honest. =/
I think mats and crystals are going to be a lot cheaper for a while on Legacy servers, though, which means it'll be easier and cheaper to level. And I think that means prices of crafted items will be lower for a while, too.
With Crystals only coming from Gathering classes, I think they're going to be expensive and in short supply on the new servers. Meanwhile, I have a few thousand of each element on me, like most legacy players. And with that glut of crystals in the market, that means Gatherers can spend their time collecting other materials.
why is an established market such a turn off? there is nothing preventing you from entering the market. it's not like the high level players have a monopoly.
I didn't level any crafters in 1.0 but I intend to max out a few in ARR, and all I see is people with more money to spend on my wares.
I would want to be as far away as possible from the server that had Reddit on it. I'm not sure why you would want to be around Blue Gartr either. They won't let you play with them anyways.
I wonder what server 4chan will be on, or if there will even be a 4chan guild for this game.
Woo 4chan on Ultros? Well that sucks to be you guys.
Haters gonna hate.