Does anything from this beta carry over to the final? I did all of the main quests on offer, and I feel I missed a lot of it did. Also, are there any incentives for Beta users regarding the final version? I'm not sure if I'm ready to plow down a monthly fee just yet on XIV; I think my money may better be spent on FFXI if I want a Final Fantasy MMO.
Some people are definitely watching this thread, whether anybody tips them off or not. Now, whether they'll do anything about it is another thiing.Shhhh >.>
Chances of SE looking here are small, well unless someone tips them off.
Seems like a lot of the things being discussed in this thread fall under the NDA. Not sure why people are talking about gameplay stuff in a public thread @.@
Technically yes, but they just don't care about you simply telling you're in. It's just a matter of how far you'll go.Even mentioning that you are in the beta is a breach of their NDA.
Oh duh, the same button as the FFXI gamepad conf one lol, in my defence I use kb only on XI
I think my money may better be spent on FFXI if I want a Final Fantasy MMO.
Game looks great most of the time, but it never looks amazing. Models are excellent but the area looks quite uninspired.
However so far there are just better options out there when you consider that this will likely be sold at full price and come with a monthly subscription.
Uninspired? May I ask compared to what, or which games look better?
Otherwise, yes it will be subscription based but not sold at full price, 39.99$ I think.
Uninspired might be a bit too harsh, the game looks more than fine. It's just that I hoped to see something a little more imaginative/creative than your default forest area. It doesn't have much atmosphere or mood and lacks any landmarks to make anything stand out. The only unique thing seems to be the large crystal in an otherwise somewhat bland looking town. So like I said, I think the character models look a lot better than the starting area does, but of course it is far from ugly.
Also, $39.99 is pretty much full price.![]()
I disagree and you'll see why once you start exploring more zones.
Well the bolded part was in reference to start area and not the whole game, but I am definitly more interested in seeing the other area's now. I do hope I can agree with you in the future.![]()
I thought East shroud was quite unique looking with the little huts dotted about, and Camp tranquil is quite different, but mostly it is just standard buildings like you say, there is a Garlean stronghold in East shroud also, they plan to add golden saucer at some point also which should be an interesting land mark, plus we will have the crystal tower.
There is a lack of destruction though considering what happened at the end of 1.0, we haven't seen West Shroud yet though so I am hoping that is the dead forest area they showed in concept pictures a while back.
^ Agree with the majority of your post, the thing is there are other MMO's out there but they aren't Final Fantasy and that IMO makes a big difference.
The only thing staunchly Final Fantasy about the original FFXIV to me was the Uematsu music, and isn't most of that gone now? To me, Square no longer has the staff to make an actual Final Fantasy game anymore, but that isn't to say they can't make an attractive or fun game. But, if this is another lukewarm attempt at the Blizzard model, of which they'll never be able to maintain, my interest is down, a lot.
Head to the south and south west of North Shroud to see some awesome destruction
The most important thing they need to fix is the combat. I really hope the phase 3 overhaul will make a huge difference.
What's wrong with the combat in your eyes? Just curious.Head to the south and south west of North Shroud to see some awesome destruction
The most important thing they need to fix is the combat. I really hope the phase 3 overhaul will make a huge difference.
Not sure I got your question but I'll try answering anyway.One question which may not be able to be answered at this point: If I'm planning to play a Bard at launch, would I want to start off leveling a conjurer (healer?) to be able to sub when I open up the Bard job?
Not sure I got your question but I'll try answering anyway.
We don't fully know how the job system will change in ARR yet (even though it isn't supposed to change much), but you'll want to level up Archer whose corresponding job is Bard. During ,1.x, Bard was limited to cross-class actions from Conjurer and Thaumaturge, but the way it's handled might (or might not) change in ARR. BRD being an hybrid support/DD in FFXIV, it's rather safe to assume you'll still be able to equip some actions from CNJ.
True, though IIRC they only mentioned offensive spells (Stone, Aero, Fire, Thunder and so on) which were not very useful for Bard anyway. The only spells BRD used on a semi-regular basis were Cure, Raise and Stoneskin. The first two will most likely remain cross-class actions and Stoneskin's fate is up in the air at this point.Hmm they did mention that only Discipline of Magic classes can equip magic abilities now, DoW will be able to equip enhancement spells though, this could leave Bard quite limited if true.
it still bothers me that you can wear Mage gear on a DD class, fuck that.
I don't know, to me a WAR with a pointy hat and a robe is just wrong.I don't get the problem.
What's wrong with the combat in your eyes? Just curious.
I don't know, to me a WAR with a pointy hat and a robe is just wrong.
(which I desperately want it to do as I think the community and updates would greatly suffer if it went F2P).
Game starts stupidly slow though, throwing way too much (uninteresting) text at me. So many written lines and yet so little actual story. I was already playing for an hour, reaching level 3 and unlocking skills before I ever saw a single enemy to kill. I'm now level 8, finished plenty of quests but I still have no idea what is going on in the world because it's so uninteresting. It all revolves around you being an adventurer helping NPC's out with tedious chores.
You whaaa !
O-only because there's more content! I've never played FFXI and I am fucking SCARED of the amount of shit in that game, let alone if I miss stuff. I'm the kinda guy who likes doing all of the quests in an RPG, and I don't even know what types FFXI has besides the main ones and ones in each area. Does it have class storylines like XIV does?
I don't know, to me a WAR with a pointy hat and a robe is just wrong.
does SE send out invites every week or only when the new phases begin?
I wouldn't say the Uematsu music in 1.0 was particularly Final Fantasy like, but I suppose if you look at the game and see a WoW clone that is all you will see.
Personally I look at it as a standardised theme park MMO with Final Fantasy flavour.
YepHad the opportunity to play the beta this past weekend and I stopped playing after an hour.
My most interesting experience in the beta was seeing people in chat talk about how "WoW sucks". Ironic because FFXIV is now a WoW clone.
Had the opportunity to play the beta this past weekend and I stopped playing after an hour.
My most interesting experience in the beta was seeing people in chat talk about how "WoW sucks". Ironic because FFXIV is now a WoW clone.
Had the opportunity to play the beta this past weekend and I stopped playing after an hour.
My most interesting experience in the beta was seeing people in chat talk about how "WoW sucks". Ironic because FFXIV is now a WoW clone.