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Final Fantasy XIV |OT4| Welcome, PS4 users!

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I am not long out my first ever Pharos Sirus run (and my second HLDR).

Luckily when I explained I was new, the tank went out of their way to explain the fights to me and we got to Siren.

It took about 3-4 times to beat her but we did it :D. I'm happy they were patient enough with me.

Pharos is not hard, but it requires people to be patient and deal with the mechanics (adds need to be deal with asap, Siren needs to be stunned, etc) I did it too recently with a group of first timers (No one but me beat her) and we managed to down her the second time. It was pretty satisfying.

Unfortunately, the average FFXIV either doesn't have the skill or is not patient enough (since they can just abandon and re-queue for another dungeon)


Huh, they added a new log for leveling up- "Challenge Log"


This will be nice for my alt jobs which I have been completely neglecting.

Edit: also these reset every Tuesday and are repeatable. Damn.


My experience also veers towards Dragoons.

Also, it seems like the Fat Chocobo has it's proper theme music when riding, that's great!
SE is really pushing me to 'rent' another retainer.

Aside from the obvious issue of them adding more items when players are already tightly constrained on space, the killer is that you only have two retainers and there are three types of ventures (DOW/DOM, DOH, DOL). This wouldn't be a problem except that you can obtain unique items only found on ventures and your retainer experience is reset when you change classes, which means you need three retainers to do all three venture types and level up your retainer(s) in each respective area to be able to obtain said items.

...or you can use additional retainers on an alt which is what I will probably do.

Dat pressure on Maple.

I'm already starting to sweat. People better start logging in if they want to usurp my throne. Also, if I'm forced to login once every 35 days, I don't want to see any tears when people get booted for being inactive for 90+!

Huh. To do Leviathan Extreme, you have to have completed Ifrit Extreme.


It makes sense since you will be able to obtain ilvl 100 weapons from the fight.



Who is ready for some creepy portraits? Kan-E-Senna is not allowed in the house

The philo items will be available for purchase via company seals, which is actually a great place to put them. For those who have leveled everything they wanted to, leves can be spent on GC levequests for actual use now.

The maximum number of furnishings for a small house has been increased from 50 to 100.
:( What about large houses

In preparation for the addition of residential wards, as well as individual player housing, players who join a duty or log out from within an estate hall will now return to the estate entrance when logging in or returning from an instance.
Whoa a mention of the fabled player housing

* Although retainers will procure items randomly, higher-level retainers may procure items, minions, and crafting materials unique to exploration ventures.
Well there's the incentive for Raijinken to get to it


Also for people wondering about the particulars of coil 1-5 changes:
After 2.2 release:
   ・You will be able to enter the dungeon through the Duty Finder (full party only).
   ・The weekly entry restriction has been removed.
   ・The effect of ADS' “High Voltage” has been alleviated (Turn 1 and Turn 2). In addition, you will be able to remove the paralysis effect via Esuna, etc.
   ・An item level restriction will be implemented in every turn of the Binding Coil of Bahamut.

  - 2 weeks after the patch 2.2 release
   ・You will be able to enter the dungeon through the Duty Finder (solo).
   ・The reflection damage of the Clockwork Knights in Turn 4 will be alleviated.

  - After the patch 2.2 release

  - 2 weeks after the patch 2.2 release
   ・The effect will automatically be activated upon entry of the instance.
   ・Your HP, damage dealt, and cure potency will be increased by 10%.

  - 4 weeks after the patch 2.2 release
   ・The effect will automatically be activated upon entry of the instance.
   ・Your HP, damage dealt, and cure potency will be increased by 15%.

  - 6 weeks after the patch 2.2 release
   ・The effect will automatically be activated upon entry of the instance.
   ・Your HP, damage dealt, and cure potency will be increased by 20%.

  - 8 weeks after the patch 2.2 release
   ・The effect will automatically be activated upon entry of the instance.
   ・Your HP, damage dealt, and cure potency will be increased by 30%.

  - Beyond 8 weeks
   ・While we’ll monitor the situation at that time, we believe 30% should be okay as the maximum amount.

From herehttp://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/154038-Letter-from-the-Producer-LIVE-Part-XIII-Q-A-Updates?p=1963396&viewfull=1#post1963396

So, looks like you'll still have to put a full party together for the first two weeks after the patch. But since the lockout is off people will be farming so it won't be as tough to get people.


Worships the porcelain goddess
<reads patch notes>

Not too bad. Not too bad at all. I wish I could get the damn time cards at GameStop of something since I have a fuckton of credit (seriously, do those cards exist?) I could use for game time.

I wouldn't mind taking a much more casual approach to this game, but can't quite justify paying for it currently. The amount of main campaign/hildebrand quests looks like just enough to finish up before my sub runs out.

I like the idea of Challenges each week. That's new. They've never even talked about it. I wish I could garden. =( Oh well, maybe it'll be in for personal housing (loved it in XI).

I know I've been a Negative Nancy about the game (with good reason) but taking a step back with a casual frame of mind, this isn't too bad.


Man, looks like Echo is gonna be a HECK of a nerf once it's fully implemented. I kinda have mixed feelings about this. I mean, I may not have beaten Coil as it is yet, but I'm pretty certain the people I'd prefer running T5 with, and I, are probably all capable of completing it as it stands. Additionally, I worry that such a significant nerf may stunt the progression of the various servers overall skill levels. Completing difficult content does have the benefit of forcing you to improve, after all.

That said, some nerf is warranted, since we don't want some people to get, TOO far behind the overall progression of things. So, maybe nerfing everything from Coil to HM primals is warranted, who knows. I just hope that I manage to get through Twin before it's nerfed TOO badly. XD

Bear mount, woot.

iLvl100 Levi weapons, woot! Is that for the HM or EM fight?

Relic+2 not completable until 2.25 or 2.3, not so much woot, but hopefully that just means it's a more powerful weapon still.

Looking forward to running the nerfed Pharos in the duty finder. I actually really liked the bulk of that dungeon, but, certain parts were just way too frustrating when running it in a pug group.

2 dollars a month to RENT additional retainers? Oh Square, you make me laugh sometimes. XD



I was thinking of resubbing but I don't think I got anything from 2.1 done lol

Considering the nerfs being implemented, you can probably get through the 2.1 content in a few weeks of dedicated play, especially if you're running with a group of dedicated regulars.

Granted, even with the nerfs it could take a lot longer then that, depending on your play style.


Omg, I totally forgot about the Live Letter. Can I get a summary, pls?

- Labyrinth of the Ancients
For each chest that appears, players can select Need as many times as desired. Moreover, the weekly limitation on lotting items has been abolished.
A gil reward has been added.

- Labyrinth of the Ancients
Moreover, the weekly limitation on lotting items has been abolished.


:O MEGATON! I <3 CT anyway, so I will be running it for my Bard.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Oh, I do want to say that the retainer rental is hilariously stupid. I mean, I understand that people used to pay $1 for a mule in XI...but that was ten years ago. lol


I haven't even stepped one foot into Coil yet, let alone finish Titan Ex. D:

Guess I'm going to level some tanks for future mounts~


OMG Mender in the house?

EVEN BIGGER MEGATON. No longer warping to Moraby Docks!

Oh, that's nice. Now if I could only select the beds, click logout, and get the same going to bed animation that I get in Inn Rooms, I could actually start treating the FC House as my base of operations. XD

Yea I know, that's a silly reason not to use it like that. For some reason though the Inn's feel more like my in-game home then the FC House does, and I think that's part of it.
Oh, that's nice. Now if I could only select the beds, click logout, and get the same going to bed animation that I get in Inn Rooms, I could actually start treating the FC House as my base of operations. XD

Yea I know, that's a silly reason not to use it like that. For some reason though the Inn's feel more like my in-game home then the FC House does, and I think that's part of it.

You know that you would never get sleep at the GAF FC house... it is like a Frat house.


You know that you would never get sleep at the GAF FC house... it is like a Frat house.

There is that, though that's partially why I'm looking forward to personal housing. I kinda want personal housing to be instanced though. I'd prefer to have my own isolated cabin, rather then being in a city. XD

Actually if I could choose any in game buildings and move into it, I'd choose one of the stone buildings next to Highbridge. That's the sort of instanced housing I want.

Item Box

They're adding echo buff to the primal fights, so you should be ok even if your party wipes a lot.

Considering the nerfs being implemented, you can probably get through the 2.1 content in a few weeks of dedicated play, especially if you're running with a group of dedicated regulars.

Granted, even with the nerfs it could take a lot longer then that, depending on your play style.

As much as i wouldn't want to use them, I'm okay with the echo buff just so i can catch up to everyone else content wise. I suppose the bigger problem is running with a group as my schedule is pretty shit, heh

ill probably resub to ensure i dont get kicked from the fc


Do we have any picture of the "Bear" mounts I've been hearing about for Tanks? XD

Hate bears, so forcing one to carry me everywhere is appealing to me.
Oh, that's nice. Now if I could only select the beds, click logout, and get the same going to bed animation that I get in Inn Rooms, I could actually start treating the FC House as my base of operations. XD

Yea I know, that's a silly reason not to use it like that. For some reason though the Inn's feel more like my in-game home then the FC House does, and I think that's part of it.
I just go on a bed, /doze and exit the game. Lalafell /doze rivals the INN logout.


Okay, found a picture of the Bear and White Lion mounts on Reddit. They both look like they'd be excellent additions to my Mount Roulette. XD

I couldn't seem to find any mention of what it'd take to unlock these mounts though. I assume there's going to be a Quest of some sort to unlock these.


really hoping second coil is a little nicer to my dragoon. got my first left sided piece last week and i've been at it since october!

super excited though. at first i was disappointed at the vertical climb but new shinies are new shinies!

Item Box

What's the point of resubbing or caring if you get kicked out of the FC if you're still going to never play?


i'm coming back to play dude, just don't expect me to be on as much as i was like last year. that 2.2 trailer has me pretty excited, especially for


OMG Mender in the house?

EVEN BIGGER MEGATON. No longer warping to Moraby Docks!
You could walk right out of the residential area to Red Rooster Stead and there is probably a mender there...

Gear images from the Eorzean Collection video, with my scribbles all over them:




Just realized the dragoon in this pic is probably Gerolt gear.


Better look at Gerolt for tank, heals, bard (the ones they've been showing off). Tank gear looks much better in black.


Doing repeated guildhests as a healer just to get in practice.. I love this class. So much easier than DPS, which I *thought* would be noob-friendly.
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