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Final Fantasy XIV |OT4| Welcome, PS4 users!

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BLM needs to be great in order to beat good DPS in other classes. It's not bad, just needs a little buff (which will be given in 2.3).

That said, it's very easy to screw up and a lot of people do by not reading the tooltips or just fooling around.


What level are you and what order are you casting spells?

just turned 50, doing these level 50 dungeons. The melee classes always seem to do more dps. On top of that, I can't dps when I move, very annoying.

Most of the time I begin with lightning (with swiftcast if needed), then I do some fires (and firestarters if available) and when I run out of mana I use blizzard III. Then the same stuff again.


BLM needs to be great in order to beat good DPS in other classes. It's not bad, just needs a little buff (which will be given in 2.3).

That said, it's very easy to screw up and a lot of people do by not reading the tooltips or just fooling around.

Yeah, just started that class myself, and although I'm only lvl12 on BLM, I'm pretty certain I misunderstood the tooltips already. Gonna have to back back and do some reading later on.


just turned 50, doing these level 50 dungeons. The melee classes always seem to do more dps. On top of that, I can't dps when I move, very annoying.

Most of the time I begin with lightning (with swiftcast if needed), then I do some fires (and firestarters if available) and when I run out of mana I use blizzard III. Then the same stuff again.

No Flare? Also I would Switfcast the Fire III rather than the Thunder since it has a longer cast time. But if you have Flare I would recommend Swiftcasting that when your mana is low before you switch to Blizzard III. Also Swiftcast is always needed. I use it whenever it is available to cut out whatever the longest casting time is of what I am doing. It's a cornerstone of my combos to cast the next spell instantly. I'm no expert though so I would love to hear what others think.
You need to be more specific.
What grade of Thunder are you using? (polemic)
Do you stop casting to see if Firestarter procs? (don't)
Do you return to astral using Transpose or Firaga? (use Firaga)
Do you Scathe when you have to move? (do)
Do you wait for the last MP regen tick or interrupt it in half? (wait and fill in with damage)
Are you macroing your base magic? (don't)
Are you buffering your casts by pressing the keys just before the previous cast finishes?


No Flare? Also I would Switfcast the Fire III rather than the Thunder since it has a longer cast time. But if you have Flare I would recommend Swiftcasting that when your mana is low before you switch to Blizzard III. Also Swiftcast is always needed. I use it whenever it is available to cut out whatever the longest casting time is of what I am doing. It's a cornerstone of my combos to cast the next spell instantly. I'm no expert though so I would love to hear what others think.
If I'm not mistaken, using Flare on a single target without Convert is a DPS loss.


No Flare? Also I would Switfcast the Fire III rather than the Thunder since it has a longer cast time. But if you have Flare I would recommend Swiftcasting that when your mana is low before you switch to Blizzard III. Also Swiftcast is always needed. I use it whenever it is available to cut out whatever the longest casting time is of what I am doing. It's a cornerstone of my combos to cast the next spell instantly. I'm no expert though so I would love to hear what others think.

But I don't understand the flare spell. You lose all your mana and you can't gain any because you're not on blizzard/ice. What's the use?


You need to be more specific.
What grade of Thunder are you using? (polemic) the third one
Do you stop casting to see if Firestarter procs? (don't) nope
Do you return to astral using Transpose or Firaga? (use Firaga) with firaga you mean fire III? then yes
Do you Scathe when you have to move? (do) never use it, will try
Do you wait for the last MP regen tick or interrupt it in half? (wait and fill in with damage) nope
Are you macroing your base magic? (don't) nope
Are you buffering your casts by pressing the keys just before the previous cast finishes? yes



How much damage does flare do vs fire 3 ? Convert is a good idea though, didn't think of that.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
How much damage does flare do vs fire 3 ? Convert is a good idea though, didn't think of that.
Flare is a suped up Fire 2, it hits everything in the area. When there's multiple adds all grouped up together try using your normal rotation until you have ~300MP left then cast Flare -> Convert -> Swiftcast -> Flare -> Mega Ether or Transpose -> switch back to normal rotation if there's anything left alive.

just turned 50, doing these level 50 dungeons. The melee classes always seem to do more dps. On top of that, I can't dps when I move, very annoying.

Most of the time I begin with lightning (with swiftcast if needed), then I do some fires (and firestarters if available) and when I run out of mana I use blizzard III. Then the same stuff again.
You also have to consider that those lv 50's probably have a better weapon if you just turned 50. I noticed a huge improvement in my DPS when I upgraded my ilv 55 GC weapon to my relic/zenith.


If I'm not mistaken, using Flare on a single target without Convert is a DPS loss.

Really? What I am doing now is Flare then straight transpose. Normally I have enough to re-apply the Thunder III when the Flare is done. Then when that's done I'm ready for the Blizzard III and go all the way up. I'm a little bit nervous of convert. Don't really like the idea of shedding HP...

But I don't understand the flare spell. You lose all your mana and you can't gain any because you're not on blizzard/ice. What's the use?

You will need a plan to get you back in the game when the Flare is done.


Knowing every last skill of every other class is not the domain of a player who is going to be playing one class in a dungeon. The option of asking party members what you did wrong is available after you wipe. No one ever actually needed to know that Raise eats a boatload of MP because to begin with any player is probably not gunning to die. And nobody thinks Raise is free unless they're incredibly unfamiliar with games. The status ailment curing difference is easily known if you ask between pulls (nobody uses antidotes, the cooldown time on an antidote isn't worth it—something readily visible after using items). In the middle of the fight the tank isn't going to be asking, "Where's my esuna?", he'd be best keeping enmity up and dodging the poison cloud in the first place. I don't take classes for granted; I manage my own play so that I don't drag down the others.
Antidotes are very useful, actually. Status restoration items are on a different cooldown timer than potions, so using an antidote doesn't preclude using an X-potion if the situation calls for it. The only reason you wouldn't want to use an antidote thanks to the cooldown timer is if you wanted to use something like a Spine Drop instead. My healer appreciates it when I use antidotes too, since every cast of Esuna uses up a turn of the global cooldown that could be spent on something else. Not a big deal if I'm the only guy being poisoned during a fight against weak foes, but definitely a big deal if everyone in the party just got poisoned during a hectic boss-fight. If the goal is to "not cause trouble for the rest of the party", then antidotes are a very useful thing.

It reminds me of how heavily they nerfed the Lesser Gargoyle fight at level 15. In phase 3 beta, that thing was a beast. It stonewalled a lot of players, and was a tough fight for everyone else. A big part of the fight though was to teach players how to use antidotes to heal poison in the fight. A story quest that immediately precedes the level 15 quest gives antidotes as a reward, and the biggest threat in the Gargoyle fight was its poison attack. Using an antidote to clear that poison meant the difference between life and death.

However, in open beta they nerfed the fight significantly. I can understand why. Thaumaturges in phase 3 more or less had to rent a chocobo and travel to Gridania to learn the Cure spell to have much of a chance against the thing. But it serves as an example of how they did attempt to use game content to instruct players in how to play the game better.

Regarding your blooded part, guess what I suggested in my original post? Moreover, saying that 'knowing what tools your party has for fight', it's more like knowledge you gain dungeoning up to 50, which is actually in the game and doesn't need that much more quests and fights to teach people. Those who don't know what they're doing at 50 will not learn from anything in the game, because they bulldozed to the end without paying attention to how to play their class. So what use is providing more tutorials? You can't teach someone to pay attention.

I would say that if a person knows his/her job to the best of their ability, worrying about team capability overall is for endgame raids, whereas with 4-mans and the primal fights you don't have to know every aspect of another class. If you've reached the 'challenging the endgame raid' point, you're already looking up information online.
Knowing stuff like "who has sleep magic", "what breaks sleep", "can this class use AoE attacks", and so on is very useful knowledge even at level 15. Leveling dungeons like Qarn, Cutter's Cry, Stone Vigil, and Aurum Vale are not easy dungeons. They only seem easy for people who are surrounded by a player-base that has done them hundreds of times. When I was first leveling up back in the first couple months of the game, we wiped a ton of times on those early game dungeons. Back before the Duty Roulette was implemented, most of the people were newbies challenging the dungeons at the minimum entry level, and were not propped up by experienced players coming in at the level synced maximum.

Anyways, I think your arguments are all over the place. You argue that players don't need to know the capabilities of their fellow party members, but then claim that there are insufficient tutorials for the game. You also claim that certain knowledge is "obvious", and presume that everyone in the endgame looks up stuff online (which isn't true). What exactly are you arguing for? You seem to be defending people's lack of knowledge by saying that it doesn't matter, then immediately lambasting the game for not teaching players better. Which is it?


Yeah, just started that class myself, and although I'm only lvl12 on BLM, I'm pretty certain I misunderstood the tooltips already. Gonna have to back back and do some reading later on.

Thaumaturge works like this:

When you cast Blizzard spells, it increases your Mana regeneration.

When you cast Fire spells, your MP regeneration stops, your Fire spells increase in power and cost more.

Basically, the best strategy to maximize your damage output is to try to cast as many Fire spells as you can, then use Blizzard to recover your MP. However, simply alternating the two is inefficient, because it takes time and spells do less damage if you directly alternate.

Therefore, the basic rhythm early on is this:

1) Cast Fire on enemy until MP is almost depleted
2) Transpose
3) Cast Blizzard until MP has recovered and Transpose has refreshed
during 3) Cast Thunder, because you need to keep it up
4) Transpose again
5) Repeat

You may want to use Blizzard first when soloing, to get the Heavy effect, but the basic principle is the same.

It really is a shame that the Thaumaturge quests are so poor at teaching this stuff. I only imagine it is due to how much some of the classes and their abilities were in flux right up to launch. During beta, they didn't even have that Active Help Menu to explain Astral Fire and Umbral Ice.



I read on reddit that this, "upcoming Trial that only gives a title upon completion," is intended for the groups that have already beaten Turn 9.

...Alright then.

If that's true then I'm not going to have any complaints about there not being enough, "High Difficulty," content. Just gotta say though, if it's not dropping gear then it BETTER be tough. There's not going to be any incentive to farm it after all.



I read on reddit that this, "upcoming Trial that only gives a title upon completion," is intended for the groups that have already beaten Turn 9.

...Alright then.

If that's true then I'm not going to have any complaints about there not being enough, "High Difficulty," content. Just gotta say though, if it's not dropping gear then it BETTER be tough. There's not going to be any incentive to farm it after all.

A valid concern for someone who's clearing T9 every week. Wait...
Really? What I am doing now is Flare then straight transpose. Normally I have enough to re-apply the Thunder III when the Flare is done. Then when that's done I'm ready for the Blizzard III and go all the way up. I'm a little bit nervous of convert. Don't really like the idea of shedding HP...

If you're applying Thundaga with the slow Ice 1 ticks, then on top of it you're casting Blizzaga, that's a lot of time you're not spending in Astral Fire, and the more time you spend on Fire more DPS you'll have. Stick to using Flare only when you have the means to regenerate your MP without transpose.


Something is considered a grind only when you force yourself to run the same content repeatedly over a short period of time. If you work on one book every 1-2 weeks, 1500 myth is nothing. To be honest, for people that want to consume everything quickly are usually the same ones that complain the loudest. Is it no wonder why they gate progression by locking players out and allowing them to do it once per week? Because there are always a small number of people that don't know how to pace themselves. I'm sorry but the development of new contents can never keep up with the consumption, that's just a fact.
What? It's not any less of a grind if you space it out, a grind is a grind. Whether you do it 1 book a week or all 9 a week, you will be spending the same amount of time doing the same content. Pacing yourself may make it feel more manageable, but it doesn't make it any less of a grind.

Your final point is actually true, and that is why these systems are in place, but let's recognize it for what it is. This isn't the first grind FFXIV has had, nor will it be the last, but the reason you see so much more complaints is because they did such an awful job hiding the grind. Not because people can't pace themselves (which is a ridiculous argument). Presentation is really key here, and they screwed up there, as anyone can look at it and understand instantly that this is a massive grind to stall for new content. Ultimately that is what most new content is designed for, but usually developers try to hide it better.


A valid concern for someone who's clearing T9 every week. Wait...

So Isaccard, let me put you in this situation. Your coil group breaks up before you beat turn 9. For months you can only find pugs to do it with. Countless people are now passing you doing 2nd coil with their statics and moving on to third coil (this is the future). Does that make you any less of a skilled player?


A valid concern for someone who's clearing T9 every week. Wait...

Nah, I meant that, if its only a Lil tougher than T9, then it'll only take a fully geared group a few weeks to clear it, then they'll be done forever, and the fight will have taken up less of their time than clearing T9 and the subsequent farming.

I did not mean to imply that I had any business taking on such a fight, as of yet. I was merely thinking of what would keep the largest number of players, occupied and subscribed the longest.


I'm finally going to do Prae tonight. I just wanted to thank you guys for helping me whenever I needed story stuff done. I'll try to repay your kindness by getting high ilvl and helping out in whatever way I can.


So Isaccard, let me put you in this situation. Your coil group breaks up before you beat turn 9. For months you can only find pugs to do it with. Countless people are now passing you doing 2nd coil with their statics and moving on to third coil (this is the future). Does that make you any less of a skilled player?

Should it? Not sure what you're trying to say here

Edit: Scything says yes, general answer no, Drama says the less skilled part is not having the skill to get a group


Worships the porcelain goddess
So whats the verdict on using Fracture in the MNK rotation? I used to it before 2.2 when I took a break but found I would end up TP starved throughout longer fights.
Welp, this is the first MMO I've actually enjoyed. I never thought I could like an MMO, but I've been pretty much glued to Final Fantasy XIV since I got it a couple weeks ago. While I never feel like there's a shortage of things to do and I always have fun, I do wish I could get access to instanced stuff at a faster pace. That's one of my favorite aspects. Not a big fan of every interesting aspect being trapped behind main story quests (I'm around level 30), and it's disappointing I just end up teleporting everywhere. Sidequests aren't spread out well enough to justify lingering anywhere, and there's no incentive to explore when everything seems level restricted. Most of the fun seems to come from its intricate systems with tons of options to dig into and cool instanced stuff.

Even so, I'm amazed at what shape this game is in so early in its release-- relative to other MMOs, at least-- and especially after the huge debacle surrounding the original version. It already has such a great foundation with an interesting class system, fun instances, well-executed combat and a ton of convenient options to get people playing together as well as options for people who want to play solo. I'm quite sure I'll end up paying for at least a few more months after my free 30 days and I look forward to how this game will continue to develop.
Should it? Not sure what you're trying to say here

Edit: Scything says yes, general answer no, Drama says the less skilled part is not having the skill to get a group

Im half heartedly compelled to push this point further. Are social aspects an integral part of an mmo? I would say yes. The lack of being able to get a group together does show signs of a lack of skill(this is barely half serious, don't get mad :p)
So with E3 next week, I wanted to ask again about GAF FC being at the show and checking out XIV stuff if anything new is actually there - outside of the Live Letter they announced I have no idea what, if anything, will be there for ARR. I know Kagari said she would be there, so maybe we could have a GAF FC meetup at the booth or something. I can do this on either Wed or Thurs.


Groups break up for various reasons, that doesn't necessarily say anything about the individual skill level of the people within the group. Yes, the social aspect, and being able to swiftly move into new groups, is an important factor of the game, but even then, sometimes it's less of a factor than you think.

That said.

If the developers are indeed making a trail that is more difficult than T9, then in all likelihood even some of the better players in this game aren't going to be ready for it immediately. There isn't anything wrong with that however, everyone learns and skills up at a different rate. The important thing is to continue learning and not to give up.


So with E3 next week, I wanted to ask again about GAF FC being at the show and checking out XIV stuff if anything new is actually there - outside of the Live Letter they announced I have no idea what, if anything, will be there for ARR. I know Kagari said she would be there, so maybe we could have a GAF FC meetup at the booth or something. I can do this on either Wed or Thurs.

you guys should do a duty commenced gaf edition live show
Groups break up for various reasons, that doesn't necessarily say anything about the individual skill level of the people within the group. Yes, the social aspect, and being able to swiftly move into new groups, is an important factor of the game, but even then, sometimes it's less of a factor than you think.

That said.

If the developers are indeed making a trail that is more difficult than T9, then in all likelihood even some of the better players in this game aren't going to be ready for it immediately. There isn't anything wrong with that however, everyone learns and skills up at a different rate. The important thing is to continue learning and not to give up.

Lol! Thank you for entertaining me with a response. A response I agree with at that! :p


Im half heartedly compelled to push this point further. Are social aspects an integral part of an mmo? I would say yes. The lack of being able to get a group together does show signs of a lack of skill(this is barely half serious, don't get mad :p)

I know a guy in the FC who's really good at this


It really is a shame that the Thaumaturge quests are so poor at teaching this stuff. I only imagine it is due to how much some of the classes and their abilities were in flux right up to launch. During beta, they didn't even have that Active Help Menu to explain Astral Fire and Umbral Ice.

totally. i've had a 50 blm since ARR's launch and basically haven't touched it because i was clueless (and wanted to level new things). the recent posts on this thread have made me interested again, but i agree completely on why so many people may be lost. thanks for all the tips everyone!


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Nice joke.

I've already rerolled 5 times. I'm not sitting through the opening cinematic again.


Suffering From Success
Yeah, cats are gross. You look like you are low enough level to just reroll though. You still got a chance!

I'm gonna have to start campaigning for stopping hatespeech against the cats am I not?
I bet you're a lalafell yourself.
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