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Final Fantasy XIV |OT5| All You Need is Gil

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Ashley was not carrying her weight either, I agree.
Koji Fox is going to have to sing every song with Soken next time. Female and male vocals as we now know he's capable of doing.




Someone at Square Enix is either gonna get a raise or fired for that concert. For a company that takes itself so seriously, Fan Fest was surprisingly fun and hilarious.


How harder is T7 ~ T9, compared to T6?


The exception is that T6 has the tank doing more than they'll be doing in T7 and T8 since tank swap, blighted, etc. but T6 is a fairly "easy" fight throughout. Since it seems you're the OT:

T7: Pick up the melee adds (85%) and do try to not A) Cleave the raid, B) Voice the raid, or C) Get Shrieked. Solid DPS makes this less of an issue since the spawns are timed. Then you pick up the last add and make sure to call out the Petrifaction so nobody gets turned to stone hilariously. Otherwise, deal with voices, maximumDPS, wonder what's the deal with Shriek.

T8: Switch to a DPS? There's nothing really for an OT to do here. Boss and add have nasty cleaves so easiest for the MT to just pick up both to consolidate the damage. You'll soak Homing missiles (intercept it and blow up away from people) and Brainjack (be closest to the MT without being on his side of the boss). Really, just learn the fight so you can call everything: It's on rails for 11 minutes so every single event that occurs is on a strict timer from the start.

T9: lol

It's just people used to say the same thing with first coil and it didn't turn out too bad with pugging. I think once buffs/new gear come in and people will massively pug it there will be an established way for everyone to do it. All the current differences won't matter anymore. Since it's very doable already it can only get easier.

Well, gear and echo doesn't save T7. T6 will basically just be a "can we get to the final phase?" and then gear/echo means burn and ignore everything else. T8 is just an 11 minute checklist and DPS check anyway so it'll be the most trivialized come 2.4. T9 has a lot of raid wipes peppered in throughout so it'll help for checks but it'll be very similar to T5's whole "so how do divebamb work?" in the end.

First coil's mechanics are for the most part "Do this, because otherwise you take too much damage" so it's literally just a series of hoops jumped through due to incoming damage too high for the kill time. Gear and echo directly counter mechanics here.


T7 exists to punish your own teammates currently.
Someone a dick to you during the week? Lock them in place and make them suffer.

Also hyped for London now, I need dem jobs details. (Am I going to have to purchase another premium ticket btw ffs!?)
I wonder what they're going to do for JP fanfest.


Do we have a confirmation if buying the expansion twice will be necessary if someone wants to play it on both PC and PS3/4?



The exception is that T6 has the tank doing more than they'll be doing in T7 and T8 since tank swap, blighted, etc. but T6 is a fairly "easy" fight throughout. Since it seems you're the OT:

T7: Pick up the melee adds (85%) and do try to not A) Cleave the raid, B) Voice the raid, or C) Get Shrieked. Solid DPS makes this less of an issue since the spawns are timed. Then you pick up the last add and make sure to call out the Petrifaction so nobody gets turned to stone hilariously. Otherwise, deal with voices, maximumDPS, wonder what's the deal with Shriek.

T8: Switch to a DPS? There's nothing really for an OT to do here. Boss and add have nasty cleaves so easiest for the MT to just pick up both to consolidate the damage. You'll soak Homing missiles (intercept it and blow up away from people) and Brainjack (be closest to the MT without being on his side of the boss). Really, just learn the fight so you can call everything: It's on rails for 11 minutes so every single event that occurs is on a strict timer from the start.

T9: lol

Well, gear and echo doesn't save T7. T6 will basically just be a "can we get to the final phase?" and then gear/echo means burn and ignore everything else. T8 is just an 11 minute checklist and DPS check anyway so it'll be the most trivialized come 2.4. T9 has a lot of raid wipes peppered in throughout so it'll help for checks but it'll be very similar to T5's whole "so how do divebamb work?" in the end.

First coil's mechanics are for the most part "Do this, because otherwise you take too much damage" so it's literally just a series of hoops jumped through due to incoming damage too high for the kill time. Gear and echo directly counter mechanics here.
Thanks for the explanation.

And T9 sounds really fun.
Some really amazing costumes last night. Feel bad for that ninja getting burned by Yoshi P, but I guess it wasn't all for nothing!

Those 'Do you even PVP bro?' guys seemed pretty obnoxious. I was surprised Bayohnne didn't sick security on that one dude for trolling the raffle. All those Alienware prizes were underwhelming, but I bet those NVIDIA Titan winners were pleased.

That Primals concert was a little embarrassing at times but incredibly entertaining. Ashley was straight up terrible but Koji Fox saved the day and I love me some Soken. His music panel was awesome and he seems like a really fun person.

All-in-all, I think the $20 was worth it, but I'm definitely going to have to try and make the next one in person.


Those 'Do you even PVP bro?' guys seemed pretty obnoxious. I was surprised Bayohnne didn't sick security on that one dude for trolling the raffle. All those Alienware prizes were underwhelming, but I bet those NVIDIA Titan winners were pleased.

I heard it was a group with Mr. Happy shitting on people at PvP, what was going on? Also how did people troll the raffle?


I heard it was a group with Mr. Happy shitting on people at PvP, what was going on? Also how did people troll the raffle?

Only one dudebro did it. They called out a number no one had and when they were about to move on one of those guy jumped up pretending he won and went to the stage. Typical dudebro.
I was watching the stream with a couple people, it was pretty fucking great.
Koji-Fox really hit it out of the park.

That random dude who came up during garuda though. Nope.

It took him like 5 attempts before he realized that Soken wanted him to scream NOW FALLLLLLLL into the mic. I was amused by that whole exchange, guy had no idea he had stumbled into a heavy metal concert :lol


Do we even play the same game? Half of the point of crafting in this game is vanity and minions.

Given that in the past costumes used to be available in the game via sub-quests and challenges, yes, they do.
Rewards are from activities, but when evaluating what 'game content' actually is, the activities are the game content, the rewards necessary to advance (exp, key item, quest completion flag, etc.) are the actual rewards, the material rewards a bonus. Cash shop costumes are not keys to content, they are merely vanity. And vanity is exactly what the word is.

I am honestly more then a little bit surprised that you of all people are making these claims with how much time and effort you have put into the non making fite and leveling parts of the game in gardening. My exact problem with things being sold is that they take no ingame mechanics or in world logic to get, and disagree fully with your claim that they do not represent a form of progression or utilize game mechanics. There is and should be more to an mmorpg world then just killing things as a way to progress, and how your character looks/minions you have is part of that. Do you really believe that the only actual important part of the game is combat and results of combat? I wouldn't find that odd since I'm sure it is the opinion held by the majority of players, and one of the things that has led to just about all instances of even travel in mmorpgs to be viewed as things you just skip to get to the real game. That however is another subject.

Also yes, I think dlc costumes in Tales games is full bullshit too. In older games getting a new outfit and cool things like that would be the result of a side quest or knowing where to buy it from or some other in game method that made the game better. Much like how getting vanity gear/minions/what not now in FF14 comes from crafting/questing/chest drops/gardening. I ask you again. Why is it okay to cheapen that part of the game by letting you just buy it, but not another? The lack of charging for things that should just be a natural part of the gameworld is the first and last reason why I prefer subscription mmorpgs. It continues to disappoint me how willing people are to pay on top of a sub for things that could and should be integrated into the game.
Vanity items can represent a form of progression, but it is only a representation, and not the actual activity itself. Someone can craft an item, but the enjoyment of the activity of crafting is separate from the enjoyment of possessing/wearing the item. Is how you look in a virtual world so enjoyable to you that the prospect of someone else being able to obtain the same looks with real money ruins the game for you? If a person has extra money in real life and uses it through official channels to deck his virtual character in items that do not change his ability to do content, does it bother you a lot that this person did not sit down and exchange his time for such cosmetic items instead?

Precisely because these items do not use game mechanics that placing them in a cash shop is not a huge deal. You don't need to wear a yukata to be an effective dps in raids. You don't need the halloween costume to progress in the story. You don't need chocobo barding to unlock a dungeon. The content of the game is in the game; the development team makes effort in making the high level, in-game obtainable gear look good and cool. Crafting and gathering are similarly undisturbed by the presence of cash shop cosmetic items.

I suppose a tank wearing a cash bought bikini is breaking your immersion so much more than a tank wearing a in-game obtained bikini. Moreover, I imagine a High Allagan healer looks at home with the NPCs in Gridania.

To this date, with all the gardening I did, I do not have a butt pillow, a broom minion, any of the mandragora minions, the furniture pieces that require gardening items, and the total of what I earned from gardening is probably less than 100k, given the extraneous items sold to NPCs and on the market board for low prices are the only sales whose gil returns I keep. Money obtained from selling a few minions back at the height of their value financed the FC coffers and provided the rewards for an FC contest. Other items were used full on for FC furniture, and 20+ thavnairian onions, with a few grown back when each was worth 5 million gil, were handed out free to FC members who requested them.

For all the fits I throw, I enjoy gardening and it is satisfying to be able to help those blocked by a gil wall from gardening on their own. I don't need a gardening robe of honor to show off those accomplishments, nor do I need it to make myself feel good about looking like I've done something exceptional. I don't make gil off of those who do.

Do you play games to have fun or to get cool costumes? Is it that if you don't get the latter, the game is completely unenjoyable? The words 'vanity' and 'cosmetic' are used to describe such items because they are items for show and nothing else. To argue that such items for show are 'game content' like story, dungeons, raids, crafting/gathering, and even hunts indicates a misplaced fixation on ego-oriented material rewards. Nobody plays Bayonetta because they can dress her up in different costumes.

Perhaps there is reason to suspect the cash shop may slide into "pay to win" territory. But right now, people are voting with their wallets, and they're buying the cash shop items. If that changes to bad, people will also vote with their wallets, and leave the game.
Only one dudebro did it. They called out a number no one had and when they were about to move on one of those guy jumped up pretending he won and went to the stage. Typical dudebro.

That guy was obnoxious the whole weekend too at the Frontline event. I don't even know if they actually take this game's PvP seriously or if the whole thing is just to get attention for his Twitch stream.


what's this yoshida burning i keep hearing about?

One of the cosplayers was a ninja who gave one of his daggers to YoshiP. When he was interviews YoshiP told him to be a real ninja he needed to basically work out more. The burn was so hot I even felt it.


Vanity cash shop doesn't bother me.
We already have cash items from the art books and soundtrack, so whatever.

That guy was obnoxious the whole weekend too at the Frontline event. I don't even know if they actually take this game's PvP seriously or if the whole thing is just to get attention for his Twitch stream.

I didn't see it somehow, but the idea of people taking XIV PvP so seriously is hilarious.


Not that I'm trying to justify the cash shop, BUT the game needs to make profit for all these frequent and big updates somehow... kind of like WoW paid expansions.


Not that I'm trying to justify the cash shop, BUT the game needs to make profit for all these frequent and big updates somehow... kind of like WoW paid expansions.

The monthly fee is supposed to go toward development of patches and server maintenance. We get WoW paid expansions too (Heavensward).


Personally I don't see much sense in arguing the cash shop.
It exists now, people are just going to have to deal with it.
I'm sketchy on it too, but I mean there's not much to be done about it.
Pay in if you like it, or don't.


Well, gear and echo doesn't save T7. T6 will basically just be a "can we get to the final phase?" and then gear/echo means burn and ignore everything else. T8 is just an 11 minute checklist and DPS check anyway so it'll be the most trivialized come 2.4. T9 has a lot of raid wipes peppered in throughout so it'll help for checks but it'll be very similar to T5's whole "so how do divebamb work?" in the end.

First coil's mechanics are for the most part "Do this, because otherwise you take too much damage" so it's literally just a series of hoops jumped through due to incoming damage too high for the kill time. Gear and echo directly counter mechanics here.
It just feels like most assume that all players are brain dead, which is not the case at least on my server. I had to pug t6-8 for quite a long time and it usually went fine enough. I think with t7 the majority of my wipes weren't from the voice mechanics, but from either DPS not being strong enough to take down adds fast or OT not holding aggro with adds. Both which can be avoided more with buffs/gear. People who know voices tend to understand phase switching too, so smooth sailing from there.


Since news of 2.4 and the expansion I figured there was no better time to jump back into FFXIV. Still have some 2.3 stuff to work on. Anyway I could get an invite back into the FC? My name is Nirran Edwards.


Crystal Bearer
As long as they maintain their no pay-to-win stance it's whatever. Cash shop is aimed at casual players who want vanity items.


It just feels like most assume that all players are brain dead, which is not the case at least on my server. I had to pug t6-8 for quite a long time and it usually went fine enough. I think with t7 the majority of my wipes weren't from the voice mechanics, but from either DPS not being strong enough to take down adds fast or OT not holding aggro with adds. Both which can be avoided more with buffs/gear. People who know voices tend to understand phase switching too, so smooth sailing from there.

While it's still "randoms", a PF pug != a DF pug though :x DF with people who know the fight and everything probably won't be so bad. DF with people who know nothing about the fight, however, is a different matter. And will probably be hilarious.

And, honestly, I see a lot of DF fails coming down to dealing with kiting Renauds and timing phase pushes.

No, you play it for the story.

I read it for the "plot."


Trying to work out Ninja level-grinding plans. There's FATE spam, leve spam, and... Uh...

How many dungeons could be cleared with an all-rogue team cross-classing Cure? At what point are tanks and healers really necessary?


Rewards are from activities, but when evaluating what 'game content' actually is, the activities are the game content, the rewards necessary to advance (exp, key item, quest completion flag, etc.) are the actual rewards, the material rewards a bonus. Cash shop costumes are not keys to content, they are merely vanity. And vanity is exactly what the word is.

Vanity items can represent a form of progression, but it is only a representation, and not the actual activity itself. Someone can craft an item, but the enjoyment of the activity of crafting is separate from the enjoyment of possessing/wearing the item. Is how you look in a virtual world so enjoyable to you that the prospect of someone else being able to obtain the same looks with real money ruins the game for you?

It doesn't bother me that players can purchase items for previously held events that I already have, but it does irk me when paying additional real money is the only option if I want to wear these items in a game that I've already purchased and subscribed to. Even in a game like Guild Wars 2, there was the option of currency conversion so I didn't have to do this.

Do you play games to have fun or to get cool costumes? Is it that if you don't get the latter, the game is completely unenjoyable?

The two aren't mutually exclusive though. Collecting vanity items so you can put together cool outfits is pretty much the endgame for a lot of people besides having coil on farm status, so I'd consider it content.

But yeah, it's pretty much a foregone conclusion that these things will sell gangbusters and more will be produced. If the ratio of cash shop to in-game items becomes ridiculous, and it becomes obvious that a great deal of resources are being diverted to fleece customers, than I'll personally be done with the game.
Vanity items can represent a form of progression, but it is only a representation, and not the actual activity itself. Someone can craft an item, but the enjoyment of the activity of crafting is separate from the enjoyment of possessing/wearing the item. Is how you look in a virtual world so enjoyable to you that the prospect of someone else being able to obtain the same looks with real money ruins the game for you? If a person has extra money in real life and uses it through official channels to deck his virtual character in items that do not change his ability to do content, does it bother you a lot that this person did not sit down and exchange his time for such cosmetic items instead?

Precisely because these items do not use game mechanics that placing them in a cash shop is not a huge deal. You don't need to wear a yukata to be an effective dps in raids. You don't need the halloween costume to progress in the story. You don't need chocobo barding to unlock a dungeon. The content of the game is in the game; the development team makes effort in making the high level, in-game obtainable gear look good and cool. Crafting and gathering are similarly undisturbed by the presence of cash shop cosmetic items.

I suppose a tank wearing a cash bought bikini is breaking your immersion so much more than a tank wearing a in-game obtained bikini. Moreover, I imagine a High Allagan healer looks at home with the NPCs in Gridania.

To this date, with all the gardening I did, I do not have a butt pillow, a broom minion, any of the mandragora minions, the furniture pieces that require gardening items, and the total of what I earned from gardening is probably less than 100k, given the extraneous items sold to NPCs and on the market board for low prices are the only sales whose gil returns I keep. Money obtained from selling a few minions back at the height of their value financed the FC coffers and provided the rewards for an FC contest. Other items were used full on for FC furniture, and 20+ thavnairian onions, with a few grown back when each was worth 5 million gil, were handed out free to FC members who requested them.

For all the fits I throw, I enjoy gardening and it is satisfying to be able to help those blocked by a gil wall from gardening on their own. I don't need a gardening robe of honor to show off those accomplishments, nor do I need it to make myself feel good about looking like I've done something exceptional. I don't make gil off of those who do.

Do you play games to have fun or to get cool costumes? Is it that if you don't get the latter, the game is completely unenjoyable? The words 'vanity' and 'cosmetic' are used to describe such items because they are items for show and nothing else. To argue that such items for show are 'game content' like story, dungeons, raids, crafting/gathering, and even hunts indicates a misplaced fixation on ego-oriented material rewards. Nobody plays Bayonetta because they can dress her up in different costumes.

Perhaps there is reason to suspect the cash shop may slide into "pay to win" territory. But right now, people are voting with their wallets, and they're buying the cash shop items. If that changes to bad, people will also vote with their wallets, and leave the game.

Then what is different from selling levels, or gear? If you are okay with other rewards being sold because they are just the result of gameplay and not gameplay itself then what is so bad about just paying to get to cap and have whatever the latest gear is? You don't need to be an effective dps in raids to wear a yukata. You don't need to progress in the story to have the Halloween costume. You don't need to unlock a dungeon to have a chocobo barding.

Once again, why is it okay for you to cheapen one part of the game, one that you don't seem to find as important, but not another? I'm not trying to say it is okay to sell gear and levels, just why does how much dps you do or how well you make fite matter more then other aspects of the gameworld? It is pay to win either way depending on what you consider the "win" condition. This is not what I want, or expect from a sub game, and I could care less how popular it is or how other vote. By your logic anything could be sold since other people having and getting things differently shouldn't effect the fun you have doing it with the in game method. Please stop trying to justify this kind of action by mmo developers. Instead of trying to say how there is nothing wrong with cash shops, how about thinking of what about them makes the game better. Other then more money for less work for the maker of the game how does selling the rewards of gameplay make the game itself better?

Not that I'm trying to justify the cash shop, BUT the game needs to make profit for all these frequent and big updates somehow... kind of like WoW paid expansions.

That is what the sub pays for. You want to know the reason why FF14 has succeeded where a ton of other modern sub mmos have failed? The continuous content added after launch to justify that sub. Stuff like SWToR or Wildstar recently have been just tossed out and expected to keep people paying the sub with no new content for half a year, while FF14 had like 9 new instances, 3 new raids, a handful of primals, housing, quests, story, treasure hunts, and tacos added in the year following it's release. Also we are getting a paid expansion. The sub model expects continuous support since you make money off of player retention, not tossing some new stuff up on a cash shop that the new wave of players gets suckered into buying, not to mention that your sub fee is basically paying for a series of expansions anyway. At $13 a month over that year that is like paying for 3 $50 expansions.


Unconfirmed Member
Other then more money for less work for the maker of the game how does selling the rewards of gameplay make the game itself better?

I think you'll find laughing at people who bought in the Celestial Steed in-game provided more hours of entertainment than WoW ever did!


What options are available to players in ilvl 90 gear that want to get something better? After unlocking most of the stuff I've missed in a year away from the game I jumped headfirst into that Atma grind and quickly found that to be miserable (first and second took two FATEs, third took five, fourth I've probably done 30-40). Do any of the new dungeons drop higher level gear, or do I want to just (also) grind those for curency? Should I look into the second part of Crystal Tower? Kind of feeling lost.


Worships the porcelain goddess
You know, I'm having a lot of fun leveling an alt or two. The game could really benefit by being more kind of players who want to lvl alts. Blizzard thrived off of it.


While it's still "randoms", a PF pug != a DF pug though :x DF with people who know the fight and everything probably won't be so bad. DF with people who know nothing about the fight, however, is a different matter. And will probably be hilarious.

And, honestly, I see a lot of DF fails coming down to dealing with kiting Renauds and timing phase pushes.
DF yeah, there is no hope there, only despair lol. I am solely talking about PF since you can somewhat weed out bad players with descriptions and rep those who drown the group.


You know, I'm having a lot of fun leveling an alt or two. The game could really benefit by being more kind of players who want to lvl alts. Blizzard thrived off of it.

All I want is for the alts to share achievements (I think WoW does this). I have a female alt leveled to 50 so I can get all the event gear whether or not its for girls or guys.


I'm not trying to say it is okay to sell gear and levels, just why does how much dps you do or how well you make fite matter more then other aspects of the gameworld?

Because gear, levels, etc. are the time investment parts of the game. The vanity items are stuff that you don't get otherwise*. If these were vanity items you earned in-game, the same argument would be made about being able to buy them. Until they sell items you'd get through some form of in-game effort (e.g., Primal ponies or crafted items or whatever), you're talking about a purely hypothetical situation of being able to pay to skip some content.

Of course, you can complain if (...when) the cash shop vanity items >>> in-game vanity items.

*Well, I know these USED to be in-game seasonal rewards but looks like they'll just go the route of cash shop to buy missed out event items rather than constantly reusing old events / cashing in on people wanting items they missed out on.

DF yeah, there is no hope there, only despair lol. I am solely talking about PF since you can somewhat weed out bad players with descriptions and rep those who drown the group.

Looking back, this was about PF and not DFing it in the future so oops, I'm dumb and reading is hard.

That said, PFing T7 is still hit or miss as it comes down to a few specific roles needing to be on the ball otherwise you'll never even get going.


Trying to work out Ninja level-grinding plans. There's FATE spam, leve spam, and... Uh...

How many dungeons could be cleared with an all-rogue team cross-classing Cure? At what point are tanks and healers really necessary?

Ignore the Ninja job crystal until 50. Spam FATEs as Rogue with Flash and/or Blizzard II cross-classed. Run around spamming those two spells in FATEs. Mad EXP. If Rogue or Ninja gets an AOE ability centered around the player, then nevermind.
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