That armor is the Divine set, comes from Hullbreaker, Stone Vigil HM and Tam Tara HM. Good luck seeing it drop.
I get that you didn't like being spoiled but why post it here?
People were making fun of me when I complained in FC chat. So I wanted the opinion of the community. So far the consensus opinion with the exception of Elliott seems to be that I'm complaining about a non-issue and that I'm being silly. So now I know it's okay to spoil anything I want in FC chat.
People were making fun of me when I complained in FC chat. So I wanted the opinion of the community. So far the consensus opinion with the exception of Elliott seems to be that I'm complaining about a non-issue and that I'm being silly. So now I know it's okay to spoil anything I want in FC chat.
It wasn't even my intention to make fun of you, I'm just befuddled that you'd post the spoiler here even after acknowledging how incredibly shitty you felt it was to get spoiled yourself.
It's less like getting spoiled on the ending of Interstellar out of the blue, and more like standing outside a showing for nine weeks straight and finding out critical plot details from people talking about it in passing as they're walking out of the theater. I get it: it sucks, and people should be more aware of their surroundings. But it's not worth getting this angry over.
Now someone please hand me an L for this post.![]()
Can I just remark on how head-bangingly frustrating duty finder Shiva runs are. I've attempted it 10 times via DF today and none of them were able to clear.
That armor is the Divine set, comes from Hullbreaker, Stone Vigil HM and Tam Tara HM. Good luck seeing it drop.
That armor is the Divine set, comes from Hullbreaker, Stone Vigil HM and Tam Tara HM. Good luck seeing it drop.
I bled myself dry getting that bard and tank set. I still have my DRG set but sold off my MNK set of it. I have a few of the caster pieces and probably had the whole healer set at one point in time. Dedication to shit gear, man. I got it.
It's apparently now completely okay to just openly spoil T13 in FC chat. I mean, everyone's fucking cleared it by now right, so why the fuck not? There's a statute of limitations on this shit bro, amirite?
No, all you said was the following after my accidental spoiler:
[FC]<Ilyasviel Einzbern> please continue to spoil T13 in open FC chat
[FC]<Ilyasviel Einzbern> and fuck off
You then posted it in the OT and that's when people began making fun of you. My intention wasn't to spoil the turn for anyone. I was talking about a mechanic without thinking it may be a spoiler and you were the only one to make a rude comment towards me so I couldn't help but shrug it off.
What do I need to get my iLevel to so I can get carried thru some end game content?
I think 67 to get your relic, and 70 to start doing syc tower... or is it 80?
Ok, I'm well ahead of what you guys said. I'm almost done with my full set of soldiery gear and have the Atma version of my weapon. I was just hoping I didn't have to farm a full set of poetics.
Ok, I'm well ahead of what you guys said. I'm almost done with my full set of soldiery gear and have the Atma version of my weapon. I was just hoping I didn't have to farm a full set of poetics.
How do you guys handle Firestarter? I'm usually spamming Fire and just notice that I got Firestarter when I'm already casting the next Fire. Should I wait a Little bit after each Fire to see if I got the buff?
^Atma is 100
You can pretty much do up to t8/shiva extreme already.
T9 should be doable as well but try to get a 110+ weapon first
^Atma is 100
You can pretty much do up to t8/shiva extreme already.
T9 should be doable as well but try to get a 110+ weapon first
Don't wait. Finish your cast and then use Firestarter after.How do you guys handle Firestarter? I'm usually spamming Fire and just notice that I got Firestarter when I'm already casting the next Fire. Should I wait a Little bit after each Fire to see if I got the buff?
Would be nice if they let us stack two firestarter procs
It would.Would be nice if they let us stack two firestarter procs
Ask yoship to increase drop rate on opo opo first and remove fucking crafting shit from the chests
Why is this still a thing
Why does no one care
If they had cool gear sets, that would be reason enough for me to do them.
Anything but star anise, popotoes, and petrified logs. ;~;
My wallet didn't but what else is there to spend money on in this game anyway?
if you get a Thunderstruck
Dungeons are still the best way to get some of the mats and the reason prices aren't completely outrageous. Think of Schelite for example. It's around 9k on the MB, yet it costs 9000 GC seals (1500 buys you 10k-20k mats nowadays), 6 Oaknots (8 buy you a sealant that sells for 190k-200k). So without dungeons prices would be insane, so I'm glad they're keeping them.
Dungeons shouldn't be used as a tool for economy stability outside of the pleb tier gil drops in them already. Crafting materials shouldn't be replacing gear as loot drops, period. Either put them in their own chests, with gear drops, or add them as random drops from certain mobs in addition with gil. As you said, you can already buy them with GC seals from their respective vendors, so your reasoning behind why this shit is still in dungeons makes no sense to me.
I disagree. Why not? It's a decent avenue for money for people that don't craft or spiritbond, though I agree with your point on putting them in their own chests. So for better or worse, the only viable way to obtain those mats right now, is through dungeons.
A lot of good work went into the GARF Apollo Program this weekend. Multiple Apollo 10s completed their missions. I am back at work today, so I probably will not be there to help with Apollo 11s. Should we decide to lift off for Apollo 12, I can be on standby.
A lot of good work went into the GARF Apollo Program this weekend. Multiple Apollo 10s completed their missions. I am back at work today, so I probably will not be there to help with Apollo 11s. Should we decide to lift off for Apollo 12, I can be on standby.
I caught a bit of the what looked like a launch fiasco earlier yesterday, but it seems like apollo10 made a succesfull take off in the end
A lot of good work went into the GARF Apollo Program this weekend. Multiple Apollo 10s completed their missions. I am back at work today, so I probably will not be there to help with Apollo 11s. Should we decide to lift off for Apollo 12, I can be on standby.
So at the risk of being serious for five seconds: I am seriously impressed with how well you and others have been taking advantage of the lockout removal. After a couple of weeks of it going unused, last weekend's first round of final coil stuff and this week's PSN-failure-inspired T10 blitz (and hopefully 11 and maybe 12 for the advanced class tonight) is demonstrating the utility of a feature that most people initially reacted to with "who would want to cut their loot?"
A lot of people are putting in serious time wiping in stuff they've already cleared this week to help other people for literally no personal benefit; for all the bullshit and backbiting that happens in this thread, Ultros GAF is actually pretty cool.
We died at 10% and a 2% before we got the kill. But it was all worth it for the healer hat for Qhon's subclass.
Someone in the Destiny OT said that you don't have to pay for the monthly fee if you already subscribe to PS+ on the PS4, just wanting to check if this is really true? If it is, I think I'm going to buy the game immediately, because the monthly fee has been the only thing keeping me from this...![]()