So I've really been enjoying the 14 day free trial, probably gonna sub in the next few days.
Got Lancer to 20 and Marauder to 20 as well, thinkin about doing Glad to 20 just so I could do both Dragoon and Warrior easily, or I might hold out on subbing and just level everything to 20 but that sounds like a sure fire way to hate the game before you actually begin playing it.
Also I noticed something funny, so I began as a lancer and obviously I had all the story missions that gave leveling a really solid flow, however when I was leveling marauder I noticed that around level 10 or so I was just out of quests.
Just fucking nothing. I was out of leve quests allowance, I was out of any quests that weren't at least for level 16s.
Naturally I was leveling in a different zone than I leveled as a Lancer so I figured I'd have more stuff but there was nothing, I literally had to farm fates till I got to 15 and then quests started opening up.
I noticed that I forgot about the quests in The desert zone so I could have done those but when I went back to look they were all like level 6 quests.
So like what the hell am I supposed to do when I wanna level a third or fourth class up? Are you supposed to just farm fates and new guildhests? leve's run out too quickly and dungeon finder I guess is a given.
Still though getting from 14 to 15 was a hilariously awkward experience on my 2nd class.
In case anyone cares, character name is Doctor Drill on Ultros. Not much you can do with me while I'm still on trial.
People need to stop thinking they can say whatever is on their mind in fc chat.
Zan, your crusade against mobile and Chrome users needs to end.
Evil femroes.
Most people here play on Ultros. There are quite a few of us UK/EU players on the server so even when it's quiet there are still people around to talk to and run content with.
Well I'd say you can't go wrong with either, they're both great melee DPS classes. Even Dragoon is alright now, though still lacking on utility. Hopefully that changes when they get a dragon whelp summon in the expansion, right? Advantage of Ninja I'd say is they don't suck as much when you do solo content like daillies and what not, positional attacks monk with GL3 mechanics is horrible to randomly kill stuff with, meanwhile you one shot mobs with Raiton crits.
Ultros dead?
I keep getting world is full players in queue 1 message
Ultros dead?
I keep getting world is full players in queue 1 message
I checked reddit and it said to close and restart the game. I did and it worked, I'm on now.
Edit: Got in after a third restart
So like what the hell am I supposed to do when I wanna level a third or fourth class up? Are you supposed to just farm fates and new guildhests? leve's run out too quickly and dungeon finder I guess is a given.
where can you preorder the standard digital version? hopefully with a link that accepts paypal or something
There's no real hurry for digital versions so you might as well wait a bit see which one offers the best prices.
I'm predicting the best is going to be GMG, but there's a chance there will be a better coupon as the release date approaches. I'd say, if it's in the VIP section or if it's 25+%, that'd be the best possible scenario.
I think I'm going to see if Best Buy has the physical collector's edition so I can use my GCU; otherwise, I'll do the digital collector's from GMG.
Yeah I'm expecting GMG too as they tend to have the best prices usually, other than buying from other markets like Nuuvem but I don't think that'll work well for this due to region locking nonsense, though I'll wait to hear about it.
On the PS4 is a wireless keyboard and the controller enough to do everything? You don't need a mouse right?
Does anyone use one of those little keyboards that attaches to the controller?
Keyboard and controller, yes. Mouse is not needed. It's better to get an actual keyboard and not one of those chat pad things, I feel.
Since you don't need a number pad would one like this with a built in touch pad be useful?
I'm playing on the PC via steam demo right now but don't plan on upgrading my PC any time soon. Using a GTX 460 so I think the PS4 would look better.
Keyboard and controller, yes. Mouse is not needed. It's better to get an actual keyboard and not one of those chat pad things, I feel.
And set your marks (if you tank) to the numpad and it makes your whole day a lot easier.
Telling me Sargatanas is full, with 1 player in queue.
But I've been in this queue for like 30 minutes now. Even when the game launched, I was never in queue this long, and that was usually waiting behind tens of players, not one.
What gives?
Telling me Sargatanas is full, with 1 player in queue.
But I've been in this queue for like 30 minutes now. Even when the game launched, I was never in queue this long, and that was usually waiting behind tens of players, not one.
What gives?
Telling me Sargatanas is full, with 1 player in queue.
But I've been in this queue for like 30 minutes now. Even when the game launched, I was never in queue this long, and that was usually waiting behind tens of players, not one.
What gives?
Someone already mentioned the hunting log, which is great XP. Another thing worth mentioning is that first-time bonus for guildhests is reset for each class, so a hest you did on one class still counts as "new" for your other classes.
Also, if you haven't unlocked the challenge log, you can get loads of bonus XP just by doing stuff you're doing already by doing that. The XP you get scales depending on the class you get the bonus on and you can get bonuses once per weekly reset. You also get gil for doing challenges.
At higher levels (~40), you can also do repeatable beastman daily quests. You get 6 allowances/day for these.
This a very good source of xp and it's class-based.
Relog or switch data centers will do the trick. Been doing this since their maintenance.
Sorry, I wish I could help with your earlier question. Perhaps someone else here can.Might just throw in for people who don't know about the Japanese side - The physical CE sold out very quickly last night (orders opened at midnight). Ready your clicking fingers!
Sorry, I wish I could help with your earlier question. Perhaps someone else here can.
The fact that the CE pre-orders sold out so quickly worries me. I wanted to wait and see if a Canadian site offered it before placing my order at SE's online store but, seeing as to how fast they sold out in Japan, I'm not so sure I'll have the luxury to wait. >_<
I am looking to join you guys once I am allowed to make a character on Ultros.. This is such a crappy feature!I've never played an MMO that restricts servers like this
Wow. Given the popularity of FFXIV [and for good reason], I can't say I'm entirely surprised. Still, it sounds like I might have an F5 battle to look forward to. Thanks for the warning.The strangest thing is that still hasn't put it up for order. They usually open with the other retailers at midnight. But yes, I honestly recommend having a back-up site. The E-Store went down almost immediately at midnight under the weight of everyone trying to pre-order.
Wow. Given the popularity of FFXIV [and for good reason], I can't say I'm entirely surprised. Still, it sounds like I might have an F5 battle to look forward to. Thanks for the warning.
Does anyone know whether it's possible to cancel pre-orders from the SE online store? If so, I might try to secure a PC CE as soon as they're made available while waiting/trying for another store in Canada.
Ouch. Yeah, it's probably the same for their NA branch then too.One more thing - the E-Store (in Japan at least) does not allow order cancellations for the physical CE. Just something to consider.
You're gonna have to preload it for early access if you preorder so the discs probably aren't necessary.I'm really hoping the CE shows up on Amazon. S-E store charges an insane shipping cost otherwise.
Though I'm curious, would I be required to use the discs in the box? My PC doesn't have an optical drive so it wouldn't serve me well if that's the case.
If you're a tank on a controller, it's easier imo to just set your marks to cross-bar 2. It's very quick to switch cross-bars and use them without taking your hands off the controller.
My expectations for SE's site actually holding up are super low. I'm hoping that since they have not said that the CE is available exclusively on SE's store, that means it will pop up on Amazon eventually.