It's the only place that cares about them : D
It's the only place that cares about them : D
Til Sea Swallows All
Til Sea Swallows All
The trailer was sort of meh. CG looked good though.
Yes. Yoshida revolutionized our class with a single skill.
What a time to be alive.
i was hype b/c it's time to ride the bandwagon again and go drg in the expansion. if ppl want dragon kick, they can suck it and just get good
where are the majority of the community in terms of GAF? Mostly wonering if there are any euro players in the US side of things?
LOL so you're going back?
What if we don't want you back?!
So I'm looking for some tricky content, I'm told some of the fights in FFXIV can be hard. I'd probably want to play melee dps only because I play casters in everything (I'm aware of how the job system works though). Which class should I pick to focus on, in terms of a challenging melee dps role (that can still get parties lol) and where are the majority of the community in terms of GAF? Mostly wonering if there are any euro players in the US side of things?
Which class should I pick to focus on, in terms of a challenging melee dps role
Rivaling even Masashi Hamauzu for best SE composer.
Rivaling even Masashi Hamauzu for best SE composer.
Hamauzu isn't that amazing.
I said it.
was the trailer the only thing from the live letter? If so what the hell Red? Why didnt you do anything. All I see is you punching a wall and acting all emo
rip coco did not survive trip to ishgard
thats why he hangs up the bravura. can't keep aggro on them mobs
EDIT: If only Yoko Shimamura and Sakimoto could offer some tracks for XIV.
Fixed that for you
Ito sucks shit and is super overrated and sucks
Gerolt and friends have been scamming you guys since day one.Warrior changing to Dragoon is canonically acceptable because you need LNC to unlock WAR anyway. I'd like to know where all these damn Gae Bolgs came from though. This thing is supposed to be exclusive dammit.
Trailer was ok I guess? I think it focused too much on 2.55 stuff instead of showcasing what is to come. Yeah ok dragons whatever, why have dragoon army there when you could of showed off the new jobs, the new race, etc.
Griffon set is for casters.
Man, so that's what this trailer was missing! Needed villain dialogue for hype purposes. Say whatever the hell you want about WoW, but Blizzard CGis were godlike. "You are not prepared!", "All will burn..", "we will be conquerors!". Villain monologues make everything better. I'm not even a huge Star Wars fan but that "You were deceived..." trailer got me so hype for SWTOR.Trailer looked alright. The footsteps in the snowy mountain at the beginning had me thinking, "Arthus?" though. =p
I don't really like the 2.55 references in the trailer because they rob it of a sense of focus and make it less accessible for people who either haven't played ARR or haven't finished it. They would have been better off sticking with the CGI Steps of Faith side of things. In media generally there are times where I'd resent continuity being excluded for the sake of bringing the casuals in but a promotional trailer isn't really one of them - quite happy for trailers to be clean and exciting and whoo and stuff like End of an Era was.
I mean I'm aware it's the opening CGI for the game as well but I still don't see what it really adds to it.
Man, so that's what this trailer was missing! Needed villain dialogue for hype purposes. Say whatever the hell you want about WoW, but Blizzard CGis were godlike. "You are not prepared!", "All will burn..", "we will be conquerors!". Villain monologues make everything better. I'm not even a huge Star Wars fan but that "You were deceived..." trailer got me so hype for SWTOR.
Imagine the FFXIV trailer narrated by Midgardsormr; mocking you for your petty politics, your failures and weakness, and about the dragon's call of war to punish man for their sins. My hype levels would be at 11, minimum.
(PS. If 4.0 is Garlean based, and the trailer is not simply Gaius giving his Eorzea is a lie speech, I will riot. #GaiusWasRight2016)
Man, so that's what this trailer was missing! Needed villain dialogue for hype purposes. Say whatever the hell you want about WoW, but Blizzard CGis were godlike. "You are not prepared!", "All will burn..", "we will be conquerors!". Villain monologues make everything better. I'm not even a huge Star Wars fan but that "You were deceived..." trailer got me so hype for SWTOR.
Imagine the FFXIV trailer narrated by Midgardsormr; mocking you for your petty politics, your failures and weakness, and about the dragon's call of war to punish man for their sins. My hype levels would be at 11, minimum.
Thing is, End of an Era doesn't make much sense without context either. Since I didn't know the 1.0 story, I ended up making a lot of guesses as to what was going on, and many of them were wrong.
The 3.0 opening isn't all that different.