But it's about Japan, they only play FFXIV on PS4.
There's a store on the PS4...
But it's about Japan, they only play FFXIV on PS4.
I'm fairly confident Media Create doesn't track digital sales, which I would guess make up the lion's share of an MMO expansion's sales.
Plus, it was the second-highest charting title behind ARMS and the biggest launch of the week, so
There's a store on the PS4...
Sure, and maybe I'm wrong, but I doubt digital sales are important on consoles in Japan.
Not that I'm aware of, which was sort of weird. He of course features prominently in the the Ninja job quests (which are pretty damn great this time around!).Did Oboro do more than appear in one MSQ scene in Stormblood? Want to make sure I didn't miss him in anything. He seems to just appear with no explanation as mere cameo.
Did Oboro do more than appear in one MSQ scene in Stormblood? Want to make sure I didn't miss him in anything. He seems to just appear with no explanation as mere cameo.
What the F? Ultros is full? What do I do if I want to play on Ultros?
The uh, level 70 dragoon quest instance is actually really rad.Job instances seem a lot harder. I've failed lv68 Monk a couple of times now, I might just go back later and brute force it at lv70...
It's better to go to 80/80,one moulinet and then manafication.Scatter until 90/90. Corps-a-corps in, moulinet until 30/30, displacement. Manafication, corps-a-corps, moulinet until empty, displacement back out.
Otherwise, as you said, contre on CD. Like someone said, scatter -> single target is best when there are 3 targets.
The uh, level 70 dragoon quest instance is actually really rad.
I have just got FFXIV on steam with stormblood. So far everything is working fine, but when I log into the mogstation it shows my account only has the base game with no expansions.
Like that..
Stormblood shows up as installed on steam. I'm not high enough level to get to the stormblood content yet, so I was wondering if there is any way to tell if it is installed correctly. I didn't think anything about it not showing up on mog station until I saw a video where the title screen showed Hevensward and another showing storm blood. My title screen only shows A Relm Reborn.
You'll have CD keys viewable by right clicking Stormblood and hitting "view game cd key" and then you need to register that on your mogstation account.I have just got FFXIV on steam with stormblood. So far everything is working fine, but when I log into the mogstation it shows my account only has the base game with no expansions.
Like that..
Stormblood shows up as installed on steam. I'm not high enough level to get to the stormblood content yet, so I was wondering if there is any way to tell if it is installed correctly. I didn't think anything about it not showing up on mog station until I saw a video where the title screen showed Hevensward and another showing storm blood. My title screen only shows A Relm Reborn.
It's on a 60s CD, you can use it like all the time now!Only time I ever had to use Elusive Jump lol.
Check the cdkeys in Steam, you should have keys for ARR, HW, and SB. You need to add each one into Mogstation.
I've tried that and it tells me the entered code is invalid. I guess I'll have to contact support.
But it's about Japan, they only play FFXIV on PS4.
Other than that, the way the villains were handled this time around was nice i guess. The bittersweetness of it all, i guess in an attempt to avoid a "YAY we killed the bad guys" situation. Except for Fordola, i see no reason why any of the heroes kept letting her stupid ass slip away.
Victory over Zenos in particular isn't even bittersweet, it's just completely empty. He might as well have gone out achieving Nirvana.
And that is the point, right? I tell this to translators on my team all the time: it's ok to stray from the translation if it ADDS to the original piece. You don't insert in humor, memes, puns, or literal gags for the sake of it--that's just creative masturbation. You do it only when it makes sense to and the end result is greater than the original.
Here, it's a cheap attempt at racy humor that, is not only not fitting, but cheapens both one of the few emotional scenes in ARR and completely changes how players feel about Urianger as a character. So, I can get behind things like "Ifrit Bleeds You Can Kill It", sure, but I don't feel like it was worth it at all in this case.
Job instances seem a lot harder. I've failed lv68 Monk a couple of times now, I might just go back later and brute force it at lv70...
is your ARR from steam or just the pc version? the pc version and the steam version cant be combined. if you started on pc, you have to buy from the SE store or any retail place for the pc version.I have just got FFXIV on steam with stormblood. So far everything is working fine, but when I log into the mogstation it shows my account only has the base game with no expansions.
Like that..
Stormblood shows up as installed on steam. I'm not high enough level to get to the stormblood content yet, so I was wondering if there is any way to tell if it is installed correctly. I didn't think anything about it not showing up on mog station until I saw a video where the title screen showed Hevensward and another showing storm blood. My title screen only shows A Relm Reborn.
is your ARR from steam or just the pc version? the pc version and the steam version cant be combined. if you started on pc, you have to buy from the SE store or any retail place for the pc version.
I have just got FFXIV on steam with stormblood. So far everything is working fine, but when I log into the mogstation it shows my account only has the base game with no expansions.
Like that..
Stormblood shows up as installed on steam. I'm not high enough level to get to the stormblood content yet, so I was wondering if there is any way to tell if it is installed correctly. I didn't think anything about it not showing up on mog station until I saw a video where the title screen showed Hevensward and another showing storm blood. My title screen only shows A Relm Reborn.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Mogstation strikes again. S-E's stupid ass infrastructure bites customers in the ass and makes it harder for people who want to throw money at S-E to do so. BIG WIN!
The uh, actual solution would be to get a refund from Steam since you haven't redeemed the code on the Steam copy and buy Stormblood from Square or Greenmangaming or the like, unless you're not attached to your previous character at all.
The uh, actual solution would be to get a refund from Steam since you haven't redeemed the code on the Steam copy and buy Stormblood from Square or Greenmangaming or the like, unless you're not attached to your previous character at all.Lame, I knew the expansions could only work with the platform you have the base game for, which is why I bought the complete Steam version. I guess I'll see if support can move the 30days I paid for and create a new account.
This is giving me flashbacks of creating a character in FFXI....
I need that Fox Pup minion lol! Is there any guides out there yet to get it? Do you have to be lvl70?
If you are a tank and you have Anticipation equipped, I hate you. Please stop.
Oh man, the entire 3.x Nidhogg sequence was fantastic. I don't know why they didn't just end 3.0 with that, Thordan feels kind of flaccid in comparison.
If you are a tank and you have Anticipation equipped, I hate you. Please stop.
They aren't huge business, but for an MMO specifically - where the disc is basically worthless, your console is already guaranteed to be online and entirely storing the game on the hard drive, and all you need is a license key to download a patch - I'd bet digital sales are higher than average.