Huh.. I thought you could only listen in the car
You can buy a Portable MP3 Player from the Regalia shop.
Huh.. I thought you could only listen in the car
Holy shit thatI'm definitely coming back to that later!!!!Midgar zolom lol!!!
Huh.. I thought you could only listen in the car
I guess I should rephrase my question so someone answers it lol.
But I'm just saying, please answer my question as simply as possible.
What is the number of the last chapter of the game? Obv mark with spoilers so others aren't spoiled
Pick the shop option from the navigator while you're in the car and you can buy a portable music player.
14 is end-game and 15 is post-game
Wow, I know this game had a troubled development cycle. There are elements of that found in this game, but then there is also just straight up shitty directing.
Spoilers for the end of chapter 1:
Is that all they could think of when delivering the details of the King's death and Insomnia getting destroyed? Noct has come across the great revelation that his home city is destroyed and his father is dead, and it's all delivered through a damn newspaper? Not only that, but it all just happens with everyone completely relaxed in some boring waiting room?
That is just super lazy storytelling, not only emotionally, but logically as well. In a world where everyone has access to smartphones and the internet, they learn of this grave news from a newspaper? That makes no sense at all. To add insult to injury, they patched in a jumbled mess of scenes from Kingsglaive, and they add absolutely nothing to that scene. It feels more like an in game advertisement for the movie.
I am trying REALLY hard to like this game, but stuff like that is just...indefensible.
Oh, didn't know this! Yes, I just picked up the FF9 and 11 soundtrack yesterday. Still searching for 6 though.
Pick the shop option from the navigator while you're in the car and you can buy a portable music player.
Happened to me too. I just had to quit application and load it up again. Hopefully your autosave is good.
Just got mine. How do you actually use it though? Looked in menu didn't see it there.
Saving EXP for that 10k and 2X EXP stay now. At 32k exp, will probably stay once I hit 50k. Looking forward to it![]()
How are people getting to the end of this game so quickly? How many hours a day are you guys putting in?
This game went from ok, to great, to I just want to finish so I can sell it.
Yeah idk how either. I finished chapter 1 with 9 hours on the clock, with quite a few things left undone
How are people getting to the end of this game so quickly? How many hours a day are you guys putting in?
I forget exactly where VI is, but it's at an outpost in the far west of the map. You get it from one of the item vendors selling stuff from their truck.
I think the only ones I need now are II, XII, and Dissidia.
This game went from ok, to great, to I just want to finish so I can sell it.
Yeah idk how either. I finished chapter 1 with 9 hours on the clock, with quite a few things left undone
Gunna disagree there. The script is fine but the voice actors of anyone outside the main cast is some fuckery.The localization is nothing short of fantastic.
I heard you worked on it(?) You guys have my deepest appreciation!
I've had the game for about 50 hours now and apparently I've put in 25 hours of those into this game....lul.How are people getting to the end of this game so quickly? How many hours a day are you guys putting in?
Gunna disagree there. The script is fine but the voice actors of anyone outside the main cast is some fuckery.
Dino sounds like a 1950s mob paparazzi and Cindy is... 💀
You sure you just don't like their accents? I thought the actual performances and script were pretty well done, but I'm only on ch. 2.
Dino sounds like a 1950s mob paparazzi
You sure you just don't like their accents? I thought the actual performances and script were pretty well done, but I'm only on ch. 2.
Narrative. Or rather the poor way the narrative ia delivered. I think there is a really good story here. Or at least an interesting one. They do a really poor job of delivering it in a focused and cohesive way that keeps me immersed. Little things they keep doing that serve only to break me from my immersion and remind me I'm playing a video game.gameplay or narrative reasons for the last part?
Glad I'm not only one.This is where I'm at too.
Prompto scene is at a campsite East of Hammerhead station. It doesn't appear on the map when talking to the Restaurant owners. Should be pretty easy to spot though. There's also an Ignis scene at the campsite North of Hammerhead and there are more at specific sites throughout the game but I haven't gotten to those yet.
I like the english VO a lot but sometimes they reaaally fail to hit the mark. Like Gladio talking sense into Noctis in chapter 4.
Hold L2 to bring it up and then it has the same controls as in the car. Let go of L2 when you've selected and it'll run in the background
It's 10k for you? The hotel was 5k for me because of that Coupon I have. Speaking of that, what IS that coupon? lol
That scene is just awkwardly placed and written. The VAs did the best with what they were given.
The driving in this game is so silly. I can set it to auto, leave, get a drink, grab a snack and come back and it's still driving.
What coupon!?
One of the Amazon Road Trip DLC has it. Knocks down the 3x XP place down to 15k as well.What coupon!?
Dino is a femme modern era journalist. Pretty much the furthest thing from that stereotype - he sounds like the guy from the beginning of Bayonetta, lol.That's the point though??
No, I think the accents are genuinely bad and the acting is weird too. Every woman speaks with that weird Final fantasy NPC voice they've had for ages - like a diet chocolina.You sure you just don't like their accents? I thought the actual performances and script were pretty well done, but I'm only on ch. 2.
Are there any monster fish out there for me to catch