Excuse me!!!? Ardyn 2nd fave villainEnjoy almost there
Excuse me!!!? Ardyn 2nd fave villainEnjoy almost there
I'm happy for you Ishida. Half cocked story aside, it's a solid game for me.
Facts, regalia and ignis top bros
Agree with your sentiments. What a ride.
Yeah the only other FF experience I remember having is exclusively running up and down a pier in what I think was FFX on my brothers PS2 when I was young. So the first one I've really played lol, but I just got to theYour new to the franchise? Welcome aboard. I am thrilled to know that as a new fan you are liking it so much. Seriously, that's awesome!
Why can't u just say u don't like it without the hyperbole
So, is there like a list of sidequests that are worth taking? This is long drives, or long load times, for fetch quest central..
I don't want to cruise through the story, but I can't quite figure out how to play this game without simply dragging things out.
HhfofbdhsubhdhmsNoct with a beard
HhfofbdhsubhdhmsNoct with a beard
I just finished it myself and you are stealing the words from my mouth. EXACTLY how i feel, exactly what i would rate it.
That ending was incredible and I felt the wonder I did from past FFs that i was missing during 12 and 13
I know that you especially have been really looking forward to the game for a while now. I am so glad that you loved the ending! Makes all the long hours worth it.
20 hours in and I'm still on chapter 3 >.<
I think its time for me to advance in the story.
So how would this game play for someone who hasn't touched the series since the 16-bit era and is really out of the loop on modern JRPGs in general?
Right now I'm finally making the push to finish Persona 4 for the first time and loving it so much I'm on board for P5, but FFXV has me curious.
Modern Final Fantasy games always looked so complex/convoluted to me.
Is a "non-fan" going to enjoy this?
I swear to god, if Ignis tells me to replenish my curatives one more time, I'm going to punch him.
Ishida, I am super glad you love this game. <3
If you haven't played a lot of Japanese Action RPGs in the last few years, I say give it a shot. You will find something to like. As someone who does play a lot of JRPGs and ARPGs, it's a bit middle of the road for me in terms of gameplay. Very flashy and cool in some aspects, but not nearly the depth I would've liked. Better than Star Ocean 5 for me, for sure, but not nearly as good as some of the other console JRPGs I've played recently. The story is also mediocre, at least where I'm at. The story itself seems fine, if a bit generic, but the way it is delivered is extremely underwhelming most of the time. The characters are hit and miss too, I love Prompto but Ignis and Gladio can be grating at times. Most of the NPCs are just bizarre, they are animated weirdly and the voice acting and dialogue are so over the top that it's hard to take seriously.So how would this game play for someone who hasn't touched the series since the 16-bit era and is really out of the loop on modern JRPGs in general?
Right now I'm finally making the push to finish Persona 4 for the first time and loving it so much I'm on board for P5, but FFXV has me curious.
Modern Final Fantasy games always looked so complex/convoluted to me.
Is a "non-fan" going to enjoy this?
Just started playing. Is the cutscene with Cindy from the end of Episode Duscae in the game? If so, where? She fixed the car and I took off without seeing it.
edit: Wait, that wasn't in the desert region, was it
Can I just sell the magitech core or is it used for something?
I'm glad I have that special suit for Noctis because it gave him a huge HP boost. But... tying HP boosts to certain outfits kinda stinks because I like the optional outfits MORE than the default... but the default has the best HP boosts for the rest of the crew right now.
Need one to upgrade a weapon.
Never played a FF. Not into the characters or dialogue, but the gameplay and graphics look great. Should I give this a go?
Do you guys have any suggestion for not being overleveled during the main quest? Except for the obvious "don't do the sidequests"I'm at the beginning of the game and want to enjoy it as much as possible without missing anything.
Were you into FF previously?I'm really enjoying it so far. Alotta customization and fun controls! Go for it!
Do you guys have any suggestion for not being overleveled during the main quest? Except for the obvious "don't do the sidequests"I'm at the beginning of the game and want to enjoy it as much as possible without missing anything.
Were you into FF previously?