4-5 hours depending on how long you spend in the next chapter?
True. I was very underleveled too.It also depends on how much leveling you have to do. I ended up being underleveled for the final area and had to do like three extra hours of sidequests.
This is the most fun I've ever had riding a chocobo. Regardless of how the story turns out, I love the world they've created.
Old man Cid's been working on my weapons for like 3-4hrs now. And to add insult to injury he's always sitting on his ass when I go and check up on him
I'm actually kind of confused by these Cid quests. I hand over the weapon and parts that he needs, then get a notice that it'll take time for him to work on them, go do some quests yada yada. But when I leave, the weapons are still in my inventory and I can equip them, and the quest is still open on my quest menu.
Is he supposed to take the weapons away while he works on them?
Ummmm.....so i just finished the game and when i load my latest file i go back to before i fightIrfit
how can i go back to the open world ?
when i load the file it saysbut it's still takes me back tochapter 15: End of the roadIrfit
When you finish the game, it asks you to save it and if you saved it then, you will automatically go back to the open world with the kingsglaive outfits, no?
i did saved it, but it still takes me back toIrfit
please don't tell me it's a game breaking glitch, i already had a bunch of those in The witcher 3
I've been getting along by just doing hunts. can get 2 to 3 thousand gil on one.What's the best way to make money in the game? Sell stuff?
It's serviceable. I feel like it's not holding a steady 30 when out in the field (which is most of the time), but it's not as bad as say, Dragon's Dogma.So far, what is the general concensus about framerate with the OG PS4 ?
Has anyone unlocked the Ascension upgrades that boost a certain stat by the number of levels? I would assume this continues working as you level up right? Would be weird if you were supposed to wait until you were very high level or max. The magic one is only 48 ap so I really want to get it, plus there's the 99 AP one that boosts by 3x your level.
As for Cid and upgrading, I gave him an item and did like 4 hunts and hasn't heard back. As soon as I slept somewhere he called me. Will try again and see if Sleeping has him call you right away (or Sleeping a few times back to back).
No glitch. You can go back by getting to the start of Insomnia and going to the underground station. There will be a rest stop there from where you can call Umbra.
i did that and i returned to the open world, but in the quests log i still have chapterto finish14
It's the same in most RPGs and not just open world.Absolutely agreed.
Like I said earlier, engaging in grocery trip simulator via sidequests really just takes away from the narrative pacing, which is already bad enough without being further mucked up.
Ultimately I think that open-world stuff is more fun than the slog of a main story, but I still feel like the wide freedom you get early on ruins any sense of pacing to the narrative.
Confused as to how to summon. It brings up a hold L2 prompt. I do, and nothing? Then after a while it just goes away.
Confused as to how to summon. It brings up a hold L2 prompt. I do, and nothing? Then after a while it just goes away.
Are you sure? The last main quest will always be on the list. You can test by visiting Cidney after completing it because (post game spoiler)She will upgrade the car to the F-Type then
Confused as to how to summon. It brings up a hold L2 prompt. I do, and nothing? Then after a while it just goes away.
Gotta hold it down for like 8-10 seconds
I agree, this game can be confusing at times. some very weird design choices
I think you need to HOLD down the button for a while, then after a while it kicks in.
The prompt with a button icon + down triangle = hold.
This makes no sense to me.
I never do sidequests in games because they are generally a huge waste of time BUT the combat is so fun in this game I kind of can't stop.
I greatly enjoyed chapter 13.The chapter 12 set piece () was fantastic, much better than the confusing battle in chapter 9. But now, I'm getting near the already infamous chapter 13, wish me luck!on the train
It's literally showing you to press down, it's a very clear instruction. Not sure what's so confusing.
so when i go stay at a hotel or whatever it'll show an amount in gil and then another, lower amount, as if that was what is left in my wallet after paying for the room... but it isn't. what's going on?
Ok why didnt they tell me holding r3 makes the roof come up on the regalia?
What is the best hotel to stay at when you've got a shit ton of exp?
That apparently you need to hold it down for ten seconds or something for it to work. In what world does a game require a very long hold down without any indication it is or isn't working?
I greatly enjoyed chapter 13.
What is the best hotel to stay at when you've got a shit ton of exp?
How many more Vyv quests are there? He just gave me.4 locations to photograph at once